Every point marked with * symbol is to be further evaluated and decided upon by the initial LunarDAO Squad formed by all participants of the first launch, also referred to as a Genesis event.
- LunarDAO is setup on top of the Gnosis safe multi-sig. The DAO start with a trusted (and more secure) setup and plan a roadmap milestone to discuss, propose (LIP) and vote on a multi-sig removal in a forseeable future -> full trustless setup. *
- LunarDAO is launched on existing contracts and customized version of the UI by DAOhaus.
- Further upgrades and customization will be discussed in the community and voted upon by the Squad.*
Joining the DAO
- LunarDAO launch is permissionless in the sense that anyone can join/invest.
- Members can only join during period of the fundraising events.
- A minimum tribute to join is 0.1 ETH.*
- The initial fundraising event is the launch of LunarDAO and will be opened for a period of two weeks.
Governance Token
LunarDAO Shares are represented by the symbol $VOX.
- 1 $VOX is an equivalent to 1 share.
- $VOX is LunarDAO governance token.
- Minimum of 1 $VOX grants squad membership and voting power.
- $VOX is an account bound, non-transferable token.
- Every 0.1 ETH of tribute to the treasury mints 10 $VOX (-0.25% admin/management fee) to the member (at launch, future entry price may differ based on the previous investments made).
- When a member ragequits their $VOX is burned.
- $VOX value in the treasury stays the same for remaining members.
- Ragequitting member gets 100% of their funds with no extra fee.
LunarDAO Loot
Loot represents members' value of shares in a non-voting form.
- 1 $VOX-loot monetary value = 1 $VOX (as both are shares of the DAO treasury)
- Symbol $VOX-loot represents loot.*
- $VOX-loot does not grant voting power.
- $LUNAR (community) token is not introduced at launch. It will be designed and introduced as part of the roadmap.*
Token Value
- $VOX and $VOX-loot monetary value is equal. They both represent 1 share of the DAO treasury.
- 1 $VOX (or $VOX-loot) = NET TREASURY VALUE / TOTAL AMOUNT OF $VOX (or $VOX-loot)
- The assets in treasury or existing amount of shares changes according to:
Fundraising Events
- A fundraising event is proposed to take place 4x in the first year. (every third month).*
- An investment deal is expected to happen at least once before between each fundraising event.*
- If there are still unused ETH (or DAI) from the previous raise, the number of fundraising events or max cap of such event will be adjusted to this reality. *
- The fundraising is open two weeks the first time, and thereafter a week on each occation.*
- During this time anyone can become a Squad member by tributing ETH to the treasury.*
LunarDAO Operation Costs
- LunarDAO has 6 Stewards (core-team members, founders) at the time of launch.
- Several externals are supporting with design, administration, legal questions, web3 development and translations.
- A management/admin/dev fee is sent to core-team multi-sig wallet (ETH: 0xAb501a8Eb58c9780eb04D683feB504fcE391A2DD). Management fee calculation:
a) Entry: 0.25% from the initial tribute of every new member.
b) Investment: 0.5% of every investment execution (after vote + grace period). * - To fund further expences and costs an LIP is submitted and voted upon.