Privacy resources

  • Opt Out Podcast
    A podcast abut why privacy matters, as well as a resource to find relevant privacy tools.

  • Privacy tools provides services, tools and privacy guides to counter global mass surveillance.

  • Anonymous Planet: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity
    This guide aims to provide an introduction to various online tracking, and online ID verification techniques, and detailed guidance to creating and maintaining (truly) anonymous online identities.

  • Privacy Guides
    The privacy tools are primarily chosen based on security features, with additional emphasis on decentralized and open-source tools.

  • Agorism blog is a resource to support the liberation of the individual and community from state censorship, surveillance and coercion with agorism. Also check

  • Web3 privacy now is a research project aimed at building a culture of privacy in web3.

  • Awesome privacy is a list of free, open source and privacy oriented tools.

  • is gathering crypto projects where the user do not need to identify themselves.