LunarDAO Manifesto

The Leviathan

Information is power. Privacy and transparency are two antithetical dimensions of information. Transparency must apply to those in power, to lay open their machinations and hold them accountable. This includes any government, supranational entity, corporations and conglomerates. Privacy is for the people, to prevent the agents of power from intruding in the innermost parts of our individual and social existence.

The mouthpieces of the surveillance state claim that our sanctuaries and agoras are enabling criminals to sell drugs, weapons and human beings, and laundering money through cryptocurrencies. They use this as an excuse to block our access to DeFi and privacy tools and limit our autonomy. All the while the crimes we stand accused of are carried out day by day on a massive scale by well-connected and legally protected people, aided by national governments, their courts and law enforcement bodies. While attacking tools that empower people, they commandeer the black market and launder money through esteemed international banks.

So-called democratic nation-states openly make profit by entertaining economic relations with regimes they pretend to reject. Especially when it comes to war industry, these profitable relations are carried out against international conventions these states promoted themselves. Armaments are sold to regimes and used against civilians and liberation movements in the name of profit.

Hegemonic nation-states and their financial institutions have control over our lives. As long as we depend on their money we have no choice but to live under the dominion of empires. Banks track and control the money flow and can freeze assets at any time. They tempt us with the illusion of wealth, making us believe that we are part of the big game, when really we are expropriated. We are the yield.


Decades ago, cypherpunks foresaw the rise of censorship and surveillance. They understood that cryptography and economic sovereignity were necessary to ensure freedom. Bitcoin created an economy outside of financial hegemony and made it possible for people to regain agency.

Today that is no longer enough.

Crypto’s resistance to capture makes it a target. And so the surveillance state is on the attack. It has already started to make our software illegal. We are forced to self-regulate to survive. Anyone who falls into this trap has already lost.

Over the years, the voices upholding the cypherpunk mission have become fewer and quieter, drowned out by a flood of easy money. The advocates of crypto's liberatory mission lack unity as well as strategy.

LunarDAO provides such a strategy.


There are no institutions in this world that safeguard freedom. Those that try to are being denounced as criminal and terrorist, co-opted, marginalized and violently crushed. The existing establishment only maintains and intensifies our enslavement. We, the people, must create new worlds to live a free life. Many others before us have attempted to do so, and important contributions have been given by freedom fighters. We walk on this path remembering and celebrating this heritage and forging alliances with others struggling for liberation. We recognize the contribution done by the team of Wikileaks, which has stripped the American government of its historical immunity and shed light on the dark affairs of world powers. The United States, eager to deny the right to privacy of their citizens, are now persecuting Julian Assange for unmasking their own crimes.

While trying to regulate their internal markets and imposing strict surveillance over the economic activities of their own citizens, countries like France have developed unregulated markets in former colonies that are crippling local economy. An exemplary case is the French sabotage in Guinea; after the former colony declared its independence, France, led by De Gaulle, counterfeited the new Guinean Franc in order to trigger an economic crisis and cast down the elected leader Touré, as testified by former French secret services agent Maurice Robert. The colonizers didn’t succeed with getting rid of Touré, but managed to damage the Guinean economy enough to ensure dependency on France. Guinean case is particularly symbolic for French policies in the former colonies of West Africa, where economics has been weaponized against local people to keep them enslaved.

This and others crimes are daily committed with impunity by authorities that persecute, torture and imprison people building concrete alternatives of free life.

This is the case of Ross Ulbricht, among others. Creator of Silk Road, an anonymous e-commerce website, Ulbricht has been sentenced to an unjustifiable two life sentences and more, without parole, because some users used the marketplace to sell and buy illegal goods, mostly cannabis. The fact that one of the drug sellers has been condemned to five years makes if crystal clear that Ulbricht has been turned into the scapegoat of the United States’ war against privacy, to spread terror and deter the online community from searching for alternatives to surveillance.

Economy is being weaponized in Iran against women struggling for their freedom, as Iranian government is threatening to freeze the bank accounts of those who refuse to adhere to the law imposing hijab. As economic warfare is a common practice of the nation-states to impose their domain, building tools and platforms to guarantee economic freedom is a crucial struggle.

Organization is the key to self-defense, and self-defense is necessary to live. So believed J-Stark, 3D printing pioneer, who lived by the slogan ‘live free or fucking die’. He did die for freedom – he was murdered by German police, guilty of giving people a 3D technology that deprived the state of its monopoly on weapon production. We celebrate his legacy, and recognize a society’s right to self-defense against exploitation and occupation.

Since the dawn of the oppression of the state, free societies have armed themselves and resisted. Countless have died to protect the free life of humanity, and great victories have been achieved. But we slowly lost ground. State civilization has imposed its own narrative, casting the memory of democratic resistance in the shadows of the past - but our legacy has never disappeared. Although at constant risk of being erased and forgotten, it still continues in the resistance against occupation, fascism, patriarchy and ecocide. It has flourished over the millennia in the uprisings of peasants against landlords, in the knowledge of the witches, in the nomadic tribes refusing the institutions of power. The spirit of freedom that inflamed Tiananmen Square and the people of Falluja is a source of hope in Jenin and Kobane. The great battles of the past are the urban guerrilla of today. Everywhere, David is striking back at Goliath.

Ruling elites have robbed society of its knowledge, its memories and its dimensions. They have monopolized economy, depriving it of its original meaning, rewritten history and deviated the noble purpose of science. The greed of the oppressors is pushing technology, one of the spearheads of humanity’s knowledge, into degeneration. As they weaponize technology to enforce oppression, we are committed to using our skills to promote liberation.

This is why lunarpunks gather in the periphery rather than the center. We make our home in moonlit forests of encryption outside the reach of the state. We refuse to leave our protection in the hands of governments and Big Tech. We consider self-defense to be everyone's responsibility.

Rulers maintain authority by keeping people isolated. When we are alone, we cannot build the strength to change our realities. That is why lunarpunks are not content with the modern mirages of individual liberty. We form squads, clans and communities and fight for collective liberation.


Freedom can only be found outside the logic of domination. Self-defense requires a philosophy rooted in liberation and adequate tools. We must bypass the all-pervasive mindset of submission and obedience. Lunarpunk forest is a sanctuary where society can redefine itself, self-administrate and regain its economic, political and moral agency. As our community grows, we witness how society can truly flourish only when free from state. But in order to protect ourselves and our communities from oppression, we need to practice self-defense.

Decentralized, private and anonymous networks are fundamental for communities to defend themselves. Self-defense requires control over information, infrastructure and material resources. Lunarpunks use zero-knowledge cryptography to create a shield of privacy and anonymity that enables communities to operate without persecution by the state.

The aims of LunarDAO are:

  • Enable parallel confederated societies that are diverse and autonomous but mutually protect each other against central authority.

  • Learn, educate, share knowledge. Education is fundamental in our struggle for free life, autonomy, and community.

  • Develop infrastructure for economy and politics beyond the state, that is uncensorable, sovereign and anonymous. Expand the dark forest.

LunarDAO invests in privacy projects and anonymity-oriented tooling for the lunarpunk society. By prioritizing technical excellence, practicality and an uncompromising philosophy of freedom it creates value building towards a self-sustaining antifragile ecosystem. We believe that lunarpunk is not something distant. It is available to anyone who is ready to make a choice: to let nation-states control our lives or to join the fight for freedom.

Anyone can join LunarDAO and start a new investment project or take part in an existing one. Learn how to use free software and privacy tools, extend the reach of infrastructure, exit Big Tech and the surveillance state, learn programming, study economics and build the counter-economy.

Sunset has arrived. The moonlit night is coming.

Moonlight, or the lunarpunk future

In the darkness of the night, the forest of encryption is alive. Many tribes have found a sanctuary under the thick branches of its trees. Societies are regaining their strength, and free life is being built under the gentle light of the moon. Outside of the forest, war is raging. Nation states are in conflict with one another, ecocide is being perpetrated against nature, and repression strikes those who struggle for freedom. The more the agents of the state attack, the more individuals and groups escape the scorching sun of surveillance and seek refuge in the moonlight of anonymity. Societies, finally aware of themselves, defend their forest through cyber-guerrilla and regain territory. A new moon shines on earth.


Access to resources is fundamental for everyone. Crypto provides the means for people to have power over their own resources. The concept of a DAO has been battle tested in all kinds of forms. LunarDAO aims to learn from the experiences of those before us. There is no single perfect format and stagnation leads to a dead end. A main limitation when pushing for changes is an inability to imagine the world we want to build. With curiosity, the frame of DAOs offers vast possibilities for progress and expansion. Anyone can join LunarDAO. It is a space where lunarpunks can come together, share ideas and knowledge, initiate and support projects, and build liberating tech in pursuit of autonomy.


A Community member is anyone who sees themselves as a part of the DAO mission; participates on the forum, ircd, telegram and contributes to the development of the DAO through work or by sharing experiences, resources and proposals. No token is required to be a part of the community. Community members have no voting power.


A LunarDAO Squad member is every community member who owns $VOX (shares). During fundraising event, anyone who buy $VOX can become a squad member. The minimum tribute is 0.1 ETH. $VOX represent the member's share of the treasury as well as voting power. LunarDAO Squad members can exit the DAO with their funds at any time through ragequit.


LIP (LunarDAO Improvement Proposal) is the basis of governance in LunarDAO. Anyone can share and discuss proposals on the forum. Only Squad members can submit and vote on proposals. In LIP-0001 there is a template and further information on the expected content and process.

The sponsorship threshold is a minimum number of $VOX (10 $VOX which equals 0.1 ETH at launch) which is required to submit a proposal. This deposit is returned when the proposal have been accepted or rejected. Anyone else can submit a proposal by acquiring a sponsorship by offering a fee of 0.2 ETH which is non refundable and will be sent to the DAO treasury.

Proposals should be shared a week before the vote. Voting is open for 72h. The proposal is approved if 50% + 1 $VOX of the voting amount vote for, else it is rejected. It can also be rejected if Sentinels deem the proposal to be malicious. Voting is followed by a Grace period of 72h, during which squad members can ragequit should they disagree with the result of the voting.


Delegation is included in Moloch V3. Any Squad member can delegate their voting rights to others, whether they are DAO members or not. By doing this, the member no longer have governance rights, and cannot sponsor proposals. The delegate, if previously not a squad member, will become one and just like before $VOX (shares) will represent a share of the treasury as well as voting power.

Minimum retention

To prevent dilution of assets, minimum retention is 33%. That means that if 33% of shares ragequitted a proposal during the grace period, the proposal will fail automatically as the original circumstances when the proposal was submitted, including access to funds, has changed dramatically. The squad can re-submit the proposal if they want to vote on it with the new circumstance.


Ragequit enables squad members to exit with their funds, without penalty, if they do not agree with the result of a vote, or if they no longer want to be a part of the DAO. The designated time period in which members can ragequit after voting is called Grace period. Ragequit is possible no matter what the squad member voted on the proposal. This is an important function against malicious proposals and also a minority protection. With this function, all members are incentivized to bring forward proposals which are aligned with the community sentiment.

Grace Period

The Grace period, which is 72h, is the time period during which members can Ragequit if they disagree with the result of a vote. At the end of the Grace Period, the proposal which has been voted on is processed by calling the processProposal function. It is the responsibility of Stewards to call this function.


Guildkick allows the squad to remove a malicious member by forcing the them to ragequit. This is done by submitting a proposal which is then voted on. If this proposal is accepted by 50% + 1 $VOX, 100% of the shares owned by the squad member who is guildkicked is converted to loot and the member lose their voting power.


Committees in LunarDAO are groups within the community that aim to facilitate and coordinate the works of the DAO according to their specific focus. The committees presented below were chosen during the intial development because they are fundamental to the DAO. At any point, after the launch, new committees can be proposed or an existing one can be archived if the community deems it's needed (this operation is also done through LIP and voting).

The committees autonomously decide who can join. In every committee there is one person responsible for communication, who can be contacted if a member wants to get engaged. The committees decide their own work flow and formulate expectations, objectives and key results within the committee.

All committees give information about the ongoing works in the community meetings and are receptive to input and criticisms. Every three months each committee will submit a report to the community about the ongoing works.


LunarDAO Stewards (LunarDAO core team) is a committee dedicated to support and guide the essential works of the DAO. Initially, at launch, they include founding members of the DAO. The number of Stewards should not be less than three and no more than ten. The LunarDAO Stewards responsibilities includes, but are not limited to:

  • Operations
  • Administration
  • Community management
  • Information: Making sure all other DAO members are aware of proposals and are notified in time to be able to participate in voting
  • Implementation of community decisions
  • Investment communication & coordination
  • Partnerships & Networking
  • Legal advice coordination
  • Media & Presentation

Stewards have a separated 3/6 multisig for their operation. Fees of 0.25% from tribute and 0.5% per executed investment are sent to this wallet. Any other funding and budget has to be proposed via investment LIP and voted upon as any other proposal. Stewards' wallet: 0xab501a8eb58c9780eb04d683feb504fce391a2dd

How to become a Steward

To become a Steward any member can write an LIP and propose to join. This follows the same governance process as any other LIP, steps are shared in LIP-0001. The proposal can include interests, experiences as well as expected level of commitment within the DAO, ideas and suggestions which can support LunarDAO mission as well as initiatives and activity of the member within the community.


The Media committee is responsible for updating the web page and twitter. The media output is in accordance with LunarDAO mission, decisions and development. The committee can also coordinate and recruit members for media productions based on LunarDAOs mission and goals, participate in interviews or initiate media works that are beneficial to the DAO. Community members can post on the forum if they want to join the Media committee.


The Research committee conveys research about privacy and anonymity projects and tools. This research can serve as a basis for evaluation of investment LIPs for the DAO and as a resource for the community. Community members can post on the forum if they want to join the Research committee.


Education is fundamental in the struggle for free life, autonomy, and community. It is vital to train guides by providing knowledge, skills and build confidence. LunarDAO is in a trust based partnership with Adalan Academy and aim to support their development. The initial focus of this decentralized virtual academy is to offer courses in programming, economics and political philosophy. Some of the outcomes are creation and translation of education material, texts and resources. The long-term objective is being able to educate the new generation of lunarpunks.

An essential part of education, and included in the roadmap, is collecting, researching and sharing tools and resources that are privacy oriented. This includes creating opt out manuals that provide the means to exit surveillance society and develop parallel structures that are decentralized and expands our freedom.


LunarDAO Sentinels is a committee with a role of a treasury veto agent. It is a multi-sig Gnosis Safe with eight members in total. The DAO flow of proposal, vote, and execution is done fully on-chain and without any interaction or approval needed by Sentinels. However, the Sentinels are the last fall back solution as they can reject a malicious proposal even if it has been approved by the community. Five are needed to execute a decision.

A malicious proposal can include:

  • Proposals which are harmful to LunarDAO mission and goals.
  • Proposals which are supporting centralization and hegemony.
  • Proposals which are supporting surveillance projects or measures.
  • Proposals which are supporting regulatory measures.
  • Proposal which are suspected of/or exposed as having malintent ie. a quickly pushed proposals which aims to drain the treasury.

If Sentinels reject a proposal, they are expected to share a report which include the motivation for this decision before the next community meeting after the event. The decision and content of the mentioned report will be included, discussed and evaluated in this meeting.

The suggested time frame to be a multi-sig participant is two years. The transfer will happen when there is someone who can take over when the time is due and is not a rigid measurement. To rotate responsibilities to new Sentinels supports a level of diversity of thought in this important governance responsibility.

As a part of the roadmap the squad will vote if to continue to have a multi-sig based treasury or move to a complete trustless setup after the DAO launches.

Sentinel members

Builders and teams in our ecosystem of privacy oriented projects are often public, using known pseudonyms, and are recognized in crypto communities. In 'Why anon' we explained why anonymity and privacy are not only important for lunarpunk movement, but also the only choice for the Stewards (core team/ founders) of LunarDAO.

To build trust, and decentralize, the DAO is collborating with six Sentinels who are not core-members. The Sentinels are:

  1. Mario Havel; Bordel hackerspace, Paralelní polis.

  2. Mykola Siusko; Web3 privacy now, Pagency framework.

  3. CR1337; Navcoin, Scala.

  4. Auryn Macmillan; Gnosis Guild.

  5. bZ; AssangeDAO.

  6. Yves Edwards; FIAT LUX Podcast.

  7. Steward Anon 1; LunarDAO.

  8. Steward Anon 2; LunarDAO.

These are guidelines to support Sentinels in their responsibility. It is the responsibility of the whole community to support the governance process, in which the forum discussion is an essential part. This ensures democratic governance and gives opportunities for feedback on proposals before initiating voting. Through the LIP process, if LunarDAO Community and Squad members have expressed criticisms and evaluated a proposal to be non-aligned with community sentiment or otherwise unsupported, the author should consider re-writing the LIP or decide to not proceed with voting.

Governance process

  • LIP (LunarDAO Improvement Proposal): A proposal is created using the template in LIP-0001.
  • Forum discussions: A thread is created on the forum, where the LIP can be discussed. The proposal should be announced at least 7 days before voting.
  • Voting: A proposal is submitted on-chain and the voting is opened for 72h.
  • Grace Period: Follows voting for another 72h. Members can exit the DAO with their funds if they don't want to be affected by the decision.
  • Execution: Proposals are submitted on chain, hence the changes will apply automatically with pushing the execution button. - If unrelated to treasury: Stewards update the documents.

The LunarDAO governance is not limited to LIPs or voting, decisions are also made in the community or committee meetings. Voting in LunarDAO is the practical implementation of the willpower of the community. The decision making process is not something technical and cannot be separated from our communication/interaction on the forum and on ircd. It is important to always seek discussion and encourage diversity in opinions within the community. This will aid our development in building a truly decentralized, anonymous and antifragile organization.


Follow LIP repository to see the current LIP.


LIP stands for LunarDAO Improvement Proposal. The LIP document is the primary mechanism to inform LunarDAO community about new proposals. These LIPs may propose changes in governance, guidelines, or rules and serve as the main reference for investment decisions. The LIP is a concise, explicit and technical specification on how to submit a proposal. The initial LIP template is LIP-0001, which include the content below. In the future this might change as the community offers new proposals.

LIP Categories & Types

Note: LunarDAO is based on Moloch V3 DAO primitive, deployed by DAOhaus. The UI by default has proposals divided into 'Basic' and 'Advanced' categories. This is a generic DAOhaus admin setup to help users understand the proposal complexity.

LunarDAO proposals have two categories: Governance and Investment. If a squad member wants to submit an LIP, which does not concern funds, it is a Governance category. LIP concerning funds falls under Investment category. The LIP types are listed below each category.


  • Signal request
  • Update Governance Settings
  • Update Token Settings
  • Add Shaman
  • Remove a Member
  • Multicall proposal builder
  • Add Steward


  • DAO Token request
  • DAO Token Swap
  • ERC-20 Token Transfer
  • Network Token Transfer
  • Use Wallet Connect

LIP status

The status of an LIP is one of the following.

Proposal: The LIP is shared on the forum and a discussion in the community is initiated. The author can share perspectives and motivations for the proposal with the community and answer questions. The author will develop the proposal based on community's feedback.

Accepted: 50% + 1 $VOX of the voting amount is needed for a proposal to be approved. An accepted proposal which concerns treasury or on-chain governance (DAO settings) can be executed directly after the Grace period. Stewards and LunarDAO committees are responsible to coordinate the implementation and inform the community (update the documents).

Rejected: If less than 50% + 1 $VOX of the voting amount vote yes, or the Sentinels based on given criteria deem the proposal to be malicious, the proposal is rejected.

If LunarDAO Community and Squad members have expressed criticisms and evaluated the proposal to be non-aligned with community sentiment, the author should consider re-writing the LIP or decide not to proceed to voting.


The following steps are needed before proceeding to voting.

  • Submit the finalized LIP, including the date and time of the vote.
  • Update status and vote date in the header.
  • The sponsorship threshold (a minimum number of $VOX) is 10 $VOX (0.1 ETH at launch) is required to submit a proposal. This deposit is returned when the proposal has been accepted or rejected.
  • Anyone else can submit a proposal by acquiring a sponsorship by offering a fee of 0.2 ETH which is non refundable and will be sent to the DAO treasury.
  • The vote is open for 72h, after which there will be a grace period of 72h when any member can ragequit if they disagree with the outcome of the vote.

Template for proposals

Every LIP draft should contain these parts.

Header: Includes title, LIP category & type, contact, date, status, vote date. The status and vote date must be updated in the final version of the LIP.

Summary: A short description of the proposal. Reference to previous proposals.

Some LIPs will be continuously developed, such as LIP-0001. In these cases, for transparency and context, the author shall write a reference to the previously accepted proposal by using the LIP number.

Problem: Describe why the proposal is needed.

Solution: Describe the proposal and what solutions it will bring for lunarpunk communities.

Implementation: What resources or actions are needed to be able to implement the proposal.

Community input: The final version of the LIP, before voting, must also contain a link to community discussions on the proposal.

An LIP which is category Investment, afforementioned, also needs to include the following:

Note: We use place holders X for the supported project and Tx for their token.

1. Name of the project
2. Date
3. Project X's value to the ecosystem (problem solving, new primitives, tools, knowledge, monetary etc)
4. Requested size of support in USD terms
5. Offered amount of Project X tokens Tx and price per USD (if the project is monetary based)
6. Trigger event: Tokens Tx will be send to LunarDAO treasury/Time period needed for execution or expected time of launch (when Tx becomes liquid)
7. Is the team X supported by private investors or VCs, other DAOs (or plans to) or just LunarDAO?
8. If yes: In which size and what is the price of token Tx to other supporting subjects?
9. If project X is token based: Tx tokenomics/release schedule
10. Project X's wallet address to recieve the support
11. LunarDAO treasury address to recieve token Tx in agreed time, amount and price: 0x59f77dc848c2e45b5954975ee1969e7a22fa25f6


  • The LIP shall be written in Markdown format.
  • Contact refers to the authors nick on the community forum, Discourse.
  • The header shall be written in the following format, including the points below.

title: LIP-<number>
LIP category & type: <governance/investment>/<type>
contact: <forum_alias>
date: <date created on, in ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format>
status: <proposal/accepted/rejected>
vote date: <in ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format>


LunarDAO is an investment fund based on lunarpunk philosophy. By allocating funds in privacy projects & anonymity tooling we aim to expand freedom and ensure sovereignty. Squad wealth leverages collective strength and capture value in the ecosystem by building a portfolio of privacy assets. Anyone can exit at any time. Members are anonymous hence can participate in building this vision without fear of frozen funds, legal implications or any kind of repression. We aim to move to a full anon setup and develop infrastructure for a parallel economy outside of control and centralization.

LunarDAO's supports research on privacy technologies, listed in the wiki, and education structures such as Adalan Academy, where people can acquire knowledge and master skills in programming and economy while developing a philosophical frame to generate the future path of lunarpunk ecosystem.


The moon symbolizes many things, among those transformation and life, strength and power. To develop life means continuous transformation. Life that is stagnant will cease to exist. LunarDAO is one part of the expanding forest against surveillance society. It was created out of necessity, but lunarpunks existed long before this DAO. The regulatory changes incentivize us to organize our defenses with more persistence. We constituted LunarDAO, because we believe in community, decentralization, individual responsibility and contribution to a common mission. LunarDAO is a community directed by Lunar Squad. It is a practical application of lunarpunk narrative.

Decades ago, cypherpunks foresaw the rise of censorship and surveillance. They understood that cryptography and economic sovereignty are necessary to ensure freedom. Bitcoin created an economy outside of financial hegemony and made it possible for people to regain agency. Over the years, the voices upholding the cypherpunk mission have become fewer and quieter, drowned out by a flood of easy money. The KYC regulated crypto diverged from that foundation. The advocates of crypto's liberatory mission lack unity as well as strategy.

LunarDAO provides such a strategy.

The more regulation is imposed on people the bigger is the thirst for anonymity and privacy. The development of anonymity and privacy results in stronger regulation. This loop is inevitable. Instead of closing our eyes to this reality, we choose to expand the forest and build a sanctuary where society can redefine itself, self-administrate and regain its economic, political and moral agency.

Read LunarDAO full manifesto.


LunarDAO mission is the manifestation of lunarpunk vision which enables the forest to expand. In practice LunarDAO:

  • Invest in privacy and anonymity tech and infrastructure.
  • Research and share information on privacy projects.
  • Support education initiatives aligning with LunarDAO aims.

Investment Thesis

LunarDAO is an INVESTMENT FUND INTO PRIVACY PROJECTS & ANONYMITY TOOLING, a squad wealth based DAO spreading Lunarpunk narrative, philosophy and building infrastructure.


Anonymity and privacy oriented developers will face an increasing difficulty in finding support among traditional VC's and investment funds, because of regulatory measures. This will lead into a dynamic where the developing teams will be forced to sell their work underpriced to counterparties who don't share the same vision. This scenario portrays privacy as a taboo, developers are under stress and value is extracted from the ecosystem.

We don't accept the future to be so grim. The prospect of privacy is ultimately bullish. LunarDAO offers a solution.


We form a decentralized squad of sovereign individuals and lunarpunks, to allocate resources together and assemble squad wealth. The DAO leverages collective power and becomes an investor. The community discusses which tools are needed to empower the ecosystem, the research committee looks for the solutions, and lists them in the Investment Portal. The Squad members vote on the proposals and invest in the chosen projects.


  • The privacy projects will get support from a decentralized, anonymous organization, aligned with their mission.
  • The teams will be provided with the needed resources to develop, grow and deliver.
  • LunarDAO Squad is a privacy investor building a treasury (portfolio) of accumulated privacy assets.
  • The value is conserved in the ecosystem, both parties profit from the upcoming lunarpunk cycle.
  • While leveraging collective power, every individual is protected against majority rule and can exit the DAO any time with 100% of their shares (without any fee).

For the current list of primitives and projects discussed as possible investments, visit our Investment portal.

We believe that the loop of tightening regulations and growing demand for privacy and anonymity is inevitable, these events will happen with or without us. We can strenghten the ecosystem, capture the value and grow squad wealth, or be left out in the desert with regressive regFi.

Knowledge as a Value

The privacy investment sphere is LunarDAO's main focus. At the same time we see education as an essential value to fulfill our mission.

The DAO creates possibilities for technical literacy by building research and wiki and supporting educational structures such as the partnering project Adalan Academy, where people can acquire knowledge and master skills in programming and economy while developing a philosophical frame to generate the future path of lunarpunk ecosystem. Such education empowers the community and shape thinkers, who bring value back to the ecosystem. Education is a long-term investment.

LunarDAO Architecture

LunarDAO architecture is based on Moloch V3 design, deployed by DAOhaus and customized to fit LunarDAO governance.

The design puts an emphasis on anonymity combined with permissionless entry for the initial Squad formation. Both are essential for a privacy oriented investment fund which aims to develop infrastructure for parallel economy.


LunarDAO Treasury: 0x59F77dC848C2E45B5954975ee1969e7A22fA25F6
Moloch V3 DAO (LunarDAO Governance): 0x747DA68Facd1459E9D9b8f928418DA30769D3Ba1
Sentinels' Safe (5/8 multi-sig): 0x622066aBA170c185c28cED6E7ccd1cB2047ef6ef
LunarDAO Stewards' Safe (core-team, founders): 0xAb501a8Eb58c9780eb04D683feB504fcE391A2DD
$VOX (voting token/treasury shares): 0x33e6ded5073f512475e17b5f19dda90d9a782478
$VOX-LOOT (non-voting token/shares): 0x94fadf770e44b7bc872fc712e4ba6aaf096fcba7
Genesis Event Onboarder Shaman: 0xFd7f0D849c1820F066aD1DEa8c8B90A59cA51Ef0

On-chain vs Multi-sig

As mentioned in the governance chapter, LunarDAO deployed a Sentinel multi-sig as a veto agent. At the same time the DAO architecture itself is based on Moloch V3 primitive with a full on-chain execution. This contradiction is solved by a design where the main LunarDAO treasury is a Gnosis Safe with two signers of which only one is needed for an execution (1/2). The two signers are:

  1. LunarDAO Squad: a Moloch V3 DAO, 0x747DA68Facd1459E9D9b8f928418DA30769D3Ba1
  2. LunarDAO Sentinels: Gnosis safe (5/8) multi-sig

In this setup all the proposals are submitted, voted upon and (after grace period) executed on-chain without any Sentinels interaction. Only in the case of a malicious proposal, the Sentinels can step in and reject the proposal. Five Sentinel members must sign a veto in their safe in order to make such execution in the LunarDAO treasury.

Moloch v3

Based on the discussions with the allies & the community, the most feasible way for the LunarDAO architecture to meet its aim, was chose MolochDAO V3 primitive, designed by DAOhaus and customized to fit LunarDAO governance architecture. The Moloch V3 contracts have much more optionality on both the initial setup and throughout the DAO life time in comparison to Moloch V2. V3 is also easier to set up and launch upon, using existing UI and implement changes on the fly, in a more democratic manner (based on community discussions and squad vote).

Anatomy of a Moloch V3 DAO in DAOhaus. Courtesy of DAOhaus


For full description read Governance above.

  • Community: Anyone engaging on the forum & chats. To be a member of the community does NOT grant voting/governance power.
  • Squad: DAO members holding shares, voting power.
  • Sentinels: Eight guardians (multi-sig) of the DAO treasury.
  • Stewards: Anonymous core-team/founders of the DAO, securing operations (can be exchanged, archived, scaled up).
  • Committees: Working groups with a specific focus (research, media, education).


Every point marked with * symbol is to be further evaluated and decided upon by the initial LunarDAO Squad formed by all participants of the first launch, also referred to as a Genesis event.


  • LunarDAO is setup on top of the Gnosis safe multi-sig. The DAO start with a trusted (and more secure) setup and plan a roadmap milestone to discuss, propose (LIP) and vote on a multi-sig removal in a forseeable future -> full trustless setup. *
  • LunarDAO is launched on existing contracts and customized version of the UI by DAOhaus.
  • Further upgrades and customization will be discussed in the community and voted upon by the Squad.*

Joining the DAO

  • LunarDAO launch is permissionless in the sense that anyone can join/invest.
  • Members can only join during period of the fundraising events.
  • A minimum tribute to join is 0.1 ETH.*
  • The initial fundraising event is the launch of LunarDAO and will be opened for a period of two weeks.

Governance Token

LunarDAO Shares are represented by the symbol $VOX.

  • 1 $VOX is an equivalent to 1 share.
  • $VOX is LunarDAO governance token.
  • Minimum of 1 $VOX grants squad membership and voting power.
  • $VOX is an account bound, non-transferable token.
  • Every 0.1 ETH of tribute to the treasury mints 10 $VOX (-0.25% admin/management fee) to the member (at launch, future entry price may differ based on the previous investments made).
  • When a member ragequits their $VOX is burned.
    • $VOX value in the treasury stays the same for remaining members.
    • Ragequitting member gets 100% of their funds with no extra fee.

LunarDAO Loot

Loot represents members' value of shares in a non-voting form.

  • 1 $VOX-loot monetary value = 1 $VOX (as both are shares of the DAO treasury)
  • Symbol $VOX-loot represents loot.*
  • $VOX-loot does not grant voting power.
  • $LUNAR (community) token is not introduced at launch. It will be designed and introduced as part of the roadmap.*

Token Value

  • $VOX and $VOX-loot monetary value is equal. They both represent 1 share of the DAO treasury.
  • 1 $VOX (or $VOX-loot) = NET TREASURY VALUE / TOTAL AMOUNT OF $VOX (or $VOX-loot)
  • The assets in treasury or existing amount of shares changes according to:
    • Investment proposals voted upon by LunarDAO Squad (the DAO members) *
    • Future fundraising events (The initial entry price is 1 ETH = 100 $VOX (shares), the future ones will be decided by LunarDAO Squad) *

Fundraising Events

  • A fundraising event is proposed to take place 4x in the first year. (every third month).*
  • An investment deal is expected to happen at least once before between each fundraising event.*
  • If there are still unused ETH (or DAI) from the previous raise, the number of fundraising events or max cap of such event will be adjusted to this reality. *
  • The fundraising is open two weeks the first time, and thereafter a week on each occation.*
  • During this time anyone can become a Squad member by tributing ETH to the treasury.*

LunarDAO Operation Costs

  • LunarDAO has 6 Stewards (core-team members, founders) at the time of launch.
  • Several externals are supporting with design, administration, legal questions, web3 development and translations.
  • A management/admin/dev fee is sent to core-team multi-sig wallet (ETH: 0xAb501a8Eb58c9780eb04D683feB504fcE391A2DD). Management fee calculation:
    a) Entry: 0.25% from the initial tribute of every new member.
    b) Investment: 0.5% of every investment execution (after vote + grace period). *
  • To fund further expences and costs an LIP is submitted and voted upon.

Fund Management

LunarDAO makes investments in privacy projects through the governance process, which includes research, discussion, proposals and voting. The Squad allocates funds to selected teams while building a treasury of its investments. There are several ways how to approach treasury management and govern the funds. For easier understanding we summarized them under two main types: Portfolio (or Investment club) and Syndicate. These two approaches are explained with examples below.

After the genesis event (LunarDAO launch) the default approach to fund management is PORTFOLIO. However the Squad can decide to create separated guilds. To prevent disadvantage of old members' investment dilution, a bonding curve of 10% $VOX price increase is introduced for every new raise event. In the case of a Squad disapproval of opening a new fundraising event (to prevent dilution of past investments) and existing community wish and incentive to join the DAO, a subDAO can be established for the new raise building a separated treasury. In such scenario the different subDAOs manage their own treasuries and their management is based on the SYNDICATE model.

The following table explains these two concepts.

Table 1: Fundamental approaches: Portfolio & Syndicate

FUND MANAGEMENT – Design EssentialsPortfolio/ investment clubSyndicate
Description:All the assets in the treasury are pooled together as a common portfolio. Each $VOX despite the time of purchase represents the same value (1 $VOX = treasury asset net value / # $VOX ). The Squad members can start different sub-DAOs or specific guilds just like in the “Syndicate” option.Each fundraising cycle (or even each individual deal) is a separated entity in a separated subDAO. The investments or raising cycles can be separated into sub-DAOs or guilds or alternatively tokens representing the past investments are minted based on on-chain snapshot taken at the time of the investment.
Exposure to the past investments:Yes. New members are exposed to the old investments.No, new members aren’t part of the portfolio of the past, only to the future investments.
Aim of LunarDAO launch raise size (minimum, aim, maximum):700 ETH, 7000 ETH, 15000 ETH (if hit, the smart contract expires).As Portfolio
How often LunarDAO runs a raise event:Default: 4x the first year. An investment deal is expected to happen before any next raise. After the initial one, the formed Squad can propose to cap (# ETH) for the next raise or make a sub-DAO and switch into the syndicate option. Every sub-DAO makes autonomus decisions on this question.This case happens if the Squad decides to separate to subDAOs. 4x the first year. Before any next raising event a new separated sub-DAO is opened for the new members who will manage funds separately from the other subDAOs. Every sub-DAO makes autonomus decisions and can futher continue as portfolio style managed DAO.
How often the LunarDAO opens for new Squad members:Every raising event. If the Squad votes against new fundraising events while there is a strong community wish to join the DAO, a new subDAO fundraising can be opened -> switch to syndicate option.As Portfolio
Condition to join LunarDAO Squad at launch:Permissionless with a minimum tribute.LunarDAO launches as Portfolio fund. Conditions to join future subDAOs will be discussed with the community.
Condition to join LunarDAO Squad in the future:Default stays the same (except $VOX price - read below). The initial Squad will has a right to decide whether to keep the permissionless setup, introduce invites, raise the minimum tribute bar, limit the max Squad members or max ETH size etc.New syndicate sub-DAOs are permissionless.
Minimum tribute on launch0.1 ETH (10 $VOX). Tribute must be a multiplier of 0.1 ETH.LunarDAO launches as portfolio based fund.
On-boarding contract design:Contract is opened for a limited period. $VOX (shares) are minted based on members' tribute. If the maximum raise threshold is met the contract expires, no more tributes can be submitted.As Portfolio
On-boarding contract expiry period (1st one/ any next one):2 weeks the first raise/ 1 week any other one.Launch is portfolio type/ the future ones to be decided.
$VOX (shares) price on launch:1 ETH = 100 $VOX - 0.25% admin/management fee. Each $VOX in the given fundraising period has the same price (every Squad member has an equal entry price).As Portfolio
$VOX value calculation:1 $VOX = LunarDAO net value / # of $VOX in existenceSame formula for each subDAO
$VOX (shares) price bonding curve:+ 10% each next funding cycle. The squad can evaluate otherwise.The new members do not have access to the past investments, only the net value of the new treasury. There is no bonding curve. $VOX has the same price like on launch.
$VOX-loot price calculation:Owners $VOX-loot value = owners $VOX (shares) value, without voting power (in the time of GuildKick). Including owners access to the future allocations which are part of the RageQuited treasury.As Portfolio
Squad membership:Everyone owning at least 1 $VOX is a Squad member. Squad members have voting power.Everyone owning at least 1 $VOX is a Squad member, however members can vote on treasury decisions only in the guilds/ sub-DAOs in which their $VOX (shares) are allocated.
Overall governance changes:Discussion -> LIP -> vote -> implementationAll the sub-DAOs together and counted as one DAO with vote event. Every 1 $VOX = 1 vote.
Management/admin fee:Entry: 0.25% from each tribute, 0.5% per each investment execution from the treasury.Same like portfolio, but per each subDAO separately as raising events and investment executions happen in different times and sizes.
Further operational expenses:LIP is submitted and voted upon.LIP is submitted and voted upon. Two options: a) Divided budget proposals to each sub-DAO, based on their ETH weight (SUM(proposed ETH * sub_DAO ETH / all sub-DAOS ETH total)). b) One proposal to sub-DAOs combined into one DAO. Vote power is calculated from the proposed asset weight from different subDAOs and their members -> SUM(asset weight * # $VOX). If agreed, the payment is sent proportionally to the token weights of the subDAOs and its members.

Portfolio and Syndicate fund management options are explained below, including examples.

Portfolio/ Investment Club

By default all the assets are pooled in the DAO main treasury. The new members joining are part of the same portfolio and exposed to the past investments. The Squad members can decide to set up any further guilds or sub-DAOs (just like in the syndicate design). Every Squad member can RageQuit at any time and transfer their $VOX (shares) value to $VOX-loot. RageQuited members can re-join during the next raising event.

Genesis Event: DAO launch & the initial raise

  • Price: 100 $VOX (shares) = 1 ETH
  • Minimum tribute: 0.1 ETH
  • Fee: 0.25% from tribute, 0.5% per executed investment deal
  • Permissionless entry
  • Contract has an upper limit & time expiry, mints shares according to investors' tribute size. The price of everyone's shares is the same.


In examples we will use place holders X, Y & Z for supported projects and Tx, Ty & Tz for their tokens. For simplicity, fees are not included in the example calculations.

In a real life scenario the amount of $VOX (shares) will be arbitrary per each member as the tribute sizes will differ. Some members will likely RageQuit with their funds during the DAOs life cycle. This example is simplified to explain the portfolio logic.

  • 100 people join the Squad for 10 ETH each -> 1000 $VOX (shares) each.
  • Treasury net = 1000 ETH; 100 000 $VOX (shares) was minted.
  • The Squad invests 500 ETH to X in exchange for their token Tx. Deal is 1 ETH = 1000 Tx.
  • No-one RageQuits.
  • Treasury net = 500 ETH + 500 000 Tx, represented by 100 000 $VOX (shares).
  • Each member owns 1000 $VOX (shares) representing 5 ETH + 5000 Tx.

Second LunarDAO raising event

Because the new members have access to the deals of the past, the entry price is always 10% higher than the price during the previous event. This premium rewards members who entered past deals and stayed in the DAO exposing their part of portfolio to the new members. Any old member can RageQuit before the event with their assets and re-enter with ETH again.

  • Price: 100 VOX (shares) = 1.1 ETH
  • Conditions and minimum tribute to be decided by the existing Squad.


  • 100 new people join the existing Squad -> Each of the new member paid 11 ETH -> 1000 $VOX (shares) -> 100 000 new $VOX were minted.
  • Treasury has 200 000 $VOX total.
  • Squad = 200 members
  • Treasury net = 500 + 1100 ETH + 500 000 Tx
  • Each $VOX (share) represents:
    • 0.008 ETH
    • 2.5 Tx
  • Every Squad member has the same amount of shares: 1000 $VOX. Their shares representing:
    • 8 ETH (1600/ 200)
    • 25 000 Tx (500 000 / 200)
  • The first 100 members paid 10 ETH each, the new members paid 11 ETH each.
  • The Squad invests 800 ETH to Y in exhange for their token Ty. Deal is 1 ETH = 10 000 Ty.
  • Treasury net = 800 ETH + 500 000 TX + 8 000 000 Ty
  • Each member holding 1000 $VOX (shares) is an owner of:
    • 4 ETH
    • 2500 Tx
    • 40 000 Ty


  • Portfolio is the default fund management setup.
  • Permissionless but time & max cap limited entry.
  • At any point members can exit with their funds partly or fully.
  • The Squad can decide if, how and when to do next rasing events.
  • A bonding curve adds 10% to the price of $VOX (shares) for every next raising event to balance investment dilution.
  • Every member can add more funds during the next fundraising event.
  • All Squad members share a RageQuitable portfolio together, equal to the size of their tribute.
  • The Squad can decide to open separated guilds.


Each fundraising cycle (possibly each investment) is treated as a separated entity, unique sub-DAO. Members joining in future fundraising events share a new treasury (sub-DAO or a guild) without an access to the investments from the past. All treasury related proposals have impact only on the separated guild/sub-DAO in which the proposing Squad member is at. The management/admin fee (0.25% for new members and 0.5 per investment execution) is applied on each subDAOs.

There are cases in which all the votes across the subDAOs are seen as one DAO and vote on a decision together. In such cases the votes are counted and evaluated like if all the subDAOs were one DAO. Regardless of different investments in the subDAOs, every 1 $VOX = 1 vote. The scenarios include:

a) Overall Governance change proposal which has an impact on everyone (remove multi-sig, change number of Sentinels, change the whitepaper etc)

b) A core-team proposal to cover additional costs: If such proposal passes the payment is taken proportionally to the token weights of the subDAOs (and their members).

If less than 50% + 1 $VOX of total voting weight across the subDAOs is for the proposal, the proposal is rejected.

(Alternatively the assets can be still pooled together but an on-chain Snapshot of $VOX at the time of the investment is taken. The DAO uses proxy tokens to track who had tokens at the time of investment. This greatly simplifies raising, because every new treasury is always ETH.)

Genesis Event: DAO launch & the initial raise

  • Price: 100 $VOX (shares) = 1 ETH
  • Minimum tribute: To be decided as the the DAO launches as portfolio by default.
  • Permissionless entry
  • Contract has upper limit & time expiry. mints shares according to investors' tribute size. The price of everyone's shares is the same.


In examples we will use place holders X, Y & Z for supported project and Tx, Ty & Tz for their tokens

In a real life scenario the amount of shares (the tribute) will be arbitrary per each member and some members will likely RageQuit with their funds. This example is simplified to get the understanding of the syndicate logic.

  • 100 people join the Squad for 10 ETH each -> 1000 $VOX (shares) each.
  • Treasury net = 1000 ETH; 100 000 $VOX (shares) was minted.
  • The Squad invests 500 ETH to X in exchange for their token Tx. Deal is 1 ETH = 1000 Tx.
  • No-one RageQuits.
  • Treasury net = 500 ETH + 500 000 Tx, represented by 100 000 $VOX (shares).
  • Each member owns 1000 $VOX (shares) representing 5 ETH + 5000 Tx.

Second LunarDAO raising event

Because the new members joining another entity, separated from the initial DAO launch treasury, raise looks the same like the Genesis Event. In such scenario each sub-DAO manages their funds on their own in parallel to each other.

Overall Governance Changes

Decisions regarding to the general governance is voted in all the sub-DAOs together and counted as one vote event.


  • Genesis event -> DAO launch -> 1m $VOX across 100 members
  • Squad decided to not allow for future onboarding to the DAO and there is a strong community will to join LunarDAO.
  • New subDAO launches -> 500 000 $VOX across 50 members
  • Proposal to remove multi-sig from the DAO execution -> vote will be in the overall DAO consisting of the sum of all $VOX in all subDAOs.
  • Total $VOX in all subDAOs = 150m.
  • 1/3 of the members vote = 500 000 votes
    • a) 50% + 1 $VOX are for -> multi-sig gets removed
    • b) 50% and less are for -> multisig stays

LunarDAO operation funding proposal

A core-team proposal to cover additional costs for the administration, dev, ops, media, research etcetera. The proposal can be approached in two different ways:

  • a) Divided budget proposals to each sub-DAO
  • b) One proposal to one DAO conposed of all the sub-DAOs

a) The team divides the total sum of proposed budget between the sub-DAOs based on their weight of the given asset (ie ETH) and submits each of them as a separated proposal. The size of these proposals is calculated:

SUM(total funding proposal ETH * sub-DAO ETH weight / sumETH(all sub-DAOs))

Example a)

  • Genesis event -> DAO launches -> 1m $VOX minted between 100 members (10 000 ETH).
  • DAO invests in project X with 5 000 ETH -> Every $VOX (shares) represent 50% ETH and 50% token Tx.
  • Squad decided to not allow for future onboarding to the DAO and there is a strong community will to join LunarDAO.
  • New subDAO launches -> 1m $VOX minted between 1000 members (10 000 ETH).
  • There are 2 subdDAOs now.
  • The core team submits LIP to get 30 ETH funding for the work done. -> the proposal size will be divided between the sub-DAOS and voted upon by each of them separately.
  • The division formula is:
    • Total ETH: SUM(all sub-DAOs ETH) = (sub-DAO1 ETH) + (sub-DAO2 ETH) = 5 000 + 10 000 = 15 000 ETH
    • Funding proposal = 30 ETH
    • Proposal to sub-DAO1 = total funding proposal ETH * sub-DAO1 ETH / total ETH = 30 * 5000 / 15 000 = 10 ETH
    • Proposal to sub-DAO2 = total funding proposal ETH * sub-DAO2 ETH / total ETH = 30 * 10000 / 15 000 = 20 ETH
  • Core team submits 2 LIPs: 10 ETH to subDAO1 and 20 ETH to sub-DAO2
  • Each of them vote separately according to the governance rules.
  • Each sub-DAO and it's member votes as usual: 1 $VOX = 1 vote, the votes only impact the decision in the given sub-DAO.
  • The core team may be supported by all, none or either of the existing sub-DAOs.
  • New proposals can be submitted per governance guidelines.

b) The votes are counted and evaluated like if all the subDAOs were one DAO. Regardless of different investments in the subDAOs. The vote would have to be based on the proposed asset weight per members' $VOX (shares), ie ETH if proposal is for ETH funding:

voting SUM(ETH weight / $VOX * # $VOX)

Example b)

  • Genesis event -> DAO launches -> 1m $VOX minted between 100 members (10 000 ETH).
  • DAO invests in project X with 5 000 ETH -> Every $VOX (shares) represent 50% ETH and 50% token Tx.
  • Squad decided to not allow for future onboarding to the DAO and there is a strong community will to join LunarDAO.
  • New subDAO launches -> 1m $VOX minted between 1000 members (10 000 ETH).
  • There are 2 subdDAOs now.
  • The core team submits LIP to get 30 ETH funding for the work done. -> The proposal will be submitted and voted upon in the parent DAO consisting of the sum of all ETH in all subDAOs.
  • As the impact per member is on their ETH, the voting power is ETH weighted
  • The vote calculation from all voting members: SUM(ETH weight/$VOX * # $VOX)
    • sub-DAO1 member with 1000 $VOX (shares) = 0.5 / 1 * 1000 = 500 votes
    • sub-DAO2 member with 1000 $VOX (shares) = 1 / 1 * 1000 = 1000 votes
  • In this example: Each subDAO2 member has 2x voting power per $VOX than sub-DAO1 member, as they have 2x bigger ETH weight and 2x bigger ETH exposure to than the sub-DAO1 members.
  • The proposal in it's entirety either passes or not.
  • If the vote passes: 30 ETH are sent proportionally to the ETH weights per each LunarDAO member.
    • 10 ETH is sent from SubDAO 1 members in total.
    • 20 ETH is sent from SubDAO 2 members in total.


  • Every new raise cycle is unrelated to the previous investments.
  • New subDAOs mint $VOX (shares) for the same price like the previous ones, no bonding curve.
  • Old members are inaffected by the new members, no dilution, no more funds in the existing subDAOs.
  • Each member can be part of multiple sub-DAOs.
  • Decisions regarding the general governance is voted in all the sub-DAOs together and counted as one vote event.
  • Core-team additional funding: Possible options to make one all-DAO proposal or divide them per sub-DAOs and their ETH weights.


See LunarDAO Investment portal for current updates related to investments.

To support privacy projects by investing in them is the main purpose of LunarDAO. Planting seeds for the lunarpunk dark forest of cryptography, autonomy and users' knowledge. To choose meaningful projects and help them grow is vital. A reward for the LunarDAO community is the shared value of these projects in the form of their token and the knowledge and tools they build. It is a mutual harmony in which the growth of one empowers the other and vice versa. This symbiotic relationship slowly but steadily replaces the bare desert of surveillance and hegemony.

Investment Flow

Note: We use place holders X for the supported project and Tx for their token.

Project X is proposed to be financially supported by LunarDAO in exhcange for # of Tx tokens or any other value to the lunarpunk ecosystem. After a community discussion and research an investment LIP is submitted. In this LIP must be clearly defined:

1. Name of the project
2. Date
3. Project X's value to the ecosystem (problem solving, new primitives, tools, knowledge, monetary etc)
4. Requested size of support in USD terms
5. Offered amount of Project X tokens Tx and price per USD (if the project is monetary based)
6. Trigger event: Tokens Tx will be send to LunarDAO treasury/Time period needed for execution or expected time of launch (when Tx becomes liquid)
7. Is the team X supported by private investors or VCs, other DAOs (or plans to) or just LunarDAO?
8. If yes: In which size and what is the price of token Tx to other supporting subjects?
9. If project X is token based: Tx tokenomics/release schedule
10. Project X's wallet address to recieve the support
11. LunarDAO treasury address to recieve token Tx in agreed time, amount and price: 0x59f77dc848c2e45b5954975ee1969e7a22fa25f6

LunarDAO Squad votes on the proposal of investment (see Governance for more details). Project X escrows the promised tokens to LunarDAO treasury as a part of the on-chain proposal, or in case of an illiquid (yet) token Tx, a SAFT NFT (under construction) will be minted by Project X for LunarDAO in exchange for the support sent to the project X's wallet address.


LunarDAO is an anonymity-first organization. However our mission is bigger than that. With the objective to build a strong united Squad accountable to the common mission and shared wealth. Looking into investment DAOs based on Moloch V1 & V2, listening to the allies in chats and multiple meetings with builders, we believe that LunarDAO should not kick-off as an experiment, instead start on well tested mechanisms.

The Portfolio and Syndicate fund management options are perhaps the largest question to be continuosly discussed. We believe that the launch may be easier and more interesting with the Portfolio option as a default, which leaves the door open for anyone to join the Squad and decide in the future how to manage further fundraising events, guilds, sub-DAOs and all the changes.

We would like to remind all the participants to protect themselves and read our docs on anonymizing assets and use Aztec or TornadoCash mixers, ensure network protection and change RPC as a basis to join LunarDAO.


Resources & References

Nym Exit Gateways

As a part of our mission LunarDAO aims to:

Develop infrastructure for economy and politics beyond the state, that is uncensorable, sovereign and anonymous. Expand the dark forest.

To walk the talk, we lead by an example. Our first milestone to establish such infrastructure in an anonymous and distributed fashion is to run Nym Exit Gateways.

LunarDAO Gateways

LunarDAO currently operates 15 Nym Exit Gateways.

GatewayAdminLocationIPGateway Identity KeyGateway Sphinx KeyEmbeded Network Requester AddressIPR Address
gateway1.lunardao.netStewardsToronto, Canada159.203.56.34GYrMyaKVcgn5ZNd1syBKdfCBSRDWK9Kar7qLera5RKWQ4BdYu1aEaxFpi4eaM56Sv6NXX2aG3TdFNs5Sresgr5k34YSCrgN5J5sT6jdcoFebbB3QFDHTiA9oGMXPAageovs4.2dP1ytfyyrbVkraqhswELYDHRDSiPZCEXye2ayKJzSXz@GYrMyaKVcgn5ZNd1syBKdfCBSRDWK9Kar7qLera5RKWQABRfKXzEBiFvHAxyH2CtPu5sk3DE7CKg3tW9jWexyiD4.7CWwX7djpHRTKu82xvezcs35JAjjLcAXGQmknn5wNrf8@GYrMyaKVcgn5ZNd1syBKdfCBSRDWK9Kar7qLera5RKWQ
gateway2.lunardao.netStewardsToronto, Canada159.203.31.2029WnanMoeJD8urr3fe9neB3BneSZ6CuQNYfGBkiN87csQ3oEPcQWBNKMoxbg1UBKG4orTt385GPpkZ4cN3CKZkvPBAviqfchjSEbjgh596THD5pEG6w6WGnwRu3xUBrQM3s1m.4cUgKZYCqJvTGnAMiP35ZFbhVd3Hj2b7VCyeAthJFjTi@9WnanMoeJD8urr3fe9neB3BneSZ6CuQNYfGBkiN87csQJEJ6DaMjCWYNmh8hhT2E4v91Q2Q7RwTaP91U1yAjhjYN.BF9Y4gEBKZapMR4XAK2tg1hKU3n37Jwa2AnqwUUtzPBx@9WnanMoeJD8urr3fe9neB3BneSZ6CuQNYfGBkiN87csQ
gateway3.lunardao.netStewardsLA, USA (west)
gateway4.lunardao.netStewardsChicago, USA (east)
gateway5.lunardao.netStewardsDallas, USA (south)
gateway6.lunardao.netStewardsLondon, UK193.149.185.1886vtDnxeBpaTsy3Xd7BE2ZAEKiaQZFsXEZPf9ZKrQtxgSHsnQhJEtC65nXp9M7P25k4T6f9oPwL3yebtodXaSYwAeEpQ2wXbvDi9k2jQFtVZxXf5N5uf7tLofZQtihMDtQyau.4ufZNZAcuWFqiZ8kQHtC4tRxeX7McDsZLcunuCftMpJQ@6vtDnxeBpaTsy3Xd7BE2ZAEKiaQZFsXEZPf9ZKrQtxgSAEDMDA5iQg3FVYPucSKVzBtSag1HRE3xXgxiBk7UhuX3.FGkvAKxi9Q5Mn8BW8pktanU6YDAz9ukWrRN64SuxEtGS@6vtDnxeBpaTsy3Xd7BE2ZAEKiaQZFsXEZPf9ZKrQtxgS
gateway7.lunardao.netStewardsLondon, UK193.149.180.1578FpVXU3PVbMUJkRpRMLtrRWmcBvCrPLWVQggNRKrVkkn9RN4mKh4QX6FTbBj8kPRMaLtE6nS6gc3kF1ERuV8geAFA3Y7MYGLLVK1kEQZ12sTMt7PHi55kdqFA2vqwP5AUNP6.6pQRhNs82vHVaxTSwWWeH8tqqd5XS17PVau1Whquzfp@8FpVXU3PVbMUJkRpRMLtrRWmcBvCrPLWVQggNRKrVkkn6HDcvxa3SGamQAqjEfLjiWK4AnZKyh9DdozUUCr3U9JP.DdjyxirayhJMKd1ic6z8GsFdDNV7sF9Sy4fxtwRiqHJ9@8FpVXU3PVbMUJkRpRMLtrRWmcBvCrPLWVQggNRKrVkkn

Nym Mixnet Routing with Socks5 Client

Run ircd over the mixnet using LunarDAO gateways for max anonymity. Follow the guide here.

Nym has been developing an app to channel all users' traffic through the mixnet. Now users can use a client to run any SOCKS5 proxy traffic through. Many older version of Nym Network Requesters are limited by the outdated allowed.list and users had to run their own with a custom list of whitelisted services. LunarDAO Nym Gateways have Network Requester (NR) and Internet Pacet Router (IPR) embedded and they run according to the new Nym exit policy - a combination of Tornull and Tor reduced policy - a default filter allowing users to connect to any but blacklisted IPs and ports.

To use LunarDAO Nym Exit Gateways, run your own nym-socks5-client and route it through one of our embedded NR's. Here is how:

  1. Get nym-socks5-client from Nym release page.
  2. Make executable: chmod u+x nym-socks5-client
  3. Initialise and configure with one of our NR addresses listed in the table above.
./nym-sockc5-client init --id [ANY_NAME] --provider [USE_ONE_FROM_THE_LIST_ABOVE]
  1. Run ./nym-socks5-client run --id [YOUR_ID]

Now the client shall be connected to and port 1080, drop these values to any SOCKS5 supporting app to run through the mixnet, like in this example with electrum Bitcoin wallet.

DarkFi ircd behind Nym Mixnet

As bulletproof anon chat as it gets!

Lunarpunk vanguards built a fully anonymous and p2p instance of IRC chat called ircd. The team is just finishing their new instance of the program darkirc which we hope to see in production soon.

Nym has been developing an app to channel all users traffic through the mixnet. Now users can use a client to run any SOCKS5 proxy traffic through. In the past users had to configure and run thir Nym network requester with a custom list of whitelisted services including DarkFi endpoints.

LunarDAO Nym Gateways have Network Requester (NR) and Internet Packet Router (IPR) embedded and they run according to the new Nym exit policy - a combination of Tornull and Tor reduced policy - a default filter allowing users to connect to any but blacklisted IPs and ports.

To connect your ircd instance to LunarDAO Nym Exit Gateways through your local nym-socks5-client is simple and worth it. Here are the steps...


Install darkfi ircd and nym-socks5-client in the same environment.

Socks 5 client

  1. Get nym-socks5-client from Nym release page
  2. Make executable: chmod u+x nym-socks5-client
  3. Initialise and configure with one of our NR addresses listed as Embedded Network Requester Address
./nym-sockc5-client init --id [ANY_NAME] --provider [ANY_EMBEDDED_NR_ADDRESS_FROM_THE_LIST]
  1. Run ./nym-socks5-client run --id [YOUR_ID]


  1. Install ircd

  2. Open ~/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml

  3. Comment the line with seeds

  4. Add a line:

peers = ["nym://"]
  1. Change outbond_transports to:
outbond_transports = ["nym"]
  1. Make sure that
outbound_connections = 0
  1. Save config and restart ircd

Observe the ircd deamon to see that the communication is running through the mixnet.

Bonus: Join #lunardao ircd channel

Now, when your Darkfi's ircd runs through Nym Mixnet, you can join public and fully anonymous channel #lunardao. To do so, follow one of the two possibilities:

  1. Run a command in your weechat:
/join #lunardao
  1. Or open ~/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml and add "#lunardao" to the autojoin = [] brackets, save and restart ircd.


  • In case your ircd has problems to start or connect, run the following:
# cd to darkfi repo
git pull
git checkout c4b78ead5111b0423fca3bd53cb7185acd6f0faa

# compile ircd
make ircd

# in case of dependency error: "failed to load source for dependency `halo2_gadgets`"
rm Cargo.lock
make ircd

# remove the config file (rename it if you want to safe any values first)
rm ~/.config/darkfi/ircd_config.toml

# rerun ircd to generate new config file

# add your custom values from the old config file
  • In case socks5 client is not connecting to the gateway, try another one from the list.


The following entries about surveillance programs focuses both on the past and the present. This is a fragment of all information available, and even less if considering the surveillance measures by nation-states and corporations. We are not aiming to present in depth articles on these programs. The intention is to build an understanding for what surveillance measures are existing which can inform us directions in regards to privacy knowledge and tools. Wikileaks have extensive materials on surveillance programs and for anyone interested to learn more, we'd recommend to read the materials shared there.

European union chat surveillance

In 2013, former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden leaked US's National Security Agency (NSA) mass surveillance programs. NSA was collecting the telephone records of tens of millions of Americans, collected and stored 200 million text messages per day. NSA directly accessed servers of nine internet firms, including Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, to track online communication in a surveillance programme known as Prism. They also bugged Eurpean Union offices, and surveilled Japan, South Korea and India, Brazil and Mexico. These are only few examples.

The European union is currently proposing mandatory scanning of every private message, photo, and video in the name of stopping child sexual abuse. Research on this measure makes it clear that widespread scanning produces significant numbers of false accusations and is ineffective for the claimed purpose. It is also criticized fo violating the basic human right to privacy.

Schengen information system (SIS)

Schengen information system is a database composed by entries which are called alerts. 885 000 (or 1.9%) are connected to specific individuals. Every alert includes but is not limited to the following information: name, date of birth, gender, nationality, aliases, arms or history of violence, the reason for the alert and the action to be taken if the person is encountered, requests for extradition, undesirability of presence in particular territory, mental illnesses, requests by a judicial authority, and suspected of crime, lost, stolen and misappropriated firearms and banknotes. In total there are 46 million entries in SIS. All schengen countries have access to the database and have to abide by the information provided there. It is updated in real time.

On March 7, 2023, SIS was been updated; additional tools to prevent irregular migration, working closely with EES (Entry-Exit System, to be launched in November 2023), have emerged, including registering third-nation traveler’s name, the type of travel document, biometric data, and the date of entry and exit from the EU or refusal of entry information. Also, the new features of SIS will include new categories of alerts and biometric data, such as palm prints, fingermarks and DNA records for missing people.

Data rentention initiative

From 2006 EU member states had to store information on all citizens' phone and internet connections for a minimum of six months and at most twenty-four months. If the police in the member states demanded it, the information had to be shared. The court of justice of the European Union declared the directive invalid for violating fundamental rights.


In the 90s Echelon surveillance program was exposed. Echelon was a system used to intercept telecommunications, faxes as well as emails. It was created by USA but used also by the so called western countries.

Facebook selling user data

In 2018 it was revealed that Facebook had previously allowed the political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica to access the personal data of tens of millions of its users - around 87 million people- without their knowledge or consent. This data was then used to target specific groups of users with political ads during the 2016 US presidential election. CA's executives declared in 2018 they had worked in 200 elections around the world.

Google tracking users

In 2018 it became known that Google is tracking the location of users even when they turn off their location history setting, and not only: they pressure phone companies to hide or make it harder to find location settings. This is continuing to this day.

Tik tok selling user data to Chinese government

In 2019 articles surfaced that were written about TikTok collecting extensive data about its users, including their device information and location data, and sharing it with the Chinese government.

In US all federal employees are prohibited to use Tik Tok. Canada and United Kingdom also banned Tik Tok. Many countries decided on some form of ban of TikTok on government-issued devices, here's a list of them. France extended the ban to other "recreational" apps like Twitter and Instagram.

Wikileaks publications

In 2017 Wikileaks published 'Vault 7' about US intelligence measures to spy on users and collect data. One of these projects was 'Scribbles' project, a document-watermarking system for documents that are likely to be copied by Insiders, Whistleblowers, Journalists or others - in order to track those who freely try to share about surveillance programs and attacks on our privacy.

In 2017 Wikileaks also published about CIA surveillance tool 'Weeping Angel', an implant designed for Samsung F Series Smart Televisions, which record audio from the built-in microphone and store the data.

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, has been imprisoned in Belmarsh High Security Prison for 5 years. The UK government ordered his extradiction to US in June 2022. The extradiction hasn't been executed yet due to appeals although the first was rejected by UK high court. In US Assange will face charges of espionage and even though the US has assured that no death penalty would not be imposed should he be convicted, he would face life imprisonment.

Assange was the target of many focused spying operations. One including UC Global Julian Assange spying case: Judge suggests CIA may have received illicitly recorded conversations, a company hired to secure and protect the Ecuadorian Embassy was used by the CIA to install surveillance devices including cameras and microphones throughout the embassy. This includes putting microphones inside the women's restroom. Julian and every guest that came into the Embassy including his legal defense team were spied on by UC Global for the CIA. The UC Global CEO would routinely meet with CIA officials and hand over surveillance materials.

Wikileaks have extensive materials on surveillance programs.


Pegasus was discovered in 2016. It is developed by Israeli cyber-arms company NSO. Pegasus is targeting smartphones and is capable of reading text messages, tracking calls, collecting passwords, location tracking, accessing the device's microphone and camera, and collecting information from apps. NSO stated that the spyware is intended to be used to combat terror and crime. However, many countries bought it to spy on those critical to the regime in the given location including activists, human rights defenders, journalists and even politicians. Up until 2019, some kind of interaction was needed from the user in order to install Pegasus, like clicking a link or opening a document. The last years have brought the zero-click exploit, meaning that the software can be installed with a missed call or a message; the record of the call can be canceled and there can be no notification for the message, meaning that the user doesn't even realize something is happening. Countries including Hungary, India, and even Saudi Arabia have bought it.

A consortium of 17 media organizations investigated Pegasus and released a list of 50000 phone numbers that could be possible surveillance or interesting targets for NSO since 2016; not everyone of them has been checked for traces but of the 67 examined in 2021, 37 turned out to have traces of Pegasus. The consortium also identified at least 1o governments who where entering numbers into a system: Azarbaijan, Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Morocco, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, India and United Arab Emirates.

An article from April 2023 states that an Indian defence agency bought spyware from Cognyte Software Ltd, which is seen as a Pegasus alternative. Cognyte collects information on, among others, journalists and critics of authoritarian regimes without their knowledge.

NSO has faced legal issues and heavy criticism by Microsoft, Meta, Alphabet, Cisco and Apple. Meta is pursuing a spyware lawsuit against Pegasus, accused of expoliting a bug in WhatsApp to install spy software allowing surveillance of 1400 people.

Amnesty International has developed a guide to check for traces of Pegasus on phones and a Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) to automatize the process.

Surveillance in China

China surveils the population is a known fact, but maybe not everyone knows to what extent. More than half of the world’s surveillance cameras are in China, nearly one billion. The data from the cameras can tell someone’s race, gender and whether they are wearing glasses or masks. The police (In Fujian Province) estimated that there were 2.5 billion facial images stored at any given time. The aim is “controlling and managing people”. Devices known as WiFi sniffers and IMSI catchers are used by the police to track the movements of a person of interest. It's a way to connect digital footprint, real-life identity and physical whereabouts. All 31 of mainland China’s provinces and regions use phone trackers, for example to detect an Uyghur-to-Chinese dictionary app on phones in order to surveil the Uyghur ethnic minority. The police in China also use sound recorders, to record people's voices within a 300 foot radius. These are attached to their facial recognition cameras. In 2017 in Xinjiang, the Chinese authorities built a database which can hold iris samples from 30 million people and are now extensively expanding iris-scan and DNA databases. Megvii, one of the largest surveillance contractors in China, created a software that collects data like movement patterns, clothing, vehicle, information about their phone and social connections. This tool is used by the Chinese police.

The Great firewall of China is blocking peoples access to information through ie. url blocking, and VPN blocking. Cryptocurrencies are forbidden and therefore censored. The main reasons behind the firewall is to crack down on political dissent, control the narrative, and prevent people from accessing content that may go against the country's policies.

Government request of Big tech account data

A study from Surfshark (from 2013 to 2021) shared in an article by Cointelegraph reveals that requests for personal user data from global governments increased by 25% in 2021; 732 773 Google accounts and 716 108 Meta (Facebook) accounts. 60% of the requests came from the United States and Europe. US requests were more than twice as many as Europe. Outside of US; Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom and France were the main collectors of this data.

Leaked documents showed that the CIA had owned and operated Crypto AG, a Swiss encryption company. Crypto AG had clients from around the world ranging from the Vatican to Iran, including governments officials and private corporations. The hardware allowed the CIA to access the communications via backdoored hardware. Crypto AG was acquired with a partnership between West Germany and the CIA in 1970 and the CIA continued as sole owner until 2018.

Leaked documents from the Snowden revelations uncover the NSA Prism program that was used to spy on users of services including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Youtube, Apple and many others. The NSA had direct access to the companies' servers. The data that was collected included email, chat (video & voice), photos, VoIP, file transfers, video conferencing, notifications of target activity (logins, etc.), online social networking details, and special requests.

Fingerprinting & Tracking

Device fingerprinting or browser fingerprinting is the systematic collection of information about a remote device, for identification purposes. Princeton University's WebTAP project did a measurement and analysis of online tracking in 2016. Sites that contain news, arts and sports have the most trackers. Google, Facebook, and Twitter are the only third-party entities present on more than 10% of sites.

Analysing information about tracking and fingerprinting cannot be separated when viewed from the angle of Big tech dominance on internet. Parazyd from DarkFi wrote about this in Status Quo. Gary Kovacs, from Mozilla Corporation, shared about the unconsentual tracking in a TED talk.

The information in this post is primarily compiled from Am I Unique, EFF and The Markup. There is extensive research and information on these pages on tracking and fingerprinting as well as proposal on how to improve privacy. This is the TL;DR version.

When you visit a website, your browser makes a request for that site. In the background, invisible trackers makes requests to other hidden third parties. These requests can include (but are not limited to):

  • Time zone
  • Browser settings
  • Versions of software installed
  • Broadcast device and browser version
  • Browser’s requests is also extracted by third-party ad networks, which are relying on cookie tracking, and browser fingerprinting.
  • Screen resolution

Trackers can reveal a detailed behavioral profile of online activity, including:

  • Income
  • Political affiliation
  • Level of education

Digital fingerprint

Browser and hardware setup are unique information to each user - a digital fingerprint. This for example also includes information like computer operating system and screen resolution. In other words characteristics that are more difficult to change.

If the user changes the identifier of the browser to a more common browser, it will not necessarily make the user less identifiable. In combination with other metrics this can stand out, ie. using chrome as identifier but the browser looks like Safari, a combination that is rarely used.

Canvas fingerprinting

Fingerprining can identify a user even with cookies being disables. The canvas fingerprinting technique identifies users by drawing shapes and text on the webpage and the differences in features can distinguish one device from another. The canvas is invisible to the user. Here is a list of more than 15000 sites with canvas fingerprinting scripts.


Cookies contains information that the website stores in the browser, such as account login information, items bought at an online store, and location. With this information it's possible to link all user activities. Cookies track users until the cookies are deleted from the browser.

Facebook pixel tracking

Facebook is tracking users, as well as non users, with Facebook Pixel even when they are not logged in. If the user for example makes a purchase, this information is then tied to the user's facebook acount and can reveal the user's real identity.

Google tracking

Google share in their privacy policy the extent of their tracking of anyone using internet.

This information collected and used include the language of the user, the people the user is connected to online, YouTube videos that might be of interest, browser type and settings, device type and settings, operating system, mobile network information including carrier name, phone number, and application version number. Google also collect information about the interaction of apps, browsers, and devices with Google services, including IP address, crash reports, system activity, date and time as well as:

  • Terms used for searches.
  • Videos watched.
  • Views and interactions with content and ads.
  • Voice and audio information.
  • Purchase activity.
  • Activity on third-party sites and apps that use their services.

How to disable cookies

Note: different browsers may have different names than this and some options may not be available. Users are encouraged to learn more about the browser they're using.

To disable cookies, go to the browser Settings then to Privacy and Security where it is possible to select:

  • Delete cookies and site data when browser is closed.
  • Clear data to remove existing cookies.
  • De-select Remember browser and download history.
  • Choose Block new requests asking to access your location
  • De-select Remember search and form history.

Privacy inspection tools

  • Blacklight is a privacy inspection tool. When going to a website it will tell the user how they may be tracked through:

  • Ad trackers.

  • Third-party cookies.

  • Tracking that evades cookie blockers.

  • Session recording services (such a mouse click and scrolling, anything typed into a form even if not submitted, including sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers). Inspectlet is such a surveillance tool.

  • Capturing user keystrokes (ie. logging of entered information such as name, family-name, given-name which matched anon user with postal addresses).

    Here is more information about each of the points above.

  • Lightbeam is a browser extension which show the relationships between third parties and the sites you visit.

  • Am I Unique

Fingerprint resistant browsers

Browsers such as Tor Browser and Brave are fingerprint resistant and they make the fingerprint less unique. Unique means more identifiable, which is something to avoid if we aim for privacy. Privacy Tools provides a list of browsers which are provacy oriented, including increased protection against tracking and fingerprinting as well as ad-blocking.


Ad blockers are browser extensions that stops advertisers and other third-party trackers.

SIM card data collection

SIM card providers are centralized entities. The data collected on SIM cards is not controlled by the user. It is transparent and a liability for anyone concerned with privacy. See Privacy setup for android with Graphene OS on private alternatives to android phones which are based on Google services.

  • Integrated circuit card identifier (ICCID):
    ICCID is a unique number assigned to a SIM card and internationally a standard way to identify SIM cards. ICCID is the printed on the SIM card. The two first numbers are fixed and differntiated the SIM card from other chips. Next two to three number are country codes. The next one to four numbers are Mobile Network Code which identifies the ussuer of the SIM card. The rest of the numbers are uniwue for each SIM and the last one is based on Luhn algoritm which is used to verify ICCID.

  • International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI): The IMSI number includes which country and mobile network and can be used to track the movements of the user. The cell towers’ location is used to triangulate the position.

  • Service provider name (SPN): The name of the mobile operator.

  • MSISDN - The Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number: The phone number for calling and texting.

  • Last dialed numbers (LDN): The number and name of the most recently dialed.

  • Abbreviated dialing numbers (ADN): Any number and name dialed is saved (and information which can be extracted).

  • Short message service (SMS): The information include the SMS text itself as well as the time a message was sent, the sender’s phone number and the status of the entry.

For more information, see:

Opt OUT!

When Edward Snowden was working for NSA he decided to stand against status quo and leak information about global surveillance programs, many which are run by the NSA in cooperation with telecommunication companies and European governments. This is the tip of the iceberg in regards to surveillance measure of governments and Big tech today. Edward Snowden was forced to leave US to avoid imprisonment for sharing this information to people who are the targets of this surveillance.

Julian Assange, currently imprisoned in UK, is one of the founders of Wikileaks. He is charged with espionage by US for sharing the truth about US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. In regard to surveillance, Wikileaks published extensive materials on CIA projects to intercept SSH credentials, target Linux, Windows and MAC systems, utilize webcams and suspend video recordings and also published research about Amazon's collaboration with the US Department of defense and CIA, and surveillance contractors in Russia to name a few.

Google holds over 70% of the browser market and through IP addresses tracks what we do on internet. Big tech collaborate with government by handing over information on demand. Even when we are not online, society is digitalized which faciliated enforcing control measures. When we move in society cameras are watching us or the electronic cards we might use for transportation or payment map out our lives.

To develop open source software which aims to bring privacy solutions to users is becoming criminalized. When Tornado cash developer Alex pertsev was arrested in Amsterdam, US government publicly tagged all Tornado cash users. The current push to regulate crypto including imposing CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is a way for nation-states to co-opt crypto, control people and money flow.

If we want to opt out of the surveillance system, we need to build privacy tools, share knowledge and resources on what is already existing.

Nokia 8110 "Banana" - Jailbreak

Warning: Changing IMEI number is illegal in multiple jurisdictions. This report is not to promote any activity which can cause users any legal problems! Please research the laws concerning this issue in your region. Treat this report as educational source.

This report speaks about GSM network data monitoring. Do NOT confuse it with internet identifiers (MAC, IP address etc).

Problem: IMEI Number Identification

There are multiple security risks when using a mobile provider (phone or router + sim card) as a hotspot. One security risk is the unique sim card number. However sim cards can be purchased without KYC and changed, the internet or hotspot device - phone or portable router - has a unique IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity). this number remains the same (despite changing MAC or IP address). This makes a device easy to track as IMEI number is communicated to the mobile provider.

Solution: Unlocking IMEI Modification

Nokia 8110 or "Banana phone" (as it's known) is a great hotspot device, separated from the users main internet device (smart phone, tablet or laptop). With a few hacks, the Banana phone allows users to change the IMEI number any time. This setup has several advantages:

  • Keeps the SIM away from the actual user's devices. Prevents leakage of the main the main internet device IMEI.
  • Hacked Nokia 8110 can appear on GSM network as any other phone since IMEI numbers are unique per device and model.
  • If IMEI and SIM card are changed together - the user is very hard to be linked (mind the place of connection and other active devices!).

Tip: An IMEI number on Nokia 8110 can be seen in Menu -> Settings -> Device -> Device Information -> More Information or by dialing *#06#. Validate the setup functionality by running a test check before and after the IMEI change.


  • Nokia 8110 4G "Banana"
  • USB <-> Micro-USB cable with a capacity to handle data
  • Internet
  • Android SDK Tools
  • WebIDE - Palemoon works well

SDK Tools

To communicate with the phone via computer an adb command & shell are needed. Adb is a part of Android SDK Tools. Install as below.

Linux (Debian based)

sudo apt update && sudo apt install android-sdk

Windows - Follow steps in this manual.

WebIDE - Palemoon

WebIDE is used to sideload (install without the bootloader hacking) the needed apps via GUI. An older version of Palemoon works well. Open terminal in a directory where Palemoon will be downloaded and enter the following commands.

tar -xf palemoon-28.6.1.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2

Move to Palemoon directory and remove auto-update scripts to keep stay on this version.

cd palemoon
rm -rf update*

Run Palemoon


In case Palemoon still prompts to update, deny!

Installation & Setup

Regardless of the chosen setup, the Banana phone must have updated firmware and activated debugging mode.

Keep the device and desktop connected throughout the entire installation process.

Update Nokia Firmware

The device must be updated to the latest firmware.

Check Firmware Version

Settings -> Device -> Device Information -> Software

Update Firmware Version

Settings -> Device -> Device Information -> Software Update -> Select -> Select


Debugging is a mode in which developer changes can be implemented. Dial the code ##33284## (##debug##) with your keypad. A bug icon should appear in the system taskbar above (as already said, on some devices it is necessary to open a menu using the additional code ##0574## and from there enable the USB debugging).

Different Setups

This manual has three options, divided according to the three levels of customization and difficulty of the setup. All three of them include unlocking IMEI customization option.

Three Options

  1. Minimal - The necessary steps to allow IMEI & TTL modification *
  2. Advanced - Minimal + FOSS alternative enabled, remove Google apps enabled *
  3. Expert (not described in this manual yet)- Reinstalling the complete OS to Gerda - IMEI & TTL changing app is included with auto-randomizing script.

Chose option and follow the proceeding described under that option directly (ie if 2. is the choice, don't do 1. before).

Note: The points with * use Wallace Toolbox to change IMEI. User needs to enter the new IMEI manually. LunarDAO listed a database of IMEI numbers at

1. Minimal Setup - Wallace Toolbox Sideload

This setup is the fastest and the least difficult one. The only customization is a sideload of the Wallace Toolbox enabling user to change IMEI, TTL and do few other temporary root actions.

Get Wallace Toolbox

Open terminal in target directory to download and run:



  1. Open Palemoon WebIDE: Open Palemoon browser (the steps above) and press Shift + F8 or navigate to Tools -> Web Developer -> WebIDE
  2. Setup adb to tcp socket 6000. In terminal run:
adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket
  1. Connect Palemoon WebIDE app to the phone: click on Remote Runtime on the right and make sure it's set to localhost:6000.
  2. In Palemoon WebIDE app click on Open Packaged App... On the left
  3. Navigate to the wallace-toolbox-master directory and click Open.
  4. Click on the play button on top to sideload it.
  5. Done. Unmount the device.


Open the Wallace Toolbox app in the phone menu. Use index numbers to navigate. To edit IMEI1 or IMEI2, the new number must be correct, use to get one based on device and model of your choice. Reboot and control the IMEI in the phone settings.

Important: Test it few times without a sim card. After each reboot dial *#06# to confirm the IMEI number was edited. To maintain privacy, remove the phone back cover before the IMEI edit. When the phone turns off to reboot take off the battery and exchange sim cards. Assemble and power on.

2. Advanced Setup - Replacing Google Services with FOSS

WARNING! This process includes factory reset. All data and application will be wiped out!

This setup is probably the best compromise of spent time, needed skills, risk and outcome. The result is a rooted KaiOS (the original OS) enabling user to be in control of all applications and processes. This allows for access to developer menu, removing unwanted apps (Google services), sideloading any new apps and (like in setup #1) editing IMEI & TTL number.

This hack disables navigator.mozApps.mgmt.import method package signature checks, installs OmniSD and allows for app config modification.

Before this process, make sure Palemoon is installed (read Pre-Requsities), the firmware is up to date and the device debug mode is enabled.

Donwload OmniSD

Download and extract. Open terminal in the target directory and run the following commands:

mkdir omisd
cd ominsd
unzip OminSD.zip2

Install OmniSD & Run Priviledged Factory Reset

  1. Open Palemoon WebIDE: Open Palemoon browser (the steps above) and press Shift + F8 or navigate to Tools -> Web Developer -> WebIDE
  2. Setup adb to tcp socket 6000. In terminal run:
adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket
  1. Connect Palemoon WebIDE app to the phone: click on Remote Runtime on the right and make sure it's set to localhost:6000.
  2. In Palemoon WebIDE app click on Open Packaged App... On the left
  3. Navigate to the omnisd directory and click Open.
  4. Click on the play button on top to sideload it.
  5. In OmniSD menu on your device press # and accept privileged reset.
  6. Let the device reboot and run the initial setup.
  7. Allow debug mode again. Either dial ##33284## or Settings -> Device -> Developer Menu -> Enable debugger in the "ADB and DevTools" mode.
  8. Repeat the steps 1 to 6.
  9. When the installation is finished, all the applications shall be listed in the left-side bar of the WebIDE.

Keep the phone plugged, WebIDE connected and move through the following points.

Get Wallace Toolbox

Open terminal in target directory to download and run:


Install Wallace Toolbox

  1. In Palemoon WebIDE app click on Open Packaged App... On the left
  2. Navigate to the wallace-toolbox-master directory and click Open.
  3. Click on the play button on top to sideload it.

Uninstall Pre-Installed Apps

Pre-installed apps don't show the option Uninstall in the Menu. This quick hack makes them removable.

  1. Open Wallace Toolbox App and select 1:ADB root
  2. Pull webapps dictionary from the phone, in terminal enter:
adb pull /data/local/webapps/webapps.json
  1. Make a backup in case something goes wrong:
cp webapps.json webapps.json.bak
  1. Open downloaded webapps.json in a text editor
  2. Search every app to be set as removable and edit the dictionary line in the sub-dictionary from "removable": false, to "removable": true,. Save & exit.
  3. Push the modified file back to the phone:
adb push webapps.json /data/local/webapps/
  1. Reboot:
adb reboot
  1. Uninstall Apps in the device menu: move selector to the chosen app -> Options -> Uninstall

Edit IMEI in Wallace Toolbox App

Open the Wallace Toolbox app in the phone menu. Use index numbers to navigate. To edit IMEI1 or IMEI2, the new number must be correct, use to get one based on device and model of your choice. Reboot and control the IMEI in the phone settings.

Important: Test it few times without a sim card. After each reboot dial *#06# to confirm the IMEI number was edited. To maintain privacy, remove the phone back cover before the IMEI edit. When the phone turns off to reboot take off the battery and exchange sim cards. Assemble and power on.

3. Expert Setup - Replacing OS

This setup replace the original KaiOS with Gerda OS. Gerda OS by default has no Google services and IMEI randomization is semi-automatized (a user does not have to type the IMEI manually just pushes a button to randomize). However the installation requires good knowledge of Linux and the logic behind phone's backend and bootloader.

To be tested and documented soon.

Additional Security Steps

For maximal security do not use this phone for web browsing or other online applications. Run it as a hotspot and connect to it from another device using MAC spoofing and VPN or Tor!

  • Always change both IMEI and sim card at the same time when changing a setup (from hotspot to burner etc)
  • Disable Web Tracking: Menu -> Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Do Not Track -> Tick [x] on Tell websites and apps that I do not want to be tracked
  • Clear Browsing History, Cookies & Stored Data: Menu -> Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Browsing Privacy
  • App Permissions: Menu -> Settings -> Privacy & Security -> App Permissions -> Make sure no app has any permissions without asking.
  • Search: Menu -> Settings -> Personalization -> Search -> Change Engine from Google to DuckDuckGo and turn Search Suggestions to No.

Banana phone & Changing IMEI

Legendary Nokia Banana

NOTE: Changing users IMEI number is illegal in multiple jurisdictions. This page is not to promote any activity which can cause users any legal problems! Please research the laws concerning this issue in your region. LunarDAO is not responsible for any decisions done by the users! If you are uncertain, please do not read further and leave this page.

There are multiple security risks when using a mobile provider (phone or router + sim card) as a hotspot. One security risk is the unique sim card and all of identifying information leaked. We will cover this issue later on but there are sources to buy sims without KYC and change them as often as a user needs. Another security issue is that despite changing a simcard often, the internet or hotspot device - phone or portable router - has a unique IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity) which stays the same despite changing MAC or IP address. This makes it easy to track.

Nokia 8110 or Banana phone (as it's known) is a great hotspot device, separated from the users main internet device (smart phone, tablet or laptop). With a few hacks, the Banana phone allows a user to change its IMEI. Such a setup has several advantages:

  1. Keeps the sim away from the actual user's devices - does not leak the main internet device IMEI
  2. Nokia 8110 can appear on the GSM network as any other phone since IMEI numbers are unique per device.
  3. If IMEI and simcard are changed together - the user is very hard to be traced (mind the place of connection and other active devices!)

Note: If not changed regularly, the risk of compromise is higher. Both sim and IMEI need to be changed at the same time!

Hacking a Banana Phone

The Banana phone has many different ways to be hacked for IMEI randomization. The most simple way is to install Wallace Toolbox. Here is Banana hackers guide on how to install Wallace Toolbox.

Installing Gerda OS improves usability, but is not needed to change IMEI. It's even possible to install Debian, called Bananian on this phone! LunarDAO Squad plans to make comprehensive manuals on all the IMEI randomizing devices and the installation steps.

IMEI numbers

If you succesfully hacked a Banana phone or already have one, it can be pain in the ass to find correct IMEI numbers, or even worse to make one up. Thanks to our fellow hackers, there is a generated IMEI table with several thousands IMEI numbers.

DISCLAIMER: The table was not created by LunarDAO Squad neither fully tested. All the data are accessible online, LunarDAO only provides a more accessible format.

IMEI Numbers

NOTE: Changing users IMEI number is illegal in multiple jurisdictions. This page is not to promote any activity which can cause users any legal problems! Please research the laws concerning this issue in your region. LunarDAO is not responsible for any decisions done by the users! If you are uncertain, please do not read further and leave this page.

International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number identifies mobile and satelite phones. The following table lists devices and randomly generated IMEI numbers.

DISCLAIMER: The table was not created by LunarDAO Squad neither fully tested. All the data are accessible online, LunarDAO only provides a more accessible format.

The table has over 16k rows, use search function to find a particular brad or model

352773074248705AcerLiquid Z630
148270036030247AlcatelAlcatel idealXCITE
148020069317791AlcatelAlcatel Ideal
146990066384444AlcatelAlcatel Ideal
146790022621701AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
146710039197230AlcatelAlcatel Pixi Theatre
146580097529420AlcatelAlcatel Idol 4
146500098871977AlcatelAlcatel Fierce 4
146360030115839AlcatelAlcatel Idol 4S with Windows
146200083282138AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch POP 7 LTE
146080093536941AlcatelAlcatel Pop 4 Plus
146020075434889AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Pop 3 - 5.5"
145560043219244AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Flint
145510007926003AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
145040074168107AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
144970052669018AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Idol 3 - 5.5
148580055710762AlcatelAlcatel Pulsemix
144700079213304AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Icon Pop
148890037064786AlcatelAlcatel Idol 5
152930092471329AlcatelAlcatel TCL A1, Alcatel TCL LX
352871101362653AlcatelAlcatel Avalon V
140530056164970AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce 2
140670027671057AlcatelAlcatel One Touch Evolve
140680035169200AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Evolve 2
354161071021242AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Pixi Avion
354455099338723AlcatelAlcatel 1x
354458098875588AlcatelAlcatel 1x
355471080211661AlcatelAlcatel A30 Plus, Huawei Jitterbug Touch 2
139120012851861AlcatelAlcatel One Touch Evolve
350583091487828AlcatelAlcatel 3T 8"
139510085286179AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch POP 7 LTE
141880060909467AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce 2
354043106120357AlcatelAlcatel Avalon V
160950067801607AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab, Alcatel Joy Tab 2
354349088995058AlcatelAlcatel Zip
144510044512130AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce XL
354454093975259AlcatelAlcatel 1x
143660009413989AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Idol 3 - 5.5
154620019712974AlcatelAlcatel Insight
154230000484813AlcatelAlcatel TCL LX
154160082491024AlcatelAlcatel TCL LX
153710029038246AlcatelAlcatel Tetra
153200034823089AlcatelAlcatel Onyx
152630029485604AlcatelAlcatel 3T 8"
152490050037679AlcatelAlcatel 1x Evolve
151740023581281AlcatelAlcatel Tetra
151630096156998AlcatelAlcatel Tetra
162770026545998AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab 2
157940019428356AlcatelAlcatel 7
157740085408575AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab
157730091297294AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab
151260073979376AlcatelAlcatel 7
143990040929200AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Pixi 7
154950016715393AlcatelAlcatel Insight
155000005673093AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab
151450048625697AlcatelAlcatel TCL LX
155520029925120AlcatelAlcatel 3V
155000200038829AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab
867025028118114AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Idol 3 - 4.7
143160060241932AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce 2
141890035698699AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Fierce 2
148990089016583AlcatelAlcatel A30 Tablet 8"
149090059524366AlcatelAlcatel Idol 5S (USA)
149400042854442AlcatelAlcatel A30 Fierce
150260075472637AlcatelAlcatel idealXCITE
137780030869302AlcatelAlcatel One Touch Evolve
359414065807323AlcatelAlcatel OneTouch Pixi 7
156830017196462AlcatelAlcatel 1x
156410047385359AlcatelAlcatel TCL A1
156080039450774AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab
155960033992064AlcatelAlcatel Joy Tab
155730030920602AlcatelAlcatel 3V
142800080344098AmazonFire Phone
141860006581182AmazonFire Phone
142850059821584AmazonFire Phone
140850074096214AmazonFire Phone
354356420564120AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
354798784364508AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
354794861183432AppleiPhone 12 Pro
354341370897365AppleiPhone 12 Mini
354988076751179AppleiPhone 6S Plus
354987071877609AppleiPhone 6S Plus
134690042605094AppleiPhone 5
354347189430900AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
354986073962369AppleiPhone 6S Plus
354985078871823AppleiPhone 6S Plus
354984074544898AppleiPhone 6S Plus
354980619028421AppleiPhone 13 Pro
354329701655818AppleiPhone 13 Mini
134680090039825AppleiPhone 5
354971070396464AppleiPhone 6S
354953074136112AppleiPhone 6S
354970076551015AppleiPhone 6S
354969072866138AppleiPhone 6S
354957736904965AppleiPhone 12 Pro
354957071747672AppleiPhone 6S
354956079323965AppleiPhone 6S
354955079889132AppleiPhone 6S
354954075657221AppleiPhone 6S
354972075532913AppleiPhone 6S
353797085707101AppleiPhone 6S
354326134596247AppleiPhone 13
135510049510767AppleiPhone 5
134720096210473AppleiPhone 5
134420015432924AppleiPhone 5
134760039891005AppleiPhone 5
354356547586451AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
353779331683500AppleiPhone 12
353793088096915AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355438074046437AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
135220079137016AppleiPhone 5
134350017969088AppleiPhone 5
134360027872735AppleiPhone 5
134370005254855AppleiPhone 5
134380046317850AppleiPhone 5
134390091884969AppleiPhone 5
134400054556742AppleiPhone 5
134190075756294AppleiPhone 5
134180090082933AppleiPhone 5
134170098988793AppleiPhone 5
355440072161945AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353796080195239AppleiPad Air 2
353795081062406AppleiPad Air 2
353792088748483AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355439073521529AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355430072490741AppleiPhone 6S
353790081397183AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355431074210533AppleiPhone 6S
355432077998819AppleiPhone 6S
353781188892077AppleiPhone 12 Pro
134410052421427AppleiPhone 5
355433077823783AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355434070222940AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353779085403071AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355435078206942AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353778083667307AppleiPhone 7
353776391463575AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
355435972644404AppleiPhone 11
355436075098456AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355437075771332AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353791087443229AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
135230041813016AppleiPhone 5
990003037874936AppleiPad Mini
135250042453497AppleiPhone 5
357619530817150AppleiPhone 12
990003029970007AppleiPad Mini
134340061136874AppleiPhone 5
990003048988741AppleiPad Mini
990003062519885AppleiPad 4
990003074580495AppleiPad 4
990003083028767AppleiPad 4
990002764295091AppleiPhone 5
990002753962404AppleiPhone 5
990002742214537AppleiPhone 5
990002739856662AppleiPhone 5
358762052580100AppleiPhone 5S
358761052110587AppleiPhone 5S
358760050347241AppleiPhone 5S
990002905420962AppleiPad Mini
358759055220718AppleiPhone 5S
359676585481553AppleiPhone 11
359676571071822AppleiPhone 12
359669600430499AppleiPhone 12
359666221673143AppleiPhone 14 Pro
359664926779521AppleiPhone 13 Pro
990003090270055AppleiPad 4
359663608932762AppleiPhone 13 Pro
990002640675896AppleiPhone 4S
990002658332950AppleiPhone 4S
990002668041989AppleiPhone 4S
990002675168031AppleiPhone 4S
990002688752169AppleiPhone 4S
359637263384303AppleiPhone 12
990002696304466AppleiPhone 4S
359690313024890AppleiPhone 12 Mini
135240026528877AppleiPhone 5
990002897158786AppleiPad 4
990002877110617AppleiPhone 5
135260086944202AppleiPhone 5
354817664006912AppleiPhone 12
135280085227938AppleiPhone 5
135290000185186AppleiPhone 5
135530069767030AppleiPhone 5
135300096122330AppleiPhone 5
135330044678588AppleiPhone 4S
135340025653898AppleiPhone 4S
135350088659989AppleiPhone 4S
135370058774477AppleiPhone 4S
354810903811259AppleiPhone Xr
135380014717346AppleiPhone 4S
135390042126832AppleiPhone 4S
135400014047120AppleiPhone 4S
990002885873685AppleiPhone 5
135410074855882AppleiPhone 4S
135320086318185AppleiPhone 4S
354952072413572AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353798087408953AppleiPhone 6S
355429070762622AppleiPhone 6S
990002773906852AppleiPhone 5
990002782321515AppleiPhone 5
990002792263988AppleiPhone 5
990002805801816AppleiPhone 5
990002816236390AppleiPhone 5
990002829361243AppleiPhone 5
990002838767869AppleiPhone 5
990002844127751AppleiPhone 5
990002853626974AppleiPhone 5
990002865038754AppleiPhone 5
135500067041027AppleiPhone 5
134330065059156AppleiPhone 5
990001823147624AppleiPhone 4S
134310016620140AppleiPhone 5
356765083174597AppleiPhone 8
356765112170228AppleiPad Air 4th Gen
356766089092775AppleiPhone 8
356766119345839AppleiPad Air 4th Gen
356767081927596AppleiPhone 8
356762114224442AppleiPad Air 4th Gen
356767114581089AppleiPad Air 4th Gen
356753563365166AppleiPhone 12
352604721114901AppleiPhone 14
356747117305058AppleiPad 8th Gen
356748118382526AppleiPad 8th Gen
357239097586989AppleiPhone Xs
357238097942184AppleiPhone Xs
357237095638109AppleiPhone Xs
356764113475421AppleiPad Air 4th Gen
357236093365475AppleiPhone Xs
357234096407691AppleiPhone Xs
357233093930051AppleiPhone Xs
357232091502474AppleiPhone Xs
352604704521122AppleiPhone 11
357231095253324AppleiPhone Xs
357229099761805AppleiPhone Xs
357228093818124AppleiPhone Xs
357227098923376AppleiPhone Xs
357226095008496AppleiPhone Xs
356749112217726AppleiPad 8th Gen
356750114257132AppleiPad 8th Gen
352615450027726AppleiPhone 13
356751110762166AppleiPad 8th Gen
356752119019491AppleiPad 8th Gen
357235090440240AppleiPhone Xs
356752985351507AppleiPhone 14 Plus
356764083860404AppleiPhone 8
356763085305897AppleiPhone 8
357277098797809AppleiPhone Xs Max
350738146108189AppleiPhone 13 Pro
357276090870911AppleiPhone Xs Max
357274096030713AppleiPhone Xs Max
357273090790017AppleiPhone Xs Max
357272091801450AppleiPhone Xs Max
357271093388102AppleiPhone Xs Max
357270099266361AppleiPhone Xs Max
357269090420274AppleiPhone Xs Max
357268093570762AppleiPhone Xs Max
357267094863622AppleiPhone Xs Max
357266090437449AppleiPhone Xs Max
357265096827595AppleiPhone Xs Max
357275097317363AppleiPhone Xs Max
356763113942216AppleiPad Air 4th Gen
352602953225882AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 5th Gen 2021
356755115469545AppleiPad 8th Gen
356755855387295AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
356756089074980AppleiPhone X
356756117733151AppleiPad 8th Gen
356758084670101AppleiPhone 8
356759084988485AppleiPhone 8
356760081914003AppleiPhone 8
356761081689371AppleiPhone 8
356762088489591AppleiPhone 8
356754114813779AppleiPad 8th Gen
352591137900181AppleiPhone 12 Mini
352590373324775AppleiPhone 12
134320090648495AppleiPhone 5
357230095716066AppleiPhone Xs
990001891327728AppleiPhone 4S
990001906432018AppleiPhone 4S
990001916679087AppleiPhone 4S
351044631257378AppleiPhone 13
990001926408287AppleiPhone 4S
351109222383410AppleiPhone 12
351090241628276AppleiPhone 13 Mini
351082465563875AppleiPhone 11
351066258407077AppleiPhone 12
990002237472277AppleiPhone 5
351062826675949AppleiPhone 13
351061789285506AppleiPhone 12
351057065177714AppleiPhone 11
351055801983106AppleiPhone 13
990001883143786AppleiPhone 4S
990002247562950AppleiPhone 5
353309072280140AppleiPhone 6S
356858904841153AppleiPhone 13
356860112460412AppleiPhone 11
134200022909969AppleiPhone 5
134210011128398AppleiPhone 5
134220085974734AppleiPhone 5
134230077921817AppleiPhone 5
134240024129083AppleiPhone 5
134250046339586AppleiPhone 5
134260043797389AppleiPhone 5
134270022231649AppleiPhone 5
134280084878708AppleiPhone 5
134290044226310AppleiPhone 5
134300022776531AppleiPhone 5
990001930704275AppleiPhone 4S
356858117359498AppleiPhone 11
990001870705662AppleiPhone 4S
990001856876776AppleiPhone 4S
990001818423477AppleiPhone 4S
990002273941995AppleiPhone 5
351039498423709AppleiPhone 11
351036279941511AppleiPad 9th Gen
990002280322502AppleiPhone 5
351030534683075AppleWatch Series 7 41mm
990002294296239AppleiPhone 5
990002307191880AppleiPhone 5
990002356326825AppleiPad 4
990002366021465AppleiPad 4
351025529925077AppleiPhone 12 Mini
990002267484333AppleiPhone 5
990002409845052AppleiPad Mini
990001867762221AppleiPhone 4S
351016090256422AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
990001346898729AppleiPad Mini
990001333190601AppleiPad 4
990001327731659AppleiPad 4
990002392750848AppleiPad Mini
990002250526116AppleiPhone 5
351048913914325AppleiPhone 14
990002702903202AppleiPhone 4S
990001830387452AppleiPhone 4S
990001847303401AppleiPhone 4S
351010643923869AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
990002719014548AppleiPhone 5
353393518382397AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
990002636242115AppleiPhone 4S
356168096941336AppleiPhone Xs
356167091110475AppleiPhone Xs
356166092890028AppleiPhone Xs
356165090104135AppleiPhone Xs
356164097977866AppleiPhone 6S
120250063868430AppleiPhone 3GS
120260051057235AppleiPhone 3GS
356170098943120AppleiPhone Xs
120270016175972AppleiPhone 3GS
355688078821892AppleiPhone 6S
355690076940831AppleiPhone 6S
354941735251032AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
356169098512109AppleiPhone Xs
354376068074976AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354377068525173AppleiPhone 6 Plus
355710071797844AppleiPhone 6S
355708339523994AppleiPhone 11
354378068657743AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354379065583205AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354380066662402AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354381066787363AppleiPhone 6 Plus
355689079636297AppleiPhone 6S
354382065335436AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354384068037308AppleiPhone 6 Plus
355701902305972AppleiPhone 13
355697072358975AppleiPhone 6S
355696073361517AppleiPhone 6S
355695078635008AppleiPhone 6S
354925092104793AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355694076079731AppleiPhone 6S
356171095073622AppleiPhone Xs
356172090249597AppleiPhone Xs
353289073971527AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353290078119831AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350294958210788AppleiPhone 13
350293722292429AppleiPhone 11
353291070027063AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353299077496702AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350283164996397AppleiPhone 13 Pro
353292079333908AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353293077096505AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353294073003420AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353294702931926AppleiPhone 14 Pro
353295078992087AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353296078435069AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350264842756346AppleiPhone 13 Pro
355687071554641AppleiPhone 6S
350263906272380AppleiPhone 11
353298075081771AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350282711205088AppleiPhone 13 Pro
356609085048955AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356609108060805AppleiPhone 8
356609234967006AppleiPhone 12
355686076812996AppleiPhone 6S
355685271610544AppleiPhone 11
355685072176216AppleiPhone 6S
355684070963360AppleiPhone 6S
355683078136664AppleiPhone 6S
355682079227761AppleiPhone 6S
355681073815597AppleiPhone 6S
355680071096804AppleiPhone 6S
356173095136607AppleiPhone Xs
353297077760598AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350302399647052AppleiPhone 13 Pro
355693078200436AppleiPhone 6S
355691075299856AppleiPhone 6S
356153094534820AppleiPhone 6
121560098459974AppleiPhone 3GS
121610065098352AppleiPhone 3GS
356152095560362AppleiPhone 6
121620077228103AppleiPhone 3GS
356151097476551AppleiPhone 6
356149095724709AppleiPhone 6
122620099535948AppleiPhone 3GS
122630096662108AppleiPhone 3GS
122670049396446AppleiPhone 3GS
122680049002811AppleiPhone 3GS
121540091381672AppleiPhone 3GS
356635664161380AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 5th Gen 2021
356635350575430AppleiPad Pro 11" 3rd Gen 2021
356150092677551AppleiPhone 6
356699119705142AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356903553788121AppleiPhone 14 Pro
357339092644567AppleiPhone Xr
359235067888023AppleiPhone 6
354395067612040AppleiPhone 6
359236061347107AppleiPhone 6
357332090281862AppleiPhone Xr
353836108570128AppleiPhone 11 Pro
359237061686056AppleiPhone 6
353837081673822AppleiPhone 7
355692077907223AppleiPhone 6S
120320018681285AppleiPhone 3GS
356634825753987AppleiPhone 12
355690404586629AppleiPhone 12
354383068825985AppleiPhone 6 Plus
356859112063499AppleiPhone 11
356157218305124AppleiPhone 11
120290054941333AppleiPhone 3GS
123380098184516AppleiPhone 4
123390086275275AppleiPhone 4
124160012331511AppleiPhone 4
124170087181402AppleiPhone 4
124180013556510AppleiPhone 4
124190022645170AppleiPhone 4
124200021774564AppleiPhone 4
356626445238514AppleiPhone 12
124210040359685AppleiPhone 4
120300068943413AppleiPhone 3GS
124220091006820AppleiPhone 4
124230029517822AppleiPhone 4
356622127615061AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
356622107259823AppleiPad Pro 11" 2nd Gen 2020
124240028916289AppleiPhone 4
356617109524067AppleiPad Pro 11" 2nd Gen 2020
356613088862172AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356612083550717AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356611100719271AppleiPhone 8
356611083018543AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356610107427193AppleiPhone 8
356610080242791AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356625108766761AppleiPad Pro 11" 2nd Gen 2020
120280038786201AppleiPhone 3GS
123360083536979AppleiPhone 4
123370071455793AppleiPhone 4
350308221339859AppleiPhone 11
353288076850753AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353287217417647AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
357582529501385AppleiPhone 11
353402718810303AppleiPhone 12
357278097102389AppleiPhone Xs Max
353501490274255AppleiPhone 13 Pro
353369280494412AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
353514352199353AppleiPhone 14
353361736443143AppleiPhone 12
353357676134726AppleiPhone 13
353504409910886AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
353504863717561AppleiPhone 13
353505457239953AppleiPhone 11
353350076653346AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353349074604137AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353348071285635AppleiPhone 6S Plus
357588207041537AppleiPhone 14 Pro
353509873115094AppleiPhone 12
353345079589109AppleiPhone 6S
353503751059060AppleiPhone 12
354951074277076AppleiPhone 6S Plus
354372150695463AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
354948447322787AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356330101855436AppleiPhone 11
356329100781734AppleiPhone 11
356328103517137AppleiPhone 11
356327109993136AppleiPhone 11
125330029717908AppleiPhone 4
125340088216015AppleiPhone 4
125360092105541AppleiPhone 4
353510606237734AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
356314955221432AppleiPhone 13 Pro
357590490974374AppleiPhone 13 Mini
357593325120379AppleiPhone 11
990003171536903AppleiPhone 5
990003185379779AppleiPhone 5
990003199367943AppleiPhone 5
353341833207484AppleiPhone 13
356281921508830AppleiPhone 11
353518368958389AppleWatch Series 7 41mm
353519511465090AppleiPhone 11
353526375165484AppleiPhone 12 Mini
355416071595655AppleiPhone 6S
355417071889882AppleiPhone 6S
355418078998619AppleiPhone 6S
355419070485282AppleiPhone 6S
356254250204990AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
353342072909897AppleiPhone 6S
353490928446323AppleiPhone 12
355420077128552AppleiPhone 6S
356240877716169AppleiPhone 14 Pro
356232686852921AppleiPhone 13 Mini
355423074516621AppleiPhone 6S
355424074204309AppleiPhone 6S
355425070469754AppleiPhone 6S
355426075673762AppleiPhone 6S
355427070530627AppleiPhone 6S
353800089246405AppleiPhone 6S
355428076882228AppleiPhone 6S
355421079139548AppleiPhone 6S
353799082579913AppleiPhone 6S
353342883218892AppleiPhone 12
353344074911038AppleiPhone 6S
990003201147143AppleiPhone 5
355422078394191AppleiPhone 6S
356314141341367AppleiPhone 11
356310705634064AppleiPhone 13 Pro
356295370910792AppleiPhone 14 Plus
353287079440679AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350328930243671AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
350320529785451AppleiPhone 11
356901452724221AppleiPhone 14 Pro
353300071865981AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353301078231417AppleiPhone 6S Plus
356885197291267AppleiPhone 13 Pro
356880118055123AppleiPhone 11
356878119485075AppleiPhone 11
356877118145508AppleiPhone 11
353302073811880AppleiPhone 6S Plus
356874117156404AppleiPhone 11
356873111662102AppleiPhone 11
356603087382983AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356872111093359AppleiPhone 11
356869119131603AppleiPhone 11
356868118104975AppleiPhone 11
356867113945598AppleiPhone 11
356866119073769AppleiPhone 11
356865116080462AppleiPhone 11
356864112664924AppleiPhone 11
356863114876916AppleiPhone 11
356862113642279AppleiPhone 11
356861116994802AppleiPhone 11
356871118800790AppleiPhone 11
356608100469394AppleiPhone 8
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350257572051441AppleiPhone 13 Mini
350320097989998AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356870115835080AppleiPhone 11
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356335102730306AppleiPhone 11
356287128595215AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
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353282629358653AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
353283075638937AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353284075755754AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350342022618278AppleiPhone 12
353285079231361AppleiPhone 6S Plus
356331105144058AppleiPhone 11
356332104228553AppleiPhone 11
356333104971036AppleiPhone 11
356608084138395AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356607107255749AppleiPhone 8
356607088042587AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356606100357601AppleiPhone 7
356606085037780AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356336102928395AppleiPhone 11
356337013897810AppleWatch Series 5 44mm
124290031090606AppleiPhone 4
124280091241389AppleiPhone 4
356338105649978AppleiPhone 11
124270038796181AppleiPhone 4
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356339103558492AppleiPhone 11
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356604088976831AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356604109048073AppleiPhone 7
356605087599565AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356605107985109AppleiPhone 7
356603101608496AppleiPhone 7
357279091429109AppleiPhone Xs Max
356455107894624AppleiPhone Xr
357281094961831AppleiPhone Xs Max
353265077495895AppleiPhone 6S
353278072514933AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353264078991051AppleiPhone 6S
356648084651286AppleiPhone 6S
356649150626434AppleiPhone 13 Pro
356685114722588AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356684119955756AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356683111940550AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356682972742808AppleiPhone 13
356682110407876AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356681116946127AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356681082400620AppleiPhone 6
356680113955206AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356680088610778AppleiPhone 6
353266075899823AppleiPhone 6S
352839119040181AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
356679087090099AppleiPhone 6
356677085717481AppleiPhone 6
356676081072685AppleiPhone 6S
356673379415114AppleiPhone 13 Pro
352840116750947AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352841111246147AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352842113180516AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352843119582846AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352844111982414AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352845117998064AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
356650087677813AppleiPhone 6S
356678088671162AppleiPhone 6
358768056384530AppleiPhone 5S
353263079505241AppleiPhone 6S
356649083494405AppleiPhone 6S
353261072307888AppleiPhone 6S
353267072509100AppleiPhone 6S
353268073297786AppleiPhone 6S
357222093291374AppleiPhone Xs
358685099416097AppleiPhone 7
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358686052292590AppleiPhone 5S
357220092067084AppleiPhone Xs
358686098577970AppleiPhone 7
357219098023307AppleiPhone Xs
358686328994656AppleiPhone 14 Pro Max
358685053866246AppleiPhone 5S
356148097686759AppleiPhone 6
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358624077882079AppleiPhone 6S Plus
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356645080619366AppleiPhone 6
352848113098285AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
356643082425643AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
352849119358095AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
356642084070993AppleiPhone 7
356641087111408AppleiPhone 7
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356647088052962AppleiPhone 6S
353280076166090AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353272070877251AppleiPhone 6S
353271071676373AppleiPhone 6S
354878090833808AppleiPhone X
353270072771415AppleiPhone 6S
353269074304746AppleiPhone 6S
352847119132213AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
357223096991077AppleiPhone Xs
358642095883333AppleiPhone 7 Plus
358640091169731AppleiPhone 7 Plus
353251074832132AppleiPhone 6S
353250107394946AppleiPhone 11 Pro
354880092675369AppleiPad 6th Gen
353249103026064AppleiPhone 11 Pro
354881090641734AppleiPad 6th Gen
354882099215496AppleiPad 6th Gen
354883098111850AppleiPad 6th Gen
354884097367675AppleiPad 6th Gen
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358646099441220AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
358645098351703AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
353251025660574AppleiPhone 11 Pro
358764058072868AppleiPhone 5S
358763462461766AppleiPhone 13
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354442065281574AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354441066634278AppleiPhone 6 Plus
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354439064847538AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354438060011396AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354437067152807AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354436063305013AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354435063996789AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354434060395293AppleiPhone 6
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354433067950159AppleiPhone 6
354432067462207AppleiPhone 6
354431067740455AppleiPhone 6
354443063740637AppleiPhone 6
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353254076321351AppleiPhone 6S
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358639074949747AppleiPhone 7 Plus
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354888093866614AppleiPad 6th Gen
358634090698824AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358634078355447AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
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358633097760363AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358632090746478AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358631091165290AppleiPhone 8 Plus
354889090091495AppleiPhone 8
358630098881032AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358630074558638AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353253184571238AppleiPhone 12
358629099400297AppleiPhone 8 Plus
354890092443361AppleiPhone 8
358627093077699AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358626093636249AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358633077992895AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353262077810041AppleiPhone 6S
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358644090292999AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
353260073322201AppleiPhone 6S
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353258074465334AppleiPhone 6S
353257071034465AppleiPhone 6S
353256070632063AppleiPhone 6S
353255075817653AppleiPhone 6S
358628095210668AppleiPhone 8 Plus
354430717228416AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
357224098581445AppleiPhone Xs
358684096984884AppleiPhone 7
358548052749021AppleiPhone 5C
354032282002554AppleiPhone 12
358549055013258AppleiPhone 5C
358550050611872AppleiPhone 5C
354024919597304AppleiPhone 12 Pro
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358546267895381AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
352837113252364AppleiPhone 11 Pro
352838113842444AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353106106918749AppleiPhone Xs Max
356130092468664AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
358547841155334AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
358989495319966AppleiPhone 11
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358648095173765AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
358649099395412AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
358649250197581AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
358650092919190AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
358651097449795AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
358652098529817AppleWatch Series 4 40mm
358663094552968AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358934295716151AppleiPhone 12
358664094354066AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358665098622010AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358666093980106AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358667097837318AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358668097883294AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358981875124793AppleiPhone 11
358669096276407AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358547055277204AppleiPhone 5C
358565079192258AppleiPhone 6S
358571071463242AppleiPhone 6S
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354004108719976AppleiPhone 11
354003104087461AppleiPhone 11
358567073376960AppleiPhone 6S
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353999102245194AppleiPhone 11
353998108438480AppleiPhone 11
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353996105977690AppleiPhone 11
354039665712956AppleiPhone 11
353995104893734AppleiPhone 11
354002101707410AppleiPhone 11
353992100142190AppleiPhone 11
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358564075279417AppleiPhone 6S
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354071152641851AppleiPhone 13 Pro
354066789721555AppleiPhone 13
354065524041766AppleiPhone Xr
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354049346402257AppleiPhone 12 Pro
357569690814291AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
354047646496870AppleiPhone 12
358545056656566AppleiPhone 5C
358546053561411AppleiPhone 5C
353994107598648AppleiPhone 11
357217094935656AppleiPhone Xs
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356131090187132AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
357210367259136AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
357210098704954AppleiPhone Xs
357209097807289AppleiPhone Xs
357208097655250AppleiPhone Xs
357207092394147AppleiPhone Xs
357215263348214AppleiPhone 13 Pro
357206099197321AppleiPhone Xs
357754990761612AppleiPhone 12 Pro
357730386936257AppleiPhone 14 Pro Max
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355810087531144AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 2nd Gen 2017
355811083023714AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 2nd Gen 2017
355812083537869AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 2nd Gen 2017
357211095578458AppleiPhone Xs
357692293144260AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
355817086201264AppleiPad Pro 10.5"
357205098815347AppleiPhone Xs
356147090502088AppleiPhone 6
357216098770259AppleiPhone Xs
357218097671033AppleiPhone Xs
358677233748923AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
358678056558001AppleiPad Mini 2 Retina
358678092093880AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
358679050961928AppleiPad Air
358683094477826AppleiPhone 7
357225098755301AppleiPhone Xs
358684058326975AppleiPhone 5S
355816083430405AppleiPad Pro 10.5"
358671094323819AppleWatch Series 4 44mm
357212099803173AppleiPhone Xs
357214090200656AppleiPhone Xs
356132092278796AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356132581955565AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356133092979383AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
354891097167708AppleiPhone 8
356146091313909AppleiPhone 6
356145090023113AppleiPhone 6
356144892543519AppleiPhone 13 Pro
354892092986167AppleiPhone 8
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354893090067562AppleiPhone 8
356142096249255AppleiPhone 6S
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354894098560376AppleiPhone 8
356140096350610AppleiPhone 6S
356139092949615AppleiPhone 6S
354896097972130AppleiPhone 8
356138094456629AppleiPhone 6S
356137094972148AppleiPhone 6S
356136093906578AppleiPhone 6S
356135099139192AppleiPhone 6S
356134097915604AppleiPhone 6S
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356141096753407AppleiPhone 6S
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357215097902129AppleiPhone Xs
354895098185049AppleiPhone 8
354430067582891AppleiPhone 6
354429062561827AppleiPhone 6
356389104310310AppleiPhone 7
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356378105072938AppleWatch Series 5 44mm
356378517226312AppleiPhone 13
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137280051858375AppleiPhone 5
137240029568571AppleiPhone 5
137210002069822AppleiPhone 5
137180064076728AppleiPhone 5
137170081395524AppleiPhone 5
137150099482597AppleiPhone 5
137130066792236AppleiPhone 5
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357251093102513AppleiPhone Xs
358687054329794AppleiPhone 5S
357250091865121AppleiPhone Xs
356450102072284AppleiPhone Xr
356449103191911AppleiPhone Xr
356448108146300AppleiPhone Xr
356447103355767AppleiPhone Xr
356446104466391AppleiPhone Xr
356445105094319AppleiPhone Xr
356444109233809AppleiPhone Xr
356443102541929AppleiPhone Xr
356442102122185AppleiPhone Xr
356441109745733AppleiPhone Xr
356440107195750AppleiPhone Xr
356439104688593AppleiPhone Xr
356438105453866AppleiPhone Xr
357247393285107AppleiPhone 13
356437109688295AppleiPhone Xr
358687095114270AppleiPhone 7
358688096540604AppleiPhone 8 Plus
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136620030471066AppleiPhone 4
136610072231684AppleiPhone 4
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136310014252340AppleiPhone 5
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136270033102522AppleiPhone 5
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136240016503129AppleiPhone 5
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136690039470252AppleiPhone 4
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358690090237336AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358690050276035AppleiPhone 5S
358689090125806AppleiPhone 8 Plus
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356436106958552AppleiPhone Xr
356434109947862AppleiPhone Xr
350728710354905AppleiPhone 12 Pro
350725919547875AppleiPhone 12
350725744125137AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
350698365859070AppleiPad 9th Gen
355749079929041AppleiPhone 6S Plus
350666973669538AppleiPhone 14 Pro
350654412426306AppleiPhone 14
350643636314091AppleiPhone 12
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350640541274501AppleiPhone 12
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353305077414882AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 1st Gen 2015
353306071593937AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 1st Gen 2015
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353307071929527AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 1st Gen 2015
353308075880658AppleiPhone 6S
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350737734321147AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
357264092241836AppleiPhone Xs Max
357286095830208AppleiPhone Xs Max
357285092575105AppleiPhone Xs Max
357284096313134AppleiPhone Xs Max
357283094567691AppleiPhone Xs Max
357282093847088AppleiPhone Xs Max
353304545251489AppleiPhone 12
356435101000055AppleiPhone Xr
357287093527457AppleiPhone Xs Max
357289091702553AppleiPhone Xs Max
356433103348119AppleiPhone Xr
356432103962044AppleiPhone Xr
357291095961318AppleiPhone Xs Max
356450256307676AppleiPhone 12 Mini
356451102507261AppleiPhone Xr
356452107223110AppleiPhone Xr
356453102670255AppleiPhone Xr
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990001095045654AppleiPhone 4S
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356459102945126AppleiPhone Xr
356458102598596AppleiPhone Xr
356457101462796AppleiPhone 11
356456103255828AppleiPhone Xr
353837108032168AppleiPhone 11 Pro
356454102578274AppleiPhone Xr
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358691054341767AppleiPhone 5S
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359184075387570AppleiPhone 7
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359183076312397AppleiPhone 7
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359181077570484AppleiPhone 7
356743115962255AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
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359185074548559AppleiPhone 7
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357261095916521AppleiPhone Xs Max
357260092963320AppleiPhone Xs Max
356745082529264AppleiPhone 8
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356742084712675AppleiPhone X
357257093964760AppleiPhone Xs
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357253093575862AppleiPhone Xs
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357262090908414AppleiPhone Xs Max
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359205074983638AppleiPhone 7
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356386106178612AppleWatch Series 5 44mm
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354449069594274AppleiPhone 6
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356383108324179AppleWatch Series 5 44mm
359204076701221AppleiPhone 7
359203507657747AppleiPhone 14
359203070181026AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
358692098438213AppleiPhone 8 Plus
356375233112529AppleiPhone 12
352892112588532AppleiPhone Xr
352893112669702AppleiPhone 11
352894115542227AppleiPhone 11
352895119488432AppleiPhone 11
352915118937237AppleiPhone 11
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352911113134540AppleiPhone 11
352910119129710AppleiPhone 11
352909113839167AppleiPhone 11
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352908118768108AppleiPhone 11
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352906110174416AppleiPhone 11
352905113940369AppleiPhone 11
352904113254830AppleiPhone 11
352903116106526AppleiPhone 11
352902112697249AppleiPhone 11
352901110532226AppleiPhone 11
352900110703050AppleiPhone 11
352899115010240AppleiPhone 11
352898116415291AppleiPhone 11
352897115118880AppleiPhone 11
352896111323791AppleiPhone 11
352905611444518AppleiPhone 13
358691731678086AppleiPhone 13
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358693051240596AppleiPhone 5S
358693095350856AppleiPad Pro 11" 2018
358697092602540AppleiPad Pro 11" 2018
359186077628091AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359202074298885AppleiPhone 7
356393106471492AppleiPhone 8
356394100773073AppleiPhone 8
356395102622770AppleiPhone 8
356396102996339AppleiPhone 8
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356402978619169AppleiPhone 13 Pro
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356403875686947AppleiPhone 12 Pro
359189076153368AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359188078973849AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359201075766759AppleiPhone 7 Plus
357252094802648AppleiPhone Xs
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358703097831660AppleiPad Pro 11" 2018
358708098352053AppleiPhone 8
358709096790104AppleiPhone 8
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358711093902237AppleiPhone 8
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352886115542413AppleiPhone Xr
352887111831651AppleiPhone Xr
352888111213882AppleiPhone Xr
352889111558326AppleiPhone Xr
352890115533851AppleiPhone Xr
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353843083577060AppleiPhone 7
359238066033419AppleiPhone 6
355798073949281AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
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355381077491624AppleiPhone 6 Plus
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356556086534121AppleiPhone 7
355379070536809AppleiPhone 6 Plus
353331072007877AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353339078474157AppleiPhone 6S
356555102976647AppleiPhone 11
358543051837000AppleiPhone 5C
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351696727049066AppleiPhone 12
357447883353338AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
351594952858782AppleiPhone 11
353332072113061AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353824082191434AppleiPhone 7
353332806162624AppleiPhone 6S Plus
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359420083441540AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
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351588827692269AppleiPhone 12
353334073417814AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353335079635176AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353336070979795AppleiPhone 6S Plus
356554089510719AppleiPhone 7
353337074206698AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353338071997495AppleiPhone 6S
356554109234043AppleiPhone 11
359433086860913AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
356555085894205AppleiPhone 7
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355803082784263AppleiPad 5th Gen
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353834104643460AppleiPhone 11 Pro
353328073907253AppleiPhone 6S Plus
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353329070963182AppleiPhone 6S Plus
356552102395282AppleiPhone 11
358536054169488AppleiPhone 5C
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353832101147766AppleiPhone 11 Pro
353831107111115AppleiPhone 11 Pro
353830102808626AppleiPhone 11 Pro
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358532054262274AppleiPad Air
353829107540242AppleiPhone 11 Pro
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358533053804041AppleiPhone 5C
358534055351221AppleiPhone 5C
353833085941711AppleiPhone 7
356846110567092AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356095096159744AppleiPhone 8
353825082620124AppleiPhone 7
353340079337542AppleiPhone 6S
355376080858041AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355377078750349AppleiPhone 6 Plus
355802086014743AppleiPhone 6S
355801087378784AppleiPhone 6S
355800077354011AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353340482169201AppleiPhone 12 Pro
355378071343090AppleiPhone 6 Plus
355799070858871AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353828102596019AppleiPhone 11 Pro
356551103174753AppleiPhone 11
358544058348389AppleiPhone 5C
356711110742766AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
357945447940441AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
357353094393875AppleiPhone Xr
357997054037169AppleiPhone 5S
356422242156459AppleiPad Air 5th Gen
356423100817018AppleiPhone Xr
357846852079834AppleiPhone 13
353705909337427AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
358082907363077AppleiPhone 13 Mini
358408878733008AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
352681237776118AppleiPhone 11
357946226015678AppleiPhone 13
356731115346140AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
358073467675588AppleiPhone 14 Pro
356732080639295AppleiPhone 8
355660526441219AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356732119608121AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
132640037695172AppleiPhone 4
356733086097157AppleiPhone 8 Plus
132630029889669AppleiPhone 4
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356733119106439AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356734080540945AppleiPhone 8 Plus
356734117102974AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
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357350090094747AppleiPhone Xr
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356735087264017AppleiPhone 8 Plus
356700080404655AppleiPhone 8
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358845638688388AppleiPhone 11
357354090879412AppleiPhone Xr
357996052622493AppleiPhone 5C
355671078343794AppleiPhone 5S
356725084732421AppleiPhone X
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355054413636950AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
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355890068210314AppleiPad Air 2
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356725663913699AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
357998053368688AppleiPhone 5S
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356727086104807AppleiPhone X
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356424103849669AppleiPhone Xr
356728084412168AppleiPhone 8
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357848530649806AppleiPhone 12
357351098594795AppleiPhone Xr
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352243616286902AppleiPhone 12
357355095883598AppleiPhone Xr
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358399360995454AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
358611743634091AppleiPhone 12 Pro
358607322337445AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356728110840838AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
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358535057649819AppleiPhone 5C
356825825065022AppleiPhone 13
355384076077717AppleiPhone 6 Plus
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355796074068788AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355382071824091AppleiPhone 6 Plus
359413086968742AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
359412086225681AppleiPhone X
351572594414537AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
359411081848604AppleiPhone X
355795072504471AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356556108051690AppleiPhone 11
356559100976872AppleiPhone 11
351570365643276AppleiPhone 12
356826116472158AppleiPhone Xr
355793072312516AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
359410082959287AppleiPhone X
355383075531195AppleiPhone 6 Plus
353822084268713AppleiPhone 7
359409089803878AppleiPhone X
356106848475757AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
355792073423611AppleiPhone 6
355791075434618AppleiPhone 6
355794077428950AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356560085781154AppleiPhone 7
356560105428778AppleiPhone 11
358110348802435AppleiPhone 13
350753242306884AppleiPhone 13 Pro
356835114174450AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
353818088931090AppleiPhone 7 Plus
353823081729277AppleiPhone 7
356836115490804AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356833111835348AppleiPhone Xr
356109096953079AppleiPhone 8 Plus
356716082751133AppleiPhone 8 Plus
357398096735524AppleiPhone Xr
355804825797588AppleiPhone 12 Mini
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355804088897919AppleiPad 5th Gen
350148172718192AppleiPhone 12
350913691770283AppleiPhone 12
350158421138571AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
356716110292258AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356717087146287AppleiPhone 8 Plus
357399092554612AppleiPhone Xr
354507902883780AppleiPhone 12 Pro
359449128525546AppleiPhone 14 Pro
354506126223575AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356559086829822AppleiPhone 7
356827118348768AppleiPhone Xr
356557081376104AppleiPhone 7
356828111754457AppleiPhone Xr
356829118127317AppleiPhone Xr
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356830117765859AppleiPhone Xr
356831111006456AppleiPhone Xr
356557106689572AppleiPhone 11
356557849252001AppleiPhone 13
356558080958389AppleiPhone 7
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356094098308649AppleiPhone 8
356558102513717AppleiPhone 11
356832117560090AppleiPhone Xr
355790074199693AppleiPhone 6
353326075863201AppleiPhone 6S Plus
356837117778865AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
350758790039019AppleiPhone 13 Mini
356111093943947AppleiPhone 8 Plus
358820054908792AppleiPhone 5C
350750727991354AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
355386074662929AppleiPhone 6 Plus
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353341078264364AppleiPhone 6S
359416081742277AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
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356552966076598AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356553101767943AppleiPhone 11
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358539057277381AppleiPhone 5C
355387074865256AppleiPhone 6 Plus
359436088832962AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
358538059162724AppleiPhone 5C
353827103282082AppleiPhone 11 Pro
353826107206634AppleiPhone 11 Pro
359435089531839AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
358541052698439AppleiPhone 5C
359434086146394AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
358541077484013AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
358542057221771AppleiPhone 5C
358542079730726AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353826084099945AppleiPhone 7
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351606645065045AppleiPhone 13
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358537056840951AppleiPhone 5C
358540059411689AppleiPhone 5C
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356839118000075AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356840110615605AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356834112386117AppleiPhone Xr
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356842112526210AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356843110915637AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356844119076967AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356113098161095AppleiPhone 8 Plus
355388073099996AppleiPhone 6 Plus
356845112171762AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
350765875436614AppleiPhone 12
351929293003898AppleiPhone 14
356841116618643AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
353819087503369AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355797073190375AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
358820098475048AppleiPhone Xr
355788070380283AppleiPhone 6
356110094215479AppleiPhone 8 Plus
355787078941336AppleiPhone 6
356561081709256AppleiPhone 7
353820087095406AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355786372623178AppleiPhone 13 Pro
355786079980152AppleiPhone 6
355385073044782AppleiPhone 6 Plus
355785070917924AppleiPhone 6
355387493422564AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
355784079654844AppleiPhone 6
350738644662729AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
350739823012520AppleiPhone 13
356112094439489AppleiPhone 8 Plus
352235583063850AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
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356729083098388AppleiPhone 8
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131710020531816AppleiPhone 4S
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356705088421684AppleiPhone 8
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131810029953696AppleiPhone 4S
131800016767860AppleiPhone 4S
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131770087847547AppleiPhone 4S
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131750006405452AppleiPhone 4S
356703089831324AppleiPhone 8
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357348098262316AppleiPhone Xr
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354199140815012AppleiPhone 12 Pro
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131930073757304AppleiPhone 4S
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356701117853500AppleiPhone 12 Pro
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355673079088741AppleiPhone 5S
358739096933537AppleiPhone Xs Max
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356700118007124AppleiPhone 12 Pro
355672077483953AppleiPhone 5S
357855868749942AppleiPhone 12 Mini
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356429103667441AppleiPhone Xr
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354196921033716AppleiPhone 13
357346092393186AppleiPhone Xr
358070157944878AppleiPhone 11
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352965112799174AppleWatch Series 6 44mm
356425106104671AppleiPhone Xr
352967118964661AppleWatch Series 6 44mm
356428101628033AppleiPhone Xr
352949117788770AppleWatch SE 1st Gen 44mm
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356426105296518AppleiPhone Xr
352957115871530AppleWatch Series 6 40mm
356427105443829AppleiPhone Xr
352958118037442AppleWatch Series 6 40mm
358851437903085AppleiPhone 14
355899065019974AppleiPhone 6
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357347097789717AppleiPhone Xr
357988056909802AppleiPhone 5S
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352959110768919AppleWatch Series 6 40mm
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358027054391678AppleiPhone 5C
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132070028387847AppleiPhone 4S
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352941117193531AppleWatch Series 6 40mm
356739089879004AppleiPhone X
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355898065331652AppleiPhone 6
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357923214522338AppleiPhone 11
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355878062440888AppleiPhone 6 Plus
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356412102141667AppleiPhone Xr
358098970805844AppleiPhone 11
357504279430102AppleiPhone 12
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355656073857864AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 1st Gen 2015
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358732096134370AppleiPhone Xs Max
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352704136312973AppleiPhone 12
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352682656657458AppleiPhone 11
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356730088894508AppleiPhone 8
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356730112518164AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
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353816081412456AppleiPhone 7 Plus
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359227060868599AppleiPhone 6
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357203093620697AppleiPhone Xs
359226061912877AppleiPhone 6
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359222076966131AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
356174413544522AppleiPhone 13
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358743092736431AppleiPhone Xs Max
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358844057136748AppleiPhone 5S
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359467080577321AppleiPhone 7
352055063862070AppleiPhone 5S
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352053064289666AppleiPhone 5S
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359470082638075AppleiPhone 7 Plus
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358824787437590AppleiPhone 13
358824096143673AppleiPhone Xr
355084959859989AppleiPhone 13 Pro
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354006102739223AppleiPhone 11
354396702752639AppleiPhone 11
353843109945960AppleiPhone 11 Pro
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359252060481714AppleiPhone 6
354671030515597AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
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353844102357609AppleiPhone 11 Pro
352484686880824AppleiPhone 11
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353845105312939AppleiPhone 11 Pro
353846080511230AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
353846107494105AppleiPhone 11 Pro
357334095356624AppleiPhone Xr
359253068312711AppleiPhone 6
353847086102750AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
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353955104081805AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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353957103300947AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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358817055961689AppleiPhone 5C
358816056631002AppleiPhone 5C
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359270064596535AppleiPhone 5S
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357321093829397AppleiPhone Xs Max
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357308098147024AppleiPhone Xs Max
357307094225511AppleiPhone Xs Max
357306099170334AppleiPhone Xs Max
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357394091039533AppleiPhone Xr
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357391099057228AppleiPhone Xr
357390091503643AppleiPhone Xr
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357380092877302AppleiPhone Xr
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357377093039585AppleiPhone Xr
357376098350211AppleiPhone Xr
357375091162763AppleiPhone Xr
357392092286293AppleiPhone Xr
357374095384804AppleiPhone Xr
355033654558743AppleiPhone 13 Pro
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352164234611323AppleiPhone 13
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355312086923604AppleiPhone 7
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355313089320483AppleiPhone 7
355315087664184AppleiPhone 7
355316083287947AppleiPhone 7
355317080498990AppleiPhone 7
355318082669968AppleiPhone 7
355319087207192AppleiPhone 7
355320087746759AppleiPhone 7
355314084490032AppleiPhone 7
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354833963759648AppleiPhone 13
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354836092144673AppleiPhone 8 Plus
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354838096030122AppleiPhone 8 Plus
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353948106678264AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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354831097706352AppleiPhone 8 Plus
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353063100707711AppleiPhone Xr
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353064099505207AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
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356466104690451AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356467104060620AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
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356469107969880AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
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352872113150995AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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352868111719260AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352867113723114AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352877117323472AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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352857113181231AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
352856119745031AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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352834115859544AppleiPhone 11 Pro
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352836117034687AppleiPhone 11 Pro
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353903109860054AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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353907106066862AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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353904100298336AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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353898100525781AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353897102287200AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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353894105678782AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353893107929839AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353892103167683AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353891101717291AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353890101353321AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353889102154167AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
353888108682486AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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359583828977258AppleiPhone 13 Pro
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353910109950082AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
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354844094099929AppleiPhone X
356470102057713AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356472104732632AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
352509584966174AppleiPhone 11
352507508960695AppleiPhone 13 Pro
357879434621856AppleiPhone 14 Pro Max
357879829444062AppleiPhone 11
357883119600110AppleiPhone 11
357883425311048AppleiPhone 12 Pro
357884544613603AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
357902798492993AppleiPhone 11
357909671831478AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
359984986642272AppleiPhone 13 Pro
353168109791358AppleiPhone Xs
353169105380741AppleiPhone Xs
353170104153337AppleiPhone Xs
352513429383413AppleiPhone 12
353218105171202AppleiPhone 8
353210488154590AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
353210100920428AppleiPad 7th Gen
353209107123838AppleiPad 7th Gen
353208102085810AppleiPad 7th Gen
353207102782558AppleiPad 7th Gen
353206109870259AppleiPad 7th Gen
353205101677589AppleiPad 7th Gen
353204104976445AppleiPad 7th Gen
353220108714525AppleiPhone 8
353203103449529AppleiPad 7th Gen
353193104432287AppleiPad Air 3rd Gen
353188100038039AppleiPad Air 3rd Gen
353187655562500AppleiPhone 13
353186433988144AppleiPhone 13 Mini
353212101754863AppleiPad 7th Gen
353180105125663AppleiPad Mini 5th Gen
357866892942577AppleiPhone 13 Pro
352544474090868AppleiPhone 13 Pro
127620027664906AppleiPhone 3GS
127610072742574AppleiPhone 3GS
127590001567989AppleiPhone 4
127560069126184AppleiPhone 4
127550015552674AppleiPhone 4
127540009673065AppleiPhone 4
125380073887859AppleiPhone 4
127530081759643AppleiPhone 4
127510085565543AppleiPhone 4
127500016210541AppleiPhone 4
127490056739536AppleiPhone 4
127460081660254AppleiPhone 4
127450019771471AppleiPhone 4
352538153796472AppleWatch Series 7 45mm
127440034978516AppleiPhone 4
127520050402978AppleiPhone 4
138450058386352AppleiPhone 5S
125370039277667AppleiPhone 4
353219107873456AppleiPhone 8
359984548108341AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
359978127615098AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
359968970221391AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
359949183625891AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
352569481689535AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
352563744334997AppleiPhone 11
352561331241708AppleiPhone 13
127430010668462AppleiPhone 4
353178107213313AppleiPad Mini 5th Gen
353173105103145AppleiPad Mini 5th Gen
353970104178378AppleiPhone 11
354267895326681AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
353971106173425AppleiPhone 11
353972107098900AppleiPhone 11
353973100923862AppleiPhone 11
353974109518786AppleiPhone 11
353974648614765AppleiPhone 11
354916095851233AppleiPhone 7
353975103796690AppleiPhone 11
353977104175734AppleiPhone 11
356471102099432AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
353979100410214AppleiPhone 11
353981109653117AppleiPhone 11
353969109864982AppleiPhone 11
353311077492050AppleiPhone 6S
353541326168636AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
353560908637818AppleiPhone 12
353568256240929AppleiPhone 11
353976105206845AppleiPhone 11
351470113799290AppleiPhone 13
351475398829498AppleiPhone 12 Pro
354915095448958AppleiPhone 7
356514108843095AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356512107421202AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356504109456047AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356502109012992AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356501102113187AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356500107911157AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356499109411987AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
353983106071442AppleiPhone 11
353175868867246AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
353968101925817AppleiPhone 11
353172100534817AppleiPhone Xs
353171100140872AppleiPhone Xs
353195713915388AppleiPhone 13 Mini
138470086216652AppleiPhone 5S
235307414950911AppleiPhone 12 Pro
235671816817766AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
351406661602767AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
351417715300944AppleiPad Pro 12.9" 5th Gen 2021
351420093098056AppleiPhone 12 Mini
359888174877675AppleiPhone 13
359886432024221AppleiPhone 13 Mini
359885818270721AppleWatch Series 8 45mm
351421790956836AppleiPhone 14
359879856013986AppleiPhone 12
353967815993418AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
351430269038786AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
359871979817286AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
359870567571362AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
351447850772755AppleiPhone 12
351454480152077AppleiPhone 14
354924093308032AppleiPhone 7 Plus
354922769828622AppleiPhone 13
351458132511960AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
354918093425739AppleiPhone 7
354917093072848AppleiPhone 7
351467535059998AppleiPhone 13
354916455825124AppleiPhone 13 Pro
359914358375433AppleiPhone 11
351389403690995AppleiPhone 12 Mini
359928558833678AppleiPhone 14 Pro Max
351436779521484AppleiPhone 13 Pro
132750091715442AppleiPhone 4
355351084199791AppleiPhone 7 Plus
132740037985001AppleiPhone 4
132720008337192AppleiPhone 4
355376073799905AppleiPhone 6 Plus
359295066545719AppleiPad Mini 4
355375080601674AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359296063588462AppleiPhone 6
355374089484653AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355372084991508AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359297062381024AppleiPhone 6
359298064283341AppleiPhone 6
132730005902484AppleiPhone 4
355350084506625AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355349082629165AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359311060366240AppleiPhone 6
359137079153927AppleiPhone 5S
359137271945609AppleiPhone 12
359140076179507AppleiPhone 5S
357149979904418AppleiPhone 13
359141078995700AppleiPhone 5S
357145415710450AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
359142074006005AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
355373083372567AppleiPhone 7 Plus
357143264126233AppleiPhone 11
133270023216129AppleiPhone 5
355370085438560AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355772074795738AppleiPhone 6S
355771073600121AppleiPhone 6S
356692118276942AppleiPhone 12 Pro
355960224207981AppleiPhone 14 Pro
350393281939525AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
350381395022171AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
359301032672981AppleiPhone 6
355365661202752AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
359301063944416AppleiPhone 6
359302065506237AppleiPhone 6
359303066845517AppleiPhone 6
359304068206369AppleiPhone 6
359305064507593AppleiPhone 6
359306063921009AppleiPhone 6
133280026025930AppleiPhone 5
355359082372435AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359307063197384AppleiPhone 6
355357083163209AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359308064025954AppleiPhone 6
359308704771454AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
355356083954112AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359309061565158AppleiPhone 6
355355083944990AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355354086400167AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359310061152625AppleiPhone 6
355353087384313AppleiPhone 7 Plus
355352082688322AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359300061169919AppleiPhone 6
359300009298200AppleiPhone 6
359299061061870AppleiPhone 6
355358080239539AppleiPhone 7 Plus
359143071858562AppleiPhone SE 1st Gen 2016
357140955719268AppleiPhone 13
359135155326912AppleiPhone 12 Mini
351619855022523AppleiPhone 13 Pro
351613967249199AppleiPad 9th Gen
359105973967197AppleiPhone 12
353966105106822AppleiPhone 11 Pro Max
356796113966017AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356797113690094AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
126570051030642AppleiPhone 4
126560049088729AppleiPhone 4
126550040823547AppleiPhone 4
126540017579123AppleiPhone 4
126530095241555AppleiPhone 4
126520042056503AppleiPhone 4
126510086202220AppleiPhone 4
126500007180787AppleiPhone 4
351629573160547AppleiPad Mini 6th Gen
126490043960444AppleiPhone 4
126460018986666AppleiPhone 4
126450017581733AppleiPhone 4
125750085401552AppleiPhone 3GS
125730090096233AppleiPhone 3GS
125720008704606AppleiPhone 3GS
125470057688751AppleiPhone 4
125460042965547AppleiPhone 4
125430033491225AppleiPhone 4
125420039648498AppleiPhone 4
125410091161266AppleiPhone 4
125390017024436AppleiPhone 4
126580002728509AppleiPhone 4
126590049317687AppleiPhone 3GS
126600006409011AppleiPhone 3GS
126470095935957AppleiPhone 4
351640463526879AppleiPad Pro 11" 3rd Gen 2021
351651529026671AppleiPhone 14 Pro Max
351664769646736AppleiPhone 11
357140400426634AppleiPhone 12
357130733054450AppleiPhone 13 Mini
357129146065582AppleWatch Series 7 45mm
357115110348591AppleWatch Series 7 41mm
357106630827891AppleiPhone 13
357104910749703AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
357095183079812AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
355997872779010AppleiPhone 12 Mini
355984573656457AppleiPhone 12
350360632477935AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
350367271799743AppleiPhone 13 Pro
359143409736860AppleiPhone 13
133300041357488AppleiPhone 5
359130336712098AppleiPhone 11
359127076307105AppleiPhone 7
359312062605320AppleiPhone 6
359313064586815AppleiPhone 6
351671396153556AppleiPhone 13 Mini
351672929588730AppleiPhone 12
351678919137289AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
351680927503577AppleiPhone 13
359322069298565AppleiPhone 6 Plus
359128072532555AppleiPhone 7 Plus
356498101527600AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
359321065412865AppleiPhone 6 Plus
359319063388251AppleiPhone 6 Plus
359318068439713AppleiPhone 6 Plus
359317065453974AppleiPhone 6
359316064615062AppleiPhone 6
359315065371808AppleiPhone 6
359314065070148AppleiPhone 6
359320066365551AppleiPhone 6 Plus
356497107247494AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
353978108167859AppleiPhone 11
356514414966697AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
357084344648327AppleiPhone 13
355531351184937AppleiPhone 12 Pro
355513316331449AppleiPhone 12 Pro
354741660990210AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
354746826439234AppleiPhone 11
355487735749012AppleiPhone 11
355486594679708AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
355727076922722AppleiPhone 6S Plus
354760877556812AppleiPhone 12 Mini
354776218449210AppleiPhone 14
354786255443067AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
354789235877875AppleiPhone 13
354790151985486AppleiPhone 11
351859146376326AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
354244478874213AppleiPhone 12
351855186616795AppleiPhone 13 Pro
355168944726229AppleiPhone 12
355169428488328AppleiPhone 11
351843195088768AppleiPhone 13
354770694140484AppleiPhone 13 Pro
355726071589064AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355725076002073AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355724075172714AppleiPhone 6S Plus
353026096629595AppleiPhone 6
353026277847438AppleiPhone 12 Pro
353027099919769AppleiPhone 6
353027944645247AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
353028093917080AppleiPhone 6
353029093055715AppleiPad Pro 10.5"
353030097972459AppleiPad Pro 10.5"
351852850983056AppleiPhone 12 Mini
353031096247836AppleiPad Pro 10.5"
354245330561021AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
351836495452106AppleiPhone 14
355951528496180AppleiPhone 12 Pro
353719571655032AppleiPhone 12
355917841924372AppleiPhone 12
353039095270832AppleiPhone X
353038114770624AppleiPhone 12
353038091700412AppleiPad 6th Gen
353640985822275AppleiPhone 13
353639681981294AppleiPhone 13 Pro
353636135474231AppleWatch Series 7 41mm
353631302622811AppleiPhone 13 Pro
355193488071022AppleiPhone SE 3rd Gen 2022
353621623619935AppleiPhone 13
355196751769107AppleiPhone 13 Pro
353608676626016AppleiPhone 13
357078164958329AppleiPhone 12
355210324606421AppleiPhone Xr
355737076224458AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355736076144773AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355735074633415AppleiPhone 6S Plus
356496101111342AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
355733074636868AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355732076126522AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355731073986029AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355730076560948AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355729075460324AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355728078216048AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355727338725483AppleiPhone 12
355183482671554AppleiPhone 11
355178635999993AppleiPhone 13
353652738402263AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
355211924062510AppleiPhone 12
353726511535497AppleiPhone 12
353031119974176AppleiPhone 12
353025116511882AppleiPhone 12 Mini
353023090217360AppleiPhone X
353023119448905AppleiPhone 12 Mini
353024099644364AppleiPhone 6
353019098031399AppleiPhone X
353310072310598AppleiPhone 6S
350667473419077AppleiPhone 14
352740537077237AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356475104607837AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356476101753723AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356477106867054AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356478102931837AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356478848425334AppleiPhone 12 Pro
356479106187350AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356479390491138AppleiPhone 13 Pro
353022116593937AppleiPhone 12 Mini
356480105013548AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356481109586059AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
113640091780244AppleiPhone, iPhone 3GS
356482103663712AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356483100321072AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
353075095652256AppleiPhone 7
353074315195048AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356484106728245AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
353074118410438AppleiPhone 12 Pro
353074106127572AppleiPhone Xr
353074091112167AppleiPhone 7
353073595049131AppleiPhone Xr
356474100085429AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356473109880541AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
350225626215429AppleiPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro
353032090389210AppleiPad Pro 10.5"
353022097187543AppleiPhone X
353021096770572AppleiPhone X
353032119543284AppleiPhone 12
354569169609811AppleiPhone 14 Pro
353033110023607AppleiPhone 12
353034095524320AppleiPad 6th Gen
353034117278988AppleiPhone 12
353035099613738AppleiPad 6th Gen
353035115319310AppleiPhone 12
353036097804055AppleiPad 6th Gen
353036119773304AppleiPhone 12
353037097597343AppleiPad 6th Gen
353037113837012AppleiPhone 12
353033093483067AppleiPad Pro 10.5"
357066535308563AppleiPhone 13 Pro
354600918140525AppleiPhone X
353021110043030AppleiPhone 12 Mini
353024119105412AppleiPhone 12 Mini
355722079689097AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355721073935621AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355720077648800AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355719425367659AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
353018112462739AppleiPhone 12 Mini
355719074771789AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355718075437838AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355717079244216AppleiPhone 6S
355715072177656AppleiPhone 6S
353025098948169AppleiPhone 6
355714077208640AppleiPhone 6S
353019117350267AppleiPhone 12 Mini
353020094671824AppleiPhone X
353020111556586AppleiPhone 12 Mini
355723070624869AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355949461766130AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
355734071305705AppleiPhone 6S Plus
355948287840319AppleiPad 9th Gen
354897098302640AppleiPhone 8
354905097595732AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
356796489576481AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
357061222215486AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
357076834856378AppleiPhone 12
130610000288083AppleiPhone 4S
130600080463052AppleiPhone 4S
130580024597324AppleiPhone 4S
353730396094620AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
130550031276105AppleiPhone 4S
130530035231991AppleiPhone 4S
130510063951728AppleiPhone 4S
130500047562741AppleiPhone 4S
354898092842748AppleiPhone 8
130490060119787AppleiPhone 4S
130470001070463AppleiPhone 4S
130460093756657AppleiPhone 4S
130450065111528AppleiPhone 4S
130440077423680AppleiPhone 4S
130430014503025AppleiPhone 4S
130420005159119AppleiPhone 4S
130410049426822AppleiPhone 4S
130400051672215AppleiPhone 4S
130390044436432AppleiPhone 4S
130370064360142AppleiPhone 4S
130360086723567AppleiPhone 4S
130640023797950AppleiPhone 4S
130650033353447AppleiPhone 4S
130670035128183AppleiPhone 4S
130480026703097AppleiPhone 4S
354899090614923AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
354900097094539AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
354901094739217AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
356495102500446AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356493107370527AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356492108108498AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356491105744537AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356490101247941AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356489108702585AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
350002269698876AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
270113183674211AppleiPhone 4S
356494107709953AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356517106484572AppleiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
351475533816491AppleiPhone 13
354914093759904AppleiPhone 7
354902095197017AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
354903097759606AppleWatch Series 3 42mm
354903623047559AppleiPhone 13 Pro
354904092120976AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
354906098784655AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
356528188810477AppleiPhone 12
130680045064880AppleiPhone 4S
354907099130997AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
354909093461683AppleiPhone 7
354910095023299AppleiPhone 7
351486315924049AppleiPhone 13
354911098740210AppleiPhone 7
354912090996545AppleiPhone 7
354913098392257AppleiPhone 7
354908091773313AppleWatch Series 3 38mm
353040095485420AppleiPhone X
130570042605977AppleiPhone 4S
353041093087655AppleiPhone X
356807116639673AppleiPhone 11
356806114847932AppleiPhone 11
356805118781923AppleiPhone 11
356804111216235AppleiPhone 11
356803118327839AppleiPhone 11
356802119701190AppleiPhone 11
356801115518988AppleiPhone 11
356800115533104AppleiPhone 11
356799117432002AppleiPhone 11
356798117366012AppleiPhone 11
356818118589246AppleWatch Series 6 44mm
356819115881636AppleiPhone 7
356820553889552AppleiPhone 12 Pro Max
356825117338194AppleiPhone Xr
356808117092243AppleiPhone 11
130310036822894AppleiPhone 4S
130290057017725AppleiPhone 4S
354457521482327AppleiPhone 12 Mini
354455405817147AppleiPhone 13
353040119890829AppleiPhone 12
354454068244905AppleiPhone 6 Plus
354453063544590AppleiPhone 6 Plus
355908669655214AppleiPhone 13 Pro Max
354452067205174AppleiPhone 6 Plus
130330085652745AppleiPhone 4S
353763869062394AppleiPhone 13
353754680585234AppleiPhone 13 Pro
355939498414226AppleiPhone 13
355942853446742AppleiPhone 12 Pro
353742336327911AppleiPhone 13 Pro
130300049269191AppleiPhone 4S
356809116576566AppleiPhone 11
354455069052510AppleiPhone 6 Plus
356811111613451AppleiPhone 11
356810113859831AppleiPhone 11
353041111621980AppleiPhone 12
131300030265215AppleiPhone 4
131290088384465AppleiPhone 4
131280030166177AppleiPhone 4
131270085182013AppleiPhone 4
131250084574477AppleiPhone 4
130350072010053AppleiPhone 4S
131260082309537AppleiPhone 4
130720003709074AppleiPhone 4S
356812115720821AppleiPhone 11
130730005947671AppleiPhone 4S
356813118445952AppleiPhone 11
356814112479989AppleiPhone 11
356815608521804AppleiPhone 13
356816116159715AppleiPhone 11
356817117546959AppleiPhone 11
356815119668839AppleiPhone 11
130340053943133AppleiPhone 4S
353039111101342AppleiPhone 12
130700099685297AppleiPhone 4S
130710074452969AppleiPhone 4S
130320078622987AppleiPhone 4S
357252087424327AsusZenfone 3 Max
352382103434003AsusZenfone Max Pro M2
354541094463929AsusZenfone Max M1
358296104693082AsusROG Phone 2
355944090487372AsusZenfone 5z
352380109768457AsusZenfone Max Pro M2
358257104815919AsusZenfone 6 2019
356290098424226AsusZenfone Live L1
356292098847687AsusZenfone Max M1
355411116351230AsusZenfone 7, Zenfone 7 Pro
359529083893664AsusZenfone V Live
358453081750225AsusZenfone 4 Pro
355439104766606AsusZenfone 6 2019
351606089265069AsusZenfone 3 Laser
355906096231799AsusZenfone 5z
353786051527353AsusVivoTab RT TF600T
355162095148259AsusZenfone 5
351555106121930AsusROG Phone
356291099433935AsusZenfone Live L1, Zenfone Max M1
359819072111909AsusZenpad Z10
358298109896371AsusROG Phone 2
354542091090145AsusZenfone Max M1
355438108696769AsusZenfone 6
358885093552828AsusZenfone Max Pro M2
352977287051307AsusROG Phone 5 Ultimate, ROG Phone 5s Pro
350463509761629AsusROG Phone 5
359404065684905AsusZenfone Zoom
354741459365806AsusZenfone 9
143270024145770AsusZenfone 2E
357071100613538AsusROG Phone 2
357040081537503AsusZenfone V
357070106709639AsusROG Phone 2
356147317461019AsusROG Phone 5
358410083302322AsusZenfone 4 Max
352291066436477AsusNexus 7 2012
358112089774377AsusZenfone 4
356135077974602AsusZenpad Z8
355306118172115AsusROG Phone 3
357185088280423AsusZenpad Z8s
350015411299039AsusASUS Zenfone 8
357911083937356AsusZenfone 4 Max
359409078750577AsusZenfone 3 Deluxe
357867060961944AsusZenfone 2
143280047327933AsusMemo Pad 7
356940073522267AsusZenfone 3
353187069022729AsusZenfone 5
353860088834460AsusZenfone 3 Max
359027073503336AsusZenfone 3
351081395538072AsusROG Phone 5s, ROG Phone 5s Pro
352006084381574AsusZenfone 3 Deluxe
356239054932623AsusMemopad FHD 10
355375329621533AsusASUS Zenfone 8
357870067941554AsusZenfone 2
354579086312746AsusZenfone AR
355305114364643AsusROG Phone 3
141630084437262AsusPadfone X Mini
352120463839290AsusASUS Zenfone 8
352383101280083AsusZenfone Max Pro M2
351503051598967BlackberryBold 9900
353471031242064BlackberryCurve 8900
355618050934223BlackberryBold 9930
352016057569741BlackberryBold 9930
152220067412973BlackberryKey2 LE
151380070666071BlackberryKey2 LE
351504054944711BlackberryBold 9900
357239030423142BlackberryCurve 8900
357917062567270BlackberryPassport Silver Edition
358565045879681BlackberryBold 9930
980058000561755BlackberryBold 9650
357238034752936BlackberryCurve 8900
268436450239127BlackberryBlackBerry Storm 2
980041000963759BlackberryBold 9900
354259046514778BlackberryBold 9780
359485028745123BlackberryCurve 8900
357966041486136BlackberryBold 9900
355570056298170BlackberryCurve 9320
356841044580279BlackberryBold 9900
359683044912970BlackberryBold 9900
352659050674693BlackberryCurve 9320
359730055025877BlackberryBold 9900
351937048934820BlackberryBold 9700
352632056777901BlackberryCurve 3G 9300
357605050566525BluBlu Life Play
356661107296328BluBlu G9
354478107916769BluBlu Vivo One Plus
354313343589122BluBlu G91 Max
359373100843455BluBlu Bold N1
355255060382406BluBlu Studio 5.0 C
357213704165537BluBlu Advance L5
358103076481738BluBLU Energy X2
352908098594367BluBlu C5
355690294279780BluBlu V91
359665077749791BluBlu Neo XL
353997116208638BluBlu G60
354673067409694BluBlu Dash Jr 4.0k
355906062227102BluBlu Sport 4.5
351311404781615BluBlu C5 2019
354686083544088BluBlu Life One X2
353998114794611BluBlu Vivo X6
351971106854067BluBlu Vivo XI
353999118049143BluBlu V9
356176064388950BluBlu Studio Mini LTE
351571088279786BluBlu Energy XL
353996117583676BluBlu G60
353995112947639BluBlu G80
355893073061110BluBlu Advance 4.0 L
358553103615460BluBlu Studio Mini LTE
353303676806343BluBlu Advance L5
358295081374435BluBlu Studio X8 HD
351845089108222BluBlu Grand 5.5 HD
353494072312950BluBlu Touchbook G7
359545107374770BluBlu V9
356317073626341BluBlu Life XL
355478083650050BluBlu Vivo XL2
356247099399328BluBlu Vivo One
357109087559256BluBlu Advance 4.0 L
356556078055358BluBLU Studio 5.0 C HD
990010379347983BluBlu S1
358682342517037BluBlu G90 Pro
357782078884048BluBlu Vivo XL
359801091298792BluBlu Vivo XI+
356034111309455BluBlu G90
359013076386200BluBlu Dash Music 2
353592103530308BluBlu Vivo XL4
356555437024360BluBlu V50
354808075534592BluBlu Vivo Air LTE
355128098728728BluBlu Studio View XL
356138071318578BluBLU Studio G
356178060989567BluBlu Star 4.5
354996091146085BluBlu R2 Plus
355449101407054BluBlu C4
354324098358761BluBlue Vivo XL3 Plus
352596086331221BluBlu Vivo 5R
352593089445041BluBLU R1 HD
359397060147888BluBLU Studio X Plus
351836104798063BluBlu C5
351835109819106BluBlu C4
359374100140165BluBlu G9 Pro
357080083273467BluBlu Grand X
357079082751259BluBlu Grand M
358104079300354BluBlu Vivo 5
352275114882600FossilGen 5E
357406103296636GooglePixel 3 XL
359595401051780GooglePixel 6 Pro
354787119156895GooglePixel 3a
352693081126969GooglePixel XL
358035091424493GooglePixel 2 XL
358327093164288GooglePixel 3 XL
359906077547722GooglePixel XL
359219106542213GooglePixel 4
356195751241553GooglePixel 5
359606776017676GooglePixel 4a
990000948175817GoogleChromebook Pixel 1st Gen
359677090931942GooglePixel 3a
356114108068924GooglePixel 3a XL
359221108628115GooglePixel 3a
357536086246727GooglePixel 2
359678094049657GooglePixel 3a
358035085087082GooglePixel 2 XL
355361791750141GooglePixel 6 Pro
357529683458068GooglePixel 6 Pro
358339775794225GooglePixel 6 Pro
354471660649539GooglePixel 6 Pro
356691105565762GooglePixel 3
359640091145045GooglePixel 3a XL
357723161352188GooglePixel 6
352667788647626GooglePixel Watch
357403136041733GooglePixel 6
990012018777943GooglePixel 3 XL
356692103459222GooglePixel 3 XL
355115102716658GooglePixel 3a XL
355984769249307GooglePixel 6a
355116101939952GooglePixel 3a
356112106333225GooglePixel 3a
358034082246510GooglePixel 2 XL
358328090920920GooglePixel 3 XL
358277095366169GooglePixel 3
358326091244738GooglePixel 3 XL
357537088975446GooglePixel 2
358276099553111GooglePixel 3
358015634869578GooglePixel 6a
990012005976037GooglePixel 3
353644939095228GooglePixel 7
356721001187260GooglePixel 4 XL
356721012469590GooglePixel 4
351990801421741GooglePixel 6a
353815115660700GooglePixel 4a 5G
357439511515289GooglePixel 6
359220106183396GooglePixel 4 XL
358761106135226GooglePixel 4a 5G
351420599791949GooglePixel 6
358036084805581GooglePixel 2 XL
358762105051703GooglePixel 4a 5G
352929101249583GooglePixel 4 XL
355840119228278GooglePixel 5
352931103671152GooglePixel 4
356732106126962GooglePixel 4
354292959945978GooglePixel 5a 5G
359379547849039GooglePixel 6
355578436942391GooglePixel 6a
352530081340127GooglePixel XL
357507553184790GooglePixel 6a
355841118757523GooglePixel 5
358118101663621GooglePixel 4a 5G
358275091857215GooglePixel 3
358119108914728GooglePixel 4a 5G
355273359422403GooglePixel 6
358123099871244GooglePixel 3
358124095539900GooglePixel 3 XL
358116107825830GooglePixel 4a 5G
355660110409234GooglePixel 5
356729105704963GooglePixel 4 XL
359676091895056GooglePixel 3a
356731107308033GooglePixel 4
352061659032730GooglePixel 6a
356730101121301GooglePixel 4
352930102362458GooglePixel 4 XL
356214585280123GooglePixel 6
352933103232506GooglePixel 4
359650094196036GooglePixel 3a
358385588627425GooglePixel 6a
352932108252071GooglePixel 4
352506827988445GooglePixel 5a 5G
357641628921967GooglePixel 5a 5G
350629645163538GooglePixel 6a
357481108569337GooglePixel 4a
356727100981792GooglePixel 4 XL
356728107149375GooglePixel 4 XL
357721782674048GooglePixel 6 Pro
357513104066445GooglePixel 4a
357360868897007GooglePixel 2
359643090933122GooglePixel 3a XL
359434585754839GooglePixel 6 Pro
357480106514675GooglePixel 4a
359648092384026GooglePixel 3a XL
359668278253902GooglePixel 6
352494112022248GooglePixel 5
352677082310979GooglePixel XL
352493116024663GooglePixel 5
359649094283109GooglePixel 3a XL
351804618102149GooglePixel 6 Pro
352858105985597GooglePixel 4 XL
355543627931215GooglePixel 6
357511105886621GooglePixel 4a
357512100997082GooglePixel 4a
357041052894477HTCHTC One
354881076258198HTCHTC 10
359417072787263HTCHTC Desire 530
353491087990713HTCHTC Desire 10 Pro
990000666081627HTCHTC EVO 4G LTE
358714058625140HTCHTC One M8
358718069794092HTCHTC Desire 626s
352679071578459HTCHTC Desire 626s
358720066617011HTCHTC Desire 626s
352277055376022HTCHTC Desire C
359691044215112HTCHTC One X
353224090267195HTCHTC U12 Plus
352090068217921HTCHTC One M8
355166084210962HTCHTC U Ultra
352636058903001HTCHTC One S
357511077752116HTCHTC 10
666666662929317HTCHTC Droid Incredible 2
352937066194595HTCHTC One M8
256691418429632HTCHTC EVO 4G LTE
111111117592007HTCHTC Droid Incredible 2
354455045777602HTCHTC Inspire 4G
990007198611375HTCHTC 10
990007215204907HTCHTC Desire 626s
355972055952536HTCHTC One
990007223020428HTCHTC Desire 530
357601050010432HTCHTC Desire Z
990007205052654HTCHTC 10
359405058906379HTCHTC One
358717057193978HTCHTC One M8
351018648693619HTCHTC Desire 20 Plus
357203053121959HTCHTC Desire 610
999999992759684HTCHTC Wildfire S
354974046653273HTCHTC Droid Incredible 2
354774074343593HTCHTC Desire 530
356133083995034HTCHTC U11
355281069674742HTCHTC Desire Eye
990001433237229HTCHTC One SV
357871059410897HTCHTC One M8
352679709863216HTCHTC Desire 626s
358716058949412HTCHTC One M8
358717068263778HTCHTC Desire 626
354259074099932HTCHTC 10
356441043433768HTCHTC Sensation
353356101482676HTCHTC U19e
351690062894335HTCHTC One M8
355195005753537HTCHTC One S
352678070705352HTCHTC Desire 626s
353881065349710HTCHTC One
990001464256312HTCHTC One
990004282514599HTCHTC One
352189069560154HTCHTC Desire 610
357325045998473HTCHTC Status
990005010350057HTCHTC One M8
352103051249023HTCHTC One S
352249069322219HTCHTC One
354395092156757HTCHTC U12 Plus
353221092241806HTCHTC U12 Plus
353222094913475HTCHTC U12 Plus
354261071900732HTCHTC 10
358718056807741HTCHTC One M8
358730047161062HTCHTC Vivid
357197049709788HTCHTC EVO 3D
357864051715181HTCHTC One
353313050088947HTCHTC First
356124080509332HTCHTC U11
990004999452323HTCHTC One M8
356377056475025HTCHTC One
990005702855082HTCHTC Desire 526, HTC One M8
358850028934251HTCHTC Tilt 2
990005023833677HTCHTC One M8, HTC One M9
354004044435422HTCHTC HD7
356033077033133HTCHTC One A9
990005003343531HTCHTC One M8 Windows, HTC One M8
358773084224252HTCHTC U11 Life
357489060243866HTCHTC One M9 Plus
352825069440315HTCHTC One E8
358676086298846HTCHTC One M9
357488066033727HTCHTC One M9 Plus
351523060834054HTCHTC One
359982089947036HTCHTC U11 Plus
990005686367294HTCHTC One M8
358736081774025HTCHTC U11 Life
990005697771781HTCHTC One M9
358920048142894HTCHTC Inspire 4G
351574060783213HTCHTC One Mini 2
359444023933689HTCmyTouch 3G
359811067691441HTCHTC One M9
353988086352381HTCHTC Desire 10 Pro
356376058055686HTCHTC One
352441047650189HTCMoto G Power 2020
352628066304363HTCHTC One M8
351961049002106HTCHTC Desire
355859057319469HTCHTC One
351807043932048HTCHTC Surround
357227067720746HTCHTC One M9
357226067156208HTCHTC One M9
357336067631116HTCHTC One M8
990003302548249HTCHTC Thunderbolt
357510071301540HTCHTC 10
355761045654181HTCHTC Desire HD
355167082615020HTCHTC U Ultra
359203045626055HTCHTC Sensation 4G
356298041302837HTCHTC Vivid
353426056027865HTCHTC One X
358869075804068HTCHTC Desire 530
351730077828165HTCHTC Desire 520
358897041166072HTCHTC Droid Incredible 2
358209040582921HTCHTC Radar 4G
356299041246628HTCHTC Desire HD
990007236538572HTCHTC U11
990004299453898HTCHTC One, HTC One M8
358967048333247HTCHTC Desire S
351817057241772HTCHTC One V
352637070577278HTCHTC One A9
358182084632680HTCHTC U11
353428056336890HTCHTC One VX
357228067790812HTCHTC One M9
357341036648316HTCmyTouch 3G Slide
354436057257923HTCHTC One
352811049866449HTCHTC HD7
270113174850325HTCHTC EVO 4G
358890089661708HTCHTC U11 Life
990003298852555HTCHTC Thunderbolt
990016013334493HTCHTC Hero
359608064773358HTCHTC One M9
358235064980550HTCHTC One M9
990000329543419HTCHTC Thunderbolt
359188047817572HTCHTC One X
990000644942643HTCHTC Thunderbolt
990000670023037HTCHTC 8X
990000030289757HTCHTC Thunderbolt
353760050152315HTCHTC Windows Phone 8S
310260548192199HTCHTC One S
990006300314548HTCHTC Desire 526
353452064996180HTCHTC Desire 510
990007255673144HTCHTC 10 Evo, HTC Bolt
354439051789008HTCHTC One
351764070961723Hewlett-PackardHP Elite X3
352646075202899Hewlett-PackardSprint (HP) Slate 8
358895060781326Hewlett-PackardHP Elite X2 G1
868760058137126HisenseHiSense A7 CC
862793040827518HuaweiHuawei Mate XS
862802052276868HuaweiHuawei Honor 50
867344038719708HuaweiHuawei Honor 7X
867326057020621HuaweiHuawei Honor 50 Lite
863189041739910HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
867323048772782HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
866863032095790HuaweiHuawei Honor 9 Lite
861318058264502HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
864743040456063HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
863196040710289HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
862854049890517HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
862922055552816HuaweiHuawei Y9s
867363040411500HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
861267046450535HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
861924034331057HuaweiHuawei Honor 8
861956038155546HuaweiHuawei Mate 9
861957033805952HuaweiHuawei Mate 9
862943039834658HuaweiHuawei Honor 6X
864734046233374HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
865642045382788HuaweiHuawei P40 Pro
867039047658943HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
862934043131918HuaweiHuawei P20
862754027195402HuaweiHuawei Ascend Mate2 4G
866999032820405HuaweiHuawei P10 Lite
867052043488512HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
866886040076247HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
867360042781146HuaweiHuawei Honor 9X
862849044342514HuaweiHuawei P40 Pro
862836030308393HuaweiHuawei P9
862789034279997HuaweiHuawei P10
862939036130504HuaweiHuawei P10 Plus
861334035267005HuaweiHuawei Nova Plus
865517057162890HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
864683031364563HuaweiHuawei Mate 9
865545032536540HuaweiHuawei P10
867259037742651HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
864725041805687HuaweiHuawei Mate X2
867380047178932HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
862752020813542HuaweiHuawei Ascend P6
861268031129092HuaweiHuawei P8lite
865564054898431HuaweiHuawei Mate X2
867258025341666HuaweiHuawei P8lite
861890047214475HuaweiHuawei Y6s
865548032841332HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite Mini
863333044108026HuaweiHuawei Y9s
869713032927392HuaweiHuawei Nova 3e
864689043785224HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
867234030774415HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
867236030396693HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
867237032350449HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
863413044455021HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
863385042389131HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
861844044761335HuaweiHuawei Y6s
867243041614791HuaweiHuawei Enjoy 10 Plus
868545045355315HuaweiHuawei Nova 5T
868544045084298HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
869676037206262HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
869681045569461HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
865520021869285HuaweiHuawei Honor 6
869698046715836HuaweiHuawei Y6s
865528048152114HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
861992049183227HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
864875033166331HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
867903039973653HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
864482041348934HuaweiHuawei P40 Lite
865654042133056HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
862974040980164HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
869312043855096HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
869325037332591HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
869328030130418HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
861197047459872HuaweiHuawei P20
860160058616872HuaweiHuawei Nova
868742042845139HuaweiHuawei P40
864400049607127HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
869591031627134HuaweiHuawei Nova 3
864595036094419HuaweiHuawei Honor 6X
869629049582089HuaweiHuawei Matepad Pro 10.8"
869643045275986HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite New Edition 2020
865244042897015HuaweiHuawei Honor View 20
861822054798397HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
864597037322039HuaweiHuawei Honor 9
864885037829917HuaweiHuawei Ascend XT2
867961040753746HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
869480034083729HuaweiHuawei P20
862943043357829HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
864420049993541HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
869584052296293HuaweiHuawei Watch 3 Pro
867955047468241HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
869555034966096HuaweiHuawei Nova 3
869577039769754HuaweiHuawei P Smart
868592044925920HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
861997058571659HuaweiHuawei Honor 50
861217050923893HuaweiHuawei Nova 9 SE
860168051969420HuaweiHuawei P50 Pro
867905038492874HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
868364044316330HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
868374044943165HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
866960024950642HuaweiHuawei P8max
866945052856373HuaweiHuawei Watch 3
866942020546129HuaweiHuawei P8lite
866937054560111HuaweiHuawei Y9a
861965050909045HuaweiHuawei Nova 9 SE
866963045006501HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
867970039161001HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
865584044193719HuaweiHuawei P30
861329040678352HuaweiHuawei P30
867892034689762HuaweiHuawei Mate SE
862977046328593HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
864638044537563HuaweiHuawei Honor 9 Lite
867260027824350HuaweiHuawei Union
862966044784956HuaweiHuawei Nova 3
864794044780388HuaweiHuawei Nova 5T
869346030797317HuaweiHuawei Mate 10
352545098402785HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
867915040403538HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
864822037684406HuaweiHuawei P9
867922020601925HuaweiHuawei Honor 5X
868389032854950HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Pro
868425046413548HuaweiHuawei Honor 9X
862963054710682HuaweiHonor Magic V
862972046200827HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
867907032854588HuaweiHuawei Nova 3e
868384040532946HuaweiHuawei Honor 20
863328042028622HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
867260034321549HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
862558060231762HuaweiHuawei Honor 50
357513036769793HuaweiPixel 4a
863697041262154HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
869138044796298HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
861148014844091HuaweiHuawei myTouch
860327052014111HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 Pro
865247049930044HuaweiHuawei Mate 30
861138047798307HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
863122047296064HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
863126038222575HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
865240043642160HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
860375036372246HuaweiHuawei Honor 5X
861137046332050HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
863066048431305HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
863060052562725HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
865942045285852HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
862561055999443HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 Pro
863693042323004HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
862563044487183HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
862566057158005HuaweiHuawei Watch 3 Pro
860026040893566HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
860648034917232HuaweiHuawei P8lite
866164029292163HuaweiHuawei SnapTo
440172065634631HuaweiHuawei Honor 5X
863031047156295HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
862595046275851HuaweiHuawei nova 7
860119046279557HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
862590017084291HuaweiKindle Fire HDX 7
860076031992190HuaweiHuawei Mate 8
862646043434213HuaweiHuawei P40
862585047940314HuaweiHuawei P Smart
860060040337167HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
867820025562409HuaweiHuawei Y5 2019
869892046876447HuaweiHuawei Y9s
862484056502464HuaweiHuawei Watch 3
862499037582245HuaweiHuawei Honor 6X
865205043247708HuaweiHuawei Mate 30 Pro
862491038365084HuaweiHuawei P8lite
869958038032750HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
869971047115722HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
869972046105268HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
869229029251688HuaweiHuawei Honor 5X
868399039042574HuaweiV10, Huawei Honor View 10
869161034700401HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
865206047896607HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
869907038177354HuaweiHuawei P Smart
862455033906754HuaweiHuawei P9 Plus
869222040521312HuaweiHuawei Y9s
862454041139284HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
869221045556489HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
860658045232638HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
865166022895620HuaweiHuawei Ascend Mate7
876686021168973HuaweiNexus 6P
869175045225265HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
865165040402328HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
867168048270430HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
860471026913360HuaweiHuawei Valiant
865149047476477HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite New Edition 2020
867128034650789HuaweiHuawei P20
865051048215849HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
869115031133206HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
866078050828184HuaweiHuawei Mate X2
866080042840533HuaweiHuawei P40
866095041210876HuaweiHuawei P40 Pro Plus
866106039591480HuaweiHuawei Honor 7X
867168032813799HuaweiHuawei Honor 9 Lite
863749059784205HuaweiHuawei P50 Pro
867129034433499HuaweiHuawei P20
867262036192431HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
861862041573214HuaweiHuawei P Smart
863323035197617HuaweiHuawei P8lite
867265038254612HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
861244046835627HuaweiHuawei Y6s
862742046347138HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
867269031559811HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
863291042837303HuaweiHuawei Nova 5T
867264032895660HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
860148044269237HuaweiHuawei P Smart
863725046767313HuaweiHuawei P40
867065048496033HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 X
866128046009652HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
862680040868461HuaweiHuawei Honor 9X
866216033771838HuaweiHuawei Mate 10
866192046904437HuaweiHuawei Honor 9X
860027040084362HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
860142049602641HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
867171038860525HuaweiHuawei P Smart
863797050961397HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
867175036464206HuaweiHuawei P10
867182049012840HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
860023046718806HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
866140044341086HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
867197046345571HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
860564046393462HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 X
860567048413998HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
866218036879410HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Pro
869114030136450HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
866105037645702HuaweiHuawei Honor 7X
860525024154499HuaweiHuawei Valiant
860539048865915HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
866202049463859HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 X
867229035019683HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
865129046253747HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 X
860607047562302HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
863452039127898HuaweiHuawei P10 Lite
861785047741768HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
863451042508375HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
862443044550688HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
355841071383895HuaweiHuawei Jitterbug Touch 2
352607046145906HuaweiT-Mobile Comet
869823032018850HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
869826049789595HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 Pro
866219038061023HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Pro
869827027489265HuaweiHuawei P9
864273039292725HuaweiHuawei MediaPad T3 10"
867980043622419HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
860327043299045HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
860326042843167HuaweiHuawei Honor 9 Lite
863566045577935HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
864205046923512HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
863622043023404HuaweiHuawei Honor 9X
864288042989398HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
864190051274235HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
860251046236293HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
869743034192307HuaweiHuawei Honor Play
860239044029224HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
864160042965704HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
860221044953892HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
863096045567801HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
867980028135213HuaweiNexus 6P
869821030522139HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
867455034497642HuaweiHuawei Mate 10
868977047496120HuaweiHuawei P20
869828031855855HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
861104049071382HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
864002032270556HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
861118040067272HuaweiHuawei Mate 30 Pro
866788045506345HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
867471026875240HuaweiHuawei MediaPad Honor X2 LTE
868161049876304HuaweiHuawei P30
867485045991861HuaweiHuawei Y9s
862170048839276HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
862189033021682HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
868139041990323HuaweiHuawei Nova 5T
862213045621014HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
862239042217779HuaweiHuawei P Smart
867790052830864HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite New Edition 2020
865472048039155HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
864217048829324HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
869113043944603HuaweiHuawei P40 Lite
860945041691374HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
860962046527404HuaweiHuawei P Smart
863992055910065HuaweiHuawei Y9a
861709044915688HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
866557043871195HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
863458054512542HuaweiHuawei Honor 50
861754040384612HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
861732055872713HuaweiHuawei P50 Pro
869851022472811HuaweiHuawei Honor 5X
869856026514880HuaweiHuawei P8lite
861733047829035HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
864262046284288HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
861744045582385HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
868787043579492HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
861750009668243HuaweiT-Mobile Prism II
866554043886315HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 X
865347043051704HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
864034039983253HuaweiHuawei Honor 9
867686020688972HuaweiNexus 6P
861335053028195HuaweiHuawei Mate 40
869426040311703HuaweiHuawei P30
860773038876703HuaweiHuawei Honor 8
862396034438100HuaweiHuawei Nova
866532035033021HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
868828041409272HuaweiHuawei P Smart
865287045125058HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 Pro
866461047003105HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
862264030866114HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
867428043164289HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
867427043615399HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
862258043611533HuaweiHuawei Enjoy 10
861453055030315HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
869024040911364HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
867991059495830HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
990003253432492HuaweiHTC Thunderbolt
862253045539683HuaweiHuawei Y9s
862243044574393HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
868884048159170HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
869396027042557HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
867981021936235HuaweiNexus 6P
864593039643944HuaweiHuawei Mediapad M3 Lite 8"
862393049723261HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 RS Porsche Design
863450035293839HuaweiHuawei P8lite
863447058161919HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite New Edition 2020
866525049750283HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
867599041845234HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 X
869354037534113HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
861543057692201HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 RS Porsche Design
862399047702363HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
862397038874126HuaweiHuawei Nova
860918038395234HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
867602040255320HuaweiHuawei P30
863948043033105HuaweiHuawei MediaPad T3 10"
867679043953440HuaweiHuawei Y9s
867982026630302HuaweiNexus 6P
868777045363136HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
864158049854061HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
860771030466929HuaweiHuawei Honor 8
359741026060026HuaweiiPhone 11
861669041075409HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
355093048657452HuaweiT-Mobile Comet
863513046305734HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
861682052876102HuaweiHuawei Honor X8
867979027798898HuaweiNexus 6P
869814035902380HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
864119046787902HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
867445048106701HuaweiHuawei Y6s
861683046607090HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
861691048024750HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
864117040166826HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
868770041172809HuaweiHuawei Mate 30 Pro
860788058876888HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 RS Porsche Design
860218041094340HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
861586049248673HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
862426046186452HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
867635032718681HuaweiHuawei Honor 7X
863441048852976HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
866504042437081HuaweiHuawei Mate 30 Pro
862375048306073HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
861540045343491HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
861532044821932HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
866500046517795HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
861523045627253HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
862356042619695HuaweiHuawei P40 Lite
867627046144376HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
869012038562380HuaweiHuawei P Smart
866492046834976HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
869377039572849HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
866473046713998HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
865316044402166HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
868859032321689HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
868864036929859HuaweiHuawei Honor 9 Lite
866467045085614HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
862266043651524HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
869021045996705HuaweiHuawei Mate 30 Pro
357294045489265HuaweiHuawei Fusion
860921036174080HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
860986049910168HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
860926049981629HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
866375041859231HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
866394041032327HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
866402048733704HuaweiHuawei P30
869093034525472HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
869426033421824HuaweiHuawei Mate 20
866405048585636HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
869103045403732HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
866430049491006HuaweiHuawei Mate 30 Pro
866431032550857HuaweiHuawei P10 Lite
862085054307309HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
860673045088559HuaweiHuawei Y9 Prime 2019
863892041891967HuaweiHuawei Mate 40 Pro
869053045572665HuaweiHuawei P Smart
866861041015494HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
866236045561886HuaweiHuawei P40
866440020109840HuaweiHuawei Y635
866438029247132HuaweiHuawei Y635
867757041161073HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
356568041628187HuaweiHuawei Impulse 4G
866357032976257HuaweiHuawei Honor 9 Lite
869400026359226HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
865711043657317HuaweiHuawei P Smart
866221031096154HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
865364045166422HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
868906046274261HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
865365040103039HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
869408031122604HuaweiHuawei Honor Play
861399044741613HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
866228043426402HuaweiHuawei Nova 3e
867722053844289HuaweiHuawei Nova 9 SE
869062051198984HuaweiHuawei Y9a
868023042368392HuaweiHuawei Y6s
869083038595381HuaweiHuawei P Smart
869084037476904HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
869088044797491HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
866368040149316HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
869414028451808HuaweiHuawei P8lite
866264047673137HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
868639040576742HuaweiHuawei Y6s
867941042008059HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
864579042913374HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
868659031329752HuaweiHuawei P Smart
868735032279111HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
864886031800672HuaweiHuawei Elate
864887042176565HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
868432048129254HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Lite
864923042607372HuaweiHuawei Enjoy 10 Plus
868693043819831HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
865037048016238HuaweiHuawei Y6 2019
867931043642048HuaweiHuawei Enjoy 10 Plus
864458050711824HuaweiHuawei Mate X2
864939049358207HuaweiHuawei P30
868662020224950HuaweiHuawei Mate 8
868676040482547HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
868608040478712HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
869471049312526HuaweiHuawei P30
868190036431468HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
864449041951793HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
864978041140700HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
867949025097635HuaweiHuawei P8lite
868009038955052HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
868893038564430HuaweiHuawei Honor 7X
869425033748053HuaweiHuawei Mate 20
862011051307035HuaweiHuawei Y9a
865867045695612HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
861358046693826HuaweiHuawei Y6s
868953041233504HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
863094038051701HuaweiHuawei P10 Lite
864436046838307HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
861324049529649HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
865011048468673HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
866273054074675HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
868663042354148HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
357511032097979HuaweiPixel 4a
866713058542961HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
867542044824368HuaweiHuawei P30
865689043439714HuaweiHuawei P Smart
864038037244485HuaweiHuawei P10 Lite
860713039975617HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
864034048403749HuaweiHuawei P30
867540021931297HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
866746044332030HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
867594055298107HuaweiHuawei Nova 7i
869464032068312HuaweiHuawei Honor Note 10
868147021865373HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
868047046656080HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
864079053690037HuaweiHuawei P Smart
868120042917721HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
860711034041286HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
860996049167982HuaweiHuawei P40 Pro
861030042660071HuaweiHuawei Nova 5T
868035038907058HuaweiHuawei Mate 10
868188049623378HuaweiHuawei P Smart
860766048433424HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
866630021195877HuaweiHuawei P8lite
868900049770896HuaweiHuawei Y9 (2019)
866839043127202HuaweiHuawei P30
865777047728081HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
867786034113742HuaweiHuawei P20 Pro
865469045030047HuaweiHuawei P30
867786040764876HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 X
862094048276190HuaweiHuawei P Smart
869436049338185HuaweiHuawei Honor 20 Pro
866776048242232HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite New Edition 2020
867573038659031HuaweiHuawei Enjoy 7 Plus
860715034368615HuaweiHuawei P8lite
865842032160417HuaweiHuawei P Smart
867511044403838HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
868054047589062HuaweiHuawei P30 Pro
868160036197013HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Pro
869409039110542HuaweiHuawei Honor Play
866683043217823HuaweiHuawei Honor 7C
868274048438347HuaweiHuawei Honor 8X
861384030198168HuaweiHuawei Ascend XT
869410036540517HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
868288030390787HuaweiHuawei Honor 10
866224037965703HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
866224046328752HuaweiHuawei Y7 (2019)
866225037219462HuaweiHuawei Mate 10 Lite
865412037029478HuaweiHuawei Mate 9
861430043430112HuaweiHuawei Mate 20 Pro
865914037230188HuaweiHuawei P10
869398023789751HuaweiHuawei P9 Lite
865875044999174HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
865878037726539HuaweiHuawei P Smart
867703041676413HuaweiHuawei P Smart
869438045061118HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
869452033038400HuaweiHuawei P20 Lite
868153043665718HuaweiHuawei Nova 5T
860693046228343HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
864063035594871HuaweiHuawei P10 Lite
866695026033431HuaweiHuawei P8
869462033986086HuaweiHuawei Nova 3
866697045808116HuaweiHuawei P Smart
864056046719248HuaweiHuawei P30 Lite
867535038570724HuaweiHuawei P10
867538020370947HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
865879038077948HuaweiHuawei P Smart
860690049094920HuaweiHuawei P Smart
867539026580380HuaweiHuawei Y6 2018
866705041935245HuaweiHuawei Mate 20
860939044806527HuaweiHuawei Honor 10 Lite
990006125382142KyoceraDuraForce Pro
990006131234758KyoceraDuraForce Pro
142490038599942KyoceraHydro Wave
990006167994382KyoceraDuraForce Pro
159890062424505KyoceraDuraSport 5G UW
140300017100905KyoceraHydro XTRM
144000078083000KyoceraHydro Air
157260011420362KyoceraDuraForce Ultra 5G UW
990006112088637KyoceraDuraForce Pro
146620019438910KyoceraDuraForce Pro
151000095697659KyoceraDuraforce Pro 2
146410071282277KyoceraDuraForce Pro
146400073758010KyoceraDuraforce XD
137550035933795KyoceraHydro XTRM
150990025340746KyoceraDuraforce Pro 2
145020018184600KyoceraHydro View
359565060521928LGG Stylo
359565074875682LGX Power
351602109484152LGStylo 4
351608078710626LGLeon LTE
355790088899502LGStylo 2 Plus
358813069264814LGG3 Stylus
358701107163918LGG Pad 5 10.1"
351603104967399LGStylo 4
359562060557176LGLeon LTE
353490060626161LGGoogle Nexus 5
359563068430671LGLeon LTE
358784078744841LGTribute HD
353465714651930LGK22 Plus
355275086353264LGK20 V
352533108828272LGAristo 3
359327061928226LGG Flex 2
355381092986228LGStylo 4 Plus
353177077721974LGG Vista
353833347745728LGAristo 5
355382090379424LGStylo 4
356862196318391LGVelvet 5G
356860091645769LGQ Stylus Alpha
355786091323175LGG7 ThinQ
355933093105271LGG7 ThinQ
356567079749683LGG Stylo
357911094202287LGStylo 4 Plus
359560075493338LGX Power
357452082857014LGG Pad X2 8.0 Plus
356095107024903LGStylo 5
357740082354556LGStylo 3 Plus
355825103403367LGXpression Plus 2 Prepaid
358104719625251LGStylo 6
358624104666214LGG8X ThinQ
357061101207778LGStylo 5
358106101530924LGAristo 3
358785740572338LGK92 5G
355266080785486LGK20 Plus
359275093370935LGQ7 Plus
357086093452298LGV35 ThinQ
136580036561908LGOptimus F6
354527112941384LGStylo 6
354754110388513LGAristo 5
358159093171447LGG7 ThinQ
354783115581632LGV60 ThinQ 5G
354785106900614LGG8 ThinQ
356834096616919LGV30s ThinQ
359583090729791LGV40 ThinQ
990002506250933LGOptimus F7
136470049883962LGOptimus L9
354234081911080LGStylo 3
356865094700339LGStylo 4
127860067976790LGNitro HD
354887071194155LGEscape 3
354885077399919LGPhoenix 2
354525110002670LGStylo 6
354526115092617LGStylo 6
359394060695552LGTribute 2
354235083884647LGStylo 3
356215113139285LGVelvet 5G
354787108585211LGG8 ThinQ
354767077292148LGG3 Stylus
354830087273746LGX Venture
353817105397855LGG8 ThinQ
354991097829693LGG7 ThinQ
354446091950920LGK20 Plus
356551041250004LGOptimus 2X
352577119189489LGV60 ThinQ 5G
350305265543859LGOptimus F3
354791075934972LGPremier GSM
352578116009274LGV60 ThinQ 5G
357188063859005LGG Stylo
354447093865165LGK20 Plus
353953116213359LGPhoenix 5
354755111765146LGAristo 5
352576116019426LGV60 ThinQ 5G
356114089894736LGStylo 3
355486115464085LGV60 ThinQ 5G
351895073574541LGG Pad X 10.1
356199116695230LGK31 Rebel
354892077720904LGTreasure LTE
355128365401249LGK22 Plus
359566063043050LGG Stylo
353815004736199LGG8 ThinQ
353627078862730LGNexus 5X
354576087056546LGK4 2017
357178092063794LGQ Stylus Plus
355082079457643LGTribute 2
353626103166299LGV40 ThinQ
140710023248698LGG3 Vigor
354651084183914LGK8 2017
353566112488419LGRebel 4
359907102346403LGTribute Empire
354473252337937LGK22 Plus
356680105424757LGPrime 2
358169062225405LGG Pad F 8.0
359912880399038LGK92 5G
354233083833722LGStylo 3
440234039423622LGThrill 4G
352584066009520LGGoogle Nexus 5
357021094367310LGRebel 4
140380071472655LGOptimus L70
356659095091727LGV35 ThinQ
357018093003391LGG7 ThinQ
353816101334672LGG8 ThinQ
357016086404592LGStylo 3 Plus
359592108456289LGG8X ThinQ
140460037698849LGOptimus L70
355141083986912LGStylo 2
356660098746390LGV35 ThinQ
357017090565337LGStylo 4
357017084148579LGStylo 3 Plus
140090066297674LGOptimus L90
353653076590404LGWatch Urbane 2nd Edition
358195087844490LGG Pad F2
353815100682172LGG8 ThinQ
354437080531847LGK8 V
359211064773518LGG Pad F 8.0
353271110696218LGV60 ThinQ 5G
353626071566835LGNexus 5X
353281099283995LGStylo 3 Plus
357183099376850LGStylo 4
355136054671253LGNexus 4
359582093307852LGV40 ThinQ
355866073449394LGStylo 2
357109066605161LGG Pad 7, G Pad F 7.0
352439105110781LGStylo 4
359894094245290LGV40 ThinQ
990002535892226LGOptimus F3
354660112400745LGStylo 6
355076068188532LGG Pad 7
359250059934750LGGoogle Nexus 5
359599092238086LGV40 ThinQ
355156096671582LGOptimus Zone 3
353107052809486LGOptimus L5
352986565636788LGG Pad 5 10.1"
355789091029339LGG7 ThinQ
359581096894072LGV40 ThinQ
359360416472830LGStylo 6
354891075359772LGTreasure LTE
356514098276843LGPhoenix Plus Prepaid
990002581357504LGGalaxy Note 5
990002618717563LGLucid 3
990002622121687LGG Pad 8.3
350949397105879LGG Pad 5 10.1"
358655106750937LGV50S ThinQ 5G
354232082033763LGK8 2017
359635090493123LGTribute Empire
355732117032945LGK30, K31 Rebel
353761109060756LGG8 ThinQ
359634094314971LGTribute Dynasty
355565105294766LGStylo 5, Stylo 5X
358858077748365LGStylo 2 Plus
355931090588283LGStylo 4
355932099229176LGPhoenix 3
353752106881955LGG8 ThinQ
354590114746102LGStylo 6
352990080541572LGOptimus Zone 3
357403087038100LGX Venture
357263074183941LGK8 V
356950086855315LGStylus 3
355160537888235LGNexus 4
356954106278359LGG8 ThinQ
356434070800454LGG Stylo
359461097616016LGK20 Plus
555555550068847LGNexus 4
355865071152752LGStylo 2
123456780531774LGGoogle Nexus 5
357112065940746LGG Pad X 8.3
352375112842414LGAristo 4 Plus
351519103112698LGV40 ThinQ
355987107323726LGRebel 4
354792070260892LGPremier CDMA
353695098216625LGOptimus Zone 4 Prepaid
358583098585352LGStylo 4 Plus
352764109895511LGSolo LTE
357603091062737LGAristo 2
869433051689449LGPrime 2
357485066456510LGVolt 2
352342098681018LGAristo 2
357105084286745LGX Charge
352333623202529LGStylo 6
357478066546430LGGoogle Nexus 5
355671111778410LGStylo 6
355450112046089LGStylo 6
355485119677585LGV60 ThinQ 5G
358334107865082LGK30, K30 2019
359591103842774LGStylo 5, Stylo 5X
354199067895534LGTribute 2
355481118652281LGVelvet 5G
355775096820236LGG7 ThinQ
356233097398843LGAristo 2
355437108895991LGPhoenix 4
351514107430170LGStylo 4
357505061224512LGG Flex 2
357133098835471LGK8 2018
357924103762159LGStylo 5
357923106774799LGTribute Royal
355588116099727LGVelvet 5G
355627092963306LGK8 Plus
357138096081499LGXpression Plus Prepaid
355587116582062LGStylo 6
355582102163985LGFortune 2
359842087902500LGTribute HD
356315093178574LGG7 ThinQ
356351096200354LGAristo 2 Plus
354856111226459LGAristo 5
358239052376979LGGoogle Nexus 5
358862101600907LGG8X ThinQ
356285075648730LGG Pad X 8.0
358864106738153LGG8X ThinQ
356351118695342LGStylo 6
357150091992612LGPremier Pro LTE
357670102319547LGStylo 5
358240056780406LGGoogle Nexus 5
352645064825918LGG3 Vigor
359096202849860LGK22 Plus
358756072552735LGX Power
351971115851864LGPremier Pro Plus
354855115043886LGAristo 5
351980095952451LGTribute Dynasty
351951112438931LGStylo 5
355657116142322LGV60 ThinQ 5G
356900096400818LGG7 ThinQ
357630076404535LGStylo 2
358269075355270LGStylo 2 Plus
356322179673072LGAristo 5
358852101796177LGStylo 5
358255101167888LGG8 ThinQ
354114104871984LGG7 Fit
357269080489826LGTribute HD
352737109572223LGAristo 2
354874070072319LGOptimus Zone 3
352972095844373LGPremier Pro LTE
352769725846624LGStylo 6
352265069036773LGG Vista
358853107980955LGAristo 3 Plus
352740078359093LGG4 Stylus
358387069126992LGG Stylo
353986119746298LGRisio 4
356286073353984LGG Pad X 8.0
358358083557298LGFiesta 2
355406117526285LGVelvet 5G
358385083835127LGFiesta 2
356304079972630LGStylo 2
355292100139124LGAristo 3, Aristo 3 Plus
352917079908470LGLancet Android
355405113031787LGVelvet 5G
356694099615213LGStylo 4
356059105379602LGG8 ThinQ
351633074280440LGG Pad 7
359125056097183LGGoogle Nexus 5
356284106742489LGStylo 5
356040116302908LGVelvet 5G
356263097118081LGG7 ThinQ
354342067781375LGG Pad 7
357810094567998LGG7 ThinQ
355605061828197LGG3 Stylus
354952921466326LGStylo 6
356771101794358LGStylo 5
358006083557434LGRebel 3
357932108997837LGAristo 4 Plus
358402086822026LGOptimus Zone 3
357568096450213LGQ7 Plus
356070107325063LGG8S ThinQ
358333108002869LGK30 2019
359112067119511LGG Pad F 8.0
359113064860552LGG Pad F 8.0
356489059512637LGNexus 4
353889804461365LGStylo 6
358007082473987LGRebel 3
358226086595435LGX Charge
358861105822848LGG8X ThinQ
353005063519856LGG Flex
358309783598827LGK22 Plus
357091080977067LGX Charge
896600390836082LGG Pad 7
356896105508262LGArena 2
356897105200447LGNeon Plus Prepaid
356898106662122LGEscape Plus
355513108942932LGFortune 2
359559074994452LGX Power
898990829071130LGV40 ThinQ
355388096735899LGStylo 4
357093096423078LGAristo 2
353886088117242LGK4 2017
352294767596334LGK92 5G
354788111660892LGStylo 5, Stylo 5X
354790113575276LGAristo 4 Plus, K30
358388067789617LGG Stylo
358032064766505LGLancet Windows
358330065252594LGVolt 2
355708057165820LGOptimus L5 II
357975077945469LGG5 SE
354376097575126LGFortune 2
354626078561192LGLeon LTE
353508114835908LGG Pad 5 10.1"
358332105532803LGStylo 5 Plus
356585119987402LGK71 Stylus
353712098919593LGPhoenix 3
356592073128866LGLeon LTE
356593093644999LGRebel 4
137710096282504LGOptimus L9
138990042478385LGG Flex
137580024485531LGOptimus F6
355471108918156LGRedmi K50
356948078746864LGTribute 5
353934091500952LGPhoenix 4
356262097142117LGG7 ThinQ
353381103773427LGV50 ThinQ 5G
355965102337198LGG8 ThinQ
356578063899285LGG Pad 10.1
355429111479426LGPhoenix 4
354209098081374LGTribute HD
359820081238568LGX Power
356233107800465LGG8 ThinQ
356598267223850LGVelvet 5G
352130091649029LGK20 Plus
353918051246888LGNexus 4
351831081928627LGStylo 2 Plus
355980076889843LGG Pad X 10.1
352136065663987LGGoogle Nexus 5
355473090928532LGStylo 3
355265086659083LGK20 Plus
357684048077879LGOptimus Black
990003565655624LGG Flex
354054077622040LGLeon LTE
353319116481133LGV60 ThinQ 5G
353495075825112LGTribute 5
358439090476480LGG7 One
356158888145097LGVelvet 5G
355693104019065LGV50 ThinQ 5G
358335107358291LGAristo 4 Plus
143300087336600LGOptimus L90
354061082490982LGRebel 2
354062085288571LGRebel 2
143000075321495LGG Pad 7
354063084083781LGPhoenix 3
142500039955826LGOptimus L70
355692108823837LGStylo 5
353382103791880LGV50 ThinQ 5G
353696093770673LGK8 2018, K8 Plus
353952115253036LGAristo 5, K31 Rebel
140970052647935LGG Pad 7
353981113373371LGFortune 3, Phoenix 5
355691106402792LGStylo 5
355670116150765LGStylo 6
355240100201931LGStylo 4
861688038920906LenovoYoga Tab 3 Plus
863440059771620LenovoTab M8
865487054813327LenovoLegion Y90
867442054744053LenovoTab M7
869979051896491LenovoSmart Tab M10 Gen 2 10.3"
869985027948019LenovoPhab 2
862355047073551LenovoLegion Duel
860137053021068LenovoTab M8
863959032051487LenovoTab 4 8" Plus
303411006770021LenovoNook 10" HD Tablet by Lenovo
863945053629392LenovoTab M10 Plus
145830032943975LenovoThinkPad X1 Tablet
865301035822853LenovoMoto Tab
861219045938457LenovoTab M8
865576054313146LenovoLegion Duel 2
867152028592146LenovoYoga Tab 3 - 8"
866919049267937LenovoTab M10 Plus
868740043636028LenovoTab 4 8" Plus
863872037172549LenovoTab 4 10
862524039003468LetvLeEco Le Pro3
868896027103383LetvLeEco Le 2
866542037228032MeizuM6 Note
866543034692683MeizuM6 Note
358597068251779MicrosoftLumia 640
352555096852956MicrosoftSurface Pro, Surface Pro 5 (2017)
356471065841630MicrosoftNokia Lumia 635
356462069685222MicrosoftNokia Lumia 530
351851077169697MicrosoftLumia 950
351853077262290MicrosoftLumia 640 XL
359771062806701MicrosoftLumia 535
359762066593973MicrosoftLumia 640 XL
353021105124084MicrosoftSurface Go
355126061635862MicrosoftLumia 950, Nokia Lumia 735
359763067100388MicrosoftLumia 950 XL
357158067013529MicrosoftLumia 640 XL
356454069738051MicrosoftNokia Lumia 635
351683076042256MicrosoftSurface 3
351858072436104MicrosoftLumia 640
351682076389337MicrosoftSurface 3
357815063740526MicrosoftLumia 640
351786142050953MicrosoftSurface Duo 2
355333114748540MicrosoftSurface Go 2
355522186071183MicrosoftSurface Duo 2
356057921964482MicrosoftSurface Go 2
357816063661100MicrosoftLumia 640
356481061057016MicrosoftLumia 535
353682077218004MicrosoftLumia 950
357166066167980MicrosoftLumia 640 XL
143760045483580MicrosoftSurface 3
353912906381180MicrosoftSurface Pro 7 Plus
355126076808181MicrosoftLumia 650
355146076036096MicrosoftLumia 640
355133078812997MicrosoftLumia 650
357789064077792MicrosoftLumia 640 XL
351832070277224MicrosoftLumia 950 XL
353691078538336MicrosoftLumia 550
351743116171836MicrosoftSurface Pro X
355132070562956MicrosoftLumia 550
357776069783417MicrosoftNokia Lumia 530
357778068976893MicrosoftLumia 640
357782061308567MicrosoftLumia 435
357790060820607MicrosoftLumia 640
351827072808109MicrosoftLumia 950
353982526243342MicrosoftSurface Duo
358611060298900MicrosoftNokia Lumia 635
358897075267671MicrosoftLumia 650
330630124401105MicrosoftSurface Book 2 13.5"
356852078834524MicrosoftLumia 650
351846079178340MicrosoftLumia 950
356491061850559MicrosoftLumia 435
357787069705326MicrosoftLumia 640
359205552645923MicrosoftSurface Go 3
355130077856785MicrosoftLumia 650
357788063991193MicrosoftLumia 640 XL
990007516933246MotorolaMoto E4 Plus
357690702027043MotorolaMoto G 5G 2022
351602116492792MotorolaMoto G Power 2020
353339064559227MotorolaMoto G 2014 (2nd Gen)
352867310945437MotorolaMoto G51 5G
352170108745121MotorolaOne Vision
351758648229209MotorolaEdge 2021
352165105883818MotorolaMoto G6 Play
352172104157335MotorolaOne Vision
353332060608593MotorolaMoto G 2014 (2nd Gen)
359290054552181MotorolaMoto G
359287054827076MotorolaMoto X 2014
355004059193063MotorolaMoto G
359279059869591MotorolaMoto X 2014
990006265849082MotorolaMoto E 2015, Moto E LTE 2015
990011077271400MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
355006057076604MotorolaMoto X
357722579519826MotorolaMoto E7 Power
352173101284981MotorolaMoto G7 Play
352171101569435MotorolaOne Vision
990007538265387MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
990007522303624MotorolaDROID Turbo 2
355007056513340MotorolaMoto G
352164101956710MotorolaMoto G6 Play
356487088401509MotorolaMoto G5
990011062893465MotorolaMoto G6 Play
355571113594767MotorolaMoto G 5G 2021
355567117114164MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
990005333927227MotorolaDroid Maxx
355568090040152MotorolaMoto G6 Play
355568112090987MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
352355717808150MotorolaMoto G50
359487150510911MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
990004984993646MotorolaMoto X 2014
355569099688272MotorolaMoto G7
359109109387841MotorolaMoto G Fast
355570113405024MotorolaMoto G 5G 2021
990004961065756MotorolaDroid Maxx
990005436779483MotorolaDROID Turbo 2
358002317428880MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355574095058116MotorolaMoto G7 Plus
990004548933633MotorolaMoto X
355969788794326MotorolaMoto E7 Power
990005448629791MotorolaMoto E5 Play
355984459315160MotorolaMoto G Stylus 5G 2021
359318058748750MotorolaMoto X 2014
355986605061044MotorolaMoto G Stylus 5G 2022
352162105322996MotorolaMoto G6 Forge
353174686369212MotorolaEdge 20 Lite
353218050353300MotorolaAtrix HD
354120070364417MotorolaMoto G4
358973067846820MotorolaMoto E
352163102694767MotorolaMoto G6 Play
353662423022672MotorolaMoto G Power 2022
355572115754771MotorolaOne 5G Ace
359320055276314MotorolaNexus 6
359101107215116MotorolaOne Zoom
355573119778600MotorolaOne 5G Ace
354625412792877MotorolaMoto E7 Power
990005460025761MotorolaMoto E 2015
359311055203895MotorolaMoto E
359307051329312MotorolaMoto G
357952829499376MotorolaMoto G Stylus 5G 2022
359291053509016MotorolaMoto G
352185105636669MotorolaMoto G7 Power
355008058951272MotorolaMoto G
357207102013067MotorolaMoto G8 Plus
356574637681689MotorolaMoto G 5G 2022
353956929016984MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
256691533018088MotorolaMoto E LTE 2015
357212105938971MotorolaMoto G7 Play
357219109280888MotorolaMoto G7 Power
356517087152024MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
359914965021503MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021
358986060486386MotorolaMoto X Style
357437589304461MotorolaMoto G Power 2022
356491088348108MotorolaMoto C Plus
990006249278994MotorolaDROID Maxx 2
990006234488400MotorolaDROID Turbo
356503081321971MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
356504087089273MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
356506085810162MotorolaMoto E4
358195075392353MotorolaMoto X Pure Edition 2015
256691563183406MotorolaMoto X Play
356509087104709MotorolaMoto E4 Amazon Edition
358204070969981MotorolaMoto G4
357737375425895MotorolaMoto G Pure
357217109389352MotorolaMoto E5 Play
352197108649136MotorolaMoto G6 Plus
352194104603605MotorolaMoto E6
352193107183268MotorolaMoto E6
352187101699378MotorolaMoto G6 Play
352184108897113MotorolaMoto G7
352182101012730MotorolaMoto G7
352180106823317MotorolaMoto E6
352179102101215MotorolaMoto E6
352178108598879MotorolaMoto E6
352177100383397MotorolaMoto E6
352176109377137MotorolaMoto E6
352175103431833MotorolaMoto G7 Plus
990005458210185MotorolaMoto E 2015, Moto E LTE 2015
990005471056466MotorolaMoto E 2015, Moto E LTE 2015
352181102659184MotorolaMoto E6
353592115033655MotorolaMoto E 2020
353590110244210MotorolaRazr 2 5G
350164377190798MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358978069207038MotorolaMoto G 2014 (2nd Gen)
358966061695656MotorolaMoto X Play
353591111798485MotorolaMoto G7 Play
356518080911416MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
353554865761422MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
358180076550266MotorolaMoto Z
356521043707525MotorolaRazr XT910
356525083866307MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
990011085268224MotorolaMoto E4
990011100880383MotorolaMoto Z3 Play
358990065151185MotorolaMoto E 2015
353587114478752MotorolaMoto E 2020
354001156604621MotorolaMoto G100
356906111263065MotorolaMoto G9 Power
359084108907495MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2020
359088109617581MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2020
355766342620736MotorolaMoto E7
359091104927427MotorolaMoto E6
353918506373576MotorolaMoto G9
359092103227306MotorolaT-Mobile Revvlry
355654080939098MotorolaMoto G5S Plus
355656085681427MotorolaMoto G5S Plus
990005752754805MotorolaMoto G 2015 (3rd Gen)
350479181664485MotorolaOne 5G
352206054284754MotorolaRazr HD
356368696361329MotorolaEdge 20 Pro
353338060323299MotorolaMoto E 2015, Moto E LTE 2015
359797500833387MotorolaMoto G Stylus 5G 2021
357353427640281MotorolaEdge 20 Lite
355657080990029MotorolaMoto G5S Plus
358355680050750MotorolaMoto G Power 2022
990005749979168MotorolaDROID Turbo 2
356905119539138MotorolaMoto G9 Power
356370575530743MotorolaMoto G9 Power
355661085056117MotorolaMoto G5S
356910115942393MotorolaMoto E6 Play
356913111323436MotorolaMoto G9 Power
359292052501426MotorolaMoto G, Moto G 2014 (2nd Gen)
359081107051754MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2020
355659083776256MotorolaMoto G4 Plus
355675088925417MotorolaMoto Z2 Play
359098104261236MotorolaMoto G8 Power
354087960800711MotorolaMoto E6 Play
353333066284975MotorolaMoto E 2015, Moto E LTE 2015
355468061978474MotorolaNexus 6
354116075337531MotorolaMoto G4
354119079075735MotorolaMoto G4 Plus
355486068809450MotorolaMoto X Pure Edition 2015
351214780940856MotorolaEdge 20 Lite
354107073181914MotorolaMoto Z
351827090833873MotorolaMoto G4 Plus
354112074969499MotorolaNexus 6
356939307390095MotorolaMoto G30
990005724042164MotorolaMoto E4
990005731410099MotorolaDROID Turbo 2
358385286152817MotorolaMoto G Pure
355467066219082MotorolaNexus 6
357567621391595MotorolaMoto G9 Power
355658083469938MotorolaMoto Z2 Play
357682953923038MotorolaMoto G Power 2022
359093106509930MotorolaT-Mobile Revvlry Plus
356920116609313MotorolaMoto E7
350475009375080MotorolaOne 5G
355666086303715MotorolaMoto G5S Plus
354118096779386MotorolaMoto G6 Play
356926117059044MotorolaOne Fusion
350443168750188MotorolaMoto G30
355668085761661MotorolaMoto E4 Plus
355479068355988MotorolaMoto E
355470068303896MotorolaNexus 6
354117097750859MotorolaMoto E4
355669084088023MotorolaMoto E4 Plus
355482067677659MotorolaMoto E 2015
351647112469104MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
355566178103520MotorolaMoto G Pure
359297054425656MotorolaMoto G 2014 (2nd Gen)
990005302906343MotorolaNexus 6
990005102728236MotorolaDroid Maxx
355549095248487MotorolaMoto E5
355550096803619MotorolaMoto Z3
355552098659718MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
990005089907266MotorolaMoto X 2014
351616740779051MotorolaMoto G30
355458061863610MotorolaNexus 6
354140070999590MotorolaMoto G4, Moto G4 Play
354138079170429MotorolaMoto G4, Moto G4 Play
355464581720504MotorolaMoto E7
355674089210747MotorolaMoto E4
354130075087509MotorolaMoto Z, Moto Z Play
354113076625584MotorolaMoto G4, Moto G4 Plus
354108071639382MotorolaMoto Z, Moto Z Force
359301050794782MotorolaMoto E
990005114947634MotorolaDROID Turbo
990004533429431MotorolaDroid Maxx
355574117152228MotorolaOne 5G Ace
355455065210897MotorolaNexus 6
351546364877024MotorolaMoto G10
352342073723892MotorolaMoto X Style
990005713216225MotorolaDroid Maxx
357144883426392MotorolaOne 5G Ace
359113107428771MotorolaMoto E6
355565111138676MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
990005298162786MotorolaMoto G
355566117848672MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
359115108585749MotorolaMoto G7 Play
355576099996845MotorolaMoto G7 Plus
355579091507941MotorolaMoto G7
355560090811013MotorolaMoto E5
355565096096402MotorolaMoto E5
351623119335002MotorolaOne Hyper
359124104662726MotorolaEdge Plus
359123101004882MotorolaMoto G8 Play
351636111796237MotorolaMoto E 2020
351637111857243MotorolaMoto E 2020
351638111351971MotorolaMoto E 2020
355561092461195MotorolaMoto E5
351640114188087MotorolaMoto E 2020
355563113346678MotorolaMoto Z4
351626421170199MotorolaMoto G Stylus 5G 2022
354142073195119MotorolaMoto G4, Moto G4 Play
355564113530733MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
355575092025388MotorolaMoto G7 Plus
990005287493283MotorolaDROID Turbo
351505888294496MotorolaOne 5G Ace
355541111686154MotorolaMoto G9 Play
355539110682737MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2020
359120107562913MotorolaEdge Plus
355540111618464MotorolaMoto G9 Plus
351621115021352MotorolaMoto G8 Power Lite
355559094702129MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
355559112950304MotorolaMoto E6 Play
359507093510858MotorolaMoto G7 Power
351649116533281MotorolaMoto E5 Play
359121107756513MotorolaMoto G Fast
359503093190601MotorolaMoto G7
359502092921891MotorolaMoto G7 Play
359501098730157MotorolaMoto G7 Play
358198076700848MotorolaMoto G4 Plus
356885113829893MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021
356886115223945MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021
359397569112029MotorolaRazr 3 2022
356888116282649MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021
355689867129232MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352304803103209MotorolaMoto G Pure
354987050975010MotorolaMoto G
354959229210496MotorolaOne 5G Ace
359324728558728MotorolaMoto G9 Play
355417502733444MotorolaMoto G Pure
356883111118617MotorolaOne 5G Ace
357225106283197MotorolaOne Hyper
359524093116529MotorolaMoto E5 Play
355653080020446MotorolaMoto G5S Plus
353317062056701MotorolaMoto E
351108835590122MotorolaMoto G Pure
354210879589296MotorolaMoto E7
990002023998535MotorolaDroid Maxx
359567088627638MotorolaMoto G5S Plus
358338031216122MotorolaCLIQ XT
357852524355560MotorolaMoto G Pure
351070702808633MotorolaMoto Z Play
356881114130563MotorolaOne 5G Ace
359527098889875MotorolaMoto G7 Power
355645080791786MotorolaMoto C Plus
352153104530937MotorolaMoto E5 Play
357193876825573MotorolaEdge Plus 2022
990000834934020MotorolaDroid Bionic
359551081019886MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
352779044510470MotorolaCLIQ 2
353318068261030MotorolaMoto E
359689229044240MotorolaEdge 2021
354982051984285MotorolaMoto X
355648088728479MotorolaMoto C Plus
990000555671306MotorolaDroid Bionic
352155101673461MotorolaMoto G6 Play
357204103674153MotorolaMoto G7 Play
353345068711680MotorolaMoto X 2014
350073890529822MotorolaMoto G30
356889115349975MotorolaMoto G Power 2021
356891116391410MotorolaMoto G Power 2021
356892113740831MotorolaMoto G Power 2021
352156100830029MotorolaMoto Z4
359526090331217MotorolaMoto G7 Power
359525094816124MotorolaMoto G7 Power
359544097495653MotorolaMoto G6 Play
359543097464990MotorolaMoto E5 Play
357823320280856MotorolaMoto G Pure
359020374652175MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021
353311081729091MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
353310089169128MotorolaMoto Z2 Force
352793047051523MotorolaMilestone XT720
359619018983134MotorolaGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359515099394573MotorolaMoto G7 Play
355871983100632MotorolaEdge Plus 2022
353308082948118MotorolaMoto E4
359517095878385MotorolaMoto G7 Power
353307085207027MotorolaMoto E4
359512093306901MotorolaMoto G7 Play
359038270248088MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2022
353307063720173MotorolaMoto G
354192231452506MotorolaMoto G50
359536091211011MotorolaMoto E4
359516095987915MotorolaMoto E5 Play
352801340647077MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2020
358922216038003MotorolaMoto G9 Power
356611280771811MotorolaMoto G Stylus 5G 2021
358212070126858MotorolaMoto Z, Moto Z Play
358184077124873MotorolaMoto G4, Moto G4 Plus
358179683707954MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021, Moto G Stylus 5G 2021
357226108547118MotorolaOne Hyper
359542091193068MotorolaMoto E5 Play
356742458458723MotorolaMoto G30
359523099475665MotorolaMoto E5
359540093297804MotorolaMoto G6 Plus
359565089318579MotorolaMoto G4 Play
354398491303970MotorolaEdge 2021
359538094534084MotorolaMoto G7 Optimo
356604948027023MotorolaMoto G10
359520093028839MotorolaMoto G7 Power
357244101295528MotorolaMoto G Power 2020
359534097518489MotorolaMoto G7 Play
357227101439279MotorolaOne Action
990002930204423MotorolaMoto X
353776489541688MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
357160655595883MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021, Moto G Stylus 5G 2021
354406169825321MotorolaMoto G 5G 2021
359530096293991MotorolaMoto E5 Play
356439695549394MotorolaEdge Plus 2022
359528097451691MotorolaMoto G7 Power
356890115985164MotorolaMoto G Power 2020, Moto G Power 2021
359529092086045MotorolaMoto G7 Optimo
356709193840366MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
357235101328103MotorolaOne Action
357249109611436MotorolaMoto G Power 2020
359531095620812MotorolaMoto G7 Power
990001206168783MotorolaMoto X
354135103215907MotorolaT-Mobile Revvlry
354135091126306MotorolaMoto E4
354133109786559MotorolaMoto G7 Plus
354132105358520MotorolaMoto E5
354132098934105MotorolaMoto E5
354153104239214MotorolaOne Vision
354154102521561MotorolaOne Vision
354159106543792MotorolaMoto E5 Play
354122070573849MotorolaMoto G4
354122091494280MotorolaMoto E5
354124071787774MotorolaMoto G4
353741285954766MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021
354129072500506MotorolaMoto G4
358221077017127MotorolaMoto Z
359463901210713MotorolaMoto G 5G 2022
354136095900209MotorolaMoto E4
354136100335532MotorolaOne Vision
354137109495731MotorolaMoto G7
354138091764670MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
351872092429718MotorolaMoto G6
351874091738479MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
351878097714020MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
351880088288964MotorolaMoto Z
351881096131923MotorolaMoto G6 Plus
351883094029372MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
351884083505273MotorolaMoto Z2 Play
356481080603568MotorolaiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
354150091001219MotorolaMoto G6
354149096262636MotorolaMoto G6 Play
354148072012866MotorolaMoto G 2015 (3rd Gen)
354146096116754MotorolaMoto E5 Play
354143098723752MotorolaOne Power
354142107747844MotorolaOne Action
354139072400680MotorolaMoto G4 Play
354172109209279MotorolaMoto G6
356671887654166MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356665689009538MotorolaMoto G60
358977061030505MotorolaMoto G 2015 (3rd Gen)
353593117922374MotorolaMoto E 2020
353596118098193MotorolaOne Fusion
353597114113556MotorolaOne Fusion
353598118471214MotorolaOne Fusion
353603116014238MotorolaRazr 2 5G
353604119259093MotorolaRazr 2 5G
353614117306093MotorolaOne 5G
351838098591280MotorolaMoto E5 Play
351839096526856MotorolaMoto E5 Play
351841097713046MotorolaMoto E5 Play
351842094453461MotorolaMoto G6 Play
352157107869739MotorolaMoto Z4
356484080854207MotorolaMoto X4
350763690306062MotorolaMoto G50
355002057892900MotorolaMoto G
353613119760133MotorolaOne 5G
359230245286737MotorolaOne 5G Ace
351847094907408MotorolaMoto G6
351849094087181MotorolaMoto G6
353121927004280MotorolaEdge 20
354155106446820MotorolaOne Zoom
354131074204848MotorolaMoto Z
359244262114599MotorolaOne 5G
351851098614275MotorolaMoto G6
351852081951666MotorolaMoto Z
351853099654003MotorolaMoto G6 Plus
351856087214292MotorolaMoto G5 Plus
351857087398366MotorolaMoto G5 Plus
356676308007670MotorolaMoto G Pure
351857094122171MotorolaMoto G6 Play
351861095707717MotorolaMoto G6 Play
351863094667074MotorolaMoto G6 Play
351864089435345MotorolaMoto G5
351864090471222MotorolaMoto G6 Play
351866097132780MotorolaMoto G6
351870082815011MotorolaMoto G5
351871087849708MotorolaMoto G5
351871098311367MotorolaMoto G6 Plus
351858087882474MotorolaMoto G5 Plus
358158716580968MotorolaMoto E6
351843099555250MotorolaMoto G6 Play
358626476835756MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
357240101345776MotorolaMoto G Power 2020
355210755589690MotorolaEdge 2021
357033844674911MotorolaMoto G60
355529092794535MotorolaMoto E5
351372737131522MotorolaMoto E7 Power
355530114624791MotorolaMoto G9 Play
355532095066984MotorolaMoto E5 Play
355534099958737MotorolaMoto E5 Play
353320069887615MotorolaMoto X 2014
356893113305625MotorolaMoto G Power 2021
353300087964620MotorolaMoto Z2 Play
355634083905270MotorolaMoto E4 Plus
356898111315138MotorolaMoto G Power 2021
351024744549747MotorolaMoto G Power 2022
356899117606595MotorolaMoto E6s (2020)
355536112589274MotorolaMoto G9 Plus
351016560632474MotorolaMoto G Power 2021
359556082055011MotorolaMoto E4 Plus
353322069267541MotorolaMoto E
352161431924715MotorolaMoto G20
355640084277502MotorolaMoto E4
356901114718629MotorolaMoto G Play 2021
359557087818320MotorolaMoto E4 Plus
355633081488222MotorolaMoto E4 Plus
357081735317488MotorolaMoto G Power 2022
351888087506013MotorolaMoto Z2 Play
351889699346012MotorolaiPhone 13
351890087085469MotorolaMoto G5 Plus
351892084274120MotorolaMoto G5 Plus
351892095143058MotorolaMoto E5 Plus
351893082557979MotorolaMoto G5S Plus
354997054158315MotorolaMoto G
350506218426734MotorolaMoto E7 Power
357902514971940MotorolaMoto G Pure
350516388874563MotorolaMoto E7 Power
354895751938593MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
351884097756763MotorolaMoto G6
357459627969295MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2022
357038692377780MotorolaGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
351887095723792MotorolaMoto G5
351886092103347MotorolaMoto Z3 Play
354249357090930MotorolaMoto E7 Power
356206204768017MotorolaMoto E7 Power
352241470530571MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2021, Moto G Stylus 5G 2021
352168109277334MotorolaMoto E5 Cruise, Moto E5 Play
354244974755023MotorolaMoto G20
351475469972136MotorolaMoto G Stylus 2022, Moto G Stylus 5G 2022
355488068947553MotorolaMoto G 2015 (3rd Gen)
356477084404953MotorolaMoto G5 Plus
351648113877261MotorolaRazr, Razr 2 5G
355489067585220MotorolaMoto G 2015 (3rd Gen)
355494041506599MotorolaDroid 2 Global
355499061946880MotorolaNexus 6
351840092729452MotorolaMoto E5 Cruise, Moto E5 Play
356465047846733MotorolaPhoton 4G
356476084505801MotorolaMoto G5
351331335891317MotorolaMoto Edge X30
355527095068543MotorolaMoto G6 Play
355526092576706MotorolaMoto G6 Plus
351854086128852MotorolaMoto Z, Moto Z Force
351873081746138MotorolaMoto Z, Moto Z Play
351893090267199MotorolaMoto E5 Plus, Moto E5 Supra
359617059296671NextbookAres 10L
355236037140978NokiaGalaxy S5
358855150001019NokiaNokia G50
358332054260588NokiaNokia Lumia Icon
352393068943474NokiaNokia Lumia 630
358341056057249NokiaNokia Lumia 1520
358342052397712NokiaNokia Lumia 1520
356573389172178NokiaNokia 2.4
354277142557129NokiaNokia 1.4
354825771290030NokiaNokia X10
354271063083819NokiaNokia Lumia 630
359506965537080NokiaNokia G20
359746041268165NokiaNokia Lumia 900
357690101627765NokiaNokia Lumia 800
358331058238624NokiaNokia Lumia Icon
355786103680422NokiaNokia 2 V
355787109398720NokiaNokia C5 Endi
355788108650202NokiaNokia 2.3
352914106704428NokiaNokia 2.2
352911107848600NokiaNokia 3V Prepaid
352910101282337NokiaNokia 3V Prepaid
352908105534653NokiaNokia 3.2
350804633263505NokiaNokia C30
354221100058340NokiaNokia 7.2
352363062367525NokiaNokia Lumia 521
356969096131335NokiaNokia 3.1 Plus
356965096638949NokiaNokia 8.1 (X7)
355819290858947NokiaNokia X20
357260058880906NokiaNokia Lumia 925
357254053311058NokiaNokia Lumia 1020
356719056408326NokiaNokia Lumia 1020
356714059363263NokiaNokia Lumia 1020
353137116870505NokiaNokia 8.3 5G
358343050954918NokiaNokia Lumia 1520
355159067508411NokiaNokia Lumia 830
355160061522911NokiaNokia Lumia 830
353045061476113NokiaNokia Lumia 520
352244617450786NokiaNokia 3.4
352179574005795NokiaNokia XR20
353047064485513NokiaNokia Lumia 635
353048067198707NokiaNokia Lumia 635
352242671583716NokiaNokia G10
357923775187653NokiaNokia G300
356952094707611NokiaNokia 7.1
356953095841888NokiaNokia 7.1
356954093521563NokiaNokia 7.1
356964096666398NokiaNokia 8.1 (X7)
357689108173666NokiaNokia Lumia 800
356748971384668NokiaNokia C20
354866081485498NokiaNokia 9 Pureview
359179059193929NokiaNokia Lumia 1320
354149059715331NokiaNokia Lumia 920
357264059860024NokiaNokia Lumia 1020
353139118093607NokiaNokia 8 V 5G UW
353069061485254NokiaNokia Lumia 630
353942967368024NokiaNokia G20
359358489799279NokiaNokia G20
356998596497854NokiaNokia 1.4
355785107859628NokiaNokia 2 V
354250061178920NokiaNokia Lumia 830
352924102523599NokiaNokia 7.2
358550080441712NokiaNokia 6.1
352896103301201NokiaNokia 3.1 C
353184112500306NokiaNokia 3.4
356927094251430NokiaNokia 5.1 Plus
351737063513933NokiaNokia Lumia 520
356431016858646NokiaiPhone SE 2nd Gen 2020
356689052285848NokiaNokia Lumia 625
355107511799953NokiaNokia C01 Plus
353775180152449NokiaNokia XR20
355783107826267NokiaNokia C2 Tava
352923100132502NokiaNokia 1.4
350266787322133NokiaNokia C20
358549089393593NokiaNokia 6.1
352918104504680NokiaNokia 2.2
352921100208546NokiaNokia 7.2
358457309876514NokiaNokia G10
353652062052783NokiaNokia Lumia 635
358553085929376NokiaNokia 8
358551087000436NokiaNokia 6.1
355781106054436NokiaNokia 1.3
354773224499362NokiaNokia X100
356694779433457NokiaNokia 3.4
359004098401051NokiaNokia 5.4
356028081853567NokiaNokia 8
354208109359688NokiaNokia 1.4
356699054421374NokiaNokia Lumia 1020
359180477375528NokiaNokia G20
358981094240479NokiaNokia X6
356696057143955NokiaNokia Lumia 520
358984090794671NokiaNokia 3.1 Plus
356029081872243NokiaNokia 6
353212473247405NokiaNokia G20
356027088830974NokiaNokia 8
356706057794242NokiaNokia Lumia 521
356690502050931NokiaNokia Lumia 1020
359003095372455NokiaNokia 5.4
356021080264696NokiaNokia 6
358996096248791NokiaNokia 6.1 Plus
358531085662270NokiaNokia 8 Sirocco
358078149196945NokiaNokia G10
359001094571804NokiaNokia 3.1 A
356932096806025NokiaNokia 5.1 Plus
354209107164328NokiaNokia 6.2
355129060510540NokiaNokia Lumia 635
359019091398567NokiaNokia 2 V
359965052809630NokiaNokia Lumia 520
356249324847550NokiaNokia C21 Plus
353169112045840NokiaNokia 1.4
353171111832939NokiaNokia 2.3
353178110665194NokiaNokia 2.4
353179117140132NokiaNokia 2.4
353180112710036NokiaNokia 2.4
353182114160988NokiaNokia 3.4
358544082736328NokiaNokia 7 Plus
355792100027633NokiaNokia 5.3
352905107663597NokiaNokia 4.2
352903109602754NokiaNokia 4.2
352901107122593NokiaNokia 4.2
352900102471203NokiaNokia 4.2
356271140535110NokiaNokia G50
352556963418608NokiaNokia T20
358548086174766NokiaNokia 6.1
358545088428075NokiaNokia 7 Plus
353402093129568NokiaNokia 6
353385098571795NokiaNokia 6.1 Plus
354244062215716NokiaNokia Lumia 930
353384090666596NokiaNokia X6
354224108335462NokiaNokia 1.3
354235069208241NokiaNokia Lumia 930
354632887184416NokiaNokia C01 Plus
354211101679012NokiaNokia 4.2
353680059675928NokiaNokia Lumia 920
355795103720450NokiaNokia 5.3
358742572866767NokiaNokia G10
351965052501292NokiaNokia 808 PureView
355939053962775NokiaNokia Lumia 925
355913054932988NokiaNokia Lumia 521
353127113118651NokiaNokia 5.3
353626061978750NokiaNokia Lumia 530
354225101604655NokiaNokia 1.3
353633060493435NokiaNokia Lumia 930
352917107397597NokiaNokia 2.2
353398094728509NokiaNokia 6.1
353183115426774NokiaNokia 3.4
358846150640211NokiaNokia G20
355844094996198NokiaNokia 3.1 Plus
355335271718265NokiaNokia G50
358557088512329NokiaNokia 6.1
350778866310797NothingPhone (1)
353319580351853NothingPhone (1)
424115884189238NvidiaShield Tablet K1
355263066814216NvidiaShield Tablet
866966056724417OnePlusOnePlus Nord N20 5G, OnePlus Nord N200 5G
861074052651026OnePlusROG Phone 5, OnePlus Nord N10 5G
869134046923642OnePlusOnePlus 8
866241041809842OnePlusOnePlus 6T
866265035690165OnePlusOnePlus 5
860218060374607OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 2 5G
867789101333755OnePlusOnePlus 7T
869774066773722OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 2 5G
866334055336271OnePlusOnePlus 8T
860637046629844OnePlusOnePlus 8 Pro
990011558971858OnePlusOnePlus 5T
861123041273747OnePlusOnePlus 8
869768051567909OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 5G
990012022807454OnePlusOnePlus 6
869908059226450OnePlusOnePlus 9R
990012453284884OnePlusOnePlus 6
869904048707452OnePlusOnePlus 8
863444052034325OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
867192059314721OnePlusOnePlus Nord 2 5G
867540042382082OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
990010796785864OnePlusOnePlus 5T
869295034502357OnePlusOnePlus 6
990013239278513OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
990013244455320OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
990013252777292OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
869344049173844OnePlusOnePlus 7T Pro
866801057996948OnePlusOnePlus Nord
866817036721934OnePlusOnePlus 5T
990013460396166OnePlusOnePlus 7
990012494715268OnePlusOnePlus 6T
865475053114326OnePlusOnePlus 8T
990013809841385OnePlusOnePlus 7T
990013829402242OnePlusOnePlus 7T Pro 5G
990013832395920OnePlusOnePlus 7T
990009790416948OnePlusOnePlus 5
860284052861019OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
990015134263680OnePlusOnePlus 7T
990015153735667OnePlusOnePlus 7T
990015266278829OnePlusOnePlus 7T
866673054451130OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 5G
990013616398090OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
869897036949120OnePlusOnePlus 6
869896038721040OnePlusOnePlus 6
990012507254008OnePlusOnePlus 6T
990016751571512OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
990017122040922OnePlusOnePlus Nord N10 5G
990017691384289OnePlusOnePlus Nord N200 5G
865276043177294OnePlusOnePlus Nord
990015712834258OnePlusOnePlus 8
860439061474820OnePlusOnePlus Nord 2T
865422040513293OnePlusOnePlus 8 Pro
990015698919057OnePlusOnePlus 7T Pro 5G
862202057857335OnePlusOnePlus Nord
990015745914044OnePlusOnePlus 8
990015689000529OnePlusOnePlus 7T
990016823892003OnePlusOnePlus Nord N10 5G
863581048218825OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
990016836926665OnePlusOnePlus Nord N100
990018643790466OnePlusOnePlus 10 Pro
862108048904153OnePlusOnePlus 6T
863018053316723OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
990015976147249OnePlusOnePlus 8
990015796510147OnePlusOnePlus 8 Pro
990018932774593OnePlusOnePlus Nord N200 5G
990015753757665OnePlusOnePlus 8
865288065961943OnePlusOnePlus Ace
990016802286045OnePlusOnePlus Nord N10 5G
867520040281692OnePlusOnePlus 6
866840053582518OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 5G
866790032653064OnePlusOnePlus 5
990016810104354OnePlusOnePlus Nord N100
860445051139604OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
990017415144035OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
990017207050374OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
990016798099964OnePlusOnePlus Nord N100
990016774008443OnePlusOnePlus 8T
990017113722082OnePlusOnePlus Nord N100
990016765139173OnePlusOnePlus 8T
865300043178241OnePlusOnePlus 6
990016724300148OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
990015678929605OnePlusOnePlus 7T
868717031672066OnePlusOnePlus 5T
990017194734485OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
990017186443392OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
865295051241479OnePlusOnePlus Nord
990016742302654OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
990017095613044OnePlusOnePlus 8T
990016847938030OnePlusOnePlus Nord N10 5G
869796044492844OnePlusOnePlus 8
863619049938726OnePlusOnePlus 8 Pro
868051026177109OnePlusOnePlus X
358641001337145OnePlusOnePlus Nord N200 5G
867287038019753OnePlusOnePlus 5T
866978058292632OnePlusOnePlus 9R
869105058878825OnePlusOnePlus 10 Pro
860120058488409OnePlusOnePlus 8
868218052866083OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 5G
862563030054815OnePlusOnePlus 3
860161058240846OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
869046052485920OnePlusOnePlus 9R
869041053877035OnePlusOnePlus 9RT
869671041117423OnePlusOnePlus 6T
868233039395171OnePlusOnePlus 5T
864255055643527OnePlusOnePlus 8 Pro
865510040222756OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
865981054480087OnePlusOnePlus 10 Pro
868263037781940OnePlusOnePlus 6
869057050419605OnePlusOnePlus 8T
863219058513435OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
861758058096331OnePlusOnePlus Nord N100
868878052065737OnePlusOnePlus Nord N100
868757052787880OnePlusOnePlus Nord N10 5G
863664031168726OnePlusOnePlus 3T
868119042009117OnePlusOnePlus 7T Pro
868768056870689OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
867910058824550OnePlusOnePlus 9RT
865800022707290OnePlusOnePlus One
869437053169839OnePlusOnePlus 9RT
861679055472624OnePlusOnePlus 10 Pro
861229044058207OnePlusOnePlus 7
869430044989415OnePlusOnePlus 7
863815059766581OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
866448051067142OnePlusOnePlus Nord 2 5G
861616046309507OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
863825064153311OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 2 5G
868871049134856OnePlusOnePlus 7T
868082051605607OnePlusOnePlus Nord N200 5G
861235051562528OnePlusOnePlus 8T
867891046361071OnePlusOnePlus 7T
864587027232785OnePlusOnePlus One
863410056326603OnePlusOnePlus Nord 2 5G
148360061231107OnePlusOnePlus 3T, OnePlus 3
869559069202476OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 2 5G
865185057009196OnePlusOnePlus Nord 2 5G
869623057877119OnePlusOnePlus 10 Pro
865166047031284OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
864721054363367OnePlusOnePlus 8T
861803044912496OnePlusOnePlus 6T
865139049078553OnePlusOnePlus 8 Pro
861557051507439OnePlusOnePlus 8T
866929056643458OnePlusOnePlus 9 Pro
865124034128746OnePlusOnePlus 5
864791038723994OnePlusOnePlus 3T
866093052805528OnePlusOnePlus Nord
867958049561203OnePlusOnePlus Nord
863420049405703OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
990012555151932OnePlusOnePlus 6T
868048027096825OnePlusOnePlus X
867554000222339OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
868345065262057OnePlusOnePlus Nord CE 2 5G
865116041346121OnePlusOnePlus 8
869360053847875OnePlusOnePlus Nord N10 5G
864737047619046OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
865208044578592OnePlusOnePlus 6T
863371048142583OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
867292053896549OnePlusOnePlus 9R
864678053674469OnePlusOnePlus 9 5G
867290029715009OnePlusOnePlus 2
867254047849182OnePlusOnePlus 7
868539047893167OnePlusOnePlus 7T
867271026446319OnePlusOnePlus 2
861894044531949OnePlusOnePlus 7T
864222060489403OnePlusOnePlus Nord 2 5G
860746040842772OnePlusOnePlus 6
864421045910562OnePlusOnePlus 7 Pro
860046037761550OnePlusOnePlus 3
868957064298971OnePlusOnePlus Nord N20 5G
869388059881648OnePlusOnePlus 9R
869386040352877OnePlusOnePlus 6T
864630030022577OnePlusOnePlus 5
866995062973064OnePlusOnePlus 10T
866599040984704OnePlusOnePlus 7T
862812068945406OnePlusOnePlus Nord N200 5G
864959051010900OnePlusOnePlus 8T
869147033676841OppoA5 (2020)
869146037710507OppoA5 (2020)
866221052085995OppoReno6 5G
869904055785664OppoReno6 Z
869218040510891OppoReno 10x Zoom
869145035920597OppoA5 (2020)
865182057639825OppoReno5 4G
865077044588285OppoReno Z
860691051130222OppoFind X3 Pro
869232049458895OppoA5 (2020)
869959043781746OppoReno4 Pro
869823052643736OppoFind X3
357223232720257OppoReno5 Lite
861742051987688OppoFind X3 Pro
861728042002331OppoReno4 Pro
869793056458029OppoReno6 5G
869771053945701OppoReno5 Pro 5G
860628055590100OppoReno5 4G
860596057344067OppoFind N
869715041116552OppoA5 (2020)
860350058595974OppoReno5 4G
860476058585564OppoReno5 4G
866097043587053OppoA5 (2020)
867972042440380OppoReno 10x Zoom
866922043550738OppoReno Ace
866899054121981OppoF19 Pro Plus
860210048318897OppoA5 (2020)
861281053080127OppoReno6 Z
866882059029805OppoFind X5 Pro
864363049789073OppoA5 (2020)
868333042001392OppoReno3 Pro
868332059213619OppoFind X3
868311053128676OppoReno6 Z
868222051386903OppoReno5 Pro 5G
861299040066066OppoRealme 2 Pro
862638043517196OppoR17 Pro
862632050591061OppoReno6 5G
862588052665479OppoReno6 5G
862514042042686OppoReno4 Pro
863794043276652OppoA5 (2020)
861583055153376OppoReno6 5G
860169043738048OppoA5 (2020)
866483055254354OppoFind X5 Pro
862960055520524OppoFind X3 Neo
867429057795547OppoReno6 5G
862877047978588OppoA5 (2020)
863140056007172OppoFind X3 Pro
862183058103277OppoFind X5 Pro
867956056896934OppoReno5 Pro 5G
869493054923955OppoFind X5
863444045199060OppoFind X2 Pro
867603055033347OppoF21 Pro
862864052100027OppoReno5 Lite
862829050574366OppoReno5 Pro 5G
869393051582061OppoFind X3 Neo
864129052023217OppoFind X3 Lite
864774050913420OppoReno5 4G
863142054666876OppoFind X3 Pro
868066057466775OppoReno6 Pro 5G
866629055307861OppoReno6 5G
869430035600112OppoFind X
869409021685329OppoA33 (2020)
862283054374136OppoReno5 Pro 5G
862298059301660OppoReno6 Z
863597048019393OppoReno4 Z 5G
864647057472584OppoReno6 5G
864601046708970OppoReno 10x Zoom
867340053723716OppoReno5 Pro 5G
860869044312202OppoFind X2 Pro
863905044689772OppoRealme 2 Pro
863901045858490OppoA5 (2020)
861039044394464OppoReno Z
865755053370824OppoReno5 4G
865924050571343OppoReno6 5G
866830041025084OppoReno3 Pro
869345032540527OppoA5 (2020)
861043056539461OppoFind X5 Pro
863236042456554OppoA5 (2020)
863243047752300OppoA5 (2020)
867734048325993OppoReno4 5G
861907058889183OppoReno5 Pro Plus 5G
863271045111765OppoFind X2 Neo
861876058574832OppoReno6 Pro 5G
862888059211669OppoF21 Pro
862967059029923OppoReno6 5G
863428058099960OppoReno6 Pro 5G
864271058662208OppoReno6 Z
869670054624556OppoA5 (2020)
864297058032514OppoReno5 Pro 5G
864313045011246OppoFind X2 Neo
864327043017666OppoA5 (2020)
869637044109576OppoA5 (2020)
863362045108487OppoReno4 Z 5G
869651040722720OppoA5 (2020)
863351059715683OppoReno5 Lite
357165763275302OtherUnihertz Atom L, Unihertz Atom XL
351594093273487OtherCaterpillar Cat S31
357811098392474OtherFairphone 3
869941026602792OtherLeEco Le Max 2
351667112619235OtherPlanet Cosmo Communicator PDA
140540083790275OtherSonim XP6
356303113275216OtherTCL 10 SE
863382042989366OtherAT&T Radiant Core Prepaid
157490002321416OtherTCL 10 5G UW
357485099766398OtherCricket Vision
352321109657431OtherOrbic Wonder
358697872427316OtherUnihertz Titan Pocket
358703072774067OtherVerizon Wear 24
359425098645423OtherSonim XP8
352109108356026OtherCaterpillar Cat S48c
864377038888845OtherCoolpad Defiant
352108102596447OtherCaterpillar Cat S48c
357492494047978OtherT-Mobile Revvl V Plus 5G
356064956081471OtherUnihertz Jelly 2
359196065323803OtherSilent Circle Blackphone 2
157350032960031OtherT-Mobile Revvl 4
157100063365760OtherT-Mobile Revvl 5G
352897092720112OtherUnihertz Jelly Pro, Unihertz Titan
157340092763433OtherT-Mobile Revvl 4
355929098175392OtherRed Hydrogen One
157290077948360OtherT-Mobile Revvl 5G
156580042049794OtherTCL 10L
990012655859194OtherUnihertz Atom
352212118041750OtherTCL 10 Pro GSM
990013499905524OtherCoolpad Legacy
352209103464013OtherSonim XP8
356512098690104OtherSonim XP8
158880082978789OtherTCL 20S
302476014305046OtherNook Tablet 7"
990015580939080OtherCoolpad Legacy SR
160990006541047OtherTCL Stylus 5G
990013500231464OtherCoolpad Legacy SR
357880081633525OtherCat S41
358392046673603OtherDoogee Turbo DG 2014
159020015649467OtherTCL 10 5G UW
860667040280195OtherCoolpad Legacy
201122006256332OtherNook Tablet 7"
354401112745155OtherCaterpillar Cat S42
159200080774404OtherTCL 20 Pro 5G
160320050048113OtherTCL 30 V 5G
990015271494916OtherF(x)tec PRO1
151400039935167OtherSonim XP8
351794749238450OtherCaterpillar Cat S62
356548180423996OtherCaterpillar Cat S62
157270077934305OtherT-Mobile Revvl 4 Plus
160620049853659OtherTCL 30 XE 5G
351595097893949OtherCaterpillar Cat S31
157020042563576OtherT-Mobile Revvl 4 Plus
138630097904022OtherCaterpillar CAT B15
350006132026017OtherTCL 20 SE
358137073032177OtherCaterpillar Cat S60
861273037996940OtherT-Mobile Revvl Plus
142900005060256OtherSonim XP7
863892051544308OtherT-Mobile Revvl 5G, T-Mobile Revvl V Plus 5G
356177094704372OtherCaterpillar Cat S61
354841195623672OtherTCL 10 SE
359635107400939OtherMontblanc Summit 2 Plus
861324039883535OtherCoolpad Catalyst
356180095729695OtherCaterpillar Cat S61
143180003459292OtherTrek HD
358128871645096OtherTCL 20 Pro 5G
358997105936814OtherCaterpillar Cat S52
141740006544242OtherSonim XP7
353373303300689OtherCricket Dream 5G
990010043790964OtherEssential PH-1
501121009696558OtherNook Glowlight 3
861582045742694OtherAT&T Radiant Core Prepaid
358138078356264OtherCaterpillar Cat S60
352791185624051OtherUnihertz Titan Slim
990007958824382OtherCoolpad Legacy Go
358143081706216OtherCat S41
357450090620473OtherRed Hydrogen One
351486516844020OtherCaterpillar Cat S22 Flip
143260084466208OtherSonim XP7
356133846043544OtherTCL 10 SE
355418110335267OtherCaterpillar Cat S62
861325030745912OtherCoolpad Catalyst
352744109221199OtherLight Phone 2
863519031398857OtherCoolpad Catalyst
862429032872606OtherCoolpad Defiant
863509047311960OtherRealme X50 Pro 5G
863465044952704OtherCricket Vision
352585064817699OtherLokmat APPLLP Max S999
359452097390769OtherSonim XP8
359145669032765OtherCaterpillar Cat S42
149760061790615OtherT-Mobile Revvl
358242090137072OtherRed Hydrogen One
862006039996305OtherCoolpad Defiant
151410071533713OtherSonim XP8
151390027727124OtherSonim XP8
151770064809473OtherSonim XP8
355748081624509OtherVerizon Ellipsis 8 HD
353439066291835OtherTrio AXS 4G
156260044676817OtherTCL 10 Pro GSM
152480070281993OtherT-Mobile Revvl 2 Plus
869633057056291OtherVisible Midnight
861690067238572OtherT-Mobile Revvl 6 5G
355151071312914OtherNextbit Robin
152000068743521OtherTCL 20 Pro 5G
353435092036848OtherMaze Alpha
152460033909294OtherT-Mobile Revvl 2
151500066173713PalmCompanion Phone
357955072993441Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 8
358887062397615Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 10
353495065787140Quanta Corpnan
356455056889518Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 7
354012076668539Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 8
359243050376725Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 7
353610069164829Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 8
356585062125646Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 7
358701073058068Quanta CorpVerizon Ellipsis 8
353434094073784RazerRazer Phone
357482091068063RazerRazer Phone 2
865903054813174RealmeRealme C11
868484043674321RealmeRealme C3
863541051501376RealmeRealme C21
865259051432967RealmeRealme C11
868484051701875RealmeRealme 9i
866903057725036RealmeRealme C11
860975059260945RealmeRealme 8
867404051853303RealmeRealme C11
866706068878326RealmeRealme 9 Pro
866706050556955RealmeRealme C21Y
867675050182469RealmeRealme C11
861000040173872RealmeRealme X2 Pro
865876051100870RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
867910043405861RealmeRealme C3
867429044908724RealmeRealme X3 SuperZoom
865655051601586RealmeRealme C21
866284043338675RealmeRealme C3
863539052057737RealmeRealme Narzo 50i
863519057064441RealmeRealme 8
863510054577519RealmeRealme 8
868571041763237RealmeRealme C2
863572051112310RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
865514059425375RealmeRealme 8 Pro
865518042159215RealmeRealme C2
861587053300970RealmeRealme 7 5G
865527045700776RealmeRealme 6 Pro
867872055899557RealmeRealme 8 Pro
867412041424820RealmeRealme 5
867886055158814RealmeRealme C21Y
866691052370664RealmeRealme C21Y
863606040571069RealmeRealme X50 Pro 5G
860569058077689RealmeRealme C11
862022050343244RealmeRealme GT 5G
990009468264869RealmeRealme C3
864273054055643RealmeRealme 7 Pro
869460054083619RealmeRealme C11
862044054956920RealmeRealme 8
862059048787934RealmeRealme 6
869092059298486RealmeRealme C21
862065050394626RealmeRealme C11
860574054712214RealmeRealme C11
860756051480974RealmeRealme 9i
869551050308867RealmeRealme 9i
861651051463907RealmeRealme 9i
867152053673340RealmeRealme GT Neo2
867491049780151RealmeRealme 5 Pro
867904047357608RealmeRealme C3
868678067985113RealmeRealme C21Y
866224053330493RealmeRealme 7 Pro
868696051752224RealmeRealme 7 5G
867647052957842RealmeRealme C21Y
867655059692346RealmeRealme C20
862280059412705RealmeRealme C11
868513043177818RealmeRealme C3
861609040969814RealmeRealme C2
865314048680101RealmeRealme 6
861848045757374RealmeRealme C2
865474058502452RealmeRealme GT Neo2
867008054419200RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
864425058474747RealmeRealme 8
864441054131512RealmeRealme C11
864510044614710RealmeRealme 5
864444036992225RealmeRealme C3
864463055201896RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
864865057564784RealmeRealme C11
864478041936165RealmeRealme X2 Pro
863154050090639RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
865362058051515RealmeRealme C11
865071045242562RealmeRealme 5 Pro
867813058143171RealmeRealme 7 Pro
865264046806432RealmeRealme C11
867740053269901RealmeRealme 7 Pro
865136041382215RealmeRealmi 6i
863011044144478RealmeRealme 6
865157050578709RealmeRealme C21Y
865868040387064RealmeRealme 5 Pro
868452055581312RealmeRealme 8i
865128044692971RealmeRealmi 6i
866436043987485RealmeRealme 3
867030053444062RealmeRealme 8i
864823059180083RealmeRealme Narzo 50i
867721045804757RealmeRealmi 6i
869391047023778RealmeRealme 3
869795056961837RealmeRealme C21Y
869844058468894RealmeRealme C21Y
864536047014152RealmeRealme 5
865313057010960RealmeRealme C11
861851042437602RealmeRealme XT
860964042865580RealmeRealme X2
863433056209389RealmeRealme 9i
861081054946882RealmeRealme GT2 Pro
861963041435238RealmeRealme 3 Pro
861969056795655RealmeRealme C11
866383058528608RealmeRealme 7 Pro
861091052152615RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
867217045932094RealmeRealme C11
867176048527683RealmeRealme 5
861096045473044RealmeRealme C11
861286056207544RealmeRealme 9i
867140058980836RealmeRealme 8
867092049918815RealmeRealme X2
868581043319797RealmeRealme 5
868599043440595RealmeRealme 6
861672053891796RealmeRealme C21Y
862949057636974RealmeRealme 7 5G
865184058721289RealmeRealme 7 Pro
863571053174849RealmeRealme GT Neo2
864807045491993RealmeRealme 6
358133077406442RealmeRealme C3
868406040350027RealmeRealme X3
861311043093722RealmeRealme C3
861318040952636RealmeRealmi 6i
863033042508215RealmeRealme X2 Pro
865706051058507RealmeRealme C21Y
866417058950220RealmeRealme Narzo 20
866624059028985RealmeRealme Narzo 20
860219059703541RealmeRealme C11
866477050947822RealmeRealme GT 5G
861249054054508RealmeRealme 7 5G
869133046027792RealmeRealmi 6i
869577053085780RealmeRealme 7 5G
869675059202316RealmeRealme C21
862777053733192RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
866484042346386RealmeRealme 3
863416052678376RealmeRealme 7 Pro
867347068986816RealmeRealme GT Neo3
861577051013014RealmeRealme C21Y
867331040911951RealmeRealme 6 Pro
860635042714032RealmeRealme 6
869960056592731RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
862926044515461RealmeRealme 5
869945057393916RealmeRealme 7 5G
866488058420415RealmeRealme Narzo 20
860308057060945RealmeRealme GT2 Pro
868349055820635RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
863250042142296RealmeRealme 3
867244050216999RealmeRealme C25s
860280056187559RealmeRealme 7 Pro
863386054162200RealmeRealme 7 5G
867239053291429RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
862839053897276RealmeRealme Narzo 20
869701050311433RealmeRealme 8
860236059031822RealmeRealme 8i
860238041375358RealmeRealme X2
862303058447017RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
860358057487697RealmeRealme C21Y
862752042222359RealmeRealme C3
862691049497160RealmeRealme X3 SuperZoom
868295053201106RealmeRealme GT2 Pro
862672046533215RealmeRealme XT
864697044413357RealmeRealme 5
868790059416864RealmeRealme C20
860663046950378RealmeRealme X3 SuperZoom
866576057332571RealmeRealme 7 5G
868337053092612RealmeRealme 8
868912054818098RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
867373061706472RealmeRealme 9 Pro
864623056071248RealmeRealme C21Y
860152055415523RealmeRealme 8 Pro
868829042228596RealmeRealme C11
868896040645105RealmeRealme 6
863698053872997RealmeRealme C11
867352057367903RealmeRealme Narzo 50i
861488041816104RealmeRealme 3 Pro
861500046963671RealmeRealme C11
869676059908795RealmeRealme GT 5G
861504055543770RealmeRealme 7 Pro
868991050559997RealmeRealme GT 5G
861174065868623RealmeRealme GT Neo
869940049768960RealmeRealme 6
862176057562493RealmeRealme Narzo 20
865943057573144RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
862470053361095RealmeRealme 9 Pro Plus
862486049306564RealmeRealme 6
862490058760018RealmeRealme 8i
863893045576596RealmeRealme 5 Pro
863894064127360RealmeRealme GT Neo3
868948055835863RealmeRealme C21Y
866121040624469RealmeRealme XT
868130051152763RealmeRealme 9i
862132068775095RealmeRealme 9 Pro
862135055563010RealmeRealme C11
868136041127658RealmeRealme 6 Pro
862460054427581RealmeRealme Narzo 20 Pro
868176059798487RealmeRealme C21Y
860676055871442RealmeRealme 8
866066042221592RealmeRealme C2
860425059326262RealmeRealme GT Neo2
865965043100740RealmeRealme C2
863651048570655RealmeRealme C3
868236057589930RealmeRealme GT2 Pro
860387048627814RealmeRealme 5 Pro
864322058677470RealmeRealme C11
866198058680179RealmeRealme GT2 Pro
862107035419589RealmeRealme C3
862856059099731RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
868121040088838RealmeRealme C3
862140055695663RealmeRealme 9i
860431048175448RealmeRealme C2
860583050829955RealmeRealme 8i
867995057440664RealmeRealme C20
860920050794013RealmeRealme C21
860898053020026RealmeRealme GT Neo2
863980056754921RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
860006065803856RealmeRealme 9 Pro
860025051771265RealmeRealme GT2 Pro
862448055109399RealmeRealme 8 Pro
864023051448386RealmeRealme C21
864045050292226RealmeRealme GT Neo
862439045167290RealmeRealme C2
864145058481761RealmeRealme 7 5G
860874058913002RealmeRealme 7 5G
869240054258548RealmeRealme C11
860450055198192RealmeRealme C20
862434054933609RealmeRealme Narzo 20
863747050409798RealmeRealme 7 5G
862452041251919RealmeRealme 5
863828055178537RealmeRealme GT Neo2
863787041765783RealmeRealme C2
863771056783071RealmeRealme 8i
862427056180690RealmeRealme Narzo 20
863711052675616RealmeRealme C11
862162045720054RealmeRealme 3 Pro
864132049004506RealmeRealme 2 Pro
862539045370834RealmeRealme C11
860861059940936RealmeRealme 7 5G
863923059896273RealmeRealme GT Master Edition
860458052345237RealmeRealme C21Y
868002059324787RealmeRealme GT2 Pro
355372110614439SamsungGalaxy A21s
355371115062909SamsungGalaxy A21s
355374104797360SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
355375100216446SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
357504211067756SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
133780097247685SamsungATIV Smart PC 500T
355370108043603SamsungGalaxy A20
357507054725745SamsungGalaxy Note 3
357507093456179SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
355369114706971SamsungGalaxy A21s
357506092154769SamsungGalaxy S8
357506050206999SamsungGalaxy S4
355369100070671SamsungGalaxy A20
357483839636419SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
355367111853770SamsungGalaxy A21s
356782375294678SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
357505375611966SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
356784055830193SamsungGalaxy S4
356786107635892SamsungGalaxy A10
356787122805502SamsungGalaxy A21s
357486354389926SamsungGalaxy A12
357485083611105SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
357484084045785SamsungGalaxy Amp Prime
356788101083145SamsungGalaxy Xcover 4s
356789109906071SamsungGalaxy Xcover 4s
357502864892462SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
355374396875460SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355363106902045SamsungGalaxy S10e
355363119684697SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus LTE
355364106719090SamsungGalaxy S10e
355365100911138SamsungGalaxy S10e
355365114764978SamsungGalaxy A21s
355368118668450SamsungGalaxy A21s
358398681928426SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355998110298094SamsungGalaxy A51
358402095182941SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358401099619940SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358396266063007SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
358395960306712SamsungGalaxy A03s
358394102772725SamsungGalaxy Note 10
355999395167228SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
355987084547867SamsungGalaxy S8
358432707731462SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358434338956245SamsungGalaxy A12
355982080588890SamsungGalaxy S8
354738063400334SamsungGalaxy Note 3
354741085157874SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355966413750095SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
355976083921843SamsungGalaxy A7 2017
355976112594934SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
355977187523279SamsungGalaxy A22
355978115086397SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
357487330614304SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
355998057325595SamsungGalaxy S4
358403213831252SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355996687440909SamsungGalaxy A02
353757092173374SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
355987199362376SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358431076113104SamsungGalaxy S7
358430077024534SamsungGalaxy S7
358429203610778SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
355988083406600SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
355989080809721SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
355990082806913SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
358429076097756SamsungGalaxy J1 Mini
355991080013783SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
355993084570917SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
358425147072935SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358425070010860SamsungGalaxy J7
355993113897539SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
355993442357882SamsungGalaxy A01
355994789212227SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358420050608221SamsungGalaxy S4
358419758686885SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
358414068435628SamsungGalaxy J1
357487541373971SamsungGalaxy Book Go
355355114100646SamsungGalaxy A11
357496650873796SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
357930048734781SamsungGalaxy S2
357929095280946SamsungGalaxy S9
357926916807139SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
357926662240774SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355353096682996SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime 2
355354057427231SamsungGalaxy Y
355354069543165SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
355355052502100SamsungGalaxy S Duos
355979087645582SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
355356116032704SamsungGalaxy A11
355357057108750SamsungGalaxy Note 10.1
355357116546958SamsungGalaxy A11
355358053568047SamsungGalaxy Ace 2
355358115553607SamsungGalaxy A11
355359114481345SamsungGalaxy A11
357959107145308SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357960085990400SamsungGalaxy J3
357962101899839SamsungGalaxy A50
351684403262260SamsungGalaxy A22
357930096166720SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
351627942268751SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
357933076431213SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
357942069579185SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
353231110544453SamsungGalaxy A70
353233137905444SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353237111239274SamsungGalaxy J7 Duo
353238130243867SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353240111880386SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
357393102598594SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
357688957782254SamsungGalaxy A23
357390066446737SamsungGalaxy Note 4
355361118244406SamsungGalaxy Watch3
357956100007030SamsungGalaxy A10
357956085338848SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357953595233353SamsungGalaxy A12
357953103844436SamsungGalaxy A20e
357952104315610SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
357951089038080SamsungGalaxy A7 2017
357950072934255SamsungGalaxy J5
357944939925101SamsungGalaxy S22
357944068927837SamsungGalaxy S6
357943063838874SamsungGalaxy S6
357935495564698SamsungGalaxy A12
351632810158423SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
351632895297625SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
351632910380588SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355360116990481SamsungGalaxy Watch3
355362114542207SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus LTE
357388866421991SamsungGalaxy A12
355363063421666SamsungGalaxy Tab S 10.5
357501097996397SamsungGalaxy J4
356768068816521SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
356770065981464SamsungGalaxy Note 4
357499084561656SamsungGear S3
356770919825248SamsungGalaxy A12
357498082804845SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
356775854397921SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
356776109506829SamsungGalaxy A20
356778105859087SamsungGalaxy S10e
356778840137732SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356779102940524SamsungGalaxy S10e
356780108698843SamsungGalaxy A20
357497086552251SamsungGalaxy S8
357965109825987SamsungGalaxy A50
357966107024847SamsungGalaxy A10
357967057878638SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini Duos
357968082230951SamsungGear S3
351662069905836SamsungGalaxy Trend 2 Duos
351666063821931SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
351666448362809SamsungGalaxy M21
351672497595216SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351675068474026SamsungGalaxy S5
351675490289570SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
351677996559548SamsungGalaxy M22
351682092178474SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
351684187873704SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
357488081502854SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
351690518088920SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
351690738776809SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
351691099876501SamsungGalaxy S8
351692093487519SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357973082142644SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357972102213369SamsungGalaxy A30
357971106700793SamsungGalaxy A30
357970109589385SamsungGalaxy A30
357968783084269SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357964101717268SamsungGalaxy A50
355979112583915SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
355980116613781SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
352657113534003SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
352664071656661SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
356795100647911SamsungGalaxy A50
356795346311314SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356796105678414SamsungGalaxy A50
356797102250744SamsungGalaxy A50
356800100428831SamsungGalaxy A20
352325089717628SamsungGalaxy S7
356808077059174SamsungGalaxy Tab A 9.7
356808092558176SamsungGalaxy S8
356809079660290SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
356814076645542SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
352324077219895SamsungGalaxy A8
353726860985533SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
352315054593542SamsungGalaxy S3
352308823793089SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
352308195081725SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
352308068054924SamsungGalaxy S5
352307138089852SamsungGalaxy A12
356820099758907SamsungGalaxy S9
352306051287048SamsungGalaxy Ace
352304636950719SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Ultra
356825074269408SamsungGalaxy A7 2016 Duos
352303053438125SamsungGalaxy S2 HD LTE
353713135970771SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
353717347503692SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353718050024918SamsungGalaxy S3
353718681479846SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353720266824644SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
353722790415402SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353725693274081SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
353726069704966SamsungGalaxy S5
352322247181151SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
352317953784594SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
356810092530312SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356811090082769SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354463100669623SamsungGalaxy A50
352287560388313SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
354464106218563SamsungGalaxy A50
354464118800861SamsungGalaxy A51
354465104092363SamsungGalaxy A50
354465117333556SamsungGalaxy A51
354467102944413SamsungGalaxy A50
354468114915243SamsungGalaxy A51
352268734048835SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354469105826225SamsungGalaxy A50
354470080024828SamsungGalaxy J2
354470104926941SamsungGalaxy A50
352261052292978SamsungGalaxy S2
352260053745158SamsungGalaxy S3
354470118727483SamsungGalaxy A51
352285144041028SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
352287613204046SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
353748060148381SamsungGalaxy S5
353230111331738SamsungGalaxy A70
352278372952578SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354463084494675SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
354462113485035SamsungGalaxy A20e
356813960149900SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352330087909276SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
352329107287457SamsungGalaxy S10
352329087369903SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
352326084604787SamsungGalaxy S7
353728060803367SamsungGalaxy S5
353738480902087SamsungGalaxy M51
353747190433507SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352277220895724SamsungGalaxy A12
354451105368580SamsungGalaxy S10e
354452082279584SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
354452100898712SamsungGalaxy S10
354454089131842SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
354455083246080SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
354459079353835SamsungGalaxy On5
354460100381431SamsungGalaxy A50
354460117425585SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
354462102352758SamsungGalaxy A50
354462612421010SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
356818096696906SamsungGalaxy S9
352319159067451SamsungGalaxy A01
356817078113633SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357115106911337SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
357116077559469SamsungGalaxy J1
357116101893009SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
357975107502009SamsungGalaxy A30
357128084973161SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
357130050175581SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
357130080667862SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
357974106698165SamsungGalaxy A30
357130879368763SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
357132371536574SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357973105884982SamsungGalaxy A30
357136089623996SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
357112093855353SamsungGalaxy J2
357137083583756SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
357138058848968SamsungGalaxy S4
357139059651146SamsungGalaxy S4
357140086854760SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
357143052184535SamsungGalaxy S4
357143647116604SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
357975732439635SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
357148050687785SamsungGalaxy S4
357114098317751SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
358392109944362SamsungGalaxy A30
355980846884751SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
355981084721994SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
355982117875542SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
358435713852164SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
355983080233123SamsungGalaxy S8
355984080694140SamsungGalaxy S8
355984114203694SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
355985080948618SamsungGalaxy S8
358445400798281SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
358445076473102SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355986089554969SamsungGalaxy S8
358444046972715SamsungGalaxy Tab 8.9 GSM
358442075183261SamsungGalaxy J7
358439073728808SamsungGalaxy S7
355986117224411SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
355987051614427SamsungGalaxy S4
358436071484681SamsungGalaxy S7
356000054032891SamsungGalaxy Note 2
358393100181277SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357135086096479SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
357105077880959SamsungGear S2
358388108368702SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
357105104137555SamsungGalaxy A80
357106102506353SamsungGalaxy A80
357976611004128SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
357107761704990SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
357109095985790SamsungGalaxy J6
357976439318031SamsungGalaxy A31
356790433932031SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
356791100116684SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
356792104959590SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
352655449746135SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356815072314314SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
352322078785500SamsungGalaxy S6
352321549661712SamsungGalaxy A22
352321077056061SamsungGalaxy A5
356816180930363SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
357103475337987SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
357103071542451SamsungGalaxy Tab A 7.0 2016
357102103852870SamsungGalaxy A80
357110092448410SamsungGalaxy J6
357113092951227SamsungGalaxy J2
357111202976787SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358391886379974SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
357098109165731SamsungGalaxy A80
356000079679049SamsungGalaxy Note 5
358390107185913SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
355980088726645SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
356001078911219SamsungGalaxy On7
357097078985251SamsungGalaxy J1
357099061141819SamsungGear S
356001102578059SamsungGalaxy A70
353229114308362SamsungGalaxy A20e
357585099400193SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353227073430847SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
359367055627079SamsungGalaxy S4
356203097210447SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
356200264120763SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356196389612850SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
356196104732447SamsungGalaxy S7
356193100430134SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
356192105476530SamsungGalaxy S10e
356191439116143SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 Plus
352330101901028SamsungGalaxy S10
352331082853303SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
352331101650086SamsungGalaxy S10
352332084914622SamsungGalaxy S7 Active
352332102431468SamsungGalaxy S10
352333089139843SamsungGalaxy S7 Active
352333100762680SamsungGalaxy S10
352334089169517SamsungGalaxy S7 Active
352334109921483SamsungGalaxy S10
352334110370597SamsungGalaxy A51
352334250983803SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
359362066695017SamsungGalaxy S6
352334705112115SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
359359065948215SamsungGalaxy S6
353402105184007SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
353342109676568SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
353343102797831SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
353344576309756SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
353345118660440SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
353346054726062SamsungGalaxy Note 10.1
353346104438924SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
353347118115110SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
353404883686278SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353350104287026SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
353352573565809SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
353353829065479SamsungGalaxy A22
353356617636997SamsungGalaxy A10e
353358147896307SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353360481843812SamsungGalaxy S10
353372912457583SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
353376912497903SamsungGalaxy A12
353383128945261SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353388687290314SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
353395763408934SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353404726342006SamsungGalaxy A12
352335101405433SamsungGalaxy S10
352336115499107SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355794055273741SamsungGalaxy S4
355792264267322SamsungGalaxy A12
356219641867110SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356217096190574SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
356216095275709SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
356214468578759SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
356212100170639SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
356211714227629SamsungGalaxy A11
356211474243808SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
356211091536386SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
356210091713870SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
356209064720599SamsungGalaxy A7 2015
356207095578507SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356206097994753SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356205697017130SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356205065927894SamsungGalaxy Note Edge
352346106395149SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352335283819955SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352336798646974SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
352337103954350SamsungGalaxy S10
352337119076727SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
352338100875176SamsungGalaxy S10
352341106273933SamsungGalaxy S10
352342104850037SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
352343100060258SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352344114753045SamsungGalaxy A50
356202098605670SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
356203780980488SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
351220106935991SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
356204069243978SamsungGalaxy Note 4
355795057222008SamsungGalaxy Mega 5.8 Duos
353766118821841SamsungGalaxy A30s
353766507163870SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
353767078735534SamsungGalaxy S4
353767083657897SamsungGalaxy On5
353767094010235SamsungGalaxy Note 8
353767117349321SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
353769596758360SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
353770098633101SamsungGalaxy J3
353771054599674SamsungGalaxy Note 2
353771076099265SamsungGalaxy J5
353771096441257SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353771114112302SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
353773086341729SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
353773298515094SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353776104831613SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
353778103584318SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353779107515936SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
353780106468267SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
353781102277462SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
353765118374264SamsungGalaxy A30s
353782626337170SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
353764091426720SamsungGalaxy Note 8
353799610774291SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
356256118396983SamsungGalaxy A11
356257102640030SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
356257113700385SamsungGalaxy A11
356258071516904SamsungGalaxy J5
356259107965669SamsungGalaxy A50
356259114688668SamsungGalaxy A21
356259567024627SamsungGalaxy A12
356261052342464SamsungGalaxy Note 2
356261105700080SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356262100460118SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356263054861137SamsungGalaxy Mega 6.3
356263315241467SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
356266079353683SamsungGalaxy Express 3
356266114655449SamsungGalaxy A31
356268117099039SamsungGalaxy A31
356269111893823SamsungGalaxy A31
353800055907212SamsungGalaxy Note 2
357631090139446SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
353764088099688SamsungGalaxy On5
353783103806489SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
353786639158895SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
353790102062774SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
357618089298283SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
357619105926527SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
357623108940782SamsungGalaxy A10
357625086213074SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357625109063019SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357626090510521SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357626101954643SamsungGalaxy A20
357627093423795SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357629056467900SamsungGalaxy Mega
357630093526898SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
357630392218957SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357392106602865SamsungGalaxy S9
353409108572500SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
353408116831593SamsungGalaxy A71
353405115326138SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.4" 2020
353346110750247SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
356275055003618SamsungGalaxy S3
356275965904947SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
356280234920674SamsungGalaxy A72
357617088816905SamsungGalaxy J7
357616783589668SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
357612101719509SamsungGalaxy Tab Active Pro 10.1"
357612080841399SamsungGalaxy C9 Pro
353791668992297SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
353794358966134SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
353796106239599SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
356271108526416SamsungGalaxy A10e
356272106318111SamsungGalaxy A10e
356273108496277SamsungGalaxy A10e
356274103088614SamsungGalaxy A10e
352347080193823SamsungGalaxy J7
357579922960614SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
357584098312319SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353748828479631SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358135090201064SamsungGalaxy J4
357594093918440SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357598091972622SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357600836802369SamsungGalaxy A03s
357601993604879SamsungGalaxy S22
357611087959451SamsungGalaxy J3 Emerge
357577093638316SamsungGalaxy A6
352347106001257SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
352348621617304SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355611105096866SamsungGalaxy S10
358192104619583SamsungGalaxy S9
358192064589990SamsungGalaxy E7
358191108734612SamsungGalaxy A20
358191009654059SamsungGalaxy Note 10
358190109240413SamsungGalaxy A20
358189107638404SamsungGalaxy A10
358188911665017SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
358187055813599SamsungGalaxy S3
358185103468481SamsungGalaxy A70
358183350522779SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
350096587272141SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355798483315933SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355797141969966SamsungGalaxy A22
350098013850086SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
353245903939555SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
355795646690632SamsungGalaxy A02s
351115624935723SamsungGalaxy S22
351121018088731SamsungGalaxy A12
351127332271911SamsungGalaxy A02
358193104897864SamsungGalaxy A50
351131569047077SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
358194055189723SamsungGalaxy S4 Active
358202093573970SamsungGalaxy Note 9
350003145390522SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
358180101701090SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
351214714226448SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358181109474680SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
359382695622539SamsungGalaxy A02
861413035075830SamsungMi Mix
358218302600453SamsungGalaxy A02
358217090236215SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
358216095787230SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
358215709973814SamsungGalaxy A12
358215094848415SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
358215086719582SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
358212091213974SamsungGalaxy S9
358211098914782SamsungGalaxy S9
358210820333881SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358208086397491SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
358195339543056SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
351132615665391SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351138208814742SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
351140966571175SamsungGalaxy A11
350100062191634SamsungGalaxy A12
350101093045245SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355796461476149SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350102214820029SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
350110411134169SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
350112234909413SamsungGalaxy A23
350117934521897SamsungGalaxy A21s
350121670756576SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350131026817535SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
350131650293268SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
350132634581299SamsungGalaxy A23
353241050696023SamsungGalaxy Note 10.1
353222061558634SamsungGalaxy S5
353223832236989SamsungGalaxy A22
353224065840158SamsungGalaxy S4
353241110031070SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
353243884187815SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353244118113189SamsungGalaxy A20s
351142530077515SamsungGalaxy A11
351145570018422SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
351147875401873SamsungGalaxy A02
351156466696205SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351161645691622SamsungGalaxy A23
351162213966875SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
351162968751118SamsungGalaxy A12
351167440317735SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
351173167638733SamsungGalaxy A02
350095351375759SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
351174391131206SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
351177838924968SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
351183570669498SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
351185843202619SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
351187701404568SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351187946737780SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
351203049511855SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
351207413138955SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
351210010311637SamsungGalaxy A11
351212940386283SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
351176762372152SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
353228115610321SamsungGalaxy A20e
350091127263288SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
350076125850681SamsungGalaxy A12
350135968106310SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
350143860487556SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
356174074539134SamsungGalaxy J7
350680838480114SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
350984250182137SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
356191107916188SamsungGalaxy S10e
355611087445701SamsungGalaxy J7
355609095069091SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
355579425389420SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
352349114380095SamsungGalaxy A51
352350109211014SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
352350112501989SamsungGalaxy A51
352351110717445SamsungGalaxy A51
352353114605667SamsungGalaxy A51
352353592410218SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
352353728941839SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
352354116301750SamsungGalaxy A51
352355112882958SamsungGalaxy A51
352357112578131SamsungGalaxy S10e
350043314771326SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
352358111605461SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
356177109540183SamsungGalaxy A30
356179108472400SamsungGalaxy A70
355611114338846SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
355612083167778SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355612091347891SamsungGalaxy A6 Plus
355612114918553SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
355614618439508SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356185417029088SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355615089035287SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
356184992002354SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
355616100534548SamsungGalaxy A20e
355617088837697SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
355617100742537SamsungGalaxy A20e
355618085911717SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
355618110145299SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
353069842531731SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
353074286850860SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356177830645137SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
352363868979895SamsungGalaxy A21s
355576064085715SamsungGalaxy Ace 4
355582871079743SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
358166070309908SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
350018555887437SamsungGalaxy A31
358161070240294SamsungGalaxy J5
350019156330322SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
350033880615320SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350037928106580SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
350039084965494SamsungGalaxy A02s
350039939755090SamsungGalaxy A12
350048547804885SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
350048581590648SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355808025615151SamsungGalaxy Note 2
350057314968252SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
350060036480275SamsungGalaxy A03s
350060776994170SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
355799058711209SamsungGalaxy S4
350072602105004SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
355798878997063SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
350073972392875SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
350013909640251SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
358174073653371SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
358174196850235SamsungGalaxy A12
358174928292425SamsungGalaxy A21s
355608084206789SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355583069121297SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
355585062348389SamsungGalaxy Alpha
355595474351806SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
355599057865877SamsungGalaxy S2
355602085112021SamsungGalaxy Amp Prime 2
355602117062848SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355603082853765SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
355604086800463SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
350086599955619SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355604114464951SamsungGalaxy M31
355606082975108SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355606371432993SamsungGalaxy A21s
355607851168545SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 Plus
351223931552668SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351215774091408SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
359377785371575SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
358176100167598SamsungGalaxy A10s
350010994478993SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
350012627909782SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
355605111048762SamsungGalaxy M31
353749065242344SamsungGalaxy S5
354552105233755SamsungGalaxy S10
353750951548273SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354717115485352SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354718608423413SamsungGalaxy A01
354718800193624SamsungGalaxy S22
354719119487830SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354719664994768SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354721111334317SamsungGalaxy A10s
354701118498448SamsungGalaxy M11
354721980121258SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
354722117858283SamsungGalaxy A10s
354723111580295SamsungGalaxy A10s
354724113691882SamsungGalaxy A10s
354725082471032SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
354725117941074SamsungGalaxy A10s
354725129126094SamsungGalaxy A10e
354726071573275SamsungGalaxy S5
354727086476520SamsungGalaxy J7 Sky Pro
354728079666218SamsungGalaxy On5
354728081244251SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
354730489957641SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354712527945432SamsungGalaxy A21s
354733080918954SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
354712112503372SamsungGalaxy A71
354711119044406SamsungGalaxy A31
353712692160321SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356724575731802SamsungGalaxy S22
356725101699116SamsungPixel 4 XL
356732050370160SamsungGalaxy Note 8.0 Tablet
358446922419760SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356736392518642SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
356736868683623SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
356737576896440SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356738668334969SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
356002073013423SamsungGalaxy On7
356002109832549SamsungGalaxy A70
356032739915695SamsungGalaxy A22
356033109047853SamsungGalaxy S10e
356034101126554SamsungGalaxy A20
354720146265140SamsungGalaxy A02s
354702920835769SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354704172255829SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
354705114114222SamsungGalaxy A71 5G
354708203763008SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
354711354954129SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353700063225922SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
354702110353813SamsungGalaxy A71
356036839924135SamsungGalaxy M01 Core
354696067936887SamsungGalaxy Core LTE
354696112764888SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354697148101731SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
353684121494425SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
353683980461137SamsungGalaxy A02
351919555579149SamsungGalaxy A51
353683062124769SamsungGalaxy S5
359091007785286SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359092050107188SamsungGalaxy Note 3
359093058492846SamsungGalaxy Note 3
359097840715836SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359100040300902SamsungGalaxy Note
351918100020286SamsungGalaxy A6 Plus
351910575770016SamsungGalaxy A41
351910105292911SamsungGalaxy S10
351908995627543SamsungGalaxy A12
354700114282806SamsungGalaxy M11
355773083001860SamsungGalaxy J5
355764086589977SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355745371552234SamsungGalaxy S22
355746096192207SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
355748092742894SamsungGalaxy J5
355751954917828SamsungGalaxy M32
355754083056773SamsungGalaxy J3
355755087207411SamsungGalaxy Tab A 7.0 2016
355756114844523SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
355756159419421SamsungGalaxy Note 8
355757088589458SamsungGalaxy S8
355757112523804SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
355760089138804SamsungGalaxy A7 2017
355761112321839SamsungGalaxy Watch 42mm
355763624774976SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355765358805926SamsungGalaxy A12
354698111934587SamsungGalaxy A11
355768465822313SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
355770323767193SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355770376408976SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355773113010147SamsungGalaxy A51
353698104414192SamsungGalaxy A6
356002113433557SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
353697116816030SamsungGalaxy S10
350145455176734SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
350146813259816SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350184799516420SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
350153274105538SamsungGalaxy A12
350158646775108SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
350162404248878SamsungGalaxy A03s
350165828711116SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
350166280790184SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350167029621458SamsungGalaxy A22
350171981042646SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
350178736767526SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350178906154653SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
350179389368182SamsungGalaxy A21s
350181332174733SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
350183732625850SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
350183775484314SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
351924107328292SamsungGalaxy S10
351922100146133SamsungGalaxy S10
354733278071269SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
353166344077831SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
353684117967152SamsungGalaxy A51
353162392111184SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
353158260543011SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
358510077854293SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
358510086573520SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358510624930596SamsungGalaxy S10e
358511072253002SamsungGalaxy On5
358511082410949SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358512073277651SamsungGalaxy S7
358513086446994SamsungGalaxy J7 Max
350195303994663SamsungGalaxy A12
350188158720127SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
350145750191677SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353137642478740SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
353137854846345SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
353140240740172SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353144354203084SamsungGalaxy A12
353151337929081SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
353153056475098SamsungGalaxy S3
353156206260567SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
353160963787937SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356004069689448SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
356005111380050SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
356006104781437SamsungGalaxy A70
356031106857191SamsungGalaxy S10
356032105831419SamsungGalaxy S10e
356003114577699SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356003107189825SamsungGalaxy A70
356002726896570SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353697106867399SamsungGalaxy S10e
353684958836664SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
353685105269311SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
353685114752489SamsungGalaxy A51
353686109410968SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
353687104106593SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353687850761799SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353690110295962SamsungGalaxy A01
353691110748737SamsungGalaxy M11
353692113235441SamsungGalaxy M11
353694854516328SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
353695108604000SamsungGalaxy S10e
353696069001160SamsungGalaxy S5
356030108489953SamsungGalaxy S10
356029104932677SamsungGalaxy S10
356028107216476SamsungGalaxy S10
356027108960934SamsungGalaxy A10e
356006111635071SamsungGalaxy A10e
356007103821109SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
356007114056133SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
356008105350667SamsungGalaxy A50
356008115720339SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
356009109130071SamsungGalaxy A50
356009117270208SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
356010100843571SamsungGalaxy A50
356010114383432SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
351908104161376SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
356012520871349SamsungGalaxy A23
356015110325691SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
356017073811121SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
356017296845203SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
356018879664201SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
356019106514516SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
356019749347639SamsungGalaxy A22
356021102530462SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356022062294701SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
356022104260355SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356014105773932SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
358509974623835SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
351904100591948SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
351892067060777SamsungGalaxy S4
355320542276806SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352162357711649SamsungGalaxy M02
352165063984970SamsungGalaxy Pocket Neo
352166053194711SamsungGalaxy S2
352166456309478SamsungGalaxy A03s
352166478460747SamsungGalaxy A02
352172206771116SamsungGalaxy S22
352174094385215SamsungGalaxy J7
352177390771202SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352189674053736SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352189801237822SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
352191245522306SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
352192669170325SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352202663258784SamsungGalaxy A02
352204084605841SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
352205088977458SamsungGalaxy J7
359263105391867SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359264107454331SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
358796102880821SamsungGalaxy A10
359270078473739SamsungGalaxy J7
354471460227312SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
352256199912611SamsungGalaxy Watch4
352928084250980SamsungGalaxy Tab S2 9.7, Galaxy Tab S2 8.0
353173652810597SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
353336112448742SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018, Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
353344111614595SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G, Galaxy S20 Plus LTE
353689102041913SamsungGalaxy J2, Galaxy J2 (2018)
354805097630879SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 V 2018
354061095388645SamsungGalaxy A8, Galaxy A8 2018
354067142571349SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354255094359504SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 Refine 2018
354257096607765SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 V 2018
354263099739399SamsungGalaxy S9, Galaxy S9 Plus
354272093560057SamsungGalaxy J3 2018, Galaxy J3 Star
354461115471068SamsungGalaxy S20 5G, Galaxy S20 LTE
354586445338577SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
354630363551934SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
354665102223643SamsungGalaxy J7, Galaxy J7 Refine 2018
354713118385053SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G, Galaxy S20 Plus LTE
354775089829484SamsungGalaxy J3 2017, Galaxy J3 Prime
354793241143116SamsungGalaxy A13 5G, Galaxy A13 LTE
354471105637677SamsungGalaxy A50
352712282600257SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359270310758871SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Ultra
359271106166683SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
355271747022489SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
355307124531534SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355273053107300SamsungGalaxy Express
355273111554196SamsungGalaxy A30s
355274071294781SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
355275073203969SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
355275091900653SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355285773432115SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
355288910990300SamsungGalaxy A02
355289668144389SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
355300070241646SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355300716458471SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355301078498196SamsungGalaxy S7
355306067576506SamsungGalaxy Note 4
355307066388620SamsungGear S
359293962861058SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus LTE
357291379362134SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
357293105030241SamsungGalaxy A10
357168099388823SamsungGalaxy J6
355269117186694SamsungGalaxy Watch3
359271070491984SamsungGalaxy J7
355269090089881SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
358818745525827SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
359272104193539SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359273106649502SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359274102354220SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359276665983212SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359278281651348SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359282407592394SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355317516882767SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355310043835101SamsungGalaxy S2
355309070630583SamsungGalaxy A9
355271112286396SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
358807263884179SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
358808078761917SamsungGalaxy J3
358809079128981SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
358810073385619SamsungGalaxy S7
358815109583020SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
358816102746705SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
358817076560684SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
358817103782608SamsungGalaxy A50
358818102627190SamsungGalaxy A50
358819105591029SamsungGalaxy Note 10
352659959022838SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
352618335347475SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
359042085766227SamsungGalaxy S8
359042135718459SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
359043085378872SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
359043375210801SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
359044063074731SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
359044089101666SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
359046083005447SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
359047054333487SamsungGalaxy Note 3
359048084055082SamsungGalaxy J2
359049080151214SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
359050338327341SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
359074865430468SamsungGalaxy A12
359051095134250SamsungGalaxy J8
359052777460476SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
359053090220167SamsungGalaxy S9
359054096120989SamsungGalaxy J8
359054849066729SamsungGalaxy A51
359055097821798SamsungGalaxy J8
359059092369084SamsungGalaxy J2
359041088378337SamsungGalaxy S8
359062091101532SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
359040088683076SamsungGalaxy S8
359050088042561SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
351887984287487SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351886060094502SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini LTE
351885244495809SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
351885066254334SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
351881065066589SamsungGalaxy S5
351878112838291SamsungGalaxy A30s
351877111734832SamsungGalaxy Tab Active Pro 10.1"
351873050610992SamsungGalaxy S3
359232095806333SamsungGalaxy J8
359231593741604SamsungGalaxy S22
359230176898336SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
359229098028816SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
359226416389078SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
359225095675831SamsungGalaxy J6
359223975165379SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359218520144390SamsungGalaxy A21s
359086051939722SamsungGalaxy S4
359077052755092SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
359075721420635SamsungGalaxy S22
351919103716151SamsungGalaxy A6 Plus
359062341715479SamsungGalaxy A51
359071096942279SamsungGalaxy J4
359071129221535SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353678115185353SamsungGalaxy A51
353679040574067SamsungOmnia 7
358452989258034SamsungGalaxy A03s
353679114574993SamsungGalaxy A51
358447604399353SamsungGalaxy S22
353680105990495SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353680110349497SamsungGalaxy A51
353681110757986SamsungGalaxy A51
353682063660672SamsungGalaxy S5
353682112640485SamsungGalaxy A51
354897118845743SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354806093621086SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 Aura 2018
359214091259741SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
353575900559331SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
359210301265312SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
359209093980153SamsungGalaxy J8
359208700307586SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
863212031946715SamsungChromebook Plus
353677118765591SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
353676117046557SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
353674671528433SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354890106174903SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus, Galaxy S10e
359072948630864SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
359073835891585SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
359218094813198SamsungGalaxy J6
359217646790201SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
359215096594701SamsungGalaxy J8
355002075955291SamsungGalaxy Note 8.0 Tablet, Galaxy Tab E 8.0
355008372640734SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
351892116405163SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
355076083518093SamsungGalaxy J3, Galaxy J3 V
355077089704943SamsungGalaxy J7, Galaxy J7 V
355227085872711SamsungGalaxy A5, Galaxy A5 2017
355270094709839SamsungGalaxy Amp Prime 3, Galaxy J3 2018
353655124677422SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
353669837607360SamsungGalaxy A21s
355060042046727SamsungGalaxy S Vibrant, Vibrant
358508081507717SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352648118396605SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
357468095952345SamsungGalaxy Watch 46mm
352649119790861SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
357467543836456SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352650117006706SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
352622068384846SamsungGalaxy S5 Active
352620385028559SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
355335091565953SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356351085266176SamsungGalaxy J3 Eclipse
355337105080037SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355338106610574SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355340108794836SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355342905137045SamsungGalaxy A23
355343099607637SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355345095745949SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355346107070417SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355347580727358SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
356345285001516SamsungGalaxy Watch5
356346469858184SamsungGalaxy A03s
352647119120063SamsungGalaxy A30s
356347112828699SamsungGalaxy A11
352642892293757SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357472102152907SamsungGalaxy A70
352622110265159SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
352623099242946SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
352624119121177SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
352625663727160SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352626115457000SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
352628119437285SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
352630115561597SamsungGalaxy A71
352630607786975SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352631117943338SamsungGalaxy A71
352632114656840SamsungGalaxy A71
357482854693768SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
357478667861428SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352635119433040SamsungGalaxy A71
357475062831865SamsungGalaxy Note 4
352621082490985SamsungGalaxy J5
352636115572070SamsungGalaxy A71
352639110571998SamsungGalaxy A71
352640118413662SamsungGalaxy A71
357474097066415SamsungGalaxy J4
357469630195374SamsungGalaxy A21s
357476083973272SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
356347206457561SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
356352088898205SamsungGalaxy J3 Mission
354645093145666SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354645109386684SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354646105277182SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354647886267863SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354648091084192SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354648104879992SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354649091376638SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354650090278569SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354650137536581SamsungGalaxy A23
354651053493286SamsungGalaxy S3
354651109542649SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354652102751161SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354653103389209SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354653493044596SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
354654106518521SamsungGalaxy S10
354655054414381SamsungGalaxy Young
354655391894790SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
354657103696448SamsungGalaxy M10
354658086053458SamsungGalaxy A8
354644101909981SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356350640918909SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
354644099297308SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352620113752801SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
356353085939869SamsungGalaxy S8
356354084832550SamsungGalaxy S7
356356083970638SamsungGalaxy S8
356356739337919SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
356357087627752SamsungGalaxy S8
356358086503143SamsungGalaxy S8
356368080370357SamsungGalaxy Note 9
356369080351744SamsungGalaxy C9 Pro
356369487947144SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356374084296119SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
352617378170133SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
352617421985693SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
352618098171724SamsungGalaxy J3 Emerge
354736070155370SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
354735078826560SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
354734069780902SamsungGalaxy S5
358518072571200SamsungGalaxy S7 Active
355334100357049SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355333389926755SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355333102250137SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352291125569573SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
352656113147816SamsungGalaxy A01
352654704347010SamsungGalaxy A12
356793104108071SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
352651790545317SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358483099387694SamsungGalaxy S8
358484064075520SamsungGalaxy E5
358484098019601SamsungGalaxy S8
358485098829006SamsungGalaxy A6
358492840050170SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358493098556173SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
358494200388018SamsungGalaxy Book Go
358496096313711SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358497099224335SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358498094864208SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358499095077402SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358500061775232SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
358500077989421SamsungGalaxy S7
358501076440028SamsungGalaxy S7
352294620237043SamsungGalaxy Tab S6 Lite
358502088083087SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352297206355758SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353762113947392SamsungGalaxy Note 10 5G
353751097040605SamsungGalaxy J3
353752072595225SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353753070510455SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353753090925642SamsungGalaxy S9
353754070277590SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353755099165229SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
353756077196699SamsungGalaxy Note 5
353756112340963SamsungGalaxy A10e
353757073654590SamsungGalaxy Note 5
353758085694624SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
352288960125818SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353758091558318SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
353759087620336SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353759096749308SamsungGalaxy Note 8
353759114639515SamsungGalaxy S10
353760099439681SamsungGalaxy Note 8
353760118535956SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353761117748434SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
353761209163609SamsungGalaxy A12
353763084588710SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
358503086151181SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358503899159397SamsungGalaxy A41
358504080972960SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352938095502881SamsungGalaxy J3 Achieve
352938778314349SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
358454513008125SamsungGalaxy A22
358478098199280SamsungGalaxy S8
358461046236651SamsungGalaxy S2
358461099911747SamsungGalaxy J6
358462964058937SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358463096676570SamsungGalaxy J6
358463324303500SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
358465099682893SamsungGalaxy J6
358466097379961SamsungGalaxy J6
358466109656851SamsungGalaxy Tab S6
358467092866473SamsungGalaxy J6
358472091118736SamsungGalaxy J6
358472104939201SamsungGalaxy Watch 46mm
358475094408905SamsungGalaxy J2
358475771055219SamsungGalaxy A22
352937088857997SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
352934051329302SamsungGalaxy Note 2
352932326052899SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
352931095798492SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358505084941836SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358506403448636SamsungGalaxy S22
355326102318060SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355327098223355SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355327106870411SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355327823775356SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357483080658294SamsungGalaxy Folder 2
355328102640311SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355328661247904SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354663107419902SamsungGalaxy S9
355332101547360SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
358482474799184SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
358482095069249SamsungGalaxy S8
358481093668192SamsungGalaxy S8
358453426075775SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352919062821231SamsungGalaxy S5
352928098935832SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
352929083843502SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
352930087974392SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355333091612982SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354664103123159SamsungGalaxy S9
354667109009199SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354668454798220SamsungGalaxy A22
354550422557534SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354550807886631SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
354551108529052SamsungGalaxy S10
354551113434389SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354551457353559SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
354551893180608SamsungGalaxy A03s
356254958788534SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
354552112686797SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354554100274784SamsungGalaxy M20
354555108817185SamsungGalaxy M20
354555112561613SamsungGalaxy M11
354558107619644SamsungGalaxy M20
354558594948944SamsungGalaxy A51
351610696048009SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
351607964198169SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
351600225496175SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
351577114835319SamsungGalaxy A10s
351564395864242SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351565093227467SamsungGalaxy Note 8
354531558453813SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
351566099003027SamsungGalaxy Note 8
354525090387893SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
354522092491526SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
355858112225547SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
355859107990574SamsungGalaxy A10
355859114827819SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
358519079923931SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
358516086957050SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
351923105156853SamsungGalaxy S10
358514072547969SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
351613545880036SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
354483069187136SamsungGalaxy Note 4
354483111180402SamsungGalaxy A10s
354485112590646SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
354486117884596SamsungGalaxy A71
354502450142226SamsungGalaxy A31
354505620761965SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354510916667025SamsungGalaxy A02s
354511093072930SamsungGalaxy A8 Plus 2018 Duos
354512126673991SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
354518052911586SamsungGalaxy Grand
354518410150505SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
354524059803479SamsungGalaxy S3
351566841271310SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 FE
351569071211071SamsungGalaxy J1 Duos 2016
351572775597530SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350241605571864SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350196028253963SamsungGalaxy A22
350200952494773SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350207634820234SamsungGalaxy A02s
350210625620894SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
350211816423726SamsungGalaxy A21s
350212141786332SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
350214928093213SamsungGalaxy A12
350215313035966SamsungGalaxy A21s
350220430559369SamsungGalaxy A51
350232422705488SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
350233975328579SamsungGalaxy A22
350237721520488SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
350239335754214SamsungGalaxy A03s
350247877575632SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
350189486879338SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354559117315843SamsungGalaxy A20e
351597116150582SamsungGalaxy A30s
351596114343041SamsungGalaxy A50
351573096604492SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
351574098291171SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
351574183821957SamsungGalaxy A03s
351575072251305SamsungGalaxy A5
351575091749792SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
351576104995372SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
351577102659036SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
351578103253779SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
351597423392521SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
355858105517314SamsungGalaxy A10
351579105059891SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
351580112613852SamsungGalaxy A10s
351581100321607SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
351581114226412SamsungGalaxy A10s
351586119191727SamsungGalaxy S10
351587105618194SamsungGalaxy Tab S4
351591110461079SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
351592113680152SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
351594103960644SamsungGalaxy Tab S4
351595117232722SamsungGalaxy A50
351580100700604SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
353750064657722SamsungGalaxy S5
355857116193503SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
355855113620130SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
355386737076293SamsungGalaxy Watch5
355387990484299SamsungGalaxy A02
355390116575610SamsungGalaxy A31
355391115127536SamsungGalaxy A31
355392114160908SamsungGalaxy A31
355395119518822SamsungGalaxy A31
355395796275548SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355396119916628SamsungGalaxy A31
355398364356427SamsungGalaxy A21s
354668777832821SamsungGalaxy A12
354669101484792SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
354670100598590SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
359464493494616SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355866108706776SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355869106522351SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
355869119538030SamsungGalaxy A31
355870663998877SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
359453166562031SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
355386112370188SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
355384389392720SamsungGalaxy A03s
354668624135402SamsungGalaxy A12
355382700834529SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
358521076780777SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
358522084002824SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358523088388516SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358524085601240SamsungGalaxy S8 Active
358526101032102SamsungGalaxy Watch 42mm
358527106770902SamsungGalaxy Watch 42mm
358530434918615SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
358532370727125SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358533135696670SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358534044478077SamsungGalaxy Tab 10.1
358540103701275SamsungGalaxy A50
358542956392723SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355382112633535SamsungGalaxy A71
355383119339605SamsungGalaxy A71
355384117765528SamsungGalaxy M21
359457076892578SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
359459073677218SamsungGalaxy J5
359460074871677SamsungGalaxy J5
354681114754749SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
354682063489139SamsungGalaxy Core 2
354682281098928SamsungGalaxy M02
354686116171719SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354688068738750SamsungGalaxy Core 2
354690573297694SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
354691068823549SamsungGalaxy S5
354693997363431SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355844445635115SamsungGalaxy A22
355845061211263SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
355847052933020SamsungGalaxy S3
355849065017080SamsungGalaxy Note 4
355860109788438SamsungGalaxy A10
355849531066885SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
355849927619081SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355851114219543SamsungGalaxy A51
355852117807235SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
355852559393405SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
355853119810524SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354678060781841SamsungGalaxy Note 4
354676119703949SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
355848067930092SamsungGalaxy Note 4
354674109536148SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
359461651117476SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
359462060860128SamsungGalaxy S6
359464060813081SamsungGalaxy S6
359465072745146SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
355864347794778SamsungGalaxy A21s
359465105026167SamsungGalaxy Book S
359466109945006SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359466603533134SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359467078632641SamsungGalaxy S7
355856107145795SamsungGalaxy A10
359468443622473SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
359469078759069SamsungGalaxy S7
359470070994530SamsungGalaxy S7
359471070800552SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
359471109617563SamsungGalaxy A01
359472075218485SamsungGalaxy S7
359475077057744SamsungGalaxy J Max
351934068137731SamsungGalaxy Star
355864863939567SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355864129938247SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
359469063591022SamsungGalaxy A5
356252291660923SamsungGalaxy A31
358589944871243SamsungGalaxy A71, Galaxy A71 5G
356251100851640SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352407519482039SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352410099377066SamsungGalaxy S9
352411090646061SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352412373836544SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352415061258137SamsungGalaxy Grand 2
352418091583763SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352419098548841SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352420098756574SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352424095330920SamsungGalaxy J3 Eclipse
352428118456000SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
352429750045911SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352429892048187SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
352430112380657SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
352432119038098SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
359833056803514SamsungGalaxy J
352124118626888SamsungGalaxy A10s
352406223373575SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
353421118651042SamsungGalaxy A10s
352402096572914SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352396407373832SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
359814487074578SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
359814645854457SamsungGalaxy A21s
359815490167234SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
359828100765768SamsungGalaxy A50
359829064792707SamsungGalaxy Tab S2 9.7
352435116454010SamsungGalaxy A30s
352432989685895SamsungGalaxy A11
352148052631489SamsungGalaxy S3
352432593146805SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
352370860045054SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
352375053060794SamsungGalaxy Note
352377973283910SamsungGalaxy Watch5
352385056180093SamsungGalaxy S Relay 4G
352387288568384SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
352388507464488SamsungGalaxy A21s
352392324896690SamsungGalaxy A21s
352395789834023SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352395882361650SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
352399916576804SamsungGalaxy A12
352125113948045SamsungGalaxy A10s
352126722113286SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352120865553077SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
353422103720701SamsungGalaxy J6
353425067874778SamsungGalaxy S5 Active
359835106287036SamsungGalaxy A20
359836100787047SamsungGalaxy A20
359837104470960SamsungGalaxy A01
359839765618101SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
359841055767143SamsungGalaxy Grand
359843855842050SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
359844061076210SamsungGalaxy S6
353425102487032SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
359845063036417SamsungGalaxy S6
353425080042585SamsungGalaxy S7
353424476370874SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359863174315372SamsungGalaxy A23
359846067045628SamsungGalaxy S6
353424113654359SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
352121119402954SamsungGalaxy A10s
352125585284119SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Ultra
352147118064982SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
352146101673643SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
352130070993422SamsungGalaxy S6 Active
352131075453651SamsungGalaxy S6 Active
352132070507616SamsungGalaxy S5
352132657680547SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352133072378014SamsungGalaxy S5
352134074882987SamsungGalaxy J5
352134109976853SamsungGalaxy A9
352135147609299SamsungGalaxy A21s
352137073798427SamsungGalaxy J5
352138109664302SamsungGalaxy J3 Achieve
352139100543503SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
352139942968884SamsungGalaxy S22
352141071129973SamsungGalaxy J5
352141103893950SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352142103864868SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353421074492746SamsungGalaxy Tab S2 8.0
352143108681554SamsungGalaxy S7
352144105745319SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
352145102672703SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
352146115531779SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
359794096005066SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359792051628302SamsungGalaxy Grand 2
359783092268133SamsungGalaxy A6
352720099904093SamsungGalaxy J7
352721085491202SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
352721106027753SamsungGalaxy S10e
352723076818955SamsungGalaxy S6
352723488149056SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
352724164156837SamsungGalaxy A12
352724931244379SamsungGalaxy Book Pro 360
352726115694154SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
352727117216160SamsungGalaxy S10e
352728280698648SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 Plus
352730119402143SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
352730632043507SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352731379969177SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 Plus
352731457153249SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356075092776220SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
356086272673608SamsungGalaxy A12
352717085892100SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
358300830523306SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352716082816583SamsungGalaxy J7 V
352712385858455SamsungGalaxy A12
357769082451773SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
357771074017265SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
357772499257361SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357774832206949SamsungGalaxy A03s
357775814625451SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357777054810090SamsungGalaxy Mega 6.3
356067158571165SamsungGalaxy A02
356073092869285SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
352711093408561SamsungGalaxy S9
352712078462003SamsungGear S2
352712095505214SamsungGalaxy S9
352714086412723SamsungGalaxy S7
358302092502572SamsungGalaxy J4
358305078370088SamsungGalaxy Note 5
358305283520998SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352148077998558SamsungGalaxy S6
352433813164057SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
352436119095925SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
356592512788403SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356593848369801SamsungGalaxy M31
356594956395281SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
356599982608102SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
356600352350232SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
358589108061524SamsungGalaxy A10
359778098843822SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018
359779099725968SamsungGalaxy J3 Luna Pro
359781094207075SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352148102273050SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
352149075773555SamsungGalaxy Note 4
358347045226712SamsungInfuse 4G
358340081534453SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
358306091678085SamsungGalaxy S8
358307056257865SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
358307064863944SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini LTE
358307099471341SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358311059418672SamsungGalaxy Star
358312074300788SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
358312093157425SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
358316072326299SamsungGalaxy J7
358316603409499SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353423115699180SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
358318063383859SamsungGalaxy S5
358329082265639SamsungGalaxy On5
358330089028756SamsungGalaxy S8
358331087095961SamsungGalaxy S8
358332084711303SamsungGalaxy S8
358333080993747SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358334083371915SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358335084896016SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358335629964808SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
358338560926554SamsungGalaxy A51
358324090250558SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018
357766072942977SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
359847109250135SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
353422113751662SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
359184984407543SamsungGalaxy A12
352617086789638SamsungGalaxy Tab S2 9.7
357225925346043SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
357242040889807SamsungGalaxy S i9000
357242416030978SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
357254558255412SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357255063095375SamsungGalaxy Ace 4 LTE
357259259590710SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
359178861472844SamsungGalaxy A51
359180103628795SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
359181002865819SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359183108355554SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm
359184106877490SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm
352737110956357SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
350704168239781SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
350710214903833SamsungGalaxy Watch5
350711553486406SamsungGalaxy A12
352616086681829SamsungGalaxy Tab S2 9.7
350713110293762SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352612269022386SamsungGalaxy A03s
352606090834142SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
359187106929633SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359186101938631SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359185443383340SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352615436698061SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
352601092311074SamsungGalaxy S7
352601113478357SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
352601983691758SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
352602089403437SamsungGalaxy J2
352602091009990SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
352603069171200SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini Duos
352603318919789SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
352604586994884SamsungGalaxy A22
352609764041879SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
354451072342535SamsungGalaxy Grand
350723671370156SamsungGalaxy A03s
350724220223284SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
990001166941492SamsungGalaxy S3
350695348467682SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
352738061153903SamsungGalaxy Core
352738112556922SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.4" 2020
352739329879966SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352741110892794SamsungGalaxy A20
352743113800816SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm
352744112227159SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
352746065198352SamsungGalaxy Note 3
352746165083942SamsungGalaxy A21s
352752934722315SamsungGalaxy A01
352755854962837SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352757188304033SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
352774391780628SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
350633290889322SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350635589219285SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350637543002047SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350640123938572SamsungGalaxy A12
350640426678305SamsungGalaxy A22
350699183626022SamsungGalaxy A12
350723811692113SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
353421064843114SamsungGalaxy S5
357276391763609SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
353420111789601SamsungGalaxy A10s
350725123051292SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
353420107509476SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
353420084751372SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
350726723211005SamsungGalaxy A21s
350726800063972SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350727966720900SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350728030579207SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
350730260749930SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
350731013163486SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
353419110426801SamsungGalaxy A10s
350738169154276SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
357263234801176SamsungGalaxy A10e
357265999956129SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
357272065346946SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini LTE
357274567448485SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353419061994161SamsungGalaxy S5
357275474763874SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
357275657664865SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
357279254581985SamsungGalaxy A12
354433598888431SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354428760209689SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354425109547829SamsungGalaxy S10e
352574702459148SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
352575075111935SamsungGalaxy Note 5
352575634792100SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
352579243911044SamsungGalaxy A11
352580103883729SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
352582101730092SamsungGalaxy S10
352586054396769SamsungGalaxy Star 2
352589100862875SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
352589408316228SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
352590109210439SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352590525272591SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
352592100983527SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352593106905795SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
352593259452165SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
351098310778575SamsungGalaxy A71 5G
351094239451998SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
351089961875539SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
352574117567519SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
351010886589500SamsungGalaxy A12
352572116189392SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
990005999710867SamsungGalaxy S5
359848105697337SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
359849525409485SamsungGalaxy A12
359851990183413SamsungGalaxy S22
359855290970965SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
359858044718961SamsungGalaxy S2
359859310236092SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352733384068425SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352734118859246SamsungGalaxy S10
352735113933548SamsungGalaxy S10
351094567821424SamsungGalaxy A02
990006015990145SamsungGalaxy S5
990005802821711SamsungGalaxy S6
351014298332012SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
351015634420817SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351016318524791SamsungGalaxy A12
352599107139466SamsungGalaxy S10e
352599507673718SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
359188107141863SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359189233181229SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
359193103592341SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359194367404934SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
359196049348876SamsungGalaxy S Blaze 4G
359197103728961SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359198004757752SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359198107152703SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359199100013959SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359200102830158SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
359200135537077SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G
359201099232762SamsungGalaxy J8
359205433348127SamsungGalaxy S22
359206753615202SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
354421106359946SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
354423105815118SamsungGalaxy A50
354424103219196SamsungGalaxy A50
352598106303883SamsungGalaxy S10e
352596769775512SamsungGalaxy S22
351089693195768SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351088108042979SamsungGalaxy A72
351017183134252SamsungGalaxy A51
351022373901346SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
351024050962062SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
351026188769012SamsungGalaxy M21
351026512100421SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
351027670230877SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
351030310007036SamsungGalaxy A12
351030779780065SamsungGalaxy A10s
351043179667360SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
353423068479515SamsungGalaxy S5
351044414795669SamsungGalaxy A22
351055307311851SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
351064753960807SamsungGalaxy A21s
351065135910980SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
351070610523258SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
351076115251212SamsungGalaxy A12
351082122326229SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
351082778480916SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
351085034518007SamsungGalaxy A03s
351044519669678SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357765076211777SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
357763072359864SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
357759086582822SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
354963324029074SamsungGalaxy A02s
358136646363317SamsungGalaxy A22
354967587494370SamsungGalaxy A21
354969611785682SamsungGalaxy A10e
354970635319722SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
354978119570041SamsungGalaxy A31
354979111442304SamsungGalaxy A20s
354981113642386SamsungGalaxy A01
355696631686058SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355696110446834SamsungGalaxy M30s
358136709775886SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355695663116059SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356168112799502SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
356168217058408SamsungGalaxy S22
358152078297956SamsungGalaxy S7
356168940640381SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
358151454360305SamsungGalaxy A72
356170117066499SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
356171101861234SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354956905115460SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra LTE
358150079811718SamsungGalaxy S7
354952831227297SamsungGalaxy A21s
354984113794397SamsungGalaxy M21
350344483208649SamsungGalaxy A12
350337885781643SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra LTE
358690106021831SamsungGalaxy A50
356877058134520SamsungGalaxy Core
356631097369872SamsungGalaxy Note 9
355671105737604SamsungGalaxy A50
354937713219694SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355698117562548SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
355702799741048SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
355703103399283SamsungGalaxy Fold
355704104041734SamsungGalaxy Fold
355705100467880SamsungGalaxy Fold
355705112354712SamsungGalaxy Watch3
355705446356664SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
355706541652981SamsungGalaxy S22
355708102204079SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
355708111377320SamsungGalaxy A51
354925079818621SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
354945976390862SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
354949610304883SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
350345707181108SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
356171119854783SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
358144095520387SamsungGalaxy J4
354819095125071SamsungGalaxy S9
354819107256070SamsungGalaxy A30
354820095621267SamsungGalaxy S9
354820108301014SamsungGalaxy A30
354822099737768SamsungGalaxy S9
354987116068925SamsungGalaxy A11
354822103817846SamsungGalaxy A40
354822151268421SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
354823094602684SamsungGalaxy S9
354823102212260SamsungGalaxy A40
354824092617955SamsungGalaxy S9
354825097146601SamsungGalaxy S9
354815100565129SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
354813600563777SamsungGalaxy A12
354818255420462SamsungGalaxy S22
358144334774399SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354818103814981SamsungGalaxy Note 9
354817095694179SamsungGalaxy S9
356172105933029SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356172113530445SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
355679116971203SamsungGalaxy A11
355680113240907SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus LTE
355683111214981SamsungGalaxy A10s
355690116791947SamsungGalaxy M11
358140091583445SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
358139090413133SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355691111554991SamsungGalaxy M11
355692119931389SamsungGalaxy M11
355694063749627SamsungGalaxy Note 4
358138090889862SamsungGalaxy S8
354983308123230SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354986800428460SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355668101696685SamsungGalaxy M20
354821104666632SamsungGalaxy A30
354815117025448SamsungGalaxy A71 5G
354816093408756SamsungGalaxy S9
354816554787730SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
354818099241660SamsungGalaxy S9
350346018101728SamsungGalaxy A20e
350276350204808SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
350346458883710SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
356876059800881SamsungGalaxy Core
356890801958814SamsungGalaxy A22
356878238209190SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
990004431092737SamsungGalaxy S4
990004472616170SamsungGalaxy S5
350272254739858SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358689102590138SamsungGalaxy A10e
358692432619718SamsungGalaxy A10e
350302235957186SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
350315594368118SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350319817531569SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
990004795146749SamsungGalaxy S6
358695108164083SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358693074680828SamsungGalaxy On7
990005770855550SamsungGalaxy S6
352912724136734SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358692236072635SamsungGalaxy A21s
358692107134464SamsungGalaxy A10
358692074299837SamsungGalaxy On7
990004428720878SamsungGalaxy S4
350328657369147SamsungGalaxy S22
990004419920610SamsungGalaxy Note 3
356894689564611SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
358688074331976SamsungGalaxy J7
990004461138475SamsungGalaxy S5
990004452440674SamsungGalaxy S4
358688107170086SamsungGalaxy A10e
990004441687526SamsungGalaxy Note 3
355677110553282SamsungGalaxy A11
356868403144132SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
355678113384436SamsungGalaxy A11
355676114208380SamsungGalaxy A11
990004488895206SamsungGalaxy S4
356901088445456SamsungGalaxy Tab S3
356900067221078SamsungGalaxy Note 4
990004402862977SamsungGalaxy Tab 3 7
350330054827024SamsungGalaxy S22
350331808071992SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
358696072881488SamsungGalaxy On5
990004505403679SamsungGalaxy S5
352901877350044SamsungGalaxy A21s
352885874948282SamsungGalaxy A51
352884790824354SamsungGalaxy A12
350257393010261SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
350258155755259SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
350260552314805SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
352884166698051SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350261975302609SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350266200634957SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
358690812796791SamsungGalaxy A31
350268310824908SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
350273541719513SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350275820183659SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
350359740760687SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350355526092576SamsungGalaxy S22
990004493969079SamsungGalaxy S5
990004517490292SamsungGalaxy S5
352906149953749SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
352908911367793SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
350299946455312SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350296211094032SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
350289257721675SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358696101085978SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
350287211503387SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358697102175347SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
350281378723250SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
358700825478517SamsungGalaxy S22
354813395964743SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350280381788516SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350278504432194SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
358711755682549SamsungGalaxy A02
358707963860489SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
350336267465866SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350337405216286SamsungGalaxy A12
358691101954729SamsungGalaxy A50
350264688883691SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
990004523289985SamsungGalaxy S5
354812097565147SamsungGalaxy J3
356632519364640SamsungGalaxy A20e
356633051492922SamsungGalaxy S3
356633343544589SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
356150109124951SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
356150113143492SamsungGalaxy A31
356151108042772SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
357795301363663SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
357797056709199SamsungGalaxy Tab 2 10.1
356630109259089SamsungGalaxy A30
357797970281366SamsungGalaxy S22
356630090825500SamsungGalaxy Note 9
356628104443674SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
356163747633614SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356164070733450SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
356164658179753SamsungGalaxy M51
356165118189373SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356166078047486SamsungGalaxy S7
356166112327985SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356167118806709SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
356155114916523SamsungGalaxy A21s
356152977635167SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
356626093355669SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356152105740111SamsungGalaxy A30
356626105084240SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
356626355737695SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
356627092414341SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356627902073600SamsungGalaxy A03s
356628097692915SamsungGalaxy Note 9
356630063216190SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
357800053435055SamsungGalaxy S4
357805902544361SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
357806848081997SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356070099113139SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
357786479842117SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352152094738682SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
352152113295367SamsungGalaxy A30s
352154677912510SamsungGalaxy A12
352155110971740SamsungGalaxy Book S
352157095013845SamsungGalaxy S8 Active
352157112397296SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
352158114556897SamsungGalaxy A50
352158726307416SamsungGalaxy A21s
352162097251401SamsungGalaxy Note FE
357755074192038SamsungGalaxy A9
357755083751030SamsungGalaxy S8
357756085427819SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357757084528615SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357758085314898SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357788711198589SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357796444767802SamsungGalaxy A21s
356063245406218SamsungGalaxy A12
356062119230811SamsungGalaxy M31
357807298084283SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
357810086063501SamsungGalaxy S7
357812081627256SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
357812896414502SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356041102304643SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
356045123945854SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
356045394749555SamsungGalaxy S22
356047106325187SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
356049100075156SamsungGalaxy A30
356051091939093SamsungGalaxy S9
356054116902674SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
356054556854559SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
356055096743939SamsungGalaxy S9
356055860623671SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
356057117765164SamsungGalaxy A51
356059113234914SamsungGalaxy M21
356059346328673SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
356060113807725SamsungGalaxy M21
356061118983966SamsungGalaxy M31
356052117420290SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
350642170534619SamsungGalaxy A21s
356163110541857SamsungGalaxy S10
358158408219941SamsungGalaxy Tab Active3
356304064978543SamsungGalaxy A3
357333077976193SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
357332105368142SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357332073356350SamsungGalaxy S7
357331109622017SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357330104231188SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357330078382835SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
356287463233844SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
356292343619469SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356297050103847SamsungGalaxy S3
356298777246026SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
356301086049816SamsungGalaxy A3 2017
356309065570124SamsungGalaxy A5
356315088929551SamsungGalaxy S8
356316068561836SamsungGalaxy Note 9
356317064624099SamsungGalaxy A5 Duos
356317533476915SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
358154350027796SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
356325083482720SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
358152802777406SamsungGalaxy Note 5
354809107779817SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354791641484288SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
354792051712424SamsungGalaxy Note 2
354795045967962SamsungGalaxy S i9000
354796067061148SamsungGalaxy Light
354799785763748SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
354801112859163SamsungGalaxy A01
354802093729888SamsungGalaxy J2 Pro (2018)
354802105928080SamsungGalaxy S10e
354803101656782SamsungGalaxy S10e
354803111561279SamsungGalaxy A01
354804098900019SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
354804107714260SamsungGalaxy S10e
354805115908703SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354806109876518SamsungGalaxy S10e
354806111965960SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354807094654126SamsungGalaxy J7 2018
354807315588038SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354807588370007SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
354809097276139SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
354809110641939SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
356327115055169SamsungGalaxy A10e
356329202486265SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356330117702390SamsungGalaxy A31
357350071543332SamsungGalaxy S7
357348101734889SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
357344107881055SamsungGalaxy Note 10 5G
357341078534457SamsungGalaxy Grand
357340105979115SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
357340078267431SamsungGalaxy J5
356338091730840SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
356339097866042SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356617149715410SamsungGalaxy A51
356153100055422SamsungGalaxy A30
356156076611904SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
356156112086269SamsungGalaxy A21s
356157117352706SamsungGalaxy A21s
356158073037190SamsungGalaxy View
356158116522802SamsungGalaxy A21s
356159115302535SamsungGalaxy A31
356160073755045SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
356161105129928SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356162106492778SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357351057101236SamsungGalaxy Note 3
357352470362553SamsungGalaxy Watch5
356333455703236SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356334112425916SamsungGalaxy Book S
356337097014365SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
357333105753556SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357334071397287SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
357334104739232SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357335105953276SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
355667108749802SamsungGalaxy M20
355666751202242SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
356163104792359SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355666018758051SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
355665105085808SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355662728875459SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
355656106785512SamsungGalaxy M30
355654100726327SamsungGalaxy M30
355665163225809SamsungGalaxy A12
356252070146144SamsungGalaxy S7
350647483525469SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
350675293729344SamsungGalaxy Tab Active3
356641243469708SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
356642105473044SamsungGalaxy A50
356643102735823SamsungGalaxy A50
356644102972440SamsungGalaxy A50
356645108177827SamsungGalaxy A50
356646100191006SamsungGalaxy A50
356648103586455SamsungGalaxy A50
353249141217345SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
358011054982389SamsungGalaxy S4
354015080173628SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
358011321348307SamsungGalaxy M11
356144118095799SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
356147107974973SamsungGalaxy A30
358624095648502SamsungGalaxy S9
358625095995074SamsungGalaxy S9
358625334314350SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358627103483267SamsungGalaxy S10e
356640590881309SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
358628102316748SamsungGalaxy S10e
358004073356701SamsungGalaxy Tab A 7.0 2016
356638048221250SamsungGalaxy S Captivate
353248112416035SamsungGalaxy A20s
353249724081647SamsungGalaxy A12
353250119172595SamsungGalaxy A20s
353256489560566SamsungGalaxy A02
353259448393715SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
353259621254999SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
353269423026172SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
353270404042121SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
353272497711323SamsungGalaxy A12
353272593081126SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
353274124263470SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
358010050997680SamsungGalaxy S4
353276111104765SamsungGalaxy A20s
353277115767490SamsungGalaxy A20s
353278084247886SamsungGalaxy J2
358008302363115SamsungGalaxy A02s
353278118908693SamsungGalaxy A20s
353278397712592SamsungGalaxy A12
353279113206653SamsungGalaxy A11
358005077345152SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
356142117972471SamsungGalaxy S10
358628627035872SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358633103343725SamsungGalaxy A30s
353124099336381SamsungGalaxy S8
358221098347859SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
358226105755739SamsungGalaxy A50
358230100640144SamsungGalaxy Note 10
358232108077519SamsungGalaxy S10
358242106956812SamsungGalaxy A20s
358243100698194SamsungGalaxy A20s
358244104522497SamsungGalaxy A20s
358245100319069SamsungGalaxy A20s
358247105080894SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm
358250557088837SamsungGalaxy S22
358259369948096SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
358263053653871SamsungGalaxy Tab 3 10.1
358267065120191SamsungGalaxy Note Edge
358270467956832SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
358284142890704SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358286264357826SamsungGalaxy A12
358293224052869SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
353124079703360SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
358630782611463SamsungGalaxy A03s
353123074217152SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
356658143475296SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358634108351861SamsungGalaxy A30s
358635108949117SamsungGalaxy A30s
358636107011438SamsungGalaxy A30s
358637105762204SamsungGalaxy A30s
358638107634755SamsungGalaxy Note 10
358641102471926SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358642108342491SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358643067039334SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0 with S Pen
358643103914417SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358644061396571SamsungGalaxy E5
358645069025294SamsungGalaxy J1
358645107940496SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
358646109715191SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
358022055653085SamsungGalaxy Note 3
358021054361948SamsungGalaxy Note 3
358019072917378SamsungGalaxy J5
358018064643216SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini LTE
356650099484711SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
356650103465698SamsungGalaxy A10
356660715920055SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
354015797042355SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
354022088641374SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
358422279464410SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
354049111455472SamsungGalaxy A11
354049175905529SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
357989090529408SamsungGalaxy S9
357988095774530SamsungGalaxy S9
357983157334588SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
358592107168787SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus, Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
358616094433266SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0, Galaxy Tab E 8.0 2017
358777101931484SamsungGalaxy Note 10, Galaxy Note 10 5G
358778105291081SamsungGalaxy Note 10, Galaxy Note 10 5G
358783155151284SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
358825100937109SamsungGalaxy Note 10, Galaxy Note 10 Plus
358895453329121SamsungGalaxy Book Go, Galaxy Book S
359010332818380SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
359066095343024SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018, Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
359102081346026SamsungGalaxy J3 Emerge, Galaxy J3 Emerge 2017
359128060029614SamsungGalaxy Grand, Galaxy Grand Prime
359131207698820SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G, Galaxy S4
359181106204931SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm, Galaxy Watch Active2 44mm
354048110803872SamsungGalaxy A20
359182103941996SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm, Galaxy Watch Active2 44mm
354047118940421SamsungGalaxy A50
354044116595174SamsungGalaxy A10
358003942297849SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
358001077486351SamsungGalaxy J5
358001055696161SamsungGalaxy S4 Zoom
358000517501076SamsungGalaxy Note 2
354024097973392SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
354025414801406SamsungGalaxy M11
354030111899190SamsungGalaxy A51
354032115357217SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354034072666671SamsungGalaxy Note 5
354034472711507SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354035073390765SamsungGalaxy Note 5
354037072793791SamsungGalaxy J5
354037625362102SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
354040112690183SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354041076209457SamsungGalaxy Tab S2 9.7
354042112654086SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354046115418795SamsungGalaxy A50
359260070098725SamsungGalaxy J3, Galaxy J3 V
359265103680167SamsungGalaxy J3 2018, Galaxy J3 Orbit
359500097354423SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 V 2018
355456113644525SamsungGalaxy A10e
355457110056200SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
355458118470187SamsungGalaxy M31
355459117456110SamsungGalaxy M31
355460111251531SamsungGalaxy A10
355464116825935SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
358447070377107SamsungGalaxy J7, Galaxy J7 (2016)
355465115474229SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355468800171530SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355472113109328SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355472987341627SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355473114974520SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355476621909632SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355478629189357SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358212080713596SamsungGalaxy J5, Galaxy J5 Prime
358226402638075SamsungGalaxy A13 5G, Galaxy A13 LTE
358325097163934SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018, Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
358408095545698SamsungGalaxy Tab A 2018 10.5", Galaxy Tab A2 LTE
358409097262704SamsungGalaxy Tab A 2018 10.5", Galaxy Tab A2 LTE
355454118560200SamsungGalaxy A01
355452116427539SamsungGalaxy A21s
355451671516165SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355451115151900SamsungGalaxy A21s
359637278796855SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
359737347548780SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
359747850971303SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
359797094765151SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 Star
359823617455201SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
357981635439771SamsungGalaxy A12
357979096225879SamsungGalaxy Tab S4
990000240099855SamsungDroid Charge, Galaxy Ace
990004663013609SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
358298661688760SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
990004679972301SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
356903080456127SamsungGalaxy Amp 2
357191104987223SamsungGalaxy A20
358562730844591SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
358485152955051SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
355462115550728SamsungGalaxy A51
355441054749129SamsungGalaxy Ace
355443067347644SamsungGear S
355450063502486SamsungGalaxy Ace 4
990004686412564SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5 Sport
353985053403122SamsungGalaxy S3
353999752458865SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359534052823726SamsungGalaxy Mega 5.8
359542054860174SamsungGalaxy Note 3
359543053345100SamsungGalaxy Note 3
359544055780187SamsungGalaxy S4
359548042130562SamsungGalaxy Note
359555553630021SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
359557704396668SamsungGalaxy A22
359322102694143SamsungGalaxy A50
359323107398466SamsungGalaxy A50
359330759524745SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359331445539584SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359332259333296SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
359334658579792SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359343880198099SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
359348651421653SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
359354064290115SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
359356068986432SamsungGalaxy S6 Active
359358065498239SamsungGalaxy S6
359359059898509SamsungGalaxy Note 2
359533051819842SamsungGalaxy Mega 5.8 Duos
359033925992784SamsungGalaxy A02s
359532054938476SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
359521062376316SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359658061120475SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
359661093964977SamsungGalaxy J2
359662909079059SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
359663097437885SamsungGalaxy View2
359664091623710SamsungGalaxy S9
359666129839465SamsungGalaxy A72
359667094671610SamsungGalaxy Tab A 7.0 2016
359671069052731SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359673483675493SamsungGalaxy A03s
358787107201501SamsungGalaxy A10
358790105135077SamsungGalaxy S10
351102895034246SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359033086878863SamsungGalaxy S8
359034082371887SamsungGalaxy S8
359037088791693SamsungGalaxy S8
359038083728672SamsungGalaxy S8
359039084769566SamsungGalaxy S8
359040056151460SamsungGalaxy S3
359519062288648SamsungGalaxy Ace 4 LTE
359523067373652SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359655062542178SamsungGalaxy A3
359032087840757SamsungGalaxy S8
359031088397791SamsungGalaxy S8
359024106440727SamsungGalaxy A10
359025101754665SamsungGalaxy A10
359027064058050SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
359028409919170SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
359030068763162SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359031064977244SamsungGalaxy A5
357633052556088SamsungGalaxy S4
357631860411975SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
357631106995187SamsungGalaxy A10
353800101339089SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0 2019
356223104093701SamsungGalaxy A30
356224103491748SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
356226318261055SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
356247273533155SamsungGalaxy A03s
356250072335194SamsungGalaxy S7
356251074139220SamsungGalaxy S7
359023102656245SamsungGalaxy A20
358791105295192SamsungGalaxy A20e
359021827814727SamsungGalaxy A72
359021047593853SamsungGalaxy S2
358792088492152SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
358997696763239SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
358998074843692SamsungGalaxy J3
358999859549744SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
359000103807142SamsungGalaxy A50
359001100894091SamsungGalaxy A20
359004101137189SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
359005107149177SamsungGalaxy Watch 42mm
359006103999425SamsungGalaxy Watch 42mm
359007108441470SamsungGalaxy A50
359008935484253SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359009103907117SamsungGalaxy A10
359010104597568SamsungGalaxy A10
359011837828817SamsungGalaxy A12
359013104308325SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359013777978875SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
359014100485836SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359015102431546SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359019103654916SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359021452124954SamsungGalaxy A12
359654060937860SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359653093167800SamsungGalaxy Tab S6 Lite
359653069257429SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
353111089386716SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353111092525706SamsungGalaxy S8
353112097825810SamsungGalaxy S8
353112448226049SamsungGalaxy A02s
353113085160764SamsungGalaxy On5
353113094063561SamsungGalaxy S8
353114091889305SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
353114486688056SamsungGalaxy S22
353116094207286SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
353118074254528SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
353118089500964SamsungGalaxy Express 3
353118092652091SamsungGalaxy A3 2017
353120070865810SamsungGalaxy Note 5
351432303851117SamsungOnePlus 8T, Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
351186795379892SamsungGalaxy A52 4G, Galaxy A52 5G
358134304060945SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
359680786598827SamsungGalaxy A02
358131097790829SamsungGalaxy J4
353120080414690SamsungGalaxy J1
358130398061021SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
353111061471544SamsungGalaxy S5
353110067663922SamsungGalaxy S5
354001436483929SamsungGalaxy Watch4
354003086256985SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
354005664999555SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
354011738105773SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
353122075090279SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353121519536012SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353121079141765SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353110904473865SamsungGalaxy S8
356661933792292SamsungGalaxy A12
356662386736372SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356664834979851SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
356666001041217SamsungGalaxy Note 3
356666981148446SamsungGalaxy S22
356679327140985SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
353106524859871SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
353107086573868SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
353107096358961SamsungGalaxy J7 Max
353108084529415SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
353109085413591SamsungGalaxy J2
353110216275669SamsungGalaxy A12
358129092355879SamsungGalaxy J4
359682288666714SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
359680297434173SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
358789104173188SamsungGalaxy S10
359677733837829SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357633097306077SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
357634094272262SamsungGalaxy Note 8
357635057333801SamsungGalaxy S4
357635241295163SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357636103246633SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357637101165353SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357638102767379SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357641091108787SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357641100940279SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359626042044007SamsungGalaxy S2
359633520158762SamsungGalaxy A12
359638225528789SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
359640056919111SamsungGalaxy Exhibit
359642058284445SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
359646203220378SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra LTE
359652068711568SamsungGalaxy S6
358132921580063SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358785939199018SamsungGalaxy A31
358784107140714SamsungGalaxy A90 5G
358784083312261SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
358759469988892SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
358760470202315SamsungGalaxy A51
358762989689933SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
358764061302245SamsungGalaxy Avant
358765060402753SamsungGalaxy Light
358776086442525SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
353996969260456SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
358776108099469SamsungGalaxy A10e
358780084476832SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
358112775119085SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358780107138765SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358109750601749SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
358107173065278SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
358104907356271SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
358781105874922SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358782102560878SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
358783109642396SamsungGalaxy Tab S5e
358779109916681SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
354023089430163SamsungGalaxy S8
357753903659244SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357754070319141SamsungGalaxy S7
357754084026245SamsungGalaxy S8
357208061170849SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
357209073190197SamsungGalaxy J5
357211066253941SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
357211457553271SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
357212071760698SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
357213064280728SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
357213363326016SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
357214546805306SamsungGalaxy A12
357215063801081SamsungGalaxy S6
357216076182436SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357217074363556SamsungGalaxy J7
357218071294711SamsungGalaxy J7
357219077210891SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357220072404836SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
358960437155891SamsungGalaxy A51
352067102137596SamsungGalaxy J3 V 2018
357753089464112SamsungGalaxy S8
351283768556125SamsungGalaxy A13 5G, Galaxy A13 LTE
357753070290948SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357752071168327SamsungGalaxy S7
358957097596943SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358957695886126SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Ultra
358957933329764SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358958085428206SamsungGalaxy S8
358958093546452SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358959085645328SamsungGalaxy S8
358959093435209SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357224283127293SamsungGalaxy A41
357221690512646SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358960479444682SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
357221064623573SamsungGalaxy Note 4
357743064531514SamsungGalaxy S6
357746064835819SamsungGalaxy S6
357747058514667SamsungGalaxy S4
357747138645713SamsungGalaxy S22
357749069182963SamsungGalaxy S5
357750047950653SamsungGalaxy Tab 10.1
357751071394321SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357751089824004SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357752082648325SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
358957082756882SamsungGalaxy S8
990007049599506SamsungGalaxy S6
358758061591260SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
356135104425347SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
356136104798725SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0 2019
356136113095253SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
356138114871690SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
990007053401581SamsungGalaxy S6
990007035933982SamsungGalaxy S6
352066104480590SamsungGalaxy S10e
990007027373155SamsungGalaxy Note 5
358963546925469SamsungGalaxy Note 3
358968099091031SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358969106351319SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
358974104759968SamsungGalaxy A40
358975990051881SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
358977842691674SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352065107147354SamsungGalaxy A6
358982079309875SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
358983072580991SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
358989989610995SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358990079674305SamsungGalaxy J5
356133114353724SamsungGalaxy A10s
990007378097676SamsungGalaxy S5
356133106789042SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
356132758436662SamsungGalaxy A02s
358757670486169SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
358754992809053SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358754063453047SamsungGalaxy Note 4
358748691662771SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358721972938350SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358719832337110SamsungGalaxy A51
358718534327080SamsungGalaxy A72
358024390077863SamsungGalaxy A12
358023076986751SamsungGalaxy Note 5
356129103131337SamsungGalaxy A50
358022071487021SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
356130102757544SamsungGalaxy A50
356131104191021SamsungGalaxy M20
356132118474981SamsungGalaxy A10s
356132823747473SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358956107484579SamsungGalaxy Tab Active Pro 10.1"
358954087595639SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
358952081542466SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
353410108742481SamsungGalaxy M20
353410071232874SamsungGalaxy Note 5
990000566269330SamsungGalaxy Nexus
353409208048880SamsungGalaxy S22
990000708972676SamsungGalaxy S6
990001134266048SamsungGalaxy Nexus
990001145058152SamsungGalaxy S3
990001158270397SamsungGalaxy S3
353412071429690SamsungGalaxy J7
353412116699463SamsungGalaxy A71
353413119354536SamsungGalaxy A71
353415707950484SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
353418088305872SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
356458095041356SamsungGalaxy J2
353417571126878SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
356457091575193SamsungGalaxy S7
356448084219733SamsungGalaxy J3 Luna Pro
350678894818284SamsungGalaxy A51
350680520572541SamsungGalaxy A31
350684624252786SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
350686139759759SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350690714090994SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350692192339554SamsungGalaxy A12
353418796872825SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
353418553927366SamsungGalaxy M01 Core
353418116040913SamsungGalaxy A10s
353418109185360SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
353411572558528SamsungGalaxy A12
356438084535501SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
356439356206987SamsungGalaxy A22
356440845204468SamsungGalaxy Watch4
356441086268667SamsungGalaxy J3
353411068648858SamsungGalaxy S5
356443051757245SamsungGalaxy Ace 3 3G
356445084431920SamsungGalaxy J7 Sky Pro
356446052775777SamsungGalaxy S3
356449863810213SamsungGalaxy A12
357281101488257SamsungGalaxy A50
353417116564674SamsungGalaxy A10s
353417108347856SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
357224079583899SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357225072767793SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
359998099865182SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
359997486329786SamsungGalaxy S22
359997094305160SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
359996905652372SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
359992719414265SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 Plus
359990821087060SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
359989148176549SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
352070101779418SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352068100145896SamsungGalaxy J3 V 2018
358934992532737SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
358943064113763SamsungGalaxy J1
358943133772557SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358948802910800SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
358950468262237SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
357631050001602SamsungGalaxy S4
353414077127971SamsungGalaxy S5
357285109543831SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
357285461055853SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
353417078066981SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
353417067348622SamsungGalaxy Mega 2
357286106845138SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
353416117982513SamsungGalaxy A10s
353416102449593SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
357287108946833SamsungGalaxy A40
353414062334855SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
358991079232573SamsungGalaxy S7
353415118275513SamsungGalaxy A10s
353415061633379SamsungGalaxy S5
353414755113905SamsungGalaxy S22
357289101823415SamsungGalaxy A10
353414456088406SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
357291308103559SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
356435083254852SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
353414117137162SamsungGalaxy A10s
353414100503123SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
353415108780035SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
358992070011545SamsungGalaxy S6
358993601535820SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350536257858349SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350500034439021SamsungGalaxy A12
350504685681089SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
350507547242537SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350517924396731SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350533524696495SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
350538280953477SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
350593470989427SamsungGalaxy A12
350543337978485SamsungGalaxy A12
350547667203364SamsungGalaxy A22
350548056512209SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350603970047525SamsungGalaxy A02s
350552917212298SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
350608750817567SamsungGalaxy A51
357732542642852SamsungGalaxy A03s
352876303256116SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
357694981686941SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
357707081613415SamsungGalaxy J2
357707860313096SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
357708684655951SamsungGalaxy S22
357712085420213SamsungGalaxy S8 Active
357713084403077SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357714086986655SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357715086794239SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357721088887211SamsungGalaxy S8
357722082330919SamsungGalaxy S8
357723083517751SamsungGalaxy S8
357724086815986SamsungGalaxy S8
357725086124576SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357730060419422SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
357731484747620SamsungGalaxy M51
350612222609453SamsungGalaxy M01 Core
350555604106723SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
350556398840493SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
350559002032564SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
353877076946312SamsungGalaxy Note 5
353878079293264SamsungGalaxy J7
353881486293497SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
353884837629526SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353891059469317SamsungGalaxy S Duos
353891076888911SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353894076143337SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353899613166550SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
353909848180720SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357998098411535SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
357994090274336SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
357989245885598SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
354052437468799SamsungGalaxy A23
354050119589551SamsungGalaxy A11
354021082539386SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
354049472266088SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
353876076708185SamsungGalaxy Note 5
354074093996467SamsungGalaxy S7
354072094595635SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
350565128359849SamsungGalaxy M22
350570564736757SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
350578541603230SamsungGalaxy A11
350579008774175SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
350579450299416SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
350579574469499SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
356139100374681SamsungGalaxy A30
356140117369300SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
356141100949850SamsungGalaxy A30
352863816735604SamsungGalaxy A12
354051091082532SamsungGalaxy J5
354054062254775SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
354059099328179SamsungGalaxy Note 8
354060740660861SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354062094246826SamsungGalaxy J2
354062336843224SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
354068060896981SamsungGalaxy Exhibit
354068197428690SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
354069241212049SamsungGalaxy Watch5
354071094824052SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
354053095477163SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
350662675236866SamsungGalaxy A41
352859309455833SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352849396624920SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
359716065358846SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359717062382508SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359718069617789SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359720062881347SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359721050544111SamsungGalaxy S4
359722057233526SamsungGalaxy S4
359725153030894SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359741817257120SamsungGalaxy A21s
359741939962763SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
359751082214615SamsungGalaxy A3 2017
359753101150119SamsungGalaxy A70s
359754073670845SamsungGalaxy S7
359755071347450SamsungGalaxy S7
359758084509744SamsungGalaxy S8
359759083822260SamsungGalaxy S8
359760795007208SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
359761080111275SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
359761106633617SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359763087045316SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
359715066707100SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359763699801239SamsungGalaxy A72
359714470186076SamsungGalaxy A21s
359713873894245SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352057494884624SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352056102525363SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
352054106816664SamsungGalaxy S7
352053108140958SamsungGalaxy S8
352049247774350SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352049112540951SamsungGalaxy A50
352048111070382SamsungGalaxy A20e
352046754343512SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
990006965322372SamsungGalaxy S5
990006973574733SamsungGalaxy S6
990006992930064SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
990007007467217SamsungGalaxy Note 5
990007014585589SamsungGalaxy Note 5
357741069067542SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
357740050234491SamsungGalaxy Note 3
357737819379872SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
359708068108526SamsungGalaxy J5
359711060320990SamsungGear S2
359714055484110SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
359764087959902SamsungGalaxy S7
359766084901449SamsungGalaxy J1
359767105967526SamsungGalaxy A50
352180206574414SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
352349693478765SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
352409095374911SamsungGalaxy J3, Galaxy J3 Prime
352432417164547SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
352453103667965SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018), Galaxy J2 Pure
352510084842550SamsungGalaxy J3 Emerge, Galaxy J3 Emerge 2017
352616095342165SamsungGalaxy S8, Galaxy S8 Active
356173116043147SamsungGalaxy A11
359694450969149SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
359702061851588SamsungGalaxy S6
359769074095990SamsungGalaxy J5
359771105494994SamsungGalaxy A01
359772108543811SamsungGalaxy A01
359775071910990SamsungGalaxy S7
350621812135704SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
350626520477058SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
350628993210297SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
350629336800026SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
350631911697199SamsungGalaxy Watch4
352172588315292SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
352150103862717SamsungGalaxy J3 2018, Galaxy J3 Orbit
352149101926383SamsungGalaxy J3 2018, Galaxy J3 Star
352147103079342SamsungGalaxy Amp Prime 3, Galaxy J3 2018
359768086316444SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
359708293923947SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359706069871126SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
357737059116521SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini LTE
359703056364579SamsungGalaxy S4
351558960465658SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
351585114357549SamsungGalaxy S10, Galaxy S10e
351655719739506SamsungiPhone Xs, Galaxy Note 20 5G
351675641781996SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
352854669870051SamsungGalaxy S22
351801043552823SamsungGalaxy S Vibrant, Vibrant
351863049037209SamsungCaptivate, Galaxy S Captivate
351911108985675SamsungGalaxy S10, Galaxy S10 Plus
351912101415249SamsungGalaxy S10, Galaxy S10e
351915275731184SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
351972334469843SamsungGalaxy A52 4G, Galaxy A52 5G
352034596035983SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
352069104905764SamsungGalaxy J3 2018, Galaxy J3 Orbit
352087092501643SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0, Galaxy Tab E 8.0 2017
352140107034116SamsungGalaxy J3, Galaxy J3 2018
351828117369891SamsungGalaxy S20 5G, Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G
357190100228368SamsungGalaxy A20
359455107365747SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
357187988439935SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356116115747770SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
352820105051226SamsungGalaxy J4
352820081400371SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
356120640955700SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
352818095692983SamsungGalaxy S9
352817862027118SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352817340160556SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352817123683865SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
352816972134285SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352816905030709SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352816103127844SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
352814106760745SamsungGalaxy A8 2018
352813891138455SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
352812108447089SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
352812091288896SamsungGalaxy J7
356114323431253SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359609109578166SamsungGalaxy A40
359608086104962SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
356403117926101SamsungGalaxy A20s
351717101287369SamsungGalaxy S8
356404113851665SamsungGalaxy A20s
356099063802187SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
356405116782534SamsungGalaxy A20s
356406116736629SamsungGalaxy A10s
351716115211910SamsungGalaxy A30s
351715119849428SamsungGalaxy A30s
359606768589716SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
359605085659913SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
351715104321235SamsungGalaxy A6
351714088715983SamsungGalaxy S7 Active
351713111066158SamsungGalaxy A30s
351713105069366SamsungGalaxy J8
356103110563808SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
359587168072729SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
356104323562934SamsungGalaxy A21s
356115112358367SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356400089794160SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
356121112156231SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
990002068397262SamsungGalaxy S3
990002073848804SamsungGalaxy Note 2
990002085881983SamsungGalaxy S3
359566969507489SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
990002093096756SamsungGalaxy Note 2
990002100120201SamsungGalaxy S3
356111114990174SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
990002116181148SamsungGalaxy Note 2
990002122164237SamsungGalaxy S3
990002134369584SamsungGalaxy Note 2
351692297478967SamsungGalaxy A12
355828069369374SamsungGalaxy S5
354209077931730SamsungGear S
351753109600675SamsungGalaxy J8
354612105650174SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355908743568649SamsungGalaxy A12
990002053823447SamsungGalaxy S3
352811103193953SamsungGalaxy S10e
990002047212269SamsungGalaxy S3
359573490089821SamsungGalaxy A72
352810106963958SamsungGalaxy S10e
356105110806970SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356106110587560SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359587073999610SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
359585067366424SamsungGalaxy S6
356107110734277SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
351696099876906SamsungGalaxy Tab E 9.6
356108114606552SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359580074375575SamsungGalaxy Tab A6
359579078133329SamsungGalaxy J5
359578072906649SamsungGalaxy On5
359578042493561SamsungGalaxy Nexus
351693099939776SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
359573266804577SamsungGalaxy A12
359609622889819SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359611623337707SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356098056230919SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
352688100318282SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352687101053377SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352685756427367SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
352685276212398SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352682505162452SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra LTE
352682101070976SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
352680108603732SamsungGalaxy S9
352094098585513SamsungGalaxy J7 Max
352095096175132SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
352677102510210SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352106555426666SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
353951808277476SamsungGalaxy A03s
352107431318523SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
352111118722486SamsungGalaxy A70
352111683624869SamsungGalaxy A12
353943679771729SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352112115246875SamsungGalaxy A70
352688119919245SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
352085093845613SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
352689117937536SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
355626210589522SamsungGalaxy S22
352676107186000SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352675107527882SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355627117143355SamsungGalaxy M11
355628070949879SamsungGalaxy J7
353924114301421SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.4" 2020
355629112278376SamsungGalaxy A11
352119063447819SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
352114112683100SamsungGalaxy A10
352113116497178SamsungGalaxy A10
352112709804204SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
352076092688617SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352689504401211SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352077095343416SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352078099308728SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352082092105412SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352082503258016SamsungGalaxy A01
352689109036016SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352810084517172SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
351704313225858SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 FE
356766632091753SamsungGalaxy A12
359588071272174SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
351711117200250SamsungGalaxy A90s
351712107162294SamsungGalaxy J8
351713088307171SamsungGalaxy S7 Active
356745229118831SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
359623082280278SamsungGalaxy S8
356397080623069SamsungGalaxy S7
359621107852410SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
359620108144926SamsungGalaxy A10e
359620083575193SamsungGalaxy S7
359619101964017SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
356399082286036SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
359617086803275SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
359613630911409SamsungGalaxy A12
351700866350648SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
356766066831294SamsungGalaxy S5
359592072710612SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
351708074427181SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
351707080963114SamsungGalaxy J7
359605047387876SamsungGalaxy S2
359603089337107SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
359601089993929SamsungGalaxy A5 2017 Duos
351706115142942SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
351706073577956SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
351705116161992SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
351705107703042SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
359260922860298SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
356752623075088SamsungGalaxy A02
356753067693733SamsungGalaxy Core 2
356756912274609SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
356762823372433SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352810096547837SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
351703115354858SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
351702072438506SamsungGalaxy J7
356100063884108SamsungGalaxy S5
356102117203855SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
356752972655472SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355626128142463SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra LTE
355910100702100SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
359261108243515SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
358586358249494SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
355960068114970SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini
358585102118773SamsungGalaxy A40
354616544357184SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
358583350109370SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
358583054915882SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini
358582105315142SamsungGalaxy Note 10
358582057329711SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini
352469078411353SamsungGalaxy Note 5
352469850628034SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357087107122620SamsungGalaxy A20
355180121222948SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
354772102953045SamsungGalaxy S10e
354773085223919SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
354773103907824SamsungGalaxy S10e
354878405952038SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354773808464659SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354774106903539SamsungGalaxy S10e
354775100383552SamsungGalaxy S10e
355959900305705SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354778053268531SamsungGalaxy S2
358588058765498SamsungGalaxy Note 3
358588326502533SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351938430293478SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
351938065578177SamsungGalaxy Exhibit
354615367417703SamsungGalaxy A02s
355941456173133SamsungGalaxy M21
355945460415240SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352821101559931SamsungGalaxy J6
354128118441592SamsungGalaxy S10
354127115976881SamsungGalaxy S10
355950332505707SamsungGalaxy A12
355952354894647SamsungGalaxy A22
355955064916840SamsungGalaxy Tab S 10.5
355955190600433SamsungGalaxy A02
355955724137480SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
355956061966580SamsungGalaxy Alpha
354616109172622SamsungGalaxy S10
355957060467067SamsungGalaxy Alpha
358579106362057SamsungGalaxy Note 10
354778830569953SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
354789050037282SamsungGalaxy S3
357088106748233SamsungGalaxy A50
357089108259575SamsungGalaxy A50
357090077647451SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
354883105428628SamsungGalaxy A30
357091077405569SamsungGalaxy J2
357093104630987SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
357095103676192SamsungGalaxy A50
354882678126700SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
354741430677535SamsungGalaxy A10s
354748074099835SamsungGalaxy J5
354882170931482SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
354749076508690SamsungGalaxy J5
354749086785791SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
354755102451813SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354756106203861SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354757106089581SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
353817667797567SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
354762089398207SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
354770107571275SamsungGalaxy S10e
354780067548635SamsungGalaxy Note 4
354771086405576SamsungGalaxy Book 12"
354879118263747SamsungGalaxy A40
355172055393761SamsungGalaxy S4
355177118661815SamsungGalaxy A21s
355178456170534SamsungGalaxy A12
355193114886215SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
355181112541304SamsungGalaxy A71 5G
354878112504437SamsungGalaxy A40
355182112428633SamsungGalaxy A71 5G
355183110543555SamsungGalaxy A71 5G
355183629842902SamsungGalaxy A12
354878069293901SamsungGalaxy Alpha
354877104064814SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355183997814236SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
355184117915200SamsungGalaxy M31
355184897363902SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
359234352818050SamsungGalaxy A10s
355185112442520SamsungGalaxy M31
355189111931533SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354772086830383SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
351946451621998SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
354089117368667SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354090101548728SamsungGalaxy Fold
355924403432026SamsungGalaxy A03s
352460885982579SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352828296908757SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
352457102683022SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352457079044950SamsungGalaxy Note 5
352828064414665SamsungGalaxy Note 3
352456106315805SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352826744381130SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
359256101794316SamsungGalaxy Tab S6
359257109158819SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
352825098372604SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
352455105615553SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352454784439187SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352454106333100SamsungGalaxy J6
355924112464039SamsungGalaxy A71
352451104849194SamsungGalaxy S8 Active
355924100092966SamsungGalaxy A70
355922107936540SamsungGalaxy A70
359261561147997SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354607084599061SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
355910992188400SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
354608102639996SamsungGalaxy S10
355911074433110SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355911104523997SamsungGalaxy A70
355911115999731SamsungGalaxy A10e
355912112860272SamsungGalaxy A20e
355915106716798SamsungGalaxy A70
352822106004923SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355916071563215SamsungGalaxy S7
354613101152132SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355917112094590SamsungGalaxy A31
354614103068821SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355920077995330SamsungGalaxy S6
354615100555389SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355921104530371SamsungGalaxy A70
355921877459832SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355922074616133SamsungGalaxy S6
355923113173177SamsungGalaxy A71
352450117897000SamsungGalaxy A10
359258070058137SamsungGalaxy J3
352449518825255SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
351966078862924SamsungGalaxy J7
351967075160536SamsungGalaxy J7
351968073519376SamsungGalaxy J7
351969079277563SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0
354618419837159SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354107553303020SamsungGalaxy M32
355940592738403SamsungGalaxy A12
354106685919562SamsungGalaxy A51
354104707458040SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354103131308466SamsungGalaxy S22
354619078521704SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
354099888889254SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
354097537942870SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354096366565612SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
354093111724073SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354092118710275SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354091109747791SamsungGalaxy Fold
358577102111007SamsungGalaxy A30s
354090798658111SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354618103643798SamsungGalaxy S10
351964885183972SamsungGalaxy A21s
351962078172935SamsungGalaxy Tab E 9.6
354107803893457SamsungGalaxy A10s
352448116587358SamsungGalaxy Note 10
352439116225404SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
352438111713802SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
359259079554464SamsungGalaxy J3 Luna Pro
359259104308464SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
355910682307468SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 FE
355928264414643SamsungGalaxy A10s
354129114962128SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
352829064609676SamsungGalaxy Avant
351971085580600SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
358579050604579SamsungGalaxy Note 3
354617082608103SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
354617652128508SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351956088952989SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
351957089883439SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
354762610556190SamsungGalaxy A02s
353928113395953SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
353297114952984SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
353299114120877SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
353299717143276SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358820101965746SamsungGalaxy Note 10
353300068814158SamsungGalaxy S5
356093057425766SamsungGalaxy Exhibit
353301091061338SamsungGalaxy S9
353301465988868SamsungGalaxy Watch5 Pro
353302090269229SamsungGalaxy S9
356558111350234SamsungGalaxy A71
353303099338478SamsungGalaxy S9
356095069896918SamsungGalaxy Note 4
356556776303266SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356554063388165SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
356554052066517SamsungGalaxy S4 Active
356375084651690SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
356376084633308SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
356553113560948SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
356376932053428SamsungGalaxy A12
356380066168200SamsungGalaxy A5 Duos
356552495814675SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
356380798054215SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
351739527897357SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
351737368894749SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
356388083892223SamsungGalaxy J5
356389515008982SamsungGalaxy A21s
353296177251508SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
356389817939819SamsungGalaxy A21s
351725109749124SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
351724101101392SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
351724076104769SamsungGalaxy S5
351723308252784SamsungGalaxy A12
351723087160778SamsungGalaxy J3
351722073589867SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
351721110824980SamsungGalaxy A01
351721105198317SamsungGalaxy J8
351720116713619SamsungGalaxy A20
351719526063615SamsungGalaxy A02s
356392279895164SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
351719070156351SamsungGalaxy S5
359625511557101SamsungGalaxy S22
356544768113786SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
351742611829815SamsungGalaxy A12
356552114618341SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
356552095256616SamsungGalaxy A6 Plus
353523094066689SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
353521823038250SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
358843060184547SamsungGalaxy S6
354212117402183SamsungGalaxy A01
354214981668238SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353517093688501SamsungGalaxy Note 8
354350336678173SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
354352159340733SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
354354558996271SamsungGalaxy A22
353516543441651SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353516160728125SamsungGalaxy M51
353515135849057SamsungGalaxy A03s
354356402884066SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353515092364603SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354358086247503SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
354359084625476SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
353514914575074SamsungGalaxy A21s
355417093667662SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
355417266113817SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
354347651238732SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356377085906024SamsungGalaxy A5 2017 Duos
353524094604040SamsungGalaxy S9
354212052961953SamsungGalaxy Note 2
356551095696177SamsungGalaxy A6 Plus
356378082313602SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
356550753138829SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356379066663525SamsungGalaxy A5 Duos
356379081377127SamsungGalaxy J3
358838234110857SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
354227112926077SamsungGalaxy A11
358841587530986SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353522091448734SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354335071893509SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
355416336956494SamsungGalaxy S22
354340058910615SamsungGalaxy Note 2
355416100321453SamsungGalaxy A10
354211110043812SamsungGalaxy A01
354345287110374SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
355415231695702SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
353529948344867SamsungGalaxy Tab Active3
353528239572277SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353525097946130SamsungGalaxy S9
351746059658057SamsungGalaxy Nexus
356387065822976SamsungGalaxy Note 4
356386676581583SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
357635099662043SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018, Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
357647739583158SamsungGalaxy A71, Galaxy A71 5G
357742057241727SamsungGalaxy Mega, Galaxy Mega 6.3
354233116935734SamsungGalaxy A21
357982048799207SamsungGalaxy, Galaxy S 4G
358084624937936SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
358165641577001SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
358822634064245SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353281112294524SamsungGalaxy A21
353281396998386SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
353281976116243SamsungGalaxy M21
353282088384307SamsungGalaxy Folder 2
353283110894610SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
353285060681848SamsungGalaxy S5
353285116475617SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
356090061101433SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
353286114899261SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
353287112970229SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358823107088133SamsungGalaxy A20
357610103123266SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm, Galaxy Watch Active2 44mm
353290117133942SamsungGalaxy A10e
357463094327102SamsungGalaxy J5, Galaxy J5 2017
357166092470960SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018, Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
354868255243653SamsungGalaxy A22
990003364821559SamsungGalaxy S4
990003355263696SamsungGalaxy Note 2
990003341839112SamsungGalaxy S3
990003335588923SamsungGalaxy S3
990003321591931SamsungGalaxy S3
990003318826886SamsungGalaxy S4
354874107520702SamsungGalaxy A30
354875107160662SamsungGalaxy A30
354875897063191SamsungGalaxy A12
351225975327303SamsungGalaxy A21s
355636077604942SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
355633070038079SamsungGalaxy A7 2016 Duos
351752101477827SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358122569726896SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
357092103825606SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 Crown
357118077265659SamsungGalaxy Grand, Galaxy Grand Prime
357153084821251SamsungGalaxy J3 2017, Galaxy J3 Prime
357157307526670SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
357300108533038SamsungGalaxy Amp Prime 3, Galaxy J3 2018
353291086059738SamsungiPhone 11 Pro
353291114717448SamsungGalaxy A30s
356909081597553SamsungGalaxy A5 2017, Galaxy A5 2017 Duos
354230211986521SamsungGalaxy A23
354231110330290SamsungGalaxy A21
356213104396097SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018), Galaxy J2 Pure
354232116129967SamsungGalaxy A21
356334361402848SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
356338119331712SamsungGalaxy A51, Galaxy A51 5G
356380080927532SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus, Galaxy Note 20 5G
356390173139952SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S22 Plus
353292118586946SamsungGalaxy A30s
353295111105432SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
359624087838466SamsungGalaxy S8
351727232494057SamsungGalaxy S22
356381662791114SamsungGalaxy A12
351751101467630SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356101116415460SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
356084616279729SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
356058093835880SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo, Galaxy J7 Star
354230114797033SamsungGalaxy A21
356905096959895SamsungGalaxy J3 2018, Galaxy J3 Orbit
356823094330367SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 Crown
356485940353546SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
354227426653888SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
358837664322024SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358834472253145SamsungGalaxy A21s
358831699523540SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
125160041539091SamsungGalaxy S4
354227904106607SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
354334867108255SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
355298665865201SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
355420105090238SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8" 2018, Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
355507117579479SamsungGalaxy J2, Galaxy J2 (2018)
355537613269341SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
355537679693095SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
355679524868132SamsungGalaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S20 FE LTE
355854115079668SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
355865105406224SamsungGalaxy J7 2018, Galaxy J7 Star
354229110295570SamsungGalaxy A11
356004118358359SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G, Galaxy Note 20 LTE
355299048287857SamsungGalaxy, Galaxy S 4G
353927114005884SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
355418095470659SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355427053870461SamsungGalaxy Note 2
352699112906519SamsungGalaxy A50
353321053032671SamsungGalaxy S3
352699100346819SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
353321099293121SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352698118084511SamsungGalaxy A50
352696107828096SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352695103391653SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352693113199208SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
352073633766218SamsungGalaxy A12
353309094614243SamsungGalaxy S9
356126104110757SamsungGalaxy A30
352795334768479SamsungGalaxy A12
352706971351305SamsungGalaxy A12
352809104094501SamsungGalaxy S10e
352808102261559SamsungGalaxy S10e
353318095368170SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
353317095398278SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
352692108600196SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
359624108371349SamsungGalaxy A10
359624047770056SamsungGalaxy Exhilarate 4G
355632984255977SamsungGalaxy A21s
353316577920518SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
352706097533240SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
353310095075111SamsungGalaxy S9
352792441865918SamsungGalaxy A21s
356127108285843SamsungGalaxy S10
353310809703552SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352704412331432SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356128106047326SamsungGalaxy S10
353312091450132SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
352702053673963SamsungGalaxy Rugby Pro
352701951243150SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
352789380840233SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353316090310353SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
353316326926337SamsungGalaxy A21s
352701092696837SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
352701071882911SamsungGalaxy J5
354225065705548SamsungGalaxy Note 3
352806515412462SamsungGalaxy A01
352805096128042SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
359623909621688SamsungGalaxy S22
353929596143381SamsungGalaxy A12
355619083663342SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355620083076287SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355620118112735SamsungGalaxy A01
355621088933902SamsungGalaxy Xcover 4s
355621115799995SamsungGalaxy A01
355623085773414SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
355623095630331SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355623118219047SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
353931052254116SamsungGalaxy S3
355624083088128SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
355624094022074SamsungGalaxy A8 2018
355624116992692SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
355624560274639SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
355625108701306SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
355626059454390SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
352691108899980SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
353928510707040SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352691184980050SamsungGalaxy M31
352692119669628SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
353308099974636SamsungGalaxy S9
352803106125686SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352802100630584SamsungGalaxy S8
353304098116246SamsungGalaxy S9
353305094963390SamsungGalaxy S9
352709095949285SamsungGalaxy Folder 2
353306093641672SamsungGalaxy S9
352802090987648SamsungGalaxy S9
353306245080365SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352709082093733SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
352801105290592SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
352708092541475SamsungGalaxy J3
352707359007600SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
353309059599256SamsungGalaxy Ace
353499865518937SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353500111820579SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
357843230129514SamsungGalaxy A72
354327822773650SamsungGalaxy A03s
354332884348110SamsungGalaxy Tab S6 Lite
354333241474177SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra LTE
355418104300152SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
354217076338005SamsungGalaxy Note 5
354360129524542SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353513078184103SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
353497117993205SamsungGalaxy A10e
357840607647318SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357840096242142SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357838864280047SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357834999747877SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
353494115186346SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.4" 2020
357834098687123SamsungGalaxy J7 Duo
357833797425835SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
357832079913963SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357831098364489SamsungGalaxy Tab S4
357830099518630SamsungGalaxy A6
353493414880963SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
355419094858787SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
353491117640577SamsungGalaxy A10e
354326200635309SamsungGalaxy A02
355421098476053SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355430050840339SamsungGalaxy S3
354204117439901SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355431050328911SamsungGalaxy S3
354203111756500SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355431704070257SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354202960199317SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
355424103047182SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
355433063272169SamsungGalaxy Note Edge
354201065546604SamsungGalaxy Note 4
355422421506665SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354200983964394SamsungGalaxy A12
354200070672330SamsungGalaxy A3
354190590189057SamsungGalaxy A12
354184728308085SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354210072495903SamsungGalaxy On7
354179147183697SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
354324437345420SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354325314850721SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354325912878983SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355420091753138SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
357829462383820SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
357827623962979SamsungGalaxy A12
357826853741616SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
353506097144298SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
354379113091052SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
354379554740506SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
354218079226692SamsungGalaxy A5 Duos
353505075984196SamsungGalaxy J5
357855103582827SamsungGalaxy A10e
354223068341908SamsungGalaxy S5
357854104795306SamsungGalaxy A10e
357851108505376SamsungGalaxy Note 10
353502098509126SamsungGalaxy J2 Pro (2018)
354224111251904SamsungGalaxy A11
357851085919376SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
353502067595908SamsungGalaxy S5
357850095322209SamsungGalaxy A6 Plus
357849097282270SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
353501091906628SamsungGalaxy J2 Pro (2018)
353501067601344SamsungGalaxy S5 Active
357847091753429SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353507097196767SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
353508092818892SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354373089824752SamsungGalaxy J3
354217112601515SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
357824208933129SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
357823241147788SamsungGalaxy A11
357823086424573SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357822083994141SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357821497193613SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357821089969719SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
123456760125712SamsungGalaxy S2
357816339707968SamsungGalaxy A12
357816081408526SamsungGalaxy S8
354205114131730SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
357815989794953SamsungGalaxy A03s
357813086368946SamsungGalaxy J3
358853058732660SamsungGalaxy Ace 3 3G
358851081265971SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
353495118231302SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
353498118863595SamsungGalaxy A40
354361082947803SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
353499112162810SamsungGalaxy A40
354363055504397SamsungGalaxy Ace 2
354372622263437SamsungGalaxy A21s
357815089675904SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
354763590791740SamsungGalaxy A11
354764105903044SamsungGalaxy S10e
354880118525572SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
351801427780743SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353331104604436SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
353330119392136SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
351804102791381SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355815884058845SamsungGalaxy A51
351777115687913SamsungGalaxy A40
351774116860631SamsungGalaxy A30s
355814214556289SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
351773119562962SamsungGalaxy A30s
355825305811201SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
351754101948500SamsungGalaxy J8
351756106837257SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
351756729724585SamsungGalaxy A21s
351757107292138SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
351757117430116SamsungGalaxy A30s
353333112639503SamsungGalaxy Note 10
351758103152151SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
351797846567614SamsungGalaxy A12
353335104815678SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
351457661951985SamsungGalaxy A23
353541968335139SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353540809988155SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
353540437332610SamsungGalaxy A12
351776069918696SamsungGalaxy Note 3
351777189290636SamsungGalaxy A12
351778118632070SamsungGalaxy A40
351779116550587SamsungGalaxy A50
351780118092651SamsungGalaxy A50
351781111659272SamsungGalaxy A70
351782467808554SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
351785136622892SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
353340110886911SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
353339115771433SamsungGalaxy A10e
351787117296589SamsungGalaxy M30s
351791842448770SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
353337111677398SamsungGalaxy A10
353335118403487SamsungGalaxy A50
353334115224228SamsungGalaxy Note 10
351452962249635SamsungGalaxy A12
351758118448396SamsungGalaxy A30s
351759102938897SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
350962379722355SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350961875230533SamsungGalaxy M32
350960700695167SamsungGalaxy A21s
356575090698672SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356576924321176SamsungGalaxy A22
353952075016092SamsungGalaxy A8
353955219544606SamsungGalaxy A03s
353956842729689SamsungGalaxy A12
353958506058371SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
353960262738022SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353962567900992SamsungGalaxy A12
353967959775779SamsungGalaxy A11
353970622238290SamsungGalaxy A71
353974078233151SamsungGalaxy A3
353975076277272SamsungGalaxy Note 5
353976054365485SamsungGalaxy S3
350981214810829SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
351758979274949SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350987671886004SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
353536456137104SamsungGalaxy A23
351763102046263SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
351763112563067SamsungGalaxy A30s
355820493558151SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
351764107334746SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
353341120994885SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353341109690256SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
351765115756028SamsungGalaxy A01
351766104856530SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
351766112794244SamsungGalaxy A01
351767118219467SamsungGalaxy A01
351769118766349SamsungGalaxy A30s
351770119506478SamsungGalaxy A30s
351771116589467SamsungGalaxy A30s
351772111192562SamsungGalaxy A30s
351773105340704SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355815041547789SamsungInfuse 4G
355812930242184SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
350992477742047SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351449307923635SamsungGalaxy A50
350948900007523SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
351447191607108SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
353556091192710SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
353557082550247SamsungGalaxy J3
353558093548071SamsungGalaxy Star 2
357416670499067SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353559085304416SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
357417071009539SamsungGalaxy Express Prime
353559096562572SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
358681109910641SamsungGalaxy A71
358681020907312SamsungGalaxy S10e
351389783925326SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
357422076229033SamsungGalaxy S9
351389923719506SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
351465074293978SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
350938513178753SamsungGalaxy S22
350934089111468SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
350928501005423SamsungiPhone 6
351479598611680SamsungGalaxy A12
350923224980143SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
351487551398393SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
353556080527074SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
351488164802870SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353555082537719SamsungGalaxy S7
353554672524948SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
358668218756122SamsungGalaxy Watch4
353562086623917SamsungGalaxy S7
353561330209432SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
353561094049115SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
353560109794418SamsungGalaxy J6
357398766809203SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
353542305004404SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
353544563936665SamsungGalaxy M51
357399105577345SamsungGalaxy A20
357400073068562SamsungGalaxy S7
353546298504296SamsungGalaxy A72
353546678568697SamsungGalaxy A02
353551094921066SamsungGalaxy S9
353552683633575SamsungGalaxy A12
357408124991732SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
357409182784233SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
353552738577298SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
353553108269789SamsungGalaxy S10
357412789335847SamsungGalaxy A12
357413444971638SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
351488778015075SamsungGalaxy S22
350921782912888SamsungGalaxy S22
350918040048091SamsungGalaxy A10s
351390725931471SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
351393981166204SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357436149907045SamsungGalaxy Quantum 2
351397290548572SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
351402304484101SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
351404445275844SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
351404590024427SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
358662083284773SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
358659051406602SamsungGalaxy Ace 2
351405818621191SamsungGalaxy A12
351409494208158SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
351424286527384SamsungGalaxy Tab A8 10.5" 2021
351424778123791SamsungGalaxy S22
358654089389631SamsungGalaxy J3 Emerge 2017
357085104840368SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
351429590023467SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351440118300592SamsungGalaxy A22
358651081468538SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
351440778101181SamsungGalaxy Watch4
358664082962847SamsungGalaxy Folder 2
357425070484413SamsungGalaxy S7
350952835362227SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
351461841322794SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350917098696991SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350913340852771SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
350895268340196SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
350894712012717SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
350894212974283SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
350880635567861SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
350876366541208SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350875494197933SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
350868259047534SamsungGalaxy A21s
350865891268007SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
350858553427581SamsungGalaxy Tab A8 10.5" 2021
350857480582609SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
351467448305975SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
350944139329572SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
358666080693035SamsungGalaxy S8
350859315704275SamsungGalaxy Book S
351389221997150SamsungGalaxy A02
353976319388033SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
356904072886586SamsungGalaxy A7 2016 Duos
357864103823728SamsungGalaxy A20s
357863107626855SamsungGalaxy A20s
990004937463390SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
990004949304038SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
357860109032553SamsungGalaxy A10
990004952179558SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
990005783686372SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6
990005893172586SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy Note 5
357452108151533SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357456428138062SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
357081109485051SamsungGalaxy A10
357080104392585SamsungGalaxy A10
357060765984185SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357061416323070SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
357463100973725SamsungGalaxy A20
357062355988253SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
990004920324252SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
357063080352344SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
357443289871411SamsungGalaxy A72
357870104558585SamsungGalaxy A40
990005850092553SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6 edge+
990005860199455SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6
353823708834294SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
990005873073044SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6
357441056930063SamsungGalaxy S4
990005913880663SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy Tab S2 9.7
990005881380795SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy Note 5
990005905645942SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy Note 4
990005822300688SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6 edge+
357859109698801SamsungGalaxy A10
357872610310147SamsungGalaxy S22
990005793773624SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6 edge
357872401496006SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
357872107396856SamsungGalaxy A10
990004889967406SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S6
990004895592297SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S6
990004908699733SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
990004912661794SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
357869235279442SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
990005924450415SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy Note 5
357065094327527SamsungGalaxy J6
357461091512239SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354890605551866SamsungGalaxy Tab S 8.4
357083108260667SamsungGalaxy Tab S5e
357057167259315SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
354885102384902SamsungGalaxy A30
357081198732363SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 10.4 (2020)
354891068440456SamsungGalaxy S5
357084105539194SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
354886061846139SamsungGalaxy S5
354884108764050SamsungGalaxy A30
354884112521280SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
354890382237721SamsungGalaxy A12
354889104541360SamsungGalaxy S10e
357079101245994SamsungGalaxy A10s
357078102489221SamsungGalaxy A10s
357460062549980SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
357078677668977SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
357066086916178SamsungGalaxy S8
357459096530461SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357067263662130SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357453105146047SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357070095787570SamsungGalaxy J6
357073087679169SamsungGalaxy Express 3
354888712261627SamsungGalaxy A12
357452093865857SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353819357654777SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354889045336656SamsungSidekick 4G
357452521215386SamsungGalaxy S22
357074087783142SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
357453042743401SamsungGalaxy Tab GSM
354889060852249SamsungGalaxy Tab S 8.4
357060095108554SamsungGalaxy J6
990005841679831SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6 edge+
990005932152045SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6
990005837015800SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6
353325092742828SamsungGalaxy J2 Pro (2018)
356568090099215SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353324098754481SamsungGalaxy J2 Pro (2018)
356569099548251SamsungGalaxy Note 9
356570067282923SamsungGalaxy A3
353323055817000SamsungGalaxy S3
353322514905745SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
353322091742719SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
351003248346834SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
351000705608920SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
358654052372135SamsungGalaxy Ace 3 3G
357893200289350SamsungGalaxy A22
353823060690391SamsungGalaxy Note 3
357882497065029SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
357451092347834SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357881956197786SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
357450464320767SamsungGalaxy S22
356567093299285SamsungGalaxy Note 9
990004805318767SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
353325101196313SamsungGalaxy S9
356566114934839SamsungGalaxy A31
350958035027171SamsungGalaxy M11
350957876266419SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
356571053087243SamsungGalaxy Camera
350995411528141SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
355812717602097SamsungGalaxy Watch4
350999641109284SamsungGalaxy S22
353329335731804SamsungGalaxy A22
353327110657053SamsungGalaxy A51
353327108728098SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
353327052018058SamsungGalaxy S2
356564114468528SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
355808982055607SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
356565055082202SamsungGalaxy S4
356565118875808SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
353325958920906SamsungGalaxy A22
356565544533898SamsungGalaxy S4
356566051454304SamsungGalaxy S4
353325701150157SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
353325471730253SamsungGalaxy S22
356567055289944SamsungGalaxy S4
357879703407730SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
990004810726681SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
357450248172237SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
990004734074820SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
357920541671978SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
990004745541361SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
357916989210527SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
357915402235293SamsungGalaxy M32
357911821929806SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
990004750955761SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note Edge
357907787240311SamsungGalaxy A12
990004764603829SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
357873392194113SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
990004876593504SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S6
990005818963929SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6
357857102282508SamsungGalaxy A50
990006006509128SamsungGalaxy S5
990005947223930SamsungGalaxy S5, Galaxy S6
357044475797285SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
357052524964103SamsungGalaxy A03s
990004723990580SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
357055088562148SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357879538586039SamsungGalaxy A02
357875100312275SamsungGalaxy A50
990004820047136SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
357874272371391SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
990004839714742SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
990004847653569SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S6
990004851663504SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S6
357874105651324SamsungGalaxy A50
357873773246896SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353978062635925SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
990004866990124SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S6
990004777253000SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note Edge
357905765604649SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
353833611153674SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
353827421569509SamsungGalaxy F12
990004692879327SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S4
990004701965794SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
990004711840110SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy S5
357056081597396SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
990004783501137SamsungGalaxy S3, Galaxy Note 4
351385338145360SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
351385224425140SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
351381565573028SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
359126214025041SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
357515055132571SamsungGalaxy Note Pro 12.2
359130060591544SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
359133155957265SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
359135065095011SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
357513057159007SamsungPixel 4a
358100108901113SamsungGalaxy A10s
358099108661638SamsungGalaxy A10s
358092852414031SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358092101340193SamsungGalaxy S10
358091676263335SamsungGalaxy A12
358091105781816SamsungGalaxy S10
358090109633536SamsungGalaxy S10
358087202175381SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
357515910295357SamsungGalaxy Note 20 LTE
359123096604456SamsungGalaxy J8
357518050178367SamsungGalaxy Note 3
350385912280188SamsungGalaxy F12
350393179253856SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
358082475376170SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
350395402784193SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358076930360233SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
358075365382308SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358071150124997SamsungGalaxy S22
358071088947998SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358060089651014SamsungGalaxy S8
350396203430523SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350396263585000SamsungGalaxy A12
358059084673494SamsungGalaxy S8
358087109439484SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
359122089694748SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
359123089163353SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
354641095697929SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356686207811213SamsungGalaxy Tab Active3
354643105942428SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
358052085953494SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
358051873468350SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
358049048623529SamsungGalaxy Ace
356692255503926SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
358034932372219SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356905265476630SamsungGalaxy A21s
356705075249320SamsungGalaxy J1 Mini
356905079044574SamsungGalaxy S7
356904090224000SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
356922075295886SamsungGalaxy J3
356922093025364SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime 2
356923095162668SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime 2
356924097034939SamsungGalaxy J7 2018
350414103975636SamsungGalaxy M32
356947107949994SamsungGalaxy S10e
350417374537290SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
358053731877954SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
350486746293577SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358054089593235SamsungGalaxy S8
350406292863425SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
356948109653477SamsungGalaxy S10e
354086986430792SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350481567887839SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
356921080150029SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
356920352406739SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350476188775686SamsungGalaxy A22
356920098287294SamsungGalaxy S9
356919880297768SamsungGalaxy S22
358055042507774SamsungGalaxy S2
354643091053149SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
350479736765969SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
356917786021514SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
356917099788114SamsungGalaxy S9
356916098046904SamsungGalaxy S9
356915094039988SamsungGalaxy S9
356915078634366SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
350480504702796SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350408228325719SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
350383137364598SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
350379903594897SamsungGalaxy A22
352493647814061SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
352493191788364SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355198110481192SamsungGalaxy A20
353024057049762SamsungGalaxy S3
359251903042832SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352488972889167SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
359252078043795SamsungGalaxy J3
352478370808372SamsungGalaxy A03s
353027443433012SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
352475106700568SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
352474103725827SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
352473673180264SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352472589941439SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359253134368671SamsungGalaxy A02s
353030960366078SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
352831065023626SamsungGalaxy Note 3
352472107210515SamsungGalaxy A6
352504088527861SamsungGalaxy J7
352504472421515SamsungGalaxy Tab Active3
359250144295571SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
352505389981947SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
352837449354744SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
352494313060047SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354765081887606SamsungGalaxy S8
354766109127959SamsungGalaxy S10e
354879309961729SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354769088566031SamsungGalaxy J7
354769109618753SamsungGalaxy S10e
354770084848258SamsungGalaxy J7
355190555227321SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355197437474708SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
352470211325443SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
352837071559594SamsungGalaxy Note 5
352502211354393SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
352501086749174SamsungGalaxy J5
352500168525320SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
352500086197970SamsungGalaxy J5
352498781581780SamsungGalaxy A23
352497339724983SamsungGalaxy S22
353021076277259SamsungGalaxy S5
359249096275763SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352494553360107SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Ultra
353022058712735SamsungGalaxy S3
355219105331877SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355198623183038SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
355218138895544SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352505492605367SamsungGalaxy A12
359245092577624SamsungGalaxy J6
354088118638532SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
358576104896250SamsungGalaxy A30s
354621070664573SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
350381780552865SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
354640095537713SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
357511057954278SamsungPixel 4a
357188103452472SamsungGalaxy A10
350362161639885SamsungGalaxy A12
350362209257062SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
358084109479529SamsungGalaxy A30
354640105674175SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
350370853006669SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
350371094616647SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
350374941487576SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355218105088891SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355217820969641SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
352840075710130SamsungGalaxy J7
355217099772031SamsungGalaxy J7 V
355200416863378SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
355201897284795SamsungGalaxy A02s
355203210697067SamsungGalaxy A51
352848073923852SamsungGalaxy J7
355206061567552SamsungGalaxy S5
355211096443530SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
355212094341387SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
353810481077068SamsungGalaxy A22
355213095294211SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
356944100186823SamsungGalaxy M10
355213790832182SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
355214102880331SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
352844251920208SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355215104483784SamsungGalaxy Xcover 4s
355216067156177SamsungGalaxy Note Edge
352843811842209SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
353807518497293SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
359243098186334SamsungGalaxy J2
359243436804382SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
355216105493624SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
352845142850306SamsungGalaxy A02s
350433594239880SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354641103385293SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
350441166043762SamsungGalaxy A22
357523095371480SamsungGalaxy A6
357522198633945SamsungGalaxy A22
359117204315740SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
359118085029848SamsungGalaxy S7
357521167221617SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
357520055523233SamsungGalaxy Pocket Neo
359107093269793SamsungGalaxy Note 9
354627092875725SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
357550947018548SamsungGalaxy A12
354626228819722SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359295670467573SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
357549060710584SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
357548108391290SamsungGalaxy A50
357544102450398SamsungGalaxy A20
357540108114830SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357538063714230SamsungGalaxy Grand Max
359301101372521SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359303109586797SamsungGalaxy A20s
359304621130528SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
359116083642885SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357536107089973SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
359115092018012SamsungGalaxy A6
354639730170096SamsungGalaxy A12
357526618585775SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
354627107709422SamsungGalaxy S10
354628249086141SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354630095737850SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
357526104929180SamsungGalaxy A20
354630100665187SamsungGalaxy S10
354631091590467SamsungGalaxy S9
354631104557792SamsungGalaxy S10
359107609265632SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
359108093639852SamsungGalaxy Xcover 4s
357524097800526SamsungGalaxy A6
354634107952671SamsungGalaxy S10
354635101058258SamsungGalaxy S10
359109620337580SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
354636095210715SamsungGalaxy J7
354638094560272SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
354638102793857SamsungGalaxy A30
359113092617628SamsungGalaxy J2
359115044133976SamsungGalaxy Star 2
357536064521729SamsungGalaxy S5
359306496872902SamsungGalaxy A22
357535107790473SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
353568105983083SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
357418073466974SamsungGalaxy J3
353568699276696SamsungGalaxy A23
358678078614923SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
357418426425024SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
353570086636235SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
353570101882772SamsungGalaxy A9 Pro
353571100012742SamsungGalaxy A9 Pro
353572083647165SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
353574620172970SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
353584530647151SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
358674089740450SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
351374432268286SamsungGalaxy A12
351376419838940SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
351376494338550SamsungGalaxy A03s
357419077479963SamsungGalaxy J5
357417989651281SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
353565100343396SamsungGalaxy J6
358680104819898SamsungGalaxy A71
353562099249254SamsungGalaxy Tab Active2 8.0
357533107865791SamsungGalaxy Note 10
359309557241363SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
357530597490783SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
359310100534999SamsungGalaxy A10
359315102321592SamsungGalaxy Tab S6
359316105540931SamsungGalaxy A20e
359106083272775SamsungGalaxy J7 Max
359319869576414SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
354626092202575SamsungGalaxy S8
354626103512103SamsungGalaxy S10
359103259203742SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359103694679175SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
354626194817585SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
357087431724133SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355199113921705SamsungGalaxy A51
357086107815472SamsungGalaxy A20
353573091177898SamsungGalaxy J2
359321108138576SamsungGalaxy A70
990003371462116SamsungGalaxy S4
357555520749112SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
357557053559413SamsungGalaxy Note 3
359119080083699SamsungGalaxy Note 8
359118550594094SamsungGalaxy A12
358358745220111SamsungGalaxy Watch5
358360107793685SamsungGalaxy A20e
358361101324089SamsungGalaxy A20e
358361761706955SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358362105993408SamsungGalaxy A10
358365103937467SamsungGalaxy A90s
358366108290795SamsungGalaxy A90s
358369103132962SamsungGalaxy A10e
358382105549927SamsungGalaxy A70
358383100339488SamsungGalaxy A70
358550734703046SamsungGalaxy M22
358550231416852SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
358383537328377SamsungGalaxy A02
358384108817376SamsungNokia Lumia 1520
358385103848795SamsungGalaxy A30
357518813499084SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
359120089086873SamsungGalaxy Note 8
358386104354197SamsungGalaxy A10
356925776434266SamsungGalaxy S22
350475671648350SamsungGalaxy A51
350448247537571SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
350458619949262SamsungGalaxy M02
350466053413315SamsungGalaxy M31
350468699596214SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
350471519911381SamsungGalaxy A12
350471707480926SamsungGalaxy A02s
358057083829109SamsungGalaxy S8
350472548392833SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
356939104827927SamsungGalaxy A30
356938833706451SamsungGalaxy S22
356938109556135SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
356937052192732SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
356936690553891SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
358055380057051SamsungGalaxy A22
354642101269729SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356929105272165SamsungGalaxy S10
356928106218177SamsungGalaxy S10
358055083570574SamsungGalaxy S8
356926696116447SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
356926104384561SamsungGalaxy A20
358545105944062SamsungGalaxy A30s
354622110264374SamsungGalaxy A10s
354081115487987SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354080119254690SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354077111999462SamsungGalaxy A11
354076113780136SamsungGalaxy A11
354075141483333SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
354075093392508SamsungGalaxy Note 8
351996305428074SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
352000439672506SamsungGalaxy A01
358558823523258SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
352001090985120SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
352001414102295SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352002094467123SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
352003097533267SamsungGalaxy Note 8
354081161735982SamsungGalaxy A23
354082116086596SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354622101474909SamsungGalaxy S10
354082477105712SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357572063143991SamsungGalaxy A3
357572052882054SamsungGalaxy Note 3
357571060325387SamsungGalaxy A3
354623109666769SamsungGalaxy S10
354624103577952SamsungGalaxy S10
357567596250933SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
357563174066874SamsungGalaxy M51
357561072248941SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
357558060458375SamsungGalaxy S6
357557065736454SamsungGalaxy Grand Max
358357104480787SamsungGalaxy A50
358356108652623SamsungGalaxy A50
358355047964941SamsungExhibit 2 4G
354621085336811SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
351980932850496SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
354085116716732SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
351981537928208SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
354084119170732SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354083115665000SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
358358105211064SamsungGalaxy A20
990003389016110SamsungGalaxy S4
358086105059239SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354866108947942SamsungGalaxy A30
358885582598415SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
351850119141854SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
351850260549418SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
351852158845874SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358880778836794SamsungGalaxy A01
358875080974291SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
351853761002663SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
351856226354090SamsungGalaxy A21s
351864453299756SamsungGalaxy A02s
351867625689325SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
351868565892119SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
358870080057767SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
358865053066191SamsungGalaxy Mega
351847119224391SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
351845110466193SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
351843268711346SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
354402105815229SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
354400117097141SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
355490384366310SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355490898722321SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
355495964980596SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355497592223530SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355500077592830SamsungGalaxy S7
355501072181579SamsungGalaxy S7
355502077642714SamsungGalaxy S7
355502294521931SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355503078096975SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355505070901144SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355510864582001SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
358861087020692SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
358871707131951SamsungGalaxy A22
351840117172415SamsungGalaxy A20s
351841568134102SamsungGalaxy A72
351844423790720SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
354403106903550SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
355510911899432SamsungGalaxy A11
354397115808489SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354391111874413SamsungGalaxy Watch Active2 40mm
354389838070869SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
354258091750386SamsungGalaxy S9
354256098952310SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
355516656352974SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354239920531791SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
355521118529987SamsungGalaxy A40
355523114030143SamsungGalaxy Xcover 4s
355524118812783SamsungGalaxy Xcover 4s
355525115968825SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355526324809941SamsungGalaxy M32
355530125860384SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
355530552269356SamsungGalaxy A21s
354264102567157SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355513073721329SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
355514119309426SamsungGalaxy A11
354262802049229SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
354258115168755SamsungGalaxy A30s
354259051970998SamsungGalaxy Rugby Pro
354259098010709SamsungGalaxy S9
354259522010028SamsungGalaxy A23
354259873350304SamsungGalaxy A23
354260111397735SamsungGalaxy A20s
354260401597713SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354261094381654SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
354261108815069SamsungGalaxy Fold
354261118877232SamsungGalaxy A20s
354262092447851SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
354262108737519SamsungGalaxy Fold
354262116516699SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354263101043954SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
354257118116597SamsungGalaxy A71 5G
354263111362816SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354399112735038SamsungGalaxy S20 LTE
354403353400300SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354404108786019SamsungGalaxy S10e
354404226146781SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355890095645664SamsungGalaxy J7 Sky Pro
355885145027731SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
354170081505110SamsungGalaxy J5
355884595015478SamsungGalaxy A23
355880092379961SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
355880055285569SamsungGalaxy S3
355878437338023SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355875119036669SamsungGalaxy A31
355872108423255SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
355871117197264SamsungGalaxy A31
355871104786038SamsungGalaxy S10
354178321234946SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
354169960251747SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
352988106618762SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
356949109221943SamsungGalaxy A50
356953081119471SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
356953791290299SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356954479391649SamsungGalaxy Z Fold4 5G
356954848085369SamsungGalaxy A21s
356963124290957SamsungGalaxy A41
356964084616785SamsungGalaxy J3 Emerge
356969647859517SamsungGalaxy A22
355907076043469SamsungGalaxy A7 2016 Duos
355904863988691SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
355903113006528SamsungGalaxy A31
355886054850832SamsungGalaxy Grand
355901117286617SamsungGalaxy A31
354139181327774SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra LTE
355899094925845SamsungGalaxy S9
354159121313874SamsungGalaxy A12
354162082204207SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
354167440945664SamsungGalaxy S22
359440099426608SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359444092081626SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352255290285315SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
353649090690501SamsungGalaxy J2
358860082704664SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
358858159398030SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
358857832311873SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
354418101268981SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354417108967140SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354416104007133SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354415102809995SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354414052677296SamsungGalaxy Tab 2 10.1
354413108021210SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354412209835361SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
354411102859221SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354411058191496SamsungGalaxy S Advance
354156126059411SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
354152082196750SamsungGalaxy J1 Ace
354151086834994SamsungGalaxy On5
354150877953179SamsungGalaxy A12
355899055810721SamsungMI-3 (TD)
355897093195394SamsungGalaxy S9
355896093942920SamsungGalaxy S9
355895966082012SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355894099523828SamsungGalaxy S9
355893094944781SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355891096916427SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
354131115263688SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354135117851945SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
355531106923472SamsungGalaxy A6
354136764279117SamsungGalaxy A12
354139117700334SamsungGalaxy A20
354140111984049SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354169082575528SamsungGalaxy J5
354141112882752SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354141335544767SamsungGalaxy A02s
354142110910280SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354143114365653SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354144116268515SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354145114530467SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
354137113267258SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
352987102361492SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355534632449111SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355536107662763SamsungGalaxy M20
354595066378929SamsungGalaxy Note 4
354606081440113SamsungGalaxy On5
354595385307971SamsungGalaxy A51
354597319913155SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
354598405426599SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
354601075069259SamsungGear S2
354601106545244SamsungGalaxy S10
354601559660375SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
354602106711604SamsungGalaxy S10
354603089584406SamsungGalaxy J5
354603104828929SamsungGalaxy S10
354604073131873SamsungGalaxy A8
354604085386200SamsungGalaxy J5
354604100552869SamsungGalaxy S10
354605101389136SamsungGalaxy S10
355730092839730SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
355710105698232SamsungGalaxy A20
355711104608115SamsungGalaxy A20
355712101645092SamsungGalaxy A20
355731090345308SamsungGalaxy Note 8
355712116280919SamsungGalaxy Watch3
355734573972069SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353644095754345SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
355745093338482SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353598371076338SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
353606156853514SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
353608053227974SamsungGalaxy Star
353608072786026SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
353609075744566SamsungGalaxy S6
353618524826643SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
355732096692446SamsungGalaxy Note 8
353621070098484SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
353627057375761SamsungGalaxy Note 2
353627095248426SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
358890548586298SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353630090817583SamsungGalaxy J2
353632099757497SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
353634090564013SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
353634538613745SamsungGalaxy S22
353639090844521SamsungGalaxy Note 8
353640741162024SamsungGalaxy Watch4
353642094090182SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
353645097892892SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
355744090946223SamsungGalaxy J3 Luna Pro
355712466295129SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355720104206572SamsungGalaxy A20
990000289304778SamsungGalaxy Nexus
354897100458430SamsungGalaxy S10e
356903449809578SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
990000233548405SamsungDroid Charge
354900116444897SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354901070633277SamsungGalaxy S6
354902689683257SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
354903080778472SamsungGalaxy J3
354903977237426SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
354904086325805SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
354904117039458SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
354906116104951SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.4" 2020
354907079743611SamsungGalaxy View
354909110892944SamsungGalaxy A71
354910077684035SamsungGalaxy A8
355117862925370SamsungGalaxy A12
355120403183707SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
355120935878873SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
354897066241341SamsungGalaxy Avant
355719106230945SamsungGalaxy A20
355721105263380SamsungGalaxy A10
355724103000663SamsungGalaxy S10
355725102032417SamsungGalaxy S10
355726092036632SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355727099116252SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
355729334207615SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
354386514599310SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
354386115143658SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
359445092709082SamsungGalaxy Note 9
355111098516152SamsungGalaxy A8 Plus 2018
355106092802384SamsungGalaxy A8 Plus 2018
355105099188862SamsungGalaxy A8 Plus 2018
355102094925976SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355743097779611SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
355742979110291SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
355742093016531SamsungGalaxy J3 Emerge
354561103734334SamsungGalaxy A51
354561112896736SamsungGalaxy A51
354562105031216SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354562112305710SamsungGalaxy A51
354562659882337SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
354563113146871SamsungGalaxy A51
354564101580550SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
354564111415540SamsungGalaxy A51
354565113659852SamsungGalaxy A31
354565329821726SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
354566108976061SamsungGalaxy S10e
354566516245828SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
354567100978279SamsungGalaxy S10e
354567179221874SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354568111354773SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
358904102518272SamsungGalaxy Tab S6
354569119423743SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
358905053184832SamsungGalaxy Trend 2 Duos
354386279714724SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
354234113220468SamsungGalaxy A21
354235112523406SamsungGalaxy A21
354240166752505SamsungGalaxy A02s
354255818664106SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354240326592163SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354241403819933SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
354245050086464SamsungGalaxy S3
354245110886531SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354246116100224SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354246985978742SamsungGalaxy A12
354251093047851SamsungGalaxy S9
354251110060929SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354251671417062SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
354252095286778SamsungGalaxy S9
354253096793713SamsungGalaxy J7 2018
354254099380094SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
354254222830106SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
351836119324038SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
353646779055998SamsungGalaxy A51
353646376786722SamsungGalaxy M21
354570110233933SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354571105626354SamsungGalaxy S10
354573119260717SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
358922052621615SamsungGalaxy Core
358921053088824SamsungGalaxy Light
354480114538396SamsungGalaxy M31
358917499880063SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
358917052968156SamsungGalaxy Note 3
358916058789574SamsungGalaxy Note 3
358914100986017SamsungGalaxy A10e
358912101907768SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358912059402127SamsungGalaxy Note Pro 12.2
358911102274749SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
354586854598430SamsungGalaxy A03s
354592066190891SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
354594067665764SamsungGalaxy Note 4
353610588760966SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355735093162602SamsungGalaxy On7
358891166070151SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
355740242238204SamsungGalaxy A23
358923230874266SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
358909103200093SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
354479119885216SamsungGalaxy M31
358927236066447SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
354574103869349SamsungGalaxy S10
354574119547673SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
354575109356249SamsungGalaxy S10
354576384591005SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
358907101058885SamsungGalaxy Tab S6
358908109833196SamsungGalaxy Tab S6
354477875538003SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
358933730295284SamsungGalaxy S22
355535105636886SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
354472081294533SamsungGalaxy J1
354472103503333SamsungGalaxy A50
358932775863733SamsungGalaxy A12
354472115940937SamsungGalaxy M30s
358931303924173SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
354472430390719SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
354473079084142SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
354474074163477SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
354476069991804SamsungGalaxy Tab S 10.5
354476111149302SamsungGalaxy A30s
358933231977067SamsungGalaxy S22
352985573503584SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352985102950777SamsungGalaxy J6 Plus
352982139892536SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
354301564061491SamsungGalaxy A10s
354302084798927SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
354306089940889SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353476111816646SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
353460081857707SamsungGalaxy C9 Pro
353460473796257SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353463086938100SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353464082220873SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353465080184870SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353466086222383SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353467109856462SamsungGalaxy S9
353468083293789SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
353468105109237SamsungGalaxy J6
353469109954677SamsungGalaxy J6
359410828189504SamsungGalaxy A12
359440052047474SamsungGalaxy S4
359439093823968SamsungGalaxy Book 2 12"
359438058676536SamsungGalaxy Note 3
359437047259495SamsungGalaxy S2
359433589546217SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359433059607960SamsungGalaxy Note 10.1 2014
359427094303197SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359427052674019SamsungGalaxy Note 10.1 2014
359426090199575SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359420093036561SamsungGalaxy A8
359419582234406SamsungGalaxy A51 5G
359419301003983SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
359416128126542SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357204610386283SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
353475126582755SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
354314082010247SamsungGalaxy S6
354315087667717SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
354321599712074SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352991065799516SamsungGalaxy Note 3
352991858133170SamsungGalaxy S22
352992191485467SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352993052465770SamsungGalaxy S3
352998445481269SamsungGalaxy A12
352999061587603SamsungGalaxy Tab S 10.5
353000567965010SamsungGalaxy A12
353457102271199SamsungGalaxy A9 2018
353002074610436SamsungGalaxy A8
353011249155771SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353427869131910SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
353430759098769SamsungGalaxy A03s
353431134916618SamsungGalaxy A03s
353433945835250SamsungGalaxy S22
353436172867771SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353438142051247SamsungGalaxy A03s
354313089216971SamsungGalaxy A5 2016
353472107298444SamsungGalaxy A6
354312138596821SamsungGalaxy A12
354308068895456SamsungGalaxy S5 Active
353483115453004SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
353459109322835SamsungGalaxy A9
353484114300279SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
353485118242375SamsungGalaxy A10e
353486119598351SamsungGalaxy A10e
353488053131108SamsungGalaxy Tab 2 10.1
353488119082881SamsungGalaxy A10e
353489113344947SamsungGalaxy A10e
358793085896494SamsungGalaxy S8
358793108923994SamsungGalaxy A10
353459961423267SamsungGalaxy S22
354307183796821SamsungGalaxy A12
352999677801778SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354308086563383SamsungGalaxy J3 Luna Pro
354300889740045SamsungGalaxy A21
356982617217988SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
356982626171366SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
357192105335891SamsungGalaxy A50
353103068692164SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
357294616502017SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
357327108262391SamsungGalaxy S10e
357295103219643SamsungGalaxy S10
357296105631850SamsungGalaxy S10
357297100477521SamsungGalaxy S10
357297123820848SamsungGalaxy A22
357298105375785SamsungGalaxy S10
357298581766473SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
357299756594450SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
357305066879034SamsungGalaxy Ace 4
357312158415453SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
357314727111555SamsungGalaxy A01
357315236229770SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
357326109466480SamsungGalaxy S10e
357327073171593SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
356980749751148SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357328106584901SamsungGalaxy S10e
356979108357570SamsungGalaxy A10
357157886492559SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
354866121373571SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
357186429199512SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
357186102978760SamsungGalaxy A10
357182059174636SamsungGalaxy Express
357180105642267SamsungGalaxy A50
357177108830634SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
357175096446132SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357174092225772SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357172478889294SamsungGalaxy A31
357171099090233SamsungGalaxy S9
357167083688644SamsungGear S3
353106089506438SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
357164948286201SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
357164094498758SamsungGalaxy S9
357163089525708SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
357162088141269SamsungGalaxy J7 2017
357161678197749SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357158095640681SamsungGalaxy J2
357158081654068SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
353100568039557SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
357329076142589SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
357329104808854SamsungGalaxy S10e
354268094634214SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354268107392321SamsungGalaxy Note 9
354268117780754SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354269058850952SamsungGalaxy Note 2
354269119264425SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354270092119180SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
354270112314720SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354270191527192SamsungGalaxy A21s
354270245219218SamsungGalaxy A21s
354271106600520SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
354271113203268SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354272056870097SamsungGalaxy Tab 2 10.1
354275398342618SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354285677776204SamsungGalaxy S22
354287125931720SamsungGalaxy A72
354289859012289SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
354290372549740SamsungGalaxy A12
354291422844925SamsungGalaxy A12
354296976147112SamsungGalaxy A02
354267111552466SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
354267106499780SamsungGalaxy Note 9
354267090957975SamsungGalaxy S9
354266118505303SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
353075422034863SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
353078185756607SamsungGalaxy M51
353089141921870SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 FE
353089186683393SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
353091056847942SamsungGalaxy S3
353092054693833SamsungGalaxy S3
353439748578955SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
353094920021132SamsungGalaxy M31
358799101598337SamsungGalaxy Tab S6
358796087712056SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
356985108505068SamsungGalaxy A10s
358795107525597SamsungGalaxy A10
354264527155489SamsungGalaxy S22
354265104025169SamsungGalaxy Tab Active2 8.0
354266104987473SamsungGalaxy Note 9
353100079435138SamsungGalaxy Note 5
353450088240676SamsungGalaxy S7
353451080198318SamsungGalaxy S7
353451103598379SamsungGalaxy A9 2018
358613346121252SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
359491094346051SamsungGalaxy J6
359493098719762SamsungGalaxy Book 2 12"
359494094332881SamsungGalaxy J4
359498520503122SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359500065938686SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0
359500912561582SamsungGalaxy J7 V 2018
359500960683429SamsungGalaxy J7 V 2018
359506148612859SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
358622235832812SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
358622094684973SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358621090626301SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358620096244895SamsungGalaxy Note 9
358619992395231SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
356998476390864SamsungGalaxy A31
356977514546380SamsungGalaxy A03s
359488426927749SamsungGalaxy A03s
356979052672057SamsungGalaxy S3
359487090909967SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359485094056892SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357377109439779SamsungGalaxy A10
357378056437816SamsungGalaxy S3
357380101553969SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357381102036475SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357382105094784SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
358608566292627SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
358611093939405SamsungGalaxy S9
352034117761125SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus 5G
359488097315877SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352034373214173SamsungGalaxy A21s
352036111784722SamsungGalaxy Tab S5e
352036552159475SamsungGalaxy A23
352046119277181SamsungGalaxy Tab Active Pro 10.1"
359479095238989SamsungGalaxy J3 Prime
359480092756601SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359481094790374SamsungGalaxy A6
359482091689619SamsungGalaxy A6
359483536953800SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
359484099800792SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359486098804675SamsungGalaxy Note 9
352003238484461SamsungGalaxy A31
352005096724078SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352008095352735SamsungGalaxy Note 8
356976103428455SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
356975100707069SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
356971109270282SamsungGalaxy A30
352980105846197SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
357000077828324SamsungGalaxy On5
357011072537083SamsungGalaxy S6
357013291894196SamsungGalaxy A01
357014074474867SamsungGalaxy J1 Duos 2016
357014534963095SamsungGalaxy A02s
357026897504498SamsungGalaxy A12
357039828309341SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357040735679305SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352973078050889SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
352973636844922SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
352974075938621SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
352978600103338SamsungGalaxy M32
352979102438925SamsungGalaxy Tab S4
352982108129266SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
356970107045555SamsungGalaxy A30
355907100760732SamsungGalaxy A20
355908107843083SamsungGalaxy A20
355908110059065SamsungGalaxy A31
352009095083650SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352012098261893SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352013058841880SamsungGalaxy Note
352014096112599SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352014551952547SamsungGalaxy A12
352016091684902SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352016406682708SamsungGalaxy A12
352017094907944SamsungGalaxy Note 8
352019421614508SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
357376100569139SamsungGalaxy A10
352022098181496SamsungGalaxy A8 Plus 2018
352023096492836SamsungGalaxy A8 Plus 2018
357153097241307SamsungGalaxy S9
357151082407859SamsungGalaxy J7
357153478318336SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355151134319492SamsungGalaxy A03s
357376050720666SamsungGalaxy S4
357366055708089SamsungGalaxy Tab 3 7
352026283128873SamsungGalaxy A21s
352028119007040SamsungGalaxy A50
352029116557730SamsungGalaxy A70
352031112915748SamsungGalaxy A10
357680169867205SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357679459775318SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
357677063200988SamsungGalaxy Note 4
357651480920015SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
357642094456959SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
357642296751835SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357643776839413SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
353454192469262SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
356983109456548SamsungGalaxy A10e
356990917845325SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359443091833060SamsungGalaxy Note 9
357689644656067SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
359146063677767SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
359147319417123SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
359149256058175SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359150066789199SamsungGalaxy S6
359160056321101SamsungGalaxy Mega 6.3
359163052987164SamsungGalaxy Tab 3 7
359169051024552SamsungGalaxy S4
359172410749877SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359175106928630SamsungGalaxy A10
359176109771092SamsungGalaxy A10
359177108936579SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
862372044537538SamsungChromebook Plus
357644104511567SamsungGalaxy A10e
357644333161721SamsungGalaxy M02
357645767030605SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
358603095140611SamsungGalaxy Watch 42mm
358602097426986SamsungGalaxy Watch 46mm
358601094194464SamsungGalaxy J7 2018
358600057274743SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini LTE
358595107893205SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358594105231849SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
358590485504367SamsungGalaxy A21s
358590353864885SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358590102214309SamsungGalaxy Tab S5e
353042538343604SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
353045598676045SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
353047383524885SamsungGalaxy A02s
353048180342240SamsungGalaxy A51
353055524849483SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
358610133277735SamsungGalaxy M21
357357052084780SamsungGalaxy S4
357358512188419SamsungGalaxy M32
357363160943891SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
357365054879297SamsungGalaxy S4 Active
353054656755014SamsungGalaxy Tab S7
352032778273372SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
352032118304275SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
352031838516812SamsungGalaxy A12
357647058472504SamsungGalaxy Tab 3 7
357648108941860SamsungGalaxy A20
357650052296218SamsungGalaxy Pocket Neo
357650103636875SamsungGalaxy Note 10
357650257587338SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
357651652506394SamsungGalaxy A72
357674274701011SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
357651716013288SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
357654761833873SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
357366729661276SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
357655088757232SamsungGalaxy J5
357659421925910SamsungGalaxy A51
357661085297768SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
357662767653930SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
357665082907774SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
357669080563100SamsungGalaxy S8
357670082270595SamsungGalaxy S8
357671084198818SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357672080937282SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357673086027060SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
357656086742549SamsungGalaxy J5
356709103943540SamsungGalaxy Fold
354607078177551SamsungGalaxy S6
352206086252530SamsungGalaxy J7
354840277359916SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
355084100575260SamsungGalaxy Note 8
354843055123819SamsungGalaxy Note 8.0 Tablet
354841824032428SamsungGalaxy S22
355085102429075SamsungGalaxy A9 2018
354841305346560SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
355428053476002SamsungGalaxy Note 2
354841059669555SamsungGalaxy Camera
355086108903196SamsungGalaxy A9
354840643028419SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354833058703261SamsungGalaxy Note 2
355233081276667SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
354839167354995SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
351816078629858SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
355037093127960SamsungGalaxy A8
351824099333625SamsungGalaxy Note 8
351824082212455SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
351823093232189SamsungGalaxy Note 8
355030116119064SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
356422115256550SamsungGalaxy A71
351823086544509SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
355031044125132SamsungNexus S
351823053426631SamsungGalaxy Note
351821104685502SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
351821074732193SamsungGalaxy J5
355031099242436SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
351820746872189SamsungGalaxy A23
355032091236145SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
355032111585646SamsungGalaxy A71
355034958470288SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355035111706559SamsungGalaxy A51
351818056672835SamsungGalaxy Note
356422070849316SamsungGalaxy S6 Active
355036116290490SamsungGalaxy A51
351816095199786SamsungGalaxy J3
351824103295182SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
354839121581055SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354838359743783SamsungGalaxy A22
353834487006178SamsungGalaxy A23
351360767907234SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
351364037044661SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
350854167547047SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
350852990711350SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
350844812682331SamsungGalaxy A02
350843980715246SamsungGalaxy A02
350843535491905SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355082183424794SamsungGalaxy A21s
350839824796574SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
355082597950608SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
354848368515403SamsungGalaxy Tab S8
351347130765738SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 FE
351347071688048SamsungGalaxy A03s
351345010986119SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
355087105552887SamsungGalaxy A7 2015
355088083771184SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
354836614962800SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355088100993373SamsungGalaxy A7 2015
350835010686942SamsungGalaxy A10s
350833001313782SamsungGalaxy A20e
355089086511627SamsungGalaxy S8
350832411363171SamsungGalaxy A12
355089101848772SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
354846052265384SamsungGalaxy Note 2
355083045755573SamsungExhibit 4G
351334331828366SamsungGalaxy S22
355080103797562SamsungGalaxy A70
355081084045963SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
351338918548396SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351340068093470SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
355081104191508SamsungGalaxy A70
351824388082487SamsungGalaxy A51
351826113075686SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
355030095139679SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
353921749387700SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
355637741379879SamsungGalaxy A02
355642054851746SamsungGalaxy Star
355642597147610SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355643071119778SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
353920115439228SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
355646073301674SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355646884114340SamsungGalaxy Xcover 5
355647071791692SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
355650051188517SamsungGalaxy Y
355650105428976SamsungGalaxy A2 Core
352672518898002SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353920069284968SamsungGalaxy S5
353919112388818SamsungGalaxy Tab S6 Lite
355637073243750SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
355637052867512SamsungGalaxy S4
356427147875988SamsungGalaxy A21s
355020087162532SamsungGalaxy J5
356420076804574SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
355021071784570SamsungGalaxy J2
355021102006142SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
355021826668995SamsungGalaxy Tab Active3
351835828289110SamsungGalaxy A22
351835707690057SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
351835113559102SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
355022071039353SamsungGalaxy J3
355022102873648SamsungGalaxy J4 Plus
351834112679433SamsungGalaxy A10e
351832191628362SamsungGalaxy A21s
355023074650089SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
355024075676222SamsungGalaxy Core Prime
355026097941690SamsungGalaxy S9
351829116561512SamsungGalaxy S20 Ultra 5G
356426086635965SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
353917115835017SamsungGalaxy Note 10
356427089754035SamsungGalaxy S8
353919065597571SamsungGalaxy S5
355018066304190SamsungGalaxy S5
351810085081047SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
351810074966729SamsungGalaxy S6
355045101900195SamsungGalaxy A20
351808091774936SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
351808077609759SamsungGalaxy S6
351807089169786SamsungGalaxy J5
356420112814561SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
351807079478593SamsungGalaxy S6
356420095388765SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
351805932323485SamsungGalaxy S22
355045110113392SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
355046119582322SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Lite
355038095315074SamsungGalaxy A8 2018
351814979043386SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355028093092031SamsungGalaxy S9
355037105223351SamsungGalaxy A20
355028106344577SamsungGalaxy S10e
355029090039918SamsungGalaxy S9
355029105494447SamsungGalaxy S10e
355042115052659SamsungGalaxy A51
355042102793604SamsungGalaxy A20
351811075124441SamsungGalaxy J5
355041996961863SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0 2019
355018083091143SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
353918117215190SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
352939090491500SamsungGalaxy J3 V 2018
355027098296142SamsungGalaxy S9
351827119815505SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
351814078918595SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
351813388436207SamsungGalaxy A02
351813191564864SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351813105136262SamsungGalaxy J2
351813090186090SamsungGalaxy J7 Prime
351812096394674SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
351812077708405SamsungGalaxy J5
355040101910302SamsungGalaxy A20
355041109603964SamsungGalaxy A20
355041119127921SamsungGalaxy A51
356421073992339SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
351811247778975SamsungGalaxy A10s
351811096606434SamsungGalaxy S8
356421118708989SamsungGalaxy S20 5G
350824455131630SamsungGalaxy A01
355090082037419SamsungGalaxy S8
355240080096400SamsungGalaxy Tab S3
355257075278918SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
355257099837152SamsungGalaxy S8
355258057249877SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
355258075381421SamsungGalaxy J3
355258097581446SamsungGalaxy S8
355259073891809SamsungGalaxy J2
355259092057879SamsungGalaxy S8
990004384763078SamsungGalaxy Note 3
355262095556269SamsungGalaxy J7 Pro
355263116201067SamsungGalaxy M21
355264117937246SamsungGalaxy M21
355266046308290SamsungNexus S
352969740972351SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
352969997288444SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
990004378975951SamsungGalaxy S4
355415106557763SamsungGalaxy A10
990003519069062SamsungGalaxy S4
990003494941079SamsungGalaxy S3
353867546366282SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
355256595797316SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
351261446246244SamsungGalaxy A21s
355255463204991SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
990004392936518SamsungGalaxy Note 3
355413109617726SamsungGalaxy A40s
355060058514428SamsungGalaxy Ace 2x
990003529297497SamsungGalaxy Note 3
355414106921830SamsungGalaxy A40s
355060728205258SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355399271062587SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
990004341753477SamsungGalaxy Note 3
990004357496276SamsungGalaxy Note 3
990004362647681SamsungGalaxy Note 3
352964362888522SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
355243786803459SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
355244943220025SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
355245251048320SamsungGalaxy A20e
355248086401987SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
355250085653139SamsungGalaxy A3 2016
355250378195202SamsungGalaxy A11
355253093433353SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355253116279544SamsungGalaxy M31
355253367951056SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355255116950701SamsungGalaxy A51
351263201041125SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
355069171353788SamsungGalaxy A12
351267338149289SamsungGalaxy A01
351333217049170SamsungGalaxy A22
355066964517686SamsungGalaxy S22
351243024822620SamsungGalaxy S10
990003485678581SamsungGalaxy S4
351236863832866SamsungGalaxy A21s
990003478174515SamsungGalaxy S4
354856522567707SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
354857759537454SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
354857826183795SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
990003454765153SamsungGalaxy S4
354859101260132SamsungGalaxy A30
354861362237866SamsungGalaxy A21s
990003447498797SamsungGalaxy S4
354862742984714SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
990003430359048SamsungGalaxy S4
354863101041021SamsungGalaxy A30
990003422322236SamsungGalaxy S4
990003414487682SamsungGalaxy S4
990003391997794SamsungGalaxy S4
351331720728595SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
353842197687070SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
351329633964489SamsungGalaxy A23
351328111134193SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
351267961071057SamsungGalaxy A22
351268135220281SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355070056520905SamsungGalaxy Ace 2
351269930957622SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
351270410185866SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
351280176375478SamsungGalaxy A71
351286771281045SamsungGalaxy S22
351297906206963SamsungGalaxy A11
353856163537663SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
355411101766335SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355070814763490SamsungGalaxy A02s
353853640535279SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
351307283210775SamsungGalaxy A71
351314612457937SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
355072052431277SamsungGalaxy Ace
356475098136868SamsungGalaxy A6 Plus
351319360701493SamsungGalaxy A12
351325426647109SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
351326638001838SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355072067675298SamsungGalaxy Note Edge
351302600219708SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352947093320477SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
355410100809955SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355051065600144SamsungGalaxy Note 4
355014520305915SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
355015106154684SamsungGalaxy S10e
355828255137221SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
355828169903452SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
355016406122777SamsungGalaxy A12
355017072553113SamsungGalaxy S7
354999112429225SamsungGalaxy A20s
350768591911233SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350770638594717SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
354998115622067SamsungGalaxy A20s
355091081549305SamsungGalaxy S8
354830753533423SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
354991114914965SamsungGalaxy A21
350812853882391SamsungGalaxy M21
355092083732972SamsungGalaxy S6
350809923881395SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
350805484235161SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355008105313989SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
354991347845150SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
350744864005680SamsungGalaxy S22
355007101368211SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
355006109717841SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
350768252809429SamsungGalaxy A71
355000119809672SamsungGalaxy M21
355840476211859SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
350766964633657SamsungGalaxy A12
355001100495836SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
350765950016620SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
355001766570294SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
355001800415423SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
355002081395573SamsungGalaxy J1 Mini
350760507404791SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
350757350329646SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
350756668451092SamsungGalaxy M02
355004073469911SamsungGalaxy A8
355005147122055SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
350751171463858SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
350816005528612SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
355832051396247SamsungGalaxy Mini
355007079924698SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
355831058608612SamsungGalaxy Tab 2 7.0
350804334361426SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
350802806951039SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
355094430833214SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355401105329909SamsungGalaxy S10 5G
355402090176545SamsungGalaxy A8
355402106764144SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
352971682778937SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355403093967930SamsungGalaxy A8 2018
355049106822925SamsungGalaxy Tab S5e
355049112847304SamsungGalaxy A30s
355403104973018SamsungGalaxy A60
355403135416573SamsungGalaxy A10e
355404099716727SamsungGalaxy A8 2018
355404107314093SamsungGalaxy A60
355404415307136SamsungGalaxy A10e
355405106911490SamsungGalaxy S10
351333915479257SamsungGalaxy A23
355050097022277SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355406093884559SamsungGalaxy J7 Duo
355407104737927SamsungGalaxy S10
355408096732447SamsungGalaxy J7 Duo
355408105003889SamsungGalaxy S10
355401095512951SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
355400110842096SamsungGalaxy A21s
355404967408753SamsungGalaxy S21 Plus 5G
356471008537881SamsungGalaxy A70
354992115867988SamsungGalaxy A21
350799512411904SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
354993115184218SamsungGalaxy A21
354994114197797SamsungGalaxy A20s
350793550844357SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
354995116062897SamsungGalaxy A20s
350789168690182SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
355094697656746SamsungGalaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G
354996114980429SamsungGalaxy A20s
355409107576120SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
350785739421313SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
350784342409369SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
350779538427407SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
354997118836799SamsungGalaxy A20s
354826052062346SamsungGalaxy S3
355099087356955SamsungGalaxy J3
350771658478740SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
355101099501527SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355078444798000SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355078102304133SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
355096042506716SamsungGalaxy S4
353911115193071SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus LTE
355026110425598SamsungGalaxy M21
356424070291341SamsungGalaxy S6 Active
359946075464124SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
359947077952637SamsungGalaxy J7 (2016)
359948070123424SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
359949092208847SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
359950060876508SamsungGalaxy J5
359950097902145SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
352553061399467SamsungGalaxy Tab 4
356835252730741SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352551112869173SamsungGalaxy A40
352506287197529SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356850046364327SamsungSidekick 4G
356846108300720SamsungGalaxy Fold
356845051008959SamsungGalaxy S4
356844833193056SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus LTE
352946246326779SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356841177177372SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359945099271556SamsungGalaxy S9
356837105425545SamsungGalaxy A80
359944691933762SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359944079868606SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
352553119924654SamsungGalaxy A50
352555070772766SamsungGear S2
352556606706013SamsungGalaxy S22
352557079587120SamsungGalaxy Note 5
352558066137887SamsungGalaxy S5
352558079253754SamsungGalaxy A3
352560073397819SamsungGalaxy Note 5
352563111020724SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
352564077186418SamsungGalaxy S6 edge
352566070242643SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
352567071784153SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
352568072146392SamsungGalaxy S6 edge+
352570069884852SamsungGalaxy S5
359932076853341SamsungGalaxy On7
359933090181073SamsungGalaxy A9 2018
359937069745453SamsungGalaxy S6
359938078239397SamsungGalaxy J5
359938615342639SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
359943090170976SamsungGalaxy S9
359944098672682SamsungGalaxy S9
356710108948526SamsungGalaxy Fold
356716072779961SamsungGalaxy Note 5
356715372307945SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
894435865290735SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
356715075285174SamsungGalaxy Note 5
898208011844564SamsungGalaxy S7
356714739529994SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
353220824792102SamsungGalaxy A23
222222228784536SamsungGalaxy S3
256691436226788SamsungGalaxy Nexus
256691453927862SamsungGalaxy Note 2
356714073107753SamsungGalaxy Note 5
256691487666114SamsungGalaxy S4
356713758115628SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
356713078588538SamsungGalaxy A3
256691515221775SamsungGalaxy S3
356718106347898SamsungGalaxy J2 (2018)
356720101544198SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2019
352507080228990SamsungGalaxy Tab A 10.1" 2016
352550423871076SamsungGalaxy A03s
352508414417556SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
352516408175684SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
352517088770976SamsungGear S3
352518081605995SamsungGear S3
352519085659202SamsungGear S3
352520447598294SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
352523322185476SamsungGalaxy A02s
352525067498998SamsungGalaxy K Zoom
352535265241066SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
352539312016224SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
352542482438582SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
352550071244931SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
359950822079607SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
359959197625746SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359965081581648SamsungGalaxy J3
123123126980376SamsungGalaxy S3
356723106699629SamsungGalaxy A30
354385112539603SamsungGalaxy S10 Lite
355128635477128SamsungGalaxy M32
354911078334141SamsungGalaxy Trend 2 Duos
354913111458390SamsungGalaxy A71
354915050407585SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
359923677933079SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
359924355550557SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 Plus
359925072865640SamsungGalaxy S7
359926094713024SamsungGalaxy J8
359929099176239SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
359929131664085SamsungGalaxy M21
359930099845534SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
359931078503730SamsungGalaxy J3 2017
359931097071958SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355131264558671SamsungGalaxy A21s
355145439645676SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356523072896005SamsungGalaxy J5
356497461597930SamsungGalaxy S22
355166522074129SamsungGalaxy Z Fold2 5G
356501071978537SamsungGalaxy J1 Mini
356502053400995SamsungGalaxy S3
356503063570793SamsungGalaxy S3
356503078775411SamsungGalaxy S7
356506881784595SamsungGalaxy A02s
355164056291680SamsungGalaxy S3
355151973530977SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356508162171955SamsungGalaxy Xcover Pro
356511077367023SamsungGalaxy S6
355123092870287SamsungGalaxy A8 Plus 2018
356514073147548SamsungGalaxy J2
356515275781604SamsungGalaxy A22
355147551140395SamsungGalaxy A12
356518079872637SamsungGalaxy Sol
356519077333283SamsungGalaxy Amp Prime
356520305602275SamsungGalaxy Z Flip 5G
356521052755753SamsungGalaxy Mega 6.3
356525683552356SamsungGalaxy A02s
359919055006595SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
359866510437404SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
359874048064732SamsungExhibit 2 4G
359877060102108SamsungGalaxy S5
359914424845252SamsungGalaxy A23
359878069311427SamsungGalaxy S6
359880853508275SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
359883008306462SamsungGalaxy S5
359884910792922SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
359888474847535SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
359889277568948SamsungGalaxy A52 4G
359899068961434SamsungGalaxy Tab A 9.7
359899879410910SamsungGalaxy Watch5 Pro
359904732675186SamsungGalaxy A52 5G
359905788052089SamsungGalaxy A03s
359907369197796SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
359908277182953SamsungGalaxy A53 5G
354920113346424SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
354919111152701SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
359450096500701SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359449693108504SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
359449096338278SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359448090636547SamsungGalaxy Note 9
256691540959985SamsungGalaxy S3
359447098957871SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359921838420044SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
359918511306326SamsungGalaxy Z Flip3 5G
354915118061051SamsungGalaxy A71
359875471445819SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
354916054441380SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
354917071249285SamsungGear S
354917113814591SamsungGalaxy A71
354917598979943SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
354918118539019SamsungGalaxy Z Flip
359446098976634SamsungGalaxy Note 9
268435467903626SamsungGalaxy S2
356843051081589SamsungGalaxy S4
350000024692812SamsungGalaxy A71
352218076338641SamsungGalaxy Note 4
355220093308596SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352958199031926SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
355543058260910SamsungGalaxy S Relay 4G
352217085290983SamsungGalaxy J2
352959061732294SamsungGalaxy S5
355221175818452SamsungGalaxy A22
352960068518207SamsungGalaxy S5 mini
355222098424956SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355224099576420SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
355227563879048SamsungGalaxy S22
352960871570049SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
355229702612330SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
355230085448805SamsungGalaxy S7
352214087335148SamsungGalaxy S7
352213735472816SamsungGalaxy A12
352963928821704SamsungGalaxy S20 FE LTE
355232087217170SamsungGalaxy J1
352231117522057SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0 2019
352218084754045SamsungGalaxy J2
352232115743471SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0 2019
352220067392272SamsungGalaxy S3 Mini
352956070754988SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime
356414071159969SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
356412110111520SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 Plus
351547469862283SamsungGalaxy Tab A7 Lite
351547447552576SamsungGalaxy A51
356411092154946SamsungGalaxy J7
351542068083514SamsungGalaxy Note 3
355539104873219SamsungGalaxy M10
355540678062536SamsungGalaxy A52s 5G
355236934246035SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355221098556767SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
352230907350125SamsungGalaxy A21s
352230111280431SamsungGalaxy S10
352229114251761SamsungGalaxy S10
352952656351505SamsungGalaxy Tab S8
352227108570808SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
352953551402112SamsungGalaxy A73 5G
352226105741313SamsungGalaxy J3 2018
352222887314379SamsungGalaxy Watch4 Classic
352221264473840SamsungGalaxy A12
351551098911669SamsungGalaxy J7 Neo
352232294494672SamsungGalaxy S21 FE 5G
355548107478876SamsungGalaxy M10
352948082734678SamsungGalaxy J5 Prime
352235112003245SamsungGalaxy A10s
352234108639666SamsungGalaxy Grand Prime Plus
352233851760729SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
352233116520843SamsungGalaxy A20s
356419074754641SamsungGalaxy Amp 2
356420059457515SamsungGalaxy S4
353910113252319SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus LTE
352940098414981SamsungGalaxy J2 Prime 2016
356425114101909SamsungGalaxy A11
355019071316138SamsungGalaxy J2
353914473328305SamsungGalaxy M51
355019645263931SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
356425093861101SamsungGalaxy J7
356425077741451SamsungGalaxy Tab E 8.0
356424980528477SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353912113206014SamsungGalaxy S20 Plus 5G
352945788673432SamsungGalaxy A12
352237118630120SamsungGalaxy A51
352232583626307SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352240897169203SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
352243104647615SamsungGalaxy J2 Pro (2018)
355549109147311SamsungGalaxy M10
351501798278653SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
356711107653869SamsungGalaxy A50
351497515575549SamsungGalaxy S22 Plus
351494695689737SamsungGalaxy A33 5G
351494246893358SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
351488905906527SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
351488824000329SamsungGalaxy S21 5G
355550430201405SamsungGalaxy Tab S8 Plus
355552332449801SamsungGalaxy A42 5G
352248236211586SamsungGalaxy A51
355561771149483SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
352248116302752SamsungGalaxy A51
352248103949573SamsungGalaxy S10e
355563571567963SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
352247202482502SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
352247100526764SamsungGalaxy S10e
352245194111774SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
352244104830441SamsungGalaxy J6
352242108887789SamsungGalaxy J2 Pro (2018)
351551682353377SamsungGalaxy A40
355550155379501SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
351554053582772SamsungGalaxy Nexus
356835105525280SamsungGalaxy A80
356830108468273SamsungGalaxy A30
353172312452337SamsungGalaxy A01 Core
353173736842541SamsungGalaxy A71
353182172431008SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
353186706961513SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
356826109735199SamsungGalaxy A50
353194568580652SamsungGalaxy A51
353195708758959SamsungGalaxy A32 4G
356903093357320SamsungGalaxy S9 Plus
357977099591776SamsungGalaxy J2
355628110149696SamsungGalaxy M11
351526281046135SamsungGalaxy Note 10 Plus
351525110833838SamsungGalaxy M30s
356409116447353SamsungGalaxy A10s
351521479509937SamsungGalaxy Z Fold3 5G
356409071207412SamsungGalaxy J1 Mini
353171953065499SamsungGalaxy S21 Ultra 5G
359989090254419SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359988098844122SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359987099282530SamsungGalaxy Note 9
350000984604773SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
351552098830578SamsungGalaxy S7 Edge
353202064619377SamsungGalaxy Grand 2
359966087271267SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
359985098042343SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359967087910755SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
359969532477802SamsungGalaxy A71
359970182307968SamsungGalaxy A13 5G
359972087909609SamsungGalaxy Note 8
359975091332692SamsungGalaxy S8
359979090886021SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
359980090802711SamsungGalaxy A7 2018
359981092668100SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359982098674753SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359983096619808SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359983487625018SamsungGalaxy Note 20 5G
359984092607730SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359986093606652SamsungGalaxy Note 9
359973054669663SamsungGalaxy S4
351517239140542SamsungGalaxy A03 Core
355047105986774SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
355047110491836SamsungGalaxy A30s
355048101083970SamsungGalaxy S10 Plus
356418111409045SamsungGalaxy A11
355049093474482SamsungGalaxy J3 V 2018
351564096249271SamsungGalaxy Note 8
356418055471324SamsungGalaxy Mega 6.3
356417099477578SamsungGalaxy S9
351561165371242SamsungGalaxy S22
351559074287202SamsungGalaxy S6
351558094704725SamsungGalaxy S8 Plus
351558076700667SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.0
356415594839839SamsungGalaxy Z Flip4 5G
351555098536939SamsungGalaxy A5 2017
351518944300967SamsungGalaxy A22
351554741448170SamsungGalaxy A32 5G
351554099136120SamsungGalaxy J5 2017
356410110713345SamsungGalaxy A10s
351533637148821SamsungGalaxy A12
351562319351072SamsungGalaxy S22 Ultra
352249117519626SamsungGalaxy A51
351517119713905SamsungGalaxy A20
356407112601759SamsungGalaxy A11
352249107137470SamsungGalaxy S10e
356408112951301SamsungGalaxy A11
351509113585835SamsungGalaxy Tab S5e
351508112524993SamsungGalaxy M30s
351507706202487SamsungGalaxy Tab S7 FE
351507119836954SamsungGalaxy M30s
352252550724844SamsungGalaxy A21
355537051043430SamsungGalaxy S4
352250119340912SamsungGalaxy Tab A 8.4" 2020
356408606093412SamsungGalaxy A12
351533067415120SamsungGalaxy S4 Mini LTE
359303038964495SharpFX Plus
355654043322234SharpFX Plus
357785094591653SharpAquos R2 Compact
990005277936606SharpAquos Crystal
351191157705148SonyXperia 5 II
354512077577860SonyXperia M4 Aqua
351830060492373SonyXperia SP LTE
354701090253522SonyXperia XZ2
354702095387745SonyXperia XZ2
358172055764141SonyXperia Z1S
355127106912266SonyXperia 1
357409055577888SonyXperia Z
355188065452645SonyXperia Z3
354444082910961SonyXperia XZ
355558057180745SonyXperia E
352430077183104SonyXperia Z5 Premium
352666095655041SonyXperia L2
352667094147451SonyXperia L2
355069117950556SonyXperia 10 II
359908082983470SonyXA1 Plus
355249098744703SonyXperia L1
352852092643269SonyXperia XA2 Ultra
352444103149161SonyXperia 10 Plus
355179068559767SonyXperia Z3 Compact
356768052691104SonyXperia Z
359510387637783SonyXperia 1 IV
358080052576741SonyXperia Z Ultra
358081050717717SonyXperia Z Ultra
352767092030509SonyXperia XA2
352850098696166SonyXperia XA2 Ultra
352766096456645SonyXperia XA2
356528099065955SonyXperia XZ3
358095075957884SonyXperia X Performance
358097075002323SonyXperia X Performance
353652093811348SonyXperia XZ2 Compact
358098074366131SonyXperia X
358099073388654SonyXperia X
352853097486720SonyXperia XA2 Ultra
358100066930211SonyXperia Z3
352765093446294SonyXperia XA2
352427942055376SonyXperia 1 III
351831061666601SonyXperia Z3
358353083309352SonyXperia XZ1 Compact
355106109930715SonyXperia 1
352189079527714SonyXperia Z5
352631083754206SonyXperia X Compact
358969075238588SonyXperia X Compact
356604055693476SonyXperia SP LTE
352190070772994SonyXperia Z5 Compact
357005091385383SonyXperia XZ2
357007088635655SonyXperia XZs
357008080065511SonyXperia XZ Premium
351832963906152SonyXperia Z2 Tablet
355609060456679SonyXperia Z2
357271103426462SonyXperia 10 II
358354083428556SonyXperia XZ1 Compact
352029105803731SonyXperia 10
355002304809236SonyXperia 5 II
354443082303318SonyXperia XZs
350692869222612SonyXperia Pro-I
355003092266159SonyXperia XZ2 Compact
356385051801970SonyXperia E
352875085194206SonyXperia XZ
359237084229892SonyXperia XZ Premium
352193075120722SonyXperia C4
352030105665583SonyXperia 10
352632080727302SonyXperia XZ
355666056738049SonyXperia Z
355104107218928SonyXperia 1
351849068878599SonyXperia Z Ultra
354724068149548SonyXperia Z2
440245140880476SonyXperia Z1S
354950103258628SonyXperia 1
359057067567435SonyXperia Z3+
353861051608543SonyXperia T
358352085831991SonyXperia Z
354985105296325SonyXperia 1
351680061721399SonyXperia Z1 Compact
358351085995319SonyXperia XZ1
354930436526974SonyXperia 5 III
352939106676086SonyXperia 1
990001567389093SonyXperia Z Ultra
353061238871953SonyXperia 5 II
354987096700653SonyXperia XZ2 Compact
358117084146265SonyXperia L1
353749082326393SonyXperia XZ
358119081608537SonyXperia XA1 Ultra
358120089366482SonyXperia XA1 Ultra
354321073488647SonyXperia Z5 Premium
358545096045101SonyXperia XZ3
355535589433503SonyXperia 5 III
354986090824030SonyXperia XZ2 Premium
357838087686848SonyXperia XZ Premium
354683098231876SonyXperia XZ2
354685096405881SonyXperia XZ2
358139065457123SonyXperia M4 Aqua
353538114608799SonyXperia 1 II
358322080952043SonyXperia XZ1
358321088419690SonyXperia XZ1
355101065970367SonyXperia M2 Aqua
354187075094885SonyXperia Z5
358543098523266SonyXperia XZ3
357662107947919SonyXperia 5
356194052728590SonyiPhone 5C
356265064199556SonyXperia Z3
358125078071357SonyXperia XA
352920345422177SonyXperia 1 III
357577051318943SonyXperia SP LTE
357652069839378SonyXperia Z3 Compact
358126076080804SonyXperia XA
352226079323551SonyXperia M4 Aqua
359098063767439SonyXperia Z3+
358128076915492SonyXperia XA
352549111168605SonyXperia 1 II
352527102879976SonyXperia L3
352526106749698SonyXperia L3
358459048959288SonyPlayStation Vita
354287799341115SonyXperia 10 III
358540090070437SonyXperia XZ3
359864069223143SonyXperia Z3 Compact
354949114874811SonyXperia 10 II
354282078635493SonyXperia Z5 Compact
354278063451664SonyXperia Z3
355099076447922SonyXperia Z5 Compact
356057078932241SonyXperia XA Ultra
356056078023357SonyXperia XA Ultra
359058065682796SonyXperia Z4 Tablet
358008081257975SonyXperia L1
358544099289790SonyXperia XZ3
354395082299963SonyXperia XA
358542090756825SonyXperia XZ3
353345500757853SonyXperia PRO 5G
355947109248099SonyXperia 5
358159080780259SonyXperia XZ1 Compact
352271087849007SonyXperia XZ
357825100194892SonyXperia 5
357444086285417SonyXperia XA1
354469090323527SonyXperia L1
354577079459300SonyXperia Z5
357818108473723SonyXperia 5
357445082674512SonyXperia XA1
359652053990045SonyXperia Z1
357887067785914SonyXperia Z3 Compact
355099061911346SonyXperia Z3
358460048771780SonyPlayStation Vita
355098073874849SonyXperia Z5
358263094981166SonyXperia XA1
357819102746510SonyXperia 5
358009088395727SonyXperia XA1 Ultra
358257076745656SonyXperia Z5 Compact
357593041167126Sony-EricssonSony Xperia PLAY
358343047334075Sony-EricssonXperia Ray
860284045643011TicwatchTicWatch Pro 3 GPS
866553049959845TicwatchTicWatch Pro 4G LTE
861538042532157XiaomiRedmi 7
861194041043489XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
861937057660343XiaomiPoco M3
861187038155753XiaomiRedmi 4X
861543049365114XiaomiMi 10 Pro 5G
861529058699618XiaomiRedmi 9C
861463042875441XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
861489067193014XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
861489057838602XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
861487051755103XiaomiMi 11 Ultra
861239053310456XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro Plus
861460055560779XiaomiPoco M3
861490058664666XiaomiRedmi Note 11T 5G
861929064769332XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
861878052028567XiaomiRedmi 10
861908048699997XiaomiRedmi Note 9
861890050594532XiaomiRedmi Note 8
861880054458396XiaomiRedmi 9C
861454040476902XiaomiRedmi 6 Pro
861867054455431XiaomiRedmi K30 Ultra
861855059711643XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
861824052580116XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
861823057045927XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
861819067964271XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
861787049040983XiaomiRedmi 8A
354359113071999XiaomiRedmi Note 7
861329055259817XiaomiRedmi 10
861312052026819XiaomiRedmi Note 11
861312049350579XiaomiRedmi Note 8
861915045483168XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
861450058877619XiaomiRedmi 9A
861305044564194XiaomiMi 9
861413059839954XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
864409065395103XiaomiRedmi 9A
864450039758406XiaomiRedmi Note 5
864451057244386XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
864455056990360XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
864460055849039XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
864466048484115XiaomiRedmi 7
864469064290101XiaomiRedmi Note 11
864471040769109XiaomiRedmi 7
864473055519627XiaomiPoco M3
864474046842714XiaomiRedmi 8A
864489051629525Xiaomi12 Pro
864496053103888XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
864503053319081XiaomiRedmi 9A
864534058981328XiaomiRedmi 9A
861546058429853XiaomiRedmi 9
861939055490004XiaomiRedmi 9A
861934045960810XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
861182054879626XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
861182042233605XiaomiRedmi Note 8
861181048281212XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
861149054682698XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
861359053169551XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
861360051984223XiaomiRedmi Note 11
861375035835200XiaomiRedmi Note 3
861378061096382XiaomiRedmi 9A
861383044057444XiaomiMi 9T
861392056627085XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
861408067075328XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
861411055111956XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
861440050494190XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
861304041403803XiaomiMi 9T Pro
864791049604803XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
861276052813213XiaomiRedmi Note 8
862665046759939XiaomiPocophone F1
862657045837386XiaomiMi 8 Lite
862652055502731XiaomiRedmi 9
862626041444737XiaomiRedmi 7
862625057346331XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
862611048937479XiaomiPocophone F1
862587057581574XiaomiRedmi 9T
352650356713848XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
863290056283008Xiaomi11T Pro
862548051101066XiaomiRedmi 9A
862545046897113XiaomiMi Note 10
862542057481911XiaomiRedmi 9
862541063753305XiaomiRedmi Note 11
863312043057855XiaomiRedmi S2
862666052260176XiaomiRedmi 9
862541042379040XiaomiMi A3
862533068041877XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
863311054723579XiaomiMi 11
862532054868889XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
863323050694241XiaomiPoco M3
863779057554342XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
863754045363213XiaomiMi 10 Lite
867311048861861XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
867208061613072XiaomiRedmi 10
864382053544919XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
866208061569184XiaomiRedmi 9C
866164052217376XiaomiMi 11
866163041202366XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
866135039156978XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
862536043701325XiaomiMi 9 SE
861303045987845XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
863309043728345XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
863817034923006XiaomiMi 5s
861275054998311XiaomiRedmi Note 10
861272046412394XiaomiRedmi Go
861269053110234XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
861261044253710XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
861258041937444XiaomiRedmi Note 9
861234051452392XiaomiMi 11 Lite
359902656275017XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
864391044161303XiaomiRedmi Note 9
862759045396445XiaomiRedmi Note 8
862525068410342XiaomiRedmi 9C
862525046071331XiaomiMi A2 Lite
862520058206941XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
862518056515248XiaomiRedmi 9i
862471043594209XiaomiRedmi Note 7
863285053836568XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
863234042848904XiaomiRedmi 9A
863858051272877XiaomiRedmi Note 8
863856068750117XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro Plus
863265048046135XiaomiRedmi 8A
863853042172021XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
863845053487371XiaomiRedmi Note 10
863232052137101XiaomiRedmi Note 9
863838048806383XiaomiBlack Shark 3 Pro
867295048719932XiaomiRedmi Note 7
867309030284753XiaomiRedmi Note 4
863837050673376XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
867310052535478XiaomiMi 11 Lite
863827046031391XiaomiRedmi 9C
863824048017403XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
863850058024138XiaomiRedmi 9A
862454055173823XiaomiRedmi 9T
864378058732293XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
866378054848216XiaomiRedmi 9C
864358053114556XiaomiRedmi 9A
867972056957550XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro Max
861090056284507XiaomiRedmi 9C
861119042718805XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
860267059965321XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
860295045953010XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
860313059430765XiaomiRedmi 9C
860347047124015XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
860359069548567XiaomiRedmi Note 11
860364055510902XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
860374049482100XiaomiBlack Shark 3
860377044487206XiaomiRedmi Note 9
860384050863387XiaomiRedmi Note 9T 5G
860389046188112XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
860396041566457XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
860401040230558XiaomiRedmi Note 8
860405060100575Xiaomi11T Pro
860406059870673XiaomiRedmi 10
860418041775233XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
860428041616634XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
990008285068032XiaomiMi 5
990009867579321XiaomiRedmi 4X
990010639157941XiaomiRedmi 5
868217042304700XiaomiRedmi K20, Redmi K20 Pro
860255044620937XiaomiBlack Shark 2
866542046732222XiaomiRedmi Note 7
866581050448598XiaomiRedmi 9A
866607049003143XiaomiRedmi Note 8
866616056660786XiaomiRedmi 9A
861071057640285XiaomiMi 11
861073065151412XiaomiMi Mix Fold 2
861083058560586XiaomiRedmi Note 11T 5G
861084038025856XiaomiRedmi Note 3 Pro
866503051905095Xiaomi11T Pro
861086050668018XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
866517054460767XiaomiRedmi 9A
866566048316155XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
867974042235885XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
867990056569308XiaomiRedmi 9C
868019040502511XiaomiRedmi 7A
868034050360684XiaomiRedmi 9i
868041034522321XiaomiRedmi S2
868058050157626XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
861102051956052XiaomiMi 11
868063055862576XiaomiRedmi 9
868086050281054XiaomiRedmi 9C
868103052640110XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro Plus
868110051686325XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
868117058593602XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
868130038411548XiaomiMi A2
868131037392879XiaomiMi A2
868133033443342XiaomiMi A2
868134035404316XiaomiRedmi 6 Pro
868137034590928XiaomiMi A2 Lite
868139033318855XiaomiRedmi 6 Pro
868140050595128XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
866638048574636XiaomiRedmi Note 8
866622059934483XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
866617056662731XiaomiRedmi 9T
868074052777022XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
860254054420064XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
860240054486338XiaomiRedmi Note 9
861126053271871XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
865086055152261XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
865110045289700XiaomiMi 9T Pro
865115040746356XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
865179048899534XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
865181030111027XiaomiMi A1
865191042781204XiaomiRedmi Note 8
865194044506470XiaomiRedmi 8A
865207047570622XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
865212054740027XiaomiRedmi Note 11
865221036793111XiaomiRedmi Note 4
865223059847352XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
865230044558622XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
865233047972873XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865242042627291XiaomiRedmi Note 8
865075058293073XiaomiMi 10T Pro
862001054169177XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
861980046880879XiaomiRedmi Note 8
861951056426127XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
864558040965388XiaomiPocophone F1
861941048456787XiaomiMi A3
864510053077270XiaomiRedmi K40 Gaming Edition
864032041829613XiaomiRedmi Note 8
864048060195280XiaomiRedmi Note 11
864060044230455XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
864064044453323XiaomiPoco F2 Pro
864353049813833XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
864356047705364XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
861987062230368XiaomiBlack Shark 4 Pro
864365052381789XiaomiRedmi Note 8
865073050780130XiaomiRedmi Note 9
865059057169930XiaomiRedmi 9C
356480432403255XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
866407059491779XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
866400058053971XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
866399035278489XiaomiRedmi 5 Plus
866387052992298XiaomiRedmi 9T
866131049465426XiaomiRedmi Note 8
866351052369162XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
866348050923982XiaomiRedmi 9T
866334040480234XiaomiPocophone F1
866334033200300XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
866333054179690XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
866324059188489XiaomiMi 11
866320044945165XiaomiMi A3
865072049429445XiaomiRedmi K30
866294040080980XiaomiRedmi Note 7
866257038007588XiaomiRedmi Note 4
866248031968868XiaomiRedmi 4X
866236054389898XiaomiRedmi 9C
866228055527287XiaomiMi 10T Pro
866225059195590XiaomiRedmi K40 Pro
358681334262446XiaomiRedmi Note 11
860213041456599XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
860228045503154XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
860250053733143XiaomiRedmi Note 9T 5G
353571699780519XiaomiRedmi Note 11
861569050320664XiaomiRedmi Note 9
861545055603353XiaomiRedmi Note 9
864565043473641XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865041041871938XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
866263058988608XiaomiMix 4
866127053454371XiaomiRedmi Note 11
864927046535042XiaomiRedmi Note 8
866122042727730XiaomiRedmi Note 8
868697051511750XiaomiRedmi Note 9
868698032720437XiaomiRedmi 5A
868699052460730XiaomiRedmi 9
351002983856726XiaomiRedmi Note 11
868615065438000XiaomiRedmi 10
869183056684289XiaomiMi 11 Lite
869172051704796XiaomiPoco F3
990013968106562XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
860565059407867XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
860563055729814XiaomiRedmi 9A
860555065325161XiaomiRedmi Note 11
860537051087559XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
860511053434325XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
860510050388930XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
860500060024906XiaomiRedmi 9A
860497055108762XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
860494041300157XiaomiRedmi Note 8
865447045397897XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro Max
860479065304615XiaomiPoco X4 Pro
860479043702997XiaomiRedmi Note 7
860474050590500XiaomiRedmi 9
865441040390213XiaomiRedmi 8A
860444061973268XiaomiRedmi 9A
860441054278457XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
860575048225114XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
865460055174569XiaomiRedmi 9
865455051441749XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
860584064418595XiaomiRedmi 10
869170050963694XiaomiRedmi 9A
868675051136984XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
350217759382696XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
868671057335431XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
868721050329871XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
868732050503803XiaomiRedmi Note 10
867351046020557XiaomiMi A2
357875988314120XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
869351043613634XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
869341051958468XiaomiRedmi 9
869323044921738XiaomiRedmi 7A
869285054649030XiaomiRedmi 9
865477049401866XiaomiMi A2 Lite
865476054786328XiaomiRedmi 9
869264069920470XiaomiRedmi Note 11
869244053052316XiaomiRedmi 9
869241046154381XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869237052041744XiaomiRedmi 9
869146027494153XiaomiRedmi S2
869236056262017XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
868703037389491XiaomiPocophone F1
869217055423123XiaomiRedmi Note 8
354519118336875XiaomiRedmi Note 7
868616038698183XiaomiRedmi 5A
868617033072051XiaomiMi A1
868618034980870XiaomiRedmi 5 Plus
868620062491887XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
868622033053523XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
868636056279666Xiaomi11T Pro
868645044798471XiaomiRedmi 5A
868647059831569XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
868656053401139XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
869228051213673XiaomiRedmi Note 9
869136040851596XiaomiRedmi Note 7
869127052974988XiaomiRedmi K40 Gaming Edition
860650060900553XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
866891054641605XiaomiRedmi Note 9
864725058138907XiaomiRedmi Note 9
867381043956602XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
864722055601805Xiaomi11T Pro
866902057776155XiaomiRedmi Note 9
867391032836244XiaomiMi 6
864592042098567XiaomiRedmi 7
864748059367317XiaomiRedmi 9A
866985056586642XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
867011055449408XiaomiRedmi Note 9
868588054486084XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
864767056022246XiaomiRedmi Note 9
865977042983851XiaomiRedmi Note 9
865970055273674XiaomiMi 11i
866888051267186XiaomiMi 10T Lite 5G
864712056455830XiaomiRedmi 9
864752056505770XiaomiRedmi 10 Prime
867056044267924XiaomiRedmi 6
867034056626691XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
864676048232310XiaomiRedmi Note 8
864753041590737XiaomiRedmi Note 7
865960062060115XiaomiRedmi Note 11
866873057071741XiaomiRedmi Note 10
867026054812968XiaomiPoco M3
865955050024461XiaomiRedmi 9T
865950058900820XiaomiMi 11 Lite
865945057116733XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
867017055042168XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
353629110055331XiaomiRedmi Note 7
355738487048411XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
864699059503460XiaomiRedmi 9A
868718057702647XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
866909052480568XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro Max
866879059500777XiaomiRedmi 9
990011159141273XiaomiMi Mix 2S
990011923379464XiaomiMi Mix 3
860630062738110XiaomiRedmi Note 11
865460042332270XiaomiRedmi 9
990012818817568XiaomiRedmi K20
860625040003165XiaomiRedmi 9 Prime
990012966213750XiaomiMi 9
990013066925046XiaomiRedmi 7
860598067023749XiaomiRedmi Note 11
860597052904517XiaomiRedmi 9A
990013363550307XiaomiRedmi Note 7
860588057612551XiaomiMi 11 Lite
990013931497023XiaomiRedmi 7
868609057869249XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
864581059688196XiaomiRedmi Note 10T 5G
868754058918205XiaomiRedmi 9A
866874059897570XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
866907046351630XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
864627054469619XiaomiRedmi K30
866962047771328XiaomiMi 9T
864726057394525XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
868601035523956XiaomiRedmi 5A
866935054400254XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
866924053483628XiaomiMi 11 Lite
866918055660100XiaomiRedmi 9T
866876054189119XiaomiRedmi 10
864573054298519XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
866996053598381XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
867379069017994XiaomiRedmi Note 11
864586047607612XiaomiBlack Shark 2 Pro
864618052516030XiaomiMi 11 Lite
864781065166894XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
867208054469763XiaomiMi 10T Pro
866007042780815XiaomiRedmi 5 Plus
863327056156048XiaomiPoco F3
866010050425927XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
863328050613679XiaomiRedmi 9A
863337045844588XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
869489060940140XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
869500043394591XiaomiRedmi Go
869525050831961XiaomiRedmi 10 Prime
869536055115813XiaomiRedmi Note 9T 5G
864795041838392XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
864808048463112XiaomiRedmi 7A
869582059610151XiaomiRedmi 9
864849046443748XiaomiRedmi 6
869466050774457XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
863674031890187XiaomiRedmi 4X
864850049435863XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
869600041215226XiaomiMi 8
869614057739110XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
869617039113320XiaomiRedmi Note 5
864881057988980XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
864897052950767XiaomiRedmi Note 10
864909059337235XiaomiRedmi 9C
864914047411878XiaomiRedmi 6 Pro
864926052078483XiaomiPoco M3
869598054929453XiaomiRedmi 10 Prime
861067044387030XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
867067055955141XiaomiRedmi 9T
867090041914006XiaomiRedmi Note 8
867217055449773XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
867195044594208XiaomiRedmi 8A
864856050638360XiaomiPoco F3
867224046263255XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
863675038493057XiaomiRedmi 4X
863690054496975Xiaomi12 Pro
866092063664460XiaomiRedmi 9C
866078048713399XiaomiMi A2
867345040124902XiaomiRedmi Note 5
864782047493323XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
866077058611493XiaomiRedmi Note 9
866072064581400XiaomiRedmi Note 11
866064067544048XiaomiRedmi Note 11
866044057162423XiaomiRedmi Note 8
866021049101735XiaomiPocophone F1
866106063559460XiaomiRedmi 9A
863655031793257XiaomiRedmi Note 3 Pro
863656066748422XiaomiRedmi Note 11
863667059501918XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
863742055453750XiaomiRedmi Note 10
863685056207867XiaomiRedmi 9
863194044016894XiaomiRedmi Go
863741049319291XiaomiRedmi 8A
863731044821532XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
863190056806677XiaomiRedmi Note 10T 5G
863183069865400XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
863729059753616XiaomiRedmi 9C
867332052335501XiaomiRedmi 9i
863183057383986XiaomiRedmi 9A
863719058712473XiaomiRedmi Note 10
863715066111815XiaomiMi 11 Lite
863706057709469XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
863705046067591XiaomiMi A2 Lite
863702057965854XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
863693055100000XiaomiRedmi 9T
863692044291813XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
867325040853296XiaomiRedmi Note 7
863645050795549XiaomiMi 11 Lite
867194042125750XiaomiMi A2
862714068684771XiaomiRedmi 9A
867244023736842XiaomiRedmi 2
867250054590396XiaomiRedmi 9 Prime
863349043635777XiaomiRedmi 8A
862770041398285XiaomiMi 9T
862892049661546XiaomiMi Note 10
869706054368180Xiaomi11T Pro
869703055115579XiaomiRedmi Note 10
864940042132102XiaomiRedmi 5
864941041553322XiaomiRedmi Note 8
864944056067519XiaomiXIaomi Mi 10T
864977054231653XiaomiRedmi 9
864984045051984XiaomiMi A2
865001048438107XiaomiRedmi Note 8
863364057659282XiaomiPoco F4 GT
865008056488528XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
869644023662575XiaomiMi 5
869646041682030XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865010069494428XiaomiRedmi 10
865028030042803XiaomiRedmi Note 4
865029034446487XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
869667045106669XiaomiMi Note 10 Lite
865029056458444XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
865030031920607XiaomiRedmi 4X
865031054137517XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
862929053537863XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
869677024370616XiaomiRedmi Note 3
869700042268511XiaomiRedmi 6
862921044780306XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
863336068736523XiaomiRedmi Note 11
869641049275457XiaomiRedmi Note 8
867195038845434XiaomiRedmi Note 5
862723066300629XiaomiRedmi K50
862730040463316XiaomiMi 8 Lite
867194036800814XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
867181046282414XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
867179052301946XiaomiMi 11i
867068020307699XiaomiMi Note Pro
867170054325041XiaomiRedmi 9T
867162061266607XiaomiRedmi Note 11
867146050976227XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
867142043919846XiaomiRedmi Note 7
867131059415039XiaomiRedmi 9
867127059437593XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
867122043742331XiaomiRedmi Note 8
867117044455743XiaomiMi A3
867105053447354XiaomiMi 10T Pro
862725059323096XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
867165060098616XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
864936055071401XiaomiRedmi K40
864937067107951XiaomiRedmi K50
867231052357574XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
862873056616441XiaomiRedmi 9A
863395043823798XiaomiRedmi Note 9
863393047114272XiaomiRedmi 8A
863392065349414XiaomiRedmi 9A
862847050973701XiaomiPoco M3
862824055560528XiaomiPoco M3
862807059496898XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
862775056457827XiaomiRedmi 9C
863408030578398XiaomiRedmi Note 3
862774050535720XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
862763047764881XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
864931050498709XiaomiRedmi 9A
861060055475265XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
865163050350552XiaomiRedmi 9C
861040067242788XiaomiRedmi Note 11
868507067286711XiaomiRedmi 9A
868514045688125XiaomiRedmi 7
867615027531554XiaomiRedmi 2
868515049340639XiaomiRedmi Go
867654060024821XiaomiRedmi Note 11
868524063510507XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
867674042382303XiaomiMi Mix 3
867678054314062XiaomiRedmi Note 9
867697059187174XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
867702044035502XiaomiRedmi Note 7S
867707030848693XiaomiMi A1
867707051076075XiaomiRedmi Note 11
867715041583084XiaomiRedmi K20 Pro
867739054844324XiaomiMi 11 Lite
867630055282764XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
869909054881794XiaomiRedmi K40 Gaming Edition
869033020934023XiaomiMi Mix 2
869037057182828XiaomiMi 11 Ultra
860846056592111XiaomiRedmi Note 9
860847057076526XiaomiRedmi 9A
860848040655764XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
860862046897833XiaomiRedmi Note 9
860868045405213XiaomiRedmi 9A
860901053813224XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
860902057482107XiaomiRedmi 8A
860904058611155XiaomiMi 11 Lite
990017038850992XiaomiRedmi 10X 5G
866709047129316XiaomiMi 9T Pro
867405057918560XiaomiRedmi 9
867622048936937XiaomiRedmi 7A
868494057301323XiaomiMi 11x
868490047067545XiaomiMi Max 3
868489048864611XiaomiMi A3
868450056641556XiaomiRedmi 10
867797035744674XiaomiRedmi Note 4
867799040812009XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro Max
866649052365845XiaomiRedmi 9C
866654035388716XiaomiMi 6
866657032510513XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
866685041605248XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
866689041526750XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
866700043070380XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
866850046516952XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
866836044346856XiaomiRedmi Note 8
866821054176880XiaomiRedmi Note 10T 5G
866772044166764XiaomiRedmi K20
866769051983057XiaomiRedmi Note 10
355802113099691XiaomiRedmi Note 7
866764039687813XiaomiRedmi 5 Plus
866752030848880XiaomiRedmi Note 4
866750032973615XiaomiRedmi Note 4
866747034919471XiaomiRedmi Note 4
866700056591033XiaomiMi 11
866727052410058XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
866713047802344XiaomiBlack Shark 2
867787038889188XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
867772055083147XiaomiRedmi 9
867763054711929XiaomiMi 11 Ultra
867758059047824XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
868453067036048XiaomiRedmi 9A
868480056240349XiaomiRedmi 10 Prime
868486065188478XiaomiRedmi 9A
867619050315406XiaomiRedmi 9C
866760030292389XiaomiRedmi 4X
867406042903634XiaomiRedmi Note 9
990017307140307XiaomiMi 11 Ultra
867407055832256XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
990017882986496XiaomiMi 11 Lite
867469050738755XiaomiRedmi 10
865724059408699XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
865723052738060XiaomiMi 10T Lite 5G
865714058391020XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
865706048493999XiaomiMi 9 SE
869113062878328XiaomiRedmi Note 11
869112054136158XiaomiRedmi 9
869104059765537XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
867510049313968XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869095041672940XiaomiMi Note 10 Lite
869090042028101XiaomiRedmi Note 8
867513065374518XiaomiRedmi 9A
869060058300413XiaomiRedmi 9A
867597040863174XiaomiMi Pad 4
867522043096853XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869049061560642XiaomiRedmi K50
867549055057424XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
867559036312590XiaomiMi A1
867562035721795XiaomiMi A1
867587046712046XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869047035785410XiaomiRedmi Note 5
869041034823918XiaomiRedmi 5A
865733046248688XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
865735032859949XiaomiRedmi 4X
865742048589866XiaomiRedmi K30
867482042078347XiaomiRedmi K20 Pro
867495038142109XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
990018185423591XiaomiRedmi Note 10
867538056009179XiaomiMi 11 Lite
868448042718728XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro Max
865650050170899XiaomiRedmi 9A
869991056306442XiaomiRedmi 9A
990017577206051XiaomiRedmi 9
867427054354524XiaomiRedmi Note 10
990017629972593XiaomiRedmi Note 9
867435047269063XiaomiRedmi 7A
990017786091955XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
860835058975473XiaomiPoco M3
860823056893237XiaomiRedmi 9A
869998057501251XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
860820052916418XiaomiPoco M3
869931062491440XiaomiRedmi 9A
869938058571606XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
860813045524969XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
869957049321368XiaomiRedmi Note 8
860752048106228XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865607030187328XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
865607054595414XiaomiRedmi Note 8
865615047548655XiaomiRedmi Note 7
867457058087267XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
865617054013391XiaomiPoco M3
865658058075523XiaomiMi Note 10 Lite
865664051335898XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
865666047358009XiaomiRedmi Note 8
865684038469354XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
865686031012800XiaomiRedmi 4X
860758049126255XiaomiMi 8
869984047894816XiaomiMi A2
860793053107917XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
869966065021091XiaomiRedmi 9A
867496049360409XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro Max
869015045618871XiaomiRedmi 7
860128042237501XiaomiRedmi Note 7
863048059955703XiaomiRedmi Note 9
863052042749355XiaomiRedmi Note 7
863073055786845XiaomiRedmi 9
865317047025350XiaomiRedmi 9C
863090066569259XiaomiMi 11 Lite
863099052695275XiaomiMi Mix Fold
863102049693872XiaomiRedmi Note 8
863113045090914XiaomiRedmi Note 7
863118048786616XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
863144046331239XiaomiRedmi Note 8
863147041252946XiaomiRedmi Note 7
867901052140424XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
867906050850098XiaomiRedmi 9T
867908041211752XiaomiMi 10 Pro 5G
867930052566569XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro Max
860677061794164XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
860682046954453XiaomiMi 9
865528055559060XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro Max
860685058651487XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
862959049094604XiaomiRedmi Note 8
862968050832703XiaomiRedmi 9
862985054596555XiaomiRedmi 9A
862989043811638XiaomiRedmi K30
865524049853081XiaomiRedmi Note 8
865328045206470XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
863009045825608XiaomiMi 8 Lite
867807044441467XiaomiRedmi 7
867809059363263XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
865312044391400XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
865298059873384XiaomiMi 11 Lite
865397052921081XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Lite
865390058506550XiaomiRedmi 9A
865351067544669XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
865553060027275XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
869899040415940XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865346067238239XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
865416054417144XiaomiRedmi Note 9
865604058325344XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865565055322909XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
865559056617854XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro Max
865337042892711XiaomiRedmi K30
865588056527946XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
865591038501427XiaomiRedmi 4X
865600057640725XiaomiRedmi 9
863009063774902XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
865349041778536XiaomiRedmi Note 7
865506056722101XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
865552042934467XiaomiRedmi 8A
867874035365477XiaomiMi A1
867870056766254XiaomiRedmi Note 9
867870049804121XiaomiRedmi S2
867869052966587XiaomiMi 11 Ultra
867863041642698XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
867831022834220XiaomiMi 4
867830055572764XiaomiRedmi 9A
865271044846567XiaomiRedmi Note 7
865277059346278XiaomiRedmi Note 9
865289051303306XiaomiRedmi Note 9
865296059835452XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
863182051205583XiaomiRedmi 9
860692056294419XiaomiXIaomi Mi 10T
860669058291361XiaomiRedmi 8A
860710061644087XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
867600043159283XiaomiRedmi K20 Pro
868436054164774XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
867601039469710XiaomiMi Mix 2S
868439051787514XiaomiBlack Shark 4
868441060251821XiaomiRedmi Note 11
868351059321826XiaomiRedmi 9A
860211046684041XiaomiMi 10 5G
860164057917976XiaomiRedmi 10
860153033509643XiaomiRedmi Note 3 Pro
355803115647347XiaomiRedmi Note 7
869014043598631XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869013063270907Xiaomi12S Ultra
869009043286054XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
861055050912981XiaomiRedmi K40 Pro
869003055322659XiaomiMix 4
868997052711486XiaomiRedmi Note 8
868996057519837XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
867602035654909XiaomiRedmi 5A
868989035666507XiaomiRedmi 5A
868981047786571XiaomiRedmi 7A
866860055200596XiaomiRedmi Note 9
866857047246521XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
860041056901096XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro Plus
860054055619064XiaomiRedmi 9
860072058611003XiaomiRedmi 9A
860089058554348XiaomiRedmi K40
860102069647520XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
860124047741787XiaomiMi 10 5G
869002061868564XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
868985038380708XiaomiRedmi 5A
868434041076599XiaomiRedmi Note 5
868401059693342XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
869898045256770XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
863159059813113XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
865504062666578XiaomiRedmi Note 11
860741056444779XiaomiRedmi 9C
865490050155883XiaomiRedmi 9
865485040182930XiaomiMi 9T
865481053131567XiaomiRedmi Note 10
867965049763952XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
867956042013370XiaomiRedmi Note 8
867949051628519XiaomiMi 11X Pro
865262047173125XiaomiMi 8
867936041244929XiaomiRedmi 9i
867935029499612XiaomiRedmi 2
868414058577846XiaomiRedmi 9C
865326041430243XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
866709056045965XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
869917055550136XiaomiRedmi Note 8
868360055499593XiaomiRedmi 9T
868367047473529XiaomiMi 10 5G
868368043140203XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
868372036492845XiaomiRedmi 5A
868379046703541XiaomiRedmi Note 8
868546059027394XiaomiRedmi 9
868541050857121XiaomiRedmi 9
868379059266592XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
868384057025867XiaomiRedmi 9
868384064020083XiaomiRedmi 9A
863124055090793XiaomiPoco M3
865932052631841XiaomiMi 11 Lite
867598033580049XiaomiRedmi 4X
865923051071287XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
869780036266317XiaomiRedmi 5 Plus
869781036212871XiaomiRedmi Note 5
869789044240214XiaomiRedmi Note 7
869789060061072XiaomiRedmi 9A
869792039261526XiaomiRedmi Note 5
869793044501450XiaomiMi 8 Lite
869794036376554XiaomiRedmi Note 5
869802031317091XiaomiRedmi S2
869804036317886XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
869805054503851XiaomiRedmi 9i
869808036856785XiaomiMi 8 Lite
869812051172730XiaomiRedmi 9C
869816030199466XiaomiRedmi 5
869817032373943XiaomiRedmi 5 Plus
869819052309104XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
869822037773840XiaomiRedmi Note 5
869832049557222XiaomiMi 8
869839058009979XiaomiRedmi Note 10
869865044661177XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
864012053291217XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
861783059608009XiaomiMi 11 Lite
869444030960801XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
869427051680143XiaomiRedmi 9T
869421050180072XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
869398053563795XiaomiRedmi 9C
869396048928354XiaomiRedmi Note 7
862270048501544XiaomiRedmi Go
869392066335671XiaomiRedmi Note 11
869773040017115XiaomiMi 9 Lite
869770044676094XiaomiRedmi Note 9
869751064695669XiaomiRedmi 9A
869743053775321XiaomiMi 10 5G
353469518382650XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
861598058940785XiaomiRedmi 8A
861612047392741XiaomiMi A3
861614053334096XiaomiRedmi 8A Pro
861620052756643XiaomiRedmi Note 11
861622057708785XiaomiRedmi 9T
861625059350829XiaomiRedmi 9A
861645031566029XiaomiRedmi Note 3
861646042829620XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
861658047239010XiaomiMi 9
861664051846419XiaomiPoco M3
861677056721668XiaomiRedmi 9A
861690051936611XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
862298045032189XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
861697041756199XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
861722058261535XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
861732043181417XiaomiRedmi Note 8
861743047305522XiaomiRedmi 6
861758041631012XiaomiRedmi Note 7
861762045056523XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
861770068154067XiaomiRedmi Note 11
861775053735663XiaomiMi 11 Lite
869876052525386XiaomiRedmi 9
861779053431760XiaomiRedmi 9T
869867054397981XiaomiBlack Shark 4
869844041905713XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869720035932048XiaomiRedmi Note 5
869722044054731XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869733058210812XiaomiRedmi 9 Prime
861716059372093XiaomiRedmi 9A
862305031763675XiaomiRedmi Note 3 Pro
869388043441533XiaomiRedmi Note 5
862317058472924XiaomiRedmi 9A
868918044515454XiaomiRedmi 9 Prime
868922032593465XiaomiRedmi Note 5 Pro
868926057363092XiaomiRedmi 9A
868931033907442XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
868932039081919XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
868934056633630XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
868943038367126XiaomiRedmi Note 5
868945030828450XiaomiRedmi 5
869448048641949XiaomiMi 10 Ultra
864017054225148XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro Max
864025058749708XiaomiMi 10T Lite 5G
864029054457878XiaomiRedmi Note 10S
866498043018364XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
866489041651611XiaomiRedmi 7
868915059648030XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
866481047474221XiaomiRedmi Note 8
866471038145476XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
866470055544629XiaomiRedmi 9T
860941049760329XiaomiRedmi Note 7
860942052802214XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
860950055351261XiaomiPoco M3
860951041679377XiaomiRedmi 9
860955053825463XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
860956044425231XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
860957052992427XiaomiRedmi 9
860969050089544XiaomiRedmi Note 9
861033057729211XiaomiMi 11 Pro
861034052818439XiaomiMi 10 Youth 5G
865932041709336XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
866475049668566XiaomiBlack Shark 3
869890041867361XiaomiMi 9
868909059286974XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
868887056100697XiaomiRedmi 9
869385050935027XiaomiRedmi 9
869382054759461XiaomiPoco M3
862324055523170XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
869379051465845XiaomiRedmi 10 Prime
862338057974165XiaomiRedmi 9T
862358064032450XiaomiRedmi Note 11
869362059163968XiaomiRedmi 9A
869358068945569XiaomiRedmi K50
862375068517468XiaomiRedmi 9A
862384041611760XiaomiRedmi Note 8
862384059542121XiaomiMi 10i
862387039911860XiaomiMi Max
869445036448824XiaomiRedmi 5A
868909049831566XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
868955058850799XiaomiRedmi 9A
868755051464014XiaomiRedmi Note 10 5G
868756047800105XiaomiMi A2 Lite
868768049687067XiaomiMi Note 10
868773037312397XiaomiRedmi Note 5
868774033160111XiaomiRedmi 5
868785041522696XiaomiRedmi Note 8
868805054900231XiaomiMi 10S
868811040496466XiaomiRedmi Note 7
868824058538905XiaomiRedmi Note 10
865427063938970XiaomiBlack Shark 5 Pro
868880041482106XiaomiRedmi Note 7
869446036132145XiaomiRedmi S2
869878046505896XiaomiRedmi Note 8
869367046608025XiaomiRedmi Note 8
862400049669517XiaomiMi 8
862224045286211XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
862228058964440XiaomiRedmi 9
862234053059731XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
862235041224279XiaomiRedmi 7A
862238037691865XiaomiMi Max
863605043797952XiaomiRedmi S2
863600055476421XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
862187044556613XiaomiRedmi 7
862024054183923XiaomiRedmi Note 9
864348056401746XiaomiRedmi Note 10
864338058356071XiaomiRedmi Note 10
862413055330593XiaomiMi 11 Pro
862223057070828XiaomiRedmi 9 Power
862418059318759XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
862446058908536XiaomiPoco X3 NFC
864086044728594XiaomiRedmi Note 8
864089046008460XiaomiRedmi 6 Pro
864106042723379XiaomiBlack Shark 3 Pro
864130049298516XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
864131058341080XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
864141035129854XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
864145041802883XiaomiRedmi Note 7
864154058240284XiaomiRedmi Note 11
864163063306832XiaomiRedmi Note 11
864165058373206XiaomiMi 10 Ultra
864166031252210XiaomiMi Max 2
864193054969652XiaomiMi 11 Ultra
864202050864856XiaomiRedmi Note 8
862432051407312XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
864218056619128XiaomiRedmi 9
862204052093742XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
862031045511013XiaomiRedmi 8A
865909045409956XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
862389056578655XiaomiRedmi 10
865885043446705XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865880048169956XiaomiRedmi 8A
867465057346584XiaomiMi 11i
865877058796025XiaomiRedmi 10
865875031715914XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
865869052276815XiaomiMi 11 Lite
865858052083909XiaomiRedmi Note 9
865847044367983XiaomiMi Max 3
865836056834204Xiaomi11T Pro
865834052364706XiaomiRedmi 9C
865817059826603XiaomiRedmi 9T
865803046729035XiaomiRedmi Note 8
862185046290462XiaomiRedmi 9A
865796063447400XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
865876031617282XiaomiRedmi Note 4X
865425058838528XiaomiMi 11
860519058202308XiaomiRedmi 9T
865431035486951XiaomiRedmi 4X
862033059961043XiaomiMi 11
862071046529424XiaomiRedmi Note 8T
862080056235236XiaomiRedmi K30 Ultra
862098051480086XiaomiRedmi 9A
862103039899710XiaomiRedmi Note 4
862122058643791XiaomiRedmi Note 9
862148053043950XiaomiMi 11 Pro
862156058270379XiaomiRedmi 9A
862163042145006XiaomiRedmi Note 5
862184041401513XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
865779056886271XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
864232066955422XiaomiRedmi Note 11
862183048425103XiaomiRedmi 7A
864284068875132XiaomiRedmi Note 11
862407058091285XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
868240034698277XiaomiRedmi 5 Plus
868253052623390Xiaomi11T Pro
863540049656987XiaomiMi A3
863537052591101XiaomiRedmi 9A
863516040003510XiaomiRedmi Note 7
863507056003601XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
863500040801560XiaomiRedmi Note 9S
863495046834964XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
863466049225930XiaomiMi 9 Lite
863459045609306XiaomiMi 9 SE
863452055650112XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
350705972745665XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
350724752664186XiaomiRedmi Note 11
868238030551987XiaomiRedmi 5
868348057200325XiaomiRedmi Note 10
868329051415515XiaomiRedmi Note 10 Pro
868327053122196XiaomiMi 10T Pro
868327048113805XiaomiRedmi Note 8
868322053118344XiaomiRedmi 9
868314041634326XiaomiRedmi 7A
868311046862399XiaomiBlack Shark
868305055743516XiaomiPoco X3 Pro
868286044836423XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
868285050418431XiaomiMi 11
868270060387511XiaomiRedmi 9A
868269040401699XiaomiRedmi Note 8
864238037176899XiaomiRedmi Note 4
868241049723555XiaomiRedmi Note 8 Pro
862403043566234XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
868330049299664XiaomiRedmi Note 7
863984053139656XiaomiRedmi K40 Pro
863976048425208XiaomiMi 8
864297040114750XiaomiRedmi Note 6 Pro
864324045663530XiaomiRedmi Note 7 Pro
863976064787309XiaomiRedmi 9A
864334052232111XiaomiRedmi 8A
863596056554911XiaomiRedmi Note 8
863553058869946XiaomiMi 11 Ultra
863548058778600XiaomiPoco F3
864292064539511XiaomiRedmi Note 11
863542049194720XiaomiMi A2
868214066515642Xiaomi12 Lite
868214046891469XiaomiRedmi 6
868210032616605XiaomiRedmi Note 5
868206056284601XiaomiRedmi 9C
868204047099980XiaomiRedmi K20 Pro
868202055796943XiaomiRedmi Note 11 Pro
868229050924444XiaomiRedmi Note 9
863948066043726XiaomiRedmi Note 11S
863966042804326XiaomiRedmi 7A
863957053955289XiaomiPoco X3 GT
863971054207327XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Pro
863938051296009XiaomiRedmi 8A
863927050519099XiaomiRedmi 9
868200039204406XiaomiRedmi 5
863917066478273XiaomiRedmi 9A
863910067451803XiaomiRedmi Note 11
863896044509062XiaomiMi A2 Lite
863883053884347XiaomiRedmi Note 9
863859058252664XiaomiRedmi 9A
868175054573895XiaomiRedmi 9A
868198056419768XiaomiRedmi 9A
863968059691273XiaomiRedmi 9A
356431065375591YotaPhone 2
865633059412843ZTEBlade X1 5G
865658038199476ZTEMaven 2
869351056695452ZTEnubia Red Magic 7
868661026294959ZTEMax Duo
868622029406537ZTEAvid Plus
865651048133635ZTEBlade A5 2020
864483050775330ZTEnubia Red Magic 6R
862919048346975ZTEBlade A3 Prime
861806036791604ZTEAvid Plus
868875025387818ZTEAvid Plus
863461030028567ZTEZmax Pro
867061039454032ZTEAvid Trio
861712039676950ZTEAxon 7
861720306593352ZTEAxon 7
865584067635133ZTEAxon 40 Ultra
860755033016336ZTETrek 2 HD
862147036779896ZTEAvid Trio
864210056730252ZTEZte Blade A31
863132030967266ZTEBlade X Max
864237036739053ZTEMaven 3
865994033985811ZTEZmax Pro
860451061335554ZTEnubia Red Magic 7 Pro
869942043575771ZTEBlade Vantage 2 Prepaid
869977030800196ZTEBlade Z max
869419044581082ZTEBlade A7 Prime
863727033091772ZTEBlade Spark
863440048056513ZTEGrand X View 3 8"
863748046179073ZTEBlade A3 Prime
867598041895777ZTEZpad 8
990002226224200ZTEiPhone 5
863942061204193ZTEAxon 40 Pro
867420022053468ZTEZmax 2
867781047701526ZTEBlade A5 2020
861170038621792ZTEGrand X 4
867784030724059ZTEMaven 3
862574031426118ZTEMajesty Pro
862579032705840ZTEAvid Plus
867466034236773ZTEBlade X2 Max
990006096058465ZTEWarp Elite
863990056507351ZTEBlade A5 2020
861884046381856ZTEBlade 10 Prime
990005154327655ZTELever LTE
867098032737567ZTEBlade V9
864792039538886ZTEZmax Pro
990001420375826ZTEGalaxy S3
867177041818723ZTEBlade A5 2020
865070034464617ZTEAvid 4
865074015070872ZTET-Mobile Concord
864844042308342ZTEAxon 10 Pro
861959059557178ZTEAxon 30 Ultra
864818013781059ZTEAvail 2
864892036178361ZTEBlade X
866176029757425ZTEGrand X Max+
865748054374168ZTEAvid 589
866514037410803ZTEOverture 3
866550048004912ZTEAxon 10 Pro
860031053060079ZTEBlade A71
868994043198535ZTEnubia Red Magic Mars
866665034712201ZTEMajesty Pro
868962029506039ZTEGrand X Max 2
860161047420111ZTEAvid 4
866449054456225ZTEnubia Red Magic 6S Pro
860103043683888ZTEAvid 579
863198048811358ZTEnubia Red Magic 5G
865800038920978ZTEAxon M
865882030705714ZTEAvid 4
869465026043302ZTENubia Z11
866280040248545ZTEnubia Red Magic 3
868026023029768ZTEAxon Mini
861583049596250ZTEBlade A3 Prime
867210053505837ZTEAxon 30 5G
866738024697060ZTEOverture 2
867160055051100ZTEnubia Red Magic 6, nubia Red Magic 6 Pro
868504020111250ZTEGrand X 3
860972036356532ZTEZmax Pro
860926037744674ZTEZmax Pro
358525033135629ZTEPrelude Plus
866964031262827ZTEMaven 3
867885043006325ZTEBlade A3 Prime
867885039758806ZTEBlade Z max
860371020239962ZTEUnico LTE
867820017429872ZTEConcord II
862423033122780ZTEZmax Pro
867805058083597ZTEBlade V20 Smart
862447034301572ZTEZfive 2 LTE
865478051759373ZTEBlade A71
863399034412108ZTEQuartz Smartwatch
990010428093026ZTEiPhone 4S
864650039231227ZTEBlade Z max
869641026803271ZTEMaven 2
864668037676805ZTEBlade Vantage Prepaid
869627020803516ZTESonata 3
860935037545452ZTEAxon 7 Mini
860032053195170ZTEBlade A7 Prime
869082003399837ZTET-Mobile Concord
990010396293160ZTEMax XL
990006747058344ZTEMax Duo
990006793161158ZTEWarp Elite
990006819010769ZTEOpen C
990006752452200ZTEMoto G 2015 (3rd Gen)
990006880960215ZTEZfive 2 LTE
990006893667567ZTEMajesty Pro
990008819014460ZTEPrestige 2
990008822929241ZTEMax XL
990008857969427ZTEZmax One
990006864440507ZTEMax Duo
863356051077255vivoX70 Pro Plus
866551050606594vivoIQOO 9 Pro
860432054373596vivoiQOO 7
864407055460564vivoX60 Pro
860367047447257vivoX50 Pro
868860049233008vivoiQOO Z1x
868702055964052vivoiQOO 7
864560064225293vivoX Fold
868993041944650vivoiQOO 3 5G
868974069835392vivoX80 Pro
864653056180228vivoX60 Pro Plus
868674051765991vivoX60 Pro
864656043617376vivoiQOO 3 5G
865386050789624vivoX60 Pro Plus
866369055789509vivoX Note
862991057381540vivoX70 Pro
868265058043464vivoX70 Pro
869255058335407vivoX70 Pro Plus
869740056379341vivoX50 Pro
861161048096398vivoX50 Pro
861374051644299vivoIQOO 9 Pro
869475042278816vivoiQOO 3 5G


What is Firejail

Firejail allows a process and all its descendants to have their own private view of the globally shared kernel resources. There are no dependencies for firejail and can run on any linux computer running kernel 3.8 or higher. Firejail creates a security sandbox around any type of process. This sandbox restricts the process' running environment to a linux namespace. There are very little configurations to edit.

Benefits of Firejail

If a process is running in a sandbox, there is control over the environment in which the process is being run.

Firejail uses the linux kernel security features. It's used to restrict access to files and system capabilities from programs running on a computer.

Firejail is a program that restricts untrusted applications, and gives a process its own private access of the globally shared kernel and kernel resources including network, process table and mount table. The Firejail sandbox protects any type of process and any descendant of that firejail'd process.

Downloading Firejail

Arch Linux:

pacman -S firejail


sudo apt install firejail


dnf install firejail


zypper install firejail

To create separate profiles for all applications, run the fire config command with sudo privileges and it will generate profiles for all applications on the device.

sudo firecfg
  • This creates symlinks to usr/local/bin/ and allows the programs to run by default sandboxed,
  • creates new desktop files removing hardcoded paths, to ensure the desktop files will run in a sandbox
  • and adds the running user to the allowed users list.

Librewolf and Firejail

Download librewolf from here.

To view the benefits of librewolf visit our privacy tools page.

Once both librewolf and firejail are installed, build a librewolf profile for firejail to use.

firejail --build=librewolf.profile librewolf

After building a librewolf profile, run this command with no further configurations.

firejail librewolf

Librewolf is now running in a security sandbox.

An application can run entirely in memory with this command (specify the path to the process).

firejail --private /usr/bin/librewolf

Check if firejail is working:

firejail --list

It will list all applications that are sandboxed.

Firejail configuration wizard gui, which after installation is included in the application menu, can just like the cli also be used to select security settings for application.

Virtualbox and Whonix installation

Virtualbox is a virtual machine (VM). This functions like a computer in the computer, which allows the user to run the regular OS on the computer, while have several entirely different OS in the VM. Some programs might not be accessible with the current setup or there might be privacy reasons for using a VM. A VM is isolated from the rest of the computer, this compartmentalization separates activity, IP address and metadata from the rest of the computer. It allows for testing of applications and making installations instead of risking the regular system to experience errors that are difficult to fix. Tails is a portable operating system and often compared with VMs. It is a very useful tool, though it is not possible to use alongside the regular OS, and instead the user boot into Tails via a USB at startup. A VM therefore gives the advantage of being able to engage in different setups without having to switch in between or be limited to two; the regular OS and Tails.

Whonix is an operating system based on linux distribution.

Download and installation

sudo dpkg -i <name of package>
  • Create a folder called Virtualbox VMs in home (or any other selected location)

  • Download Whonix

  • Follow the guide in point 3 'import Whonix into Virtualbox' (select expand) to add whonix to Virtualbox.

Whonix setup in Virtualbox

  • Open Oracle Virtualbox via menu or by typing virtualbox in command line.

  • Click on 'Whonix gateway' + 'start' --> always start Gateway before starting Whonix workstation.

  • Select Whonix at startup.

  • Whonix setup wizard - accept licence terms ('Important Information About This Operating System').

  • When prompted to select if the connection should be via Tor or not: select 'connect'.

  • There is a default user and password, which will de displayed the first time opening terminal:

    • 'default user account': user
    • 'default password': changeme
    • To change the password:
    sudo passwd
    • Type changeme
    • When prompted:
  • Update the system:

sudo apt-get-update-plus dist-upgrade
  • Select 'Whonix workstation' + *'start'
  • Accept licence agreement + finish.
  • Open terminal.
  • Change password like above if wanted
  • Update:
sudo apt-get-update-plus dist-upgrade
  • Click on x in the upper right corner to close the window. First Gateway, select 'power off' when prompted. repeat for Workstation window.

  • Select Whonix gateway + Start.

  • Select Whonix/GNU + Enter.

  • Select Whonix workstation + Start.

  • Select Whonix/GNU + Enter.

  • Now everything is set up and ready to use.

Virtualbox disk encryption

It's possible to set a password that the user must enter to start Whonix.

sudo VBoxManage extpack install --replace Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.34.vbox-extpack
  • Open Virtualbox.
  • Select the instance and click on Setting.
  • In *General, go to Disk encryption.
  • Toggle Enable disk encryption.
  • Set Disk encryption cipher to AES-XTS256-PLAIN64.
  • Enter password and OK.

Check IP address

  • To check the IP address:
  • This will show the current IP address. On ie. you can check the location of this IP.
  • If you check you IP address at pages like no information will be shown.
  • Everytime a new terminal is opened in Whonix, the IP address changes.

Useful applications on Whonix

Tails installation and usage

Tails is a free and open source portable Debian based operating system that works through a USB stick. It provides a safer environment to work on your own computer or somebody else's as it never accesses the computer's OS. Everything done in Tails disappears when it's shut down, leaving no trace on the computer: Tails always starts from a clean, fresh state and doesn't write anything to the hard drive. It's possible to save files and configurations in the Persistent storage, otherwise everything done in Amnesia will be wiped. Tails can't be used alongside the regular OS because it needs to be booted from BIOS/UEFI on the computer.


Through USB stick

If there's another trusted Tails user, it's advised to clone Tails from their stick. These are the steps, starting with the other user's Tails:

Installation via cloning:

  1. The trusted user starts their Tails.
  2. Plug the fresh USB that is to be used to recieve the cloned image.
  3. Go to Applications --> Tails --> Tails installer.
  4. Select the USB stick and install. This usually takes ~1/2 hour.
  5. When finished you can eject the newly cloned USB and power down the original Tails instance.

See steps listed below.


  1. Boot Tails from the computer. Most devices don't automatically show the Boot Menu, which needs to be accessed through a key (depending on the manufacturer, its usually one of these keys: Esc, F2, F7, F9, F10, F11, F12).
  2. Start Tails from the Welcome Screen

Download and verify

  1. Download Tails.
  2. Verify the download through the same link or with OpenPGP signature.
  3. It is important to verify the software you're downloading to ensure the integrity of the software.

Burning Tails on a DVD

Links for detailed instructions for Windows, Ubuntu and macOS.

Running Tails on a virtual machine

See the example of Virtualbox. Security concerns: Running Tails in parallel to the regular OS can be useful and more comfortable but may bring some security concerns:.

  • Both the host OS and the virtualization sotware are able to monitor what is being done in Tails, hence use trustworthy ones - always at least open-source. Be mindful that if the host OS has been tampered with, it can break Tails' security guarantees.
  • Traces of the session may be left on the hard disk.
  • Tails' default MAC address anonymization doesn't affect the settings of the host OS. The MAC address anonymization only affects the Tails instance. Here's more content and virtualization solutions


  1. Boot into Tails from the Boot Menu.
  2. From Welcome Screen configure Language, Keyboard Layout, Formats.
  3. If needed, configure Persistent Storage. This allows to save Documents, Wi-Fi passwords, browser bookmarks and other configurations. Enter a secure Passphrase (check this recommended link on how to create a secure passphrase) and keep it in a safe place: if forgotten, there's no way to access the Persistent Storage again.
  4. Additional Settings:
    • a. Administrator Password: Used to access internal hard drive or to perform administrative tasks.
    • b. MAC Address Anonymization: Every device has a Media Access Control (MAC), serial number used to identify the communications on local network. On Tails its anonymized by default - but this setting can be turned off - by changing the serial number to random values. The MAC anonymizer feature is useful to prevent tracking geographical location and to hide the Tor connection, but sometimes it can be suspicious.
    • c. Offline Mode
    • d. Unsafe Browser: By default Tails connects to internet through Tor Network, which hides content, destination and location; there's the possibility to use the Unsafe Browser if needed to connect to a captive portal (a captive portal is a web or splash page displayed before end-users can authenticate onto WiFi or wired networks to get access to the internet).

Persistent Storage

Every time Tails is booted, there's the possibility to access the Persistent Storage by entering the Passphrase. When Tails is started, select Applications --> Tails --> Persistent Storage. The Pesrsistent Storage has the following possible features:

  1. Persistent Documents
  • Persistent folder: Allows to save documents. To open it, choose Places --> Persistent.
  1. System Settings
  • Welcome Screen: Used to save settings of the Persistent Storage.
  • Printers Printers' configuration saved.
  1. Network
  • Network connections: Wi-Fi passwords and configuration of wired networks saved.
  • Tor Bridge: The last Tor bridge used to connect is saved.
  1. Applications
  1. Advanced Settings
  • Additional Software: A list of additional software chosen is automatically installed every time Tails starts.
  • Dotfiles: dotfiles are configuration files to manage some programs' functionalities; they're named dotfiles because their name starts with a "." (for example ~/.gitconfig). Be careful when writing dotfiles not to harm your security: Tails and Tor guarantee anonymity by making it impossible to distinguish one user from the other and modifying dotfiles can harm this.



Tails is pre-configured with safe defaults: Tor Browser with uBlock, Thunderbird, KeepPassXC, LibreOffice, OnionShare, Metadata Cleaner; every app connects only through Tor and everything in Persistent Storage is automatically encrypted. Even though there are still some risks associated with using Tails, listed below, it's a fairly easy way to secure anonymity and it's accessible enough to a user who has less experience. It's widely known and used in the activist, military and journalism fields, here are some examples:

LunarDAO fully supports the use of Tails in these fields to avoid state repression and ensure freedom; nonetheless, lunarpunk movement believes that privacy is and should be a right for everyone, hence encourage the usage of Tails for everybody that strives for more privacy.


Tails is designed to be a safer OS than regular ones but there are still some behaviours that can put an anonymous setup at risk:

  • Sharing files without wiping metadata
  • Using a website in the same session to access more than one account: They can be connected because of the usage of the same Tor circuit. Consider having different Tails sticks.
  • Tails uses the Tor Network by default to connect to internet, which is definitely safer than connecting on the clearnet but still has some vulnerabilities, mainly regarding hiding that Tor is being used and protecting communications from skilled attackers. If trying to hide the Tor fingerprint, use a Tor bridge.
  • Tor vulnerabilities include: Decrypting through exit node, deanonymization through control of 3 relays of the circuit, eavesdropping on unencrypted communications if not using HTTPS mode only.
  • Using Tails on untrusted computers:Don't use Tails USB stick as a normal stick, do not plug it in when another OS is running. If possible clone Tails directly from a trusted person. If the hardware is compromised, not even Tails is safe.

System requirements and Troubleshooting:

Tails Social Contract

Fiat to crypto

When using a regular os (instead of ie. tails), make sure to protect network privacy by using ie. mixnet or VPN such as NYM, HOPR, Lokinet, Geph or ProtonVPN.

Set up a metamask wallet

A Metamask wallet can be set up on virtual machine, Tails or Tor browser on regular OS (read Linux).

  • Open tor browser.
  • In the upper right corner (the burger), go to 'Add-ons and themes'.
  • Search for Metamask.
  • 'Install for firefox' (works for tor browser as well) as browser extention. select 'Continue to installation' (this will take a minute or so), 'Add', 'Allow this extention to run in private windows'. The icon will be visible in the upper right corner.
  • Click on icon. It will open a new tab in tor browser.
  • Select 'Create a new wallet', 'I agree', submit a password and 'Create a new wallet'.
  • Choose 'Secure my wallet'. This will bring you to the recovery phrase. 'Reveal Secret recovery Phrase'.
  • Write down the recovery phrase in ie. keepass or any other safe place. With the recovery phrase (even without password, it possible to access the wallet, but not vice versa especially if the browser doesn't store any information the recovery phrase will be continously used).
  • When asked to re-enter parts of the recovery phrase make sure there are no whitespaces or it is not possible to proceed.
  • When completed and in the wallet - At the top, the wallet address is partially displayed. Copy the address to the keepass to have easy access.
  • Change RPC to not leak metadata (default ones collect a lot of user data):
  • Check Anonymizing assets for more info on setting up an anon wallet.

Transfer money from your bank account (and exchange to ETH) via Bity

  • Go to Bity and enter how much in EUR to transact from the bank account to crypto wallet. Select ETH as the crypto currency.

  • Select 'Continue as guest'.

  • Keep 'Other' and continue.

  • Check fees and that the amount is correct. Select 'Continue'.

  • Enter IBAN number for the bank account the money will be sent from.
  • Enter full name connected to the bank account.
  • Enter the wallet address of the Metamask wallet that was set up in the previous step.
  • Enter an email address to get notifications (Note: Set up the email on tails or on tor browser while using VPN, ie. Protonmail). Expect it to take one to two bank days before the money is in the Metamask wallet.

Anonymize ETH via Tornado cash

The ETH that is now in the Metamask wallet is kyc (know your customer) money because they were sent from a bank account connected to an identity. To move towards the dark forest there is a need to anonymize the money, for example via Tornado cash (*Note: Tornado cash has deposits and withdrawals in 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 ETH, which is to strengthen the anonymity set as arbitrary number will be revealing).

  • Here is a user guide for Tornado cash deposits and withdrawals.
  • More post censorship info about Tornado cash here.
  • Wait at least 24h before withdrawing funds.
  • Set up another Metamask wallet according to instruction in 'Set up a metamask wallet'. This is the address which wil be used to withdraw funds from Tornado cash.

Exchange to other currencies

Swaps to other currencies can be done via:

Crypto to fiat


This guide is focused on how to withdraw crypto to cash in an anonymous way, which will include ATM and OTC options. There might be other solutions out there which we encourage the community to share with each other on the forum.

Banks are fundamental for economic surveillance. Payment cards track purchases and map out our lives. Not our keys, not our cash - which means that money in the bank are imaginary funds which can be frozen or taken away. This compromises our privacy as well as our autonomy.

There are grey zones in regards to withdrawals, ie. ways to use a fully centralized exchange (CEX) like Kucoin in an anonymous way. These are not included in this guide as the aim is to improve our knowledge and skills for privacy solutions and a CEX is centralized, non reliable and counter-intuitive to anyone who seeks to develop sovereignty.


Here are some things to keep in mind before starting.

  • It is preferred to start these operations on Tails or in a Virtual machine. If so, the second point below is not needed.
  • If using a regular OS --> Do not operate without hiding IP address and metadata. Use for example NYM, HOPR or Lokinet.
  • If nothing else, use VPN, such as Geph, ProtonVPN or Mullvad VPN (remember that VPNs hides location, but not necessarily metadata. The VPN provider can observe your origination point) or use Tor browser.
  • Do not use same wallet which you have used for doxxed crypto and do no not use this wallet going forward with doxxed crypto. This wallet should be completely separate from any other activity you've done on-chain or off. Check Anonymizing assets for more information.
  • If applications are used on a phone, such as Cake wallet, the privacy of the phone matters. Take a look at Privacy setup for a more secure phone setup.

Every withdrawal to fiat which is not OTC (to paper cash) or non-KYC ATM (to paper cash) is one way or the other KYCed or traceable. The credit card/bank account to which you are withdrawing is assigned to a real identity and on-chain data is accessible to anyone.

Privacy is more expensive as the % of conversion/swap fees are higher - usually 2-3% per on chain swap --> DYOR (= Do Your Own Research). Privacy solutions are not mass adopted (yet) and the nation-states and large tradFi players push billions into KYC crypto, while waging a war against anonymity (of any data).


  1. Which crypto currency do you want to convert to, on which network and with which wallet?
  2. What types of exchanges do you have access to? ( ie. DEX and swaps)
  3. What tools for withdrawal do you want to use? Which means do you have? (OTC, ATM, bity)

Take few minutes and a sheet of paper. Sketch the whole process before starting to move money around. This may save time, risk exposure and savings spent on expensive fees or worse on wrongly made transactions.

Means of Withdrawing

  • $XMR (Monero) - is the #1 privacy coin at the moment, though there are more and more privacy projects developing alternatives.
  • Anonymous withdrawals to cash must be Over the Counter (OTC, peer-to-peer) or non-KYC ATMs.
  • These services usually take BTC (or ETH or some normie coins) but not XMR, so there is a need to exchange or swap BTC without being connected to the original account.
  • To remain private and anonymous we must be absolutely sure to not connect to any accounts/wallets/IPs we use with doxxed crypto and our identity in general.

Crypto We Want to Sell and Tools of Exchanging

In case we were paid in USDC/USDT/DAI and want to cash out - How do we get these to BTC?

DEX, Bridges & Swaps

In case BTC is the coin for the final trade - Option 1

  • First, create a BTC wallet (even a hot one for temporary use). Preferrably Electrum on TAILS (save the seed and password well, ie. in KeepassXC).
  • Monero can be swapped on Trocador which is a swap aggregator or Majestic Bank. Both of these sites have onion services.
  • In case XMR wasn't the payment method (and BTC is the currency for withdrawal), we need to run our transaction through XMR before getting to the final/"clean" BTC.
  • This means to:
  1. Swap your coin to XMR. Use:
  1. Send to another XMR wallet that is not connected to the same node, or to a XMR wallet that is running on own XMR node. You can use Cake Wallet for this. This adds complexity in case you are being tracked by any of the services you've used so far. Here is more info on how to run a node.
  2. Swap to BTC in Cake Wallet using Cake Wallet's exchange feature. Use Cake wallet with tor.

In case BTC is the coin for the final trade - Option 2

  • In this option, the assets for withdrawal are in ETH.
  • Go through the steps in Anonymizing assets.
  1. Swap your coin to XMR. Use:
  1. Withdraw via non-KYC ATMs for BTC (most are KYC, so check carefully). List of BTC ATMs. The limit is generally 900 Euros.


  1. Bity to family or friend
    Run XMR transaction, swap to clean BTC, new TAILS wallet, and use non registered transaction (crypto to card) via a friend or a family member, who can withdraw and pass cash. The withdrawal via Bity is limited to 900 Euros at a time without KYC.
  • This will obscure: Where the money originated, what was the total sum, and the fact it went directly to you.
  • It will reveal: The sum of withdrawal, the BTC address, that someone around you cashed out $ from new BTC wallet.

How to make a Bity transaction

  • Go to
  • Select BTC as the currency to use for the withdrawal.
  • select EUR for the currency that will end up on the account of the friend or family member (any fiat money).

  • When amount had been specified - 'Place order'.
  • Select 'Continue as Guest'.

  • Select 'Other' for sending wallet.

  • Confirm (or change if needed) the amount. Press 'Continue'.

  • Enter IBAN to the account the money will be sent to.
  • Enter BIC/SWIFT.
  • Enter full name of the recepient (friend or family member).
  • Enter this persons address.
  • For 'External reference' one can write Private loan to not get any hustle with sudden money to the account.
  • If there is a wish to get notified in case of any issues: Do not use a doxxed email. Set up an email account via ie. Disroot while on tails, to protect against tracking.

  • 'Place order' --> Within ten minutes the money need to be send to the address which Bity displays. Use the electrum wallet on tails which has been set up for this purpose.
  • After the transactions has been sent, verfify on Bity that it is completed.

For this option it's also possible to go through steps in Anonymizing assets and then proceed to using ETH. See 'How to make a Bity transaction' above. The only difference is that instead of electrum, a Metamask account is used, and instead of BTC, ETH.

  1. Join local crypto communities/chats
    See when someone wants to buy XMR and settle with them.
  1. OTC exchange
    Find out who is doing OTC exchanges where you live. This usually cost 1-3% fee for withdrawal. The accepted currencies can vary. The benefit is that the OTC exchanger doesn't want to reveal their customers as this is their source of income. The negative part is that the only base of trust is monetary, though minimum information can be shared.

Step by Step Practical Examples

In this example we aim to get 900 Euros out from an ATM in a private way, starting from Bitcoin.

  1. Check where your ATM is, what % fees and static fees are included.
  2. Sketch out the whole path of swaps and calculate all the fees.
  3. Install new Cake wallet or Monerujo on phone and Monero cli (or GUI wallet) on Linux (preferably on TAILS), or make two Cake wallets.
  4. Calculate 900E into USD, add all the fees on the way (ATM, swaps, transactions)
  5. Add at least 1% for volatily (price changes) on top and calculate how much BTC that will be.
  6. Swap that BTC to XMR using Trocador, Majestic bank or Sideshift.
  7. Send XMR to another Cake wallet (CLEAN!!! --> this means that the wallet has been set up while protecting IP address and metadata).
  8. Swap back to BTC using Trocador, Majestic bank or Sideshift. Use a different swap service to prevent the services from performing correlation attacks.
  9. Withdraw from non-KYC ATM, be as inconspicuous as possible (read notes on privacy).

Note on Privacy

  • Remember what wallets your identity is connected to: your phone, Bank Account, MAC, IP, KYC, paying to your family etc. Label all of your wallets if the wallet software allows it. The labels are usually not restored when restoring wallets to different device, so be aware.
  • If aiming for privacy - use:
    • Non-KYC ATMs
    • All "covid prevention" (glasses, gloves and respirator when withdrawing)
    • Do not travel there with your personal phone in your pocket.
    • Do not swap big amounts of money with people close to you such as a classmate or colleague because it's cheaper and non KYC - that person is a security risk for your private tx.
  • You don't always have a need to be fully anonymous, but when you do --> Do not act on hope, use excuses or be lazy. Privacy won't be served by the ones who are the most interested in data gathering and transaction monitoring!


  • See Privacy tools section about Virtual payment cards for anonymous payments cards to which the user can deposit crypto.

  • See Privacy projects section on P2P Trading platforms about local BTC and Monero exchanges.

  • List of BTC ATMs

LUKS disk encryption

This guide is focused on Linux systems.

  • Go to Accessories --> Disks (the path might be slightly different for different Linux systems)
  • Select the USB you want to encrypt
  • select the double wheel and choose 'Format partition'
  • Enter Volume name - can be anything
  • In type --> select 'For use with Linux systems only (Ext4).
    • Select 'Password protect volume (LUKS)'.

  • Enter a password. Confirm and click 'Next'.

  • Make sure the password is not predictable. See below.

  • There will be a warning that all content on the disk will be deleted.

  • Select 'Format' --> The encrypted disk will now be created.
  • In the information 'Content' the user can see if the disk is unlocked or locked. After the encrypted partition has been created it is unlocked and it looks as if there are two partitions with equally big size while it is in fact one. This is how is looks like when it is unlocked.

  • Clicking on the lock icon to the left will lock the partition and only one will remain visible.
  • To open an ecnryped disk: In the folder manager --> click on the encrypted disk name.

  • Enter password to access content in encrypted disk. For security purposed, NEVER select 'Remember forever' for password.

  • When finished --> Unmount the disk (a little eject icon to the right of the storage name in the folder manager).


If the owner is set to root, it won't be possible to create folders, paste documents etcetera. If this happens, do this:

  • In Accessories/Disks (might be in differebt location depending on OS) where the user is encrypting the USB, there is device information, ie. /dev/sda1 which is the name of the USB. Note it down.
sudo chmod 700 /dev/sda1
  • Chmod 700 means that the owner have all permissions. Check this out for more info about chmod.

  • Now there should be no problem accessing and creating content on the USB.

Advanced user Monero privacy guide

This is an advanced privacy guide for Monero to inform users with extreme threat models of best privacy practices.

What Monero is

General description of Monero's consensus, security and UTXO based model

Monero follows a UTXO-based model that Bitcoin pioneered and includes privacy technologies (listed below) implemented directly into the core protocol. Monero is built on top of the CryptoNote protocol. There are 0.3 XMR mined per minute. The block subsidy is 0.6 XMR, and the block time between Monero blocks is 2 minutes. Monero has a dynamic block size and a tail emission of 0.6 XMR per block forever. The Monero supply is deflationary.

A Monero transaction occurs by a sum of inputs being consumed and creating an equal sum amount of outputs. During an XMR transaction inputs are destroyed and 16 outputs are utilized. This is called the ring signature. The outputs created from the transaction include one real output and 15 decoy outputs. The decoy outputs are arbitrarily picked from previous transactions on the blockchain. Each of these outputs look valid to an outside observer. The current default ring size is 16 which makes up your anonymity set.

Transaction amounts are hidden via RingCT. Sender and recipient addresses are hidden via Stealth Addresses.

What Monero is not

Monero is one of the most private cryptocurrencies currently available along with having the largest user-base. Although, Monero focuses on privacy, there are still trade-offs when using Monero. There is a potential future concern whenever using a blockchain that is "currently" private. As technology breakthroughs occur, a once private transaction may be broken and publicly visible for surveillance software to trace. For Monero, this isn't currently possible by any known techniques, but this is a risk with using any distributed ledger technology. When using Monero, the largest your total anonymity set can be is the total amount of Monero users. Monero does not offer perfect privacy, it offers plausible deniability for its users.

Spending Best Practices

Basic Users: Most users of Monero don't need to take considerations when using Monero. It works for every day purchases. If there are larger threats to consider such as avoiding sanctions, totalitarian governments, and risk of physical harm, a user should consider these before utilizing Monero. These kinds of attacks are specific in nature and as mentioned previously, do not affect most users.

Advanced attacks

Poisoned Outputs Attack (EAE Attack)

A Poisoned Outputs Attacks (EAE Attacks) consists of two colluding parties on either side of a transaction. The user being surveilled in this attack example is represented by 'A'. The first external party 'E' sends an output to 'A' and monitors the chain for potential paths the output can take. When an output reaches a destination (the second 'E' in the EAE attack) both colluding parties can discover with some degree of certainty the owner 'A'. The more times this occurs, this higher the degree of probabilistic certainty.

A Poisoned Output Attack can be mitigated by several different measures by a user: Do not post addresses online attached to an identity or avoid re-using addresses. Use a new subaddress for every transaction. Avoid malicious parties on both sides of the transactions. Reduce the interactions with potential malicious parties that could surveil the transactions. Use different services to limit the chances of interacting with a service that may surveil the transactions. Use churning to add entropy to the transaction.

Janus attack

A Janus Attack is when a malicious party can discover that different subaddresses are shared by the same Monero seed. This is a specific kind of attack and usually needs off-chain confirmation that funds were received. This is an issue if the user is maintaining separate identities and using separate subaddresses from the same seed, between these separate identities. This would confirm both online identites that the user was keeping separate are actually in control of the same Monero seed. A surveilling attacker can successfully execute a Janus attack if they're able to verify sucessful receipt of funds. This can be from various sources (e.g. user informs reciept of funds, Point of sale system informs receipt of funds, etc.).

A Janus attack can be mitigated by several different measures by a user: Do not confirm receipt of funds. Do not publish or share subaddress publicly. Use different wallet seeds for different identitites. Do not give out subaddresses tied to a real identity including subaddresses from exchanges. Use different Monero seeds if using a subaddress tied to a specific identity. If trying to completely maintain 100% subaddress unlinkability, use different wallet seeds. This comes with a trade-off of convenience for privacy.


Churning is the act of sending oneself an entire balance. This creates a new output and helps break the transaction graph. This obscures the output path. There are pros (obscuring output path) and cons for churning(chain bloat, false assumptions) and there is still discussion if this actually produces the correct outcomes. See also Poisoned Outputs Attacks (EAE Attacks). Churning isn't necessary for all users but if done correctly can benefit specific use cases.

Output consolidation

If a user's outputs are being surveilled, and a user consolidates many outputs into a single transaction, with statistical analysis, this increases the likelihood that the transaction was sent by the surveilled user. This works similary to managing UTXO's in bitcoin, but Monero's security assumptions adds more complexity to increase the user's plausible deniability. Use wallets that allow for the user to manage individual outputs (coin control). [Feather Wallet] offers coin control.

Metadata Considerations | Potential Attack Vectors

  • Network analysis: Run a full node & keep it running 24/7, a public node that other people can route transactions through, makes it possible to hide among other users that are using this node.

  • Counter-party surveillance: Is about interacting with malicious parties that want to surveil your transactions. This can range from a marketplace that reports transaction info to authorities, in the hope of de-anonymizing users, or it could be a malicous merchant that is collecting on-chain and off-chain data. Counter-parties exist on either side of a transaction to a user.

  • Remote node considerations related to timing analysis: If you routinely connecting to a remote node when sending funds, this network data leaks information about spending habits.

  • Block explorer - transaction and IP address linking: When using a block explorer, use a hidden service over TOR, I2P, or VPN and be sure to use different browser sessions. The best solution is to run an own node and access the information locally.

  • Understanding hueristics: There are heuristics that can be used to conclude further information about a Monero transaction. The more data that a user gives up, which can come from transaction information, transaction partners, network information, metadata, etcetera leads to an increase in the data that can be used in models by surveilling counter-parties. Many attackers are observing information on-chain and off-chain data. The stronger on-chain guarantees for privacy there are, the higher the likelihood that off-chain data will be used to de-anonymize users.

  • AI and machine learning: There is concern that the developments in AI and Machine learning will lead to a degradation to Monero security guarantees. The input selection algorithm and spending habits of individuals are two large areas of concern. Following the transaction graph and tracing the spending habits of users create pieces of information that models test for.

  • Further Developments & Analysis: Technologicial developments and analysis is an arms race. Analysis gets better with time and this evolution is to discover weaknesses in the current protocol. Monero is not bulletproof but technological developments should make Monero stronger going forward. This includes increasing the ring size while also providing scalability. Monero maintains a strong market share because it accomplishes what it sets out to do in the current environment. See also Monero project research-lab


Desktop Wallet

  • Feather Wallet: Is a desktop power user wallet that gives greater control over features that many mobile wallets overlook. It ships with strong defaults for normal users but can be configured for high or uncommon threat models.

Mobile Wallet

  • Monerujo: Includes support for Tor nodes, multiple wallets, uses swap service (doesn't support Tor for swaps).
  • Anonero: Mandatory Tor, enforced seed passphrase, encrypted backups, and no 3rd party services like exchanges/fiat price.
  • wallet: Was created by the CakeWallet team. An open source monero only wallet with support for Tor nodes, multiple wallet support, and uses swap service
  • Mysu via onion link: http://rk63tc3isr7so7ubl6q7kdxzzws7a7t6s467lbtw2ru3cwy6zu6w4jad.onion/. Includes Tor and I2P support, coin control, seed offsets, churning option when selecting UTXOs, and mutli-destination transactions.

Monero Nodes

  • XMR Fail: List of available public XMR nodes including nodes running over Tor. You can use this resource to choose online nodes for your wallet software to connect to.
  • Run a Monero Node: Guide to run an XMR node on a linux virtual private server.
  • Setting up Your Own Node: Guide to run an XMR node locally.

Obtaining Monero

Atomic Swaps

  • Unstoppable Swap GUI. Trustlessly swap BTC to XMR. There is no option to swap from XMR to BTC. The only way an atomic swap from XMR to BTC will after a Monero hard-fork that would enable support for this.


VPS provider



Download and installation

  • Download here.

  • Go to the download folder.

cd Downloads
  • If .deb file, install ie. with terminal (for other, check VeraCrypt information):
sudo dpkg -i filename


  • If there are dependecies missing there will be information given. If 'libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5' is missing, install it like this:
sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5
  • It is also possible that there will be other proposals for action. Read the error message. Could for example be 'Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install'.
sudo apt --fix-broken install
  • When installed, VerCrypt appears in the menu (GUI).

  • Open VeraCrypt and follow the Beginner tutorial to create a regular encrypted volume.

Hidden volumes

To create a hidden volume the user first create a regular encrypted volume as a from in which they store the 'sensitive' files. Within this encrypted folder there is a hidden folder which is not possible to detect. It is protected with another password. Depending on which password that is submitted when mounting the volume the user will access the outer (visible) encrypted folder or the hidden one.

Step 1

  • Select Create an ecrypted file container.

Step 2

  • Choose Hidden VeraCrypt volume.

Step 3

  • Write absolute path (DON'T use '~/') and add the name and file ending for the encrypted folder to create.

  • After this, follow the steps in VeraCrypt Beginner tutorial from Step 8.

  • After step 11 in the beginners tutorial, the encrypted folder will be opened so the user can move the 'sensitive' files there (those which are okey to show on request). When this is done there will be a setup of a second password which is for the hidden folder. VeraCrypt calculates how much space that can be used for the hidden folder.

  • For maximum encryption strenght it is important to move the mouse (on request) for as long as possible before selecting Format.

  • When everything is completed, select Exit.

Mounting the volume

  • Open VeraCrypt.
  • Select a slot.
  • Click on Select File.
  • Find the encrypted folder.
  • Select Mount.
  • To open the out volume (which is okey to show on request) enter the first password.
  • To open the hidden volume instead, enter the second password.

Additional information

For those who cannot install VeraCrypt on their device because of possible repressive consequences can use Portable mode. Read more about this here.

SimpleX guide

This guide is a remixed version of the initial one published by Oheka & CGI_Bin from No Trust Verify.

SimpleX is a privacy focused federated messaging platform offering an alternative to other centralized apps such as Signal, thanks to total confidentiality, no identifiers, Simplex protects against spam and gives users control over their data which is stored on their device and not on a centralized server. This application offers a more decentralized and less invasive alternative to Signal (no phone number required, for example). However some challenges are still present such as the ability to synchronize discussions across multiple devices, and optimal management of large groups are still present.

Components of SimpleX

This application uses the SimpleX platform, which consists of several components:

  • SimpleX Messaging Protocol (SMP) is a protocol for sending messages in one direction to a recipient, with a server in between. Messages are delivered via one-way queues created by the recipients. SMP relies on a transport protocol (such as TLS) to ensure integrity, server authentication, confidentiality and binding to the transport channel.
  • A SimpleX server is one of these servers.
  • The SimpleX network is the term used to designate the set of SimpleX servers that facilitate the SMP.
  • SimpleX client libraries speak SMP to SimpleX servers, providing a low-level API that is not generally intended for use by applications.
  • SimpleX agents interface with SimpleX clients to provide a higher-level API for use by applications. They are usually integrated as libraries, but are designed to be abstracted into local services.

How does it work?

SimpleX Chat ( uses the various components mentioned above. SMP is the communication protocol used by network elements to exchange messages. The SimpleX agent is used as an abstraction layer to simplify the management of operations, and will also offer functionalities such as adding noise to protect the privacy of people using the application.

The use of SimpleX queues is the major difference with other platforms such as WhatsApp, Signal or Matrix. Unlike other platforms, SimpleX doesn’t require users to create an account, and users don’t have a login as such. For the users of the application, the way it works is no different from any other messaging platform. The first step is to create a SimpleX address, which can be used on a one-time or persistent basis.

To explain the protocol simply lets look at how Bob sends a message to Alice. Alice will share her previously created SimpleX address with Bob. When Bob adds his contact, Alice will receive a request offering the possibility of refusing or accepting.

Once the connection has been accepted, the queue creation process will start on the SMP server, and will be used by Bob to deposit (as it were) messages for Alice, and then his application will retrieve the messages and display them in SimpleX Chat. This queue creation part has to be done for Bob, so for Alice to be able to send messages and reply to him, another SMP server can be used, thus improving resilience and user privacy. The complete process is much more comprehensive and can be found here

Incognito mode

Allows you to protect your profile (image and nickname) by not transmitting this information when you start a new discussion. A random name is generated for each new contact, making it possible to chat with 2 people without them knowing that they’re chatting with the same person. You could compare this to a browser’s private browsing.

Live message feature

One of the most interesting features of SimpleX that it allows you to write messages without having to send them, and the recipient will see what you’re typing live (while looking at the screen), so there’s no need to wait. This can be useful in a place where you can’t talk but want to exchange information, or as an example, given on the SimpleX website: An activist reporting live when there’s a risk of losing his phone or connection at any moment. This function allows you to send as many messages as possible, right down to the last word, without having to send only very short messages.


  • Simplex Lock - A local passcode for the application.
  • Voice and Video calls.
  • Self-destruct passcode - alternate passcode that wipes all app data.
  • SOCKS proxy routing - Choose to route traffic through a SOCKS proxy over port 9050.
  • .onion hosts - Choose if you want onion hosts required for each connection.
  • Database passphrase and export - Choose a timeline to delete messages after a certain amount of time & choose if the application data is backed up/exported/imported and encrypted with a passphrase.
  • Disappearing messages - The user has the ability to enable disappearing messages in a chat as long as the other particpant allows disappearing messages.
  • Group chats - Group chat creators have the ability to enable disappearing messages, direct messages, delete for everyone, & if the group should allow for voice messages. There are also roles that can be assigned (owner, admin, member, observer).


Quick Simplex chat client install

curl -o- | bash

Once the chat client is installed, simply run simplex-chat from your terminal.

Running Simplex from CLI gives you the opportunity to run directly from your computer. This limits the potential exposure from introducing an application to your phone. You'll need to connect to chat rooms or direct messages by receiving an invitation link out of band, and importing the invite code into the CLI.

Download SimpleX Chat

Further resources

Let's test together the service & join the LunarDAO Community Chat on SimpleX

Invite link:

BTC --> XMR Atomic Swap Guide

This is a guide using Comit-network's unstoppableswap-gui.

Swaps currently only work one direction as of June 2023, Bitcoin --> Monero. There is no atomic swap for the other direction, XMR --> BTC. This is due to a technical constraint from the Monero side. There is ongoing research into this topic.

  • Download the unstoppableswap-gui release for your system.

  • After downloading the latest release, the user will be greeted with the swap menu.

  • Choose swap provider.
    • Parameters to consider when choosing a swap provider:
      • Network (Mainnet or Testnet)
      • Uptime
      • History
      • Exchange rate
      • Maximum/minimum swap amount
  • After choosing swap provider and inputting the amount of Bitcoin to swap, select SWAP.

  • Input which XMR address to receive funds to.
  • Input a BTC address to receive a refund to (this refund is only there if something goes wrong during the trade, all bitcoin will be returned to the BTC address).
  • Select Start Swap.
  • The unstoppableswap-gui client will communicate the fee with the market maker, then the user will receive a Bitcoin deposit address. Send Bitcoin to this deposit address.
    • The user is given a range that the market maker will accept, and it is possible to send any amount between this range.
    • The BTC transaction need to reach 2 confirmations, after which the market maker then locks up the Monero.
    • The Monero is locked up for 10 confirmations. Then the market maker has the BTC deposited to their address.
    • After the market maker funds are deposited, the XMR is deposited in the wallet address which was provided before.
  • After the designated amount of confirmations, the XMR is available in the user wallet!

Enhanced privacy and tips:

  • In the Help menu, enable tor by selecting START TOR.
  • Use own Electrum Server or a trusted party's server.
  • Use coin control when using bitcoin, and always use an address thats never been used for the Bitcoin refund address.
  • Find swap providers here:

SIP calls with & csip

SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol that is used in VoIP communications. SIP is used to initiate and setup voice or video calls. This guide explains how someone can obtain an internet based phone number without identification that can be used on a mobile device.

Setting up metamask wallet

Make sure to stay anonymous when paying for the new number with Bitcoin. One option is to anonymize ETH and then swap to BTC:

  1. Add Metamask extension/add-on to Tor Browser (it will say it's for Firefox, but it will work anyway).

Note: always protect your network privacy. NEVER use same wallet which you have used for doxxed crypto and do no not use this wallet going forward with doxxed crypto. This wallet should be completely separate from any other activity you've done on-chain or off. If there is no need to be anonymous these consideration can be disregarded.

  1. Create a new Metamask account in tor browser. Only use these accounts with tor browser. See steps in Fiat to crypto 'Set up metamask wallet'.

  2. Anonymize your assets by using Firn and send to your new account.


  • Don't withdraw immediately after depositing.

  • Don't withdraw the exact same amount you deposited.

  • Don't withdraw to a previously used address/Withdraw to your new Metamask wallet address.

  • Use a private RPC-endpoint.

Use Trocador to swap from ETH to BTC.

To exchange from fiat money (paper money) to crypto assets, see Fiat to crypto guide.

cake wallet setup

BTC can be stored in ie. Cake wallet.

When setting up cake wallet for the first time there are privacy-enhancing selection which can be made.

  1. Open Cake Wallet. After selecting currency ad pin (in the same window as choosing seed language) –> click on “Advanced Privacy Settings”.
  2. Change the Fiat API and Exchange settings from “Enabled” to “Tor only” (recommended) or “Disabled”.
  3. Add a custom node. You can choose from many different nodes located here

Below is Cake wallets Monero onion node as an example:

Node Address: cakexmrl7bonq7ovjka5kuwuyd3f7qnkz6z6s6dmsy3uckwra7bvggyd.onion
Node port: 18081
Login: (blank)
Password: (blank)
Use SSL: (unticked)  
  1. Render a random wallet name. Next.
  2. Copy your seed phrase and save it somewhere securely and save the pin alongside the generated wallet name.

Setting up JMP chat number

  1. Go to and sign up a new account. Make sure to use a VPN when you create an account, so that IP address is not leaked. Sign in.
  2. Go and select a number.
  3. Choose "I already have a Jabber ID I want to use for this number".
  4. Submit Jabber ID when prompted (your movim login ie.
  5. In enter " register" to start the registration of the number, "next" to agree to the terms and select number 2 for bitcoin payment, choose currency and next on "Enter Optional Referral Code" unless possessing such.
  6. Pay the minimum amount and whatever additional credit to use for SIP calls.

Acquiring SIP account information in Movim

  • In cheogram bot chat enter 'Reset sip account' to get sip account information.

  • Download Csip to phone.

  • Open the application & select "Add acount" - "Basic".

    • Account name: chosen display name.
    • User: The user name returned by cheogram sip account information.
    • Server: What is returned in the previous step ie.
    • Password: Provided in sip account information.
  • Register --> ready to call.

Signal privacy guide

If you use Signal and you're concerned about your privacy, consider enabling these settings within your signal application.

Anonymous phone number - You can use our jmp guide to obtain an anonymous phone number.

Privacy settings

Configure the privacy settings from your mobile device as you have the most power - user settings.

  • Incognito Keyboard: avoid your keyboard personalized learning.
  • Screen lock: enable app-specific authentication. If you ever lose access to your phone while unlocked, they'll also need to unlock your signal app
  • Disappearing messages and Default timer for new chats: To prevent messages from staying on both yours and your contacts devices forever.
  • Read receipts and typing indicators: Control what information your device gives to your contact, like when you read their message, and when you are typing a response.
  • Relay calls: In Advanced settings --> Select Always relay calls.
    • This relays calls through the signal server so you don't reveal your device's IP address to your contact. Signal's server can see your IP address.

Other privacy considerations

  • If you cannot connect to Signal because it's blocked in your country, use a proxy.
  • If you'd like to host a signal proxy, check out documentation here:
  • Route your signal traffic using a VPN or Tor (there can be quality issues depending on your connection speed).
  • If you sync your account onto a computer, configure strong the hardware privacy/security settings.
    • If someone gains access to the hardware your signal account is sync'd to, they have access to all your messages that are sync'd between the devices, previously and in perpetuity until the account is removed from the "linked devices" (Disappearing messages addresses some of this issue).
    • Linked devices can only be removed from the mobile device.


Task warrior is a task manager which is free and open source. It can be synced between devices and git. There are many options for customization.



All commands can be found by using task help or task report for basic commands. Check taskwarrior's documentation for a more complete walkthrough. Here are some useful commands to get started.

Add task

  • Add task without any other variables.

task add <name of task>

Assign priority to task

  • Priority is a subjective value assigned to a task that indicates its relative importance or order of execution compared.
  • The task priority can be set to H (high), M (medium) or L (low).

task <number> priority:H
task <number> priority:L
task <number> priority:M

  • There is also a column in taskwarrior which is called Urg. Urgency is an objective value calculated by Taskwarrior based on various factors such as due dates, priority, and waiting status. To see the most urgent task use task next.

Create new task and when it is due to be finished

task add <name of task> due:eom

  • eom --> end of month.
  • today --> todays date will appear.
  • tomorrow --> tomorrows date will appear.
  • eoww --> means end of work week and will give the date of the following friday.
  • For a specific date the format is the YYYY-MM-DD.
  • To remove a due date use modify and leave due empty. Also see modify tasks.

task <number> modify due:

  • For a calendar overview of tasks and when they need to be completed.

task calendar

Start task

task <number> start

Stop task

task <number> stop

  • To change status of a task from active to inactive.

Delete task

task <number> delete

  • It's also possible also use task <number> purge instead of delete to completely remove task rather than change status to deleted.

When a task is completed

task <number> done

  • To see completed tasks: task completed.

Modify task

  • All tasks when created will be assigned a number. To modify the task:

task <number> modify <what you want to modify>, for example to change the priority to a more urgent task (or vice versa).

task <number> modify Priority:H

Add tags

  • Tags can be added like this:

+<name of tag>

  • Remove tag: -<name of tag>.

task <number> modify -<name of tag>

Details about task

task <number>

Edit task details

task <number> edit

List of tasks

task list

task all

  • See all tasks including those deleted or completed.

Create task within a project

task add learn veracrypt project:'privacy'

task project: list

  • Find tasks without project.

task projects

  • List existing projects.

show tasks added within a certain time frame

task entry.after:today-4days list

  • Tasks added the past four days. Change four to something else depending on how many days you want to see.

task entry:yesterday list

  • Tasks added yesterday.

task entry.after:now-1hour list

  • Tasks added the last hour. Change one to another number as needed.

Graph of pending, started and completed tasks

task burndown.daily

  • Per day.

task burndown.weekly

  • Per week.

task burndown.monthly

  • Per month.

Other resources

Here are educational videos on how to install and use Taskwarrior.

List of privacy tools

As efforts on decentralization, privacy and zero-knowledge cryptography constantly develop, we should not see privacy and distribution as a goal in a distant future. LunarDAO aims to see what tools and possibilities are there here and now. As a community of Lunarpunks we have the ability to compile a solid pool of resources, links, manuals which constantly evolves. It is import for everyone to make their own evaluation of these projects privacy standard and make an informed decision what to use based on that.

Online video sharing platforms

A private YouTube client.

Invidious is an open-source alternative to YouTube and is intended as a privacy alternative to the official YouTube website.


  • Jitsi
    The calls can be with out without video, there is a texting function that can be used during the call, the chat room have a generated name and can also be used with a password.

Messaging apps/clients

For all the private messaging options it is necessary to use an application to hide your IP address, such as ProtonVPN, RiseupVPN or TOR. If used on phone - do not use a sim-card and set up an automatic reset of the mac address on every re-connection.

  • Darkirc
    Darkirc is a fully anonymous peer-to-peer communication tool developed by DarkFi which can be used encrypted or unencrypted, supports DM and group chats. Works with clients like Weechat directly in terminal. No need to create an account, no captchas, no bloated app with extra empty screen space. Fully distributed, runs on tor.

  • Simplex chat
    End-to-end encrypted messaging for chat, audio and video with no identifiers assigned to the users. Can be set up for terminal usage. Documentation

  • Session
    Session is an open source messenger that supports private and anonymous communications; DM, group chats, and voice calls.
    Documentation and Whitepaper.

  • Signal
    Signal is a free, end-to-end private messenger for DM, group chats and calls. At present, to set up Signal you need a phone number.

  • Molly
    Molly is an independent Signal fork for Android. Molly is compatible with Signal user but also has a few more unique features, including SOCKS proxy and Tor support.

  • Element
    End-to-end encrypted messenger for DM and group chats, and video. Bridges to other chat app, even commercial/centralized an not private ones, such as Whatsapp and Telegram.

  • XMPP with Jabber or Pidgin
    XMPP is a set of open technologies for instant messaging, group chat, voice and video calls. It is decentralized and open source.

  • Threema
    Is an end-to end encrypted messenger for phone and desktop. User don't have to provide a phone number. Costs $6.

  • My Sudo
    End-to-end encrypted messaging with the possibility to create multiple numbers, group chats, disappearing messages and soon also ability to create virtual cards. Available in US.

  • Hushed
    Offers phone number aliases. The user can create multiple phone numbers.

Phone numbers

An important note is to use Tor browser or VPN (ideally with a browser which is focused on privacy such as Librewolf) when setting up the number, managing wallet and making transactions. Check Anonymizing assets for the payment. For use Sideshift to exchange to BTC.

    Provides a phone number, from US, which can be used for other apps. In Privacy setup you can go through the steps needed to set it up. Is payed with BTC.

  • Crypton
    Provide UK SIMs. The data is stored encrypted on their server which is located on Iceland. To sign up username and password is needed (email is optional). It's possible to pay with crypto, ie. Monero or Bitcoin.

Twitter front-end


  • Logseq
    Functions like mdbook. The user can create their own wiki and to-do lists in markdown. Also check out how to build an mdbook which can be used locally for own usage only, if that is the rquirement.

Virtual machines and Tails

  • Tails
    Tails is a portable operating system which protects against surveillance. The entire OS is on a USB without accessing or storing data in the computer (only using RAM). No metadata stored after shut down. MAc adress spoofing and tor network to connect to internet by default. Data on USB encrypted. Based on a minimalistic version of Debian - Gnome. GPG encryption, email client, onion file share, pidgin, wiping option, keepass, metadata cleaner etc by default. Tails has a function which shuts down the computer immediatly after USB removal.

  • Whonix
    Whonix is a virtual machine that runs like a process (an app) inside the OS, to help user stay anonymous on internet by for example randomizing IP address and using TOR. When shut down, no data is stored.

  • Qubes
    Works on a model of secure compartmentalization through virtualization, isolating both hardware and virtual machines (qubes) from each other. Creating not only a technical solution under the assumption that a user will suffer exploits, but also a mindset and praxis how to protect the user and limit the damage when events such as opening malicious links or files happen, by doing so in a disposable virtual machine.

Email and file encryption

  • OpenPGP
    OpenPGP is end-to-end encryption protocol used for email communication.

  • Rage
    File encryption to single or multiple recipients. Run in terminal.

Email provider

These email providers are without cost and end-to-end encrypted. For Riseup and Systemli an invite code is required to be able to create a new email.

  • Tutanota
    Is an end-to-end encrypted mail (between Tutanota email addresses). Tutanota also encrypts the entire mailbox and also offer encrypted address book and calendar. It is not possible to set up an account with Tor browser, but it is possible to use a more private browser alternative such as Librewolf together with VPN. After registration it takes 48h before activated as the address need to be approved.

  • Protonmail
    Is an end-to-end encrypted email service between protonmail accounts. It is possible to set up a free email, and the user have access directly.

  • Riseup

  • Systemli

Email aliases

  • SimpleLogin
    SimpleLogin provides email aliases so the user don't have to give their real email address. The email sent to the alias address will arrive to the real one.


  • OpenPGP
    OpenPGP is used for authenticating or encrypting data, using public key cryptography.

  • OpenKeyChain
    OpenKeychain stores and manages your keys, and those of the people you communicate with, on your Android smartphone.

Read more: PGP and OpenPGP.

Password manager

OTP Authenticator

  • FreeOTP Authenticator
    Generates a one-time passwords on your mobile devices which can be used in conjunction with the regular password to make your login nearly impossible to hack.

Disk encryption

  • VeraCrypt
    VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for creating encrypted storage; hidden or visible partitions or devices.

  • LUKS
    LUKS is a feature in linux distributions as well as on Tails. It is used for encryption of particitions, such as USB or disk.

VPN and Onion routing

VPN just like Tor protects your IP address. You can read more about the difference between Tor and VPN here.

  • Geph
    Free VPN. Can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux and android.

  • ProtonVPN
    Free option. The other options can be payed in cash or with Bitcoin.

  • RiseupVPN
    Free VPN.

  • Mullvad
    Can be payed in cash and Monero. No free option.

  • Tor browser
    A private browser which hides your IP address. The project is using onion routing; relays which are run by volonteers. The browser stores no data and also block trackers.

  • Lokinet
    A private browser (onion routing) that hides your IP address. It is decentralized and run on nodes in Oxen network. More info about how it works and differences with other options in their faq.

  • IVPN
    No logs, no user data stored. Protecting IP address from exposure.


  • Librewolf
    Is a custom version of Firefox which is privacy oriented. It includes search providers like Duck duck go, uBlock content blocker, no telemetry (automatic recording and transmission of data for monitoring and analysis).

Private network layer

  • I2P
    Is an encrypted private network layer. The traffic inside I2P does not interact with the internet directly, it is a layer on top of the Internet. I2P protects activity, no one can see the origin, destination, or contents of the data. It is a peer-to-peer network and if the user wants to protect their IP address they also need to use a VPN while using I2P.

MAC address randomization

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Ethernet connections all use MAC addresses (Media Access Control Address). MAC addresses are always a 12 digit hexadecimal number, with the numbers separated every two digits by a colon or hyphen. MAC addresses are used to identify which device is which on users local network. Because they’re unique, MAC addresses can be used to track a user. When walking around, a smartphone scans for nearby Wi-Fi networks and broadcasts its MAC address. For better privacy it is good to learn how to change the MAC address. Here are three pages which addresses this issue:

  • Android developers

  • GrapheneOS
    Read more under 'Secure android phone'.

  • Cyberithub
    A guide on how to install macchanger on Debian based OS and how to change the mac address manually (the random changes during testing didn't work so far, but doing it manually works well).

IMEI randomization

Banana phone

IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. It is a unique numeric identifier of GSM, or 3GPP and iDEN mobile phones, as well as some satellite phones.

IMEI randomization: Nokia "Banana" phone (Nokia 8110) has different ways to be hacked for IMEI randomization. The most simple way is to install Wallace Toolbox.

eSIM cards/virtual numbers

  • Silent link
    An eSIM that can be acquired with crypto such as Monero. US number, UK number or data only.

  • Crypton
    Virtual SIM which can be paid in crypto. Data is encrypted with user key (though note that some metadata, such as dates remain unencrypted).

Digital photo metadata removal

  • Exiftool

  • ExifCleaner

  • ObscuraCam
    With this app you can blur faces and remove metadata.

  • Scrambled Exif
    To use Scrambled Exif, you don't need to open the application. Instead, go directly to the Gallery, select the picture you want to share --> click on the share icon --> select Scrambled Exif --> choose the app you want to use to send the picture --> choose contact and send --> Done.

File sharing tools

  • Onionshare
    With Onionshare the user can anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network.

  • Send
    Private file sharing, easy to use drag-and-drop.

Shred/Wipe files

  • Shred files on linux
    The shred command helps to overwrite the data of a file or disk several times. This makes it harder for third party software and hardware probing to recover the data, which is supporting users privacy.

  • Bleachbit
    Free software to free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files and delete logs.

Public wifi networks

  • Freifunk
    A non-commercial initiative for free wireless networks.

  • Wifi Map
    A free wifi search tool. Enter city and receive all free wifi options in ths city.

Search engines

  • Whoogle for example Whoogle instance via Seth for privacy.
    Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, AMP links, cookies, or IP address tracking.

  • Startpage
    Search engine without tracking and search history. Can be used with Anonymous view, which protects your IP address.

  • Duck duck go
    No tracking, no ads and no storing of personal information.

Collaboration tools

  • Hedgedoc
    Hedgedoc is a collaboration tool which can also be self hosted without needing a lot of resources (can ie. run on rasperry pi). In Hedgedoc it's possible to write documents in Markdown with immediate rendering or even make markdown slides.

  • Nextcloud
    Nextcloud is a collaboration platform where it is possible to co-edit document, share files, chat, make video calls, manage mail and share calendar. For additional privacy the team can encrypt the files that they want to share with each other on Nextcloud.

  • Cryptpad
    Is a tool for co-editing documents (also possible to do in markdown) and provide a storage space.

Publishing platforms

  • Freenet
    Freenet supports file sharing, browsing and publishing of so called "freesites" (web sites accessible only through Freenet). It can be used in "darknet" mode, which means that user only connect to their friends. This makes it more difficult for third party to detect.

Offline maps

For android phones.

These two applications are very useful as they are offline maps. They also contain ads and asks for some permissions that are not needed for functionality. Check Privacy setup for more information.

Virtual payment cards

  • Fastcoincard
    Is a virtual Visa card, which can be used in stores and on sites that accept Visa for payments. It is possible to deposit with for example BTC and ETH, one time or reloadable card.

  • Coincards
    Gift cards, mobile top-ups, and prepaid Vouchers. Can be used in Canada, USA, and UK. Australia and Europe is said to be coming soon.

To be anonymous when depositing money to the card, see steps on how to anonymize ETH in Anonymizing assets. Use Sideshift to swap from ETH to BTC, or explore Panther protocol for anonymizing USDC. No KYC.

Privacy resources

  • Opt Out Podcast
    A podcast abut why privacy matters, as well as a resource to find relevant privacy tools.

  • Privacy tools provides services, tools and privacy guides to counter global mass surveillance.

  • Anonymous Planet: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity
    This guide aims to provide an introduction to various online tracking, and online ID verification techniques, and detailed guidance to creating and maintaining (truly) anonymous online identities.

  • Privacy Guides
    The privacy tools are primarily chosen based on security features, with additional emphasis on decentralized and open-source tools.

  • Agorism blog is a resource to support the liberation of the individual and community from state censorship, surveillance and coercion with agorism. Also check

  • Web3 privacy now is a research project aimed at building a culture of privacy in web3.

  • Awesome privacy is a list of free, open source and privacy oriented tools.

  • is gathering crypto projects where the user do not need to identify themselves.

Privacy setup: Graphene OS & Banana phone

This privacy setup guide's aim is to support those interested in getting started with digital privacy practices, but might also provide something new to those who are more experienced. It is important to remember that even if personal privacy is paramount, one of the main reasons for compromised privacy is that those we communicate with are not thinking about privacy. That's why it is important to share existing resources with each other as well as understanding how to use them. Check out Privacy resources for more projects.

Secure Android phone

What is needed

Google Pixel 4 or higher (less than 4 is no longer maintained. Check specifics for 6a on Graphene OS web page if considering getting this one specifically)
Google Pixel phones can be purchased from ProxyStore in a private manner. Some of the Google Pixel phones are carrier locked (OEM locked) and there is no way to know until opening the phone and viewing if the OEM unlock option is disabled. This OEM is an option in the developer options section which need to be unlocked in order to install Graphene OS. Check with the seller when buying the phone if it is possible to unlock OEM.

Graphene OS

Here are some of the features of Graphene OS, check their website for more:

  • Graphene OS is not based on Google and can be run completely without any Google apps, emails etcetera, but it is possible to use these applications if wanted. Rather, it is the choice of the user and not a default.
  • Every time the phone connects to internet, the MAC address is changed (randomly).
  • No sensitive metadata in screenshots and pictures (it only includes the orientation). Note that metadata stripping for videos is not implemented.
  • There is an option for PIN scrambling, which means that the numbers on the display change place every time the user enters the PIN, so nobody can figure out the PIN from watching the user input their code.
  • If the phone has been inactive for a certain period of time (from 10 min as the shortest time to 72h as longest) it will autoreboot.
  • Sensor permission can be disallowed (ie. camera, microphone, body sensor, activity recognition). When access is disabled, apps receive zeroed data when they check for sensor values.
  • It's possible to create multiple users on one phone. The separate users are isolated from each other. More on this in section 'User profiles on Graphene OS' below.

Here is some information about the lack of privacy with Google and the benefits with Graphene OS. Check out GrapheneOS; the greatest mobile OS of all time, which also include links (in descriptions) to more reading on 'Privacy violations of stock android' and Samsung and Facebook data collection.

If there are any difficulties with the installation, it is possible to ask for support in our forum. Graphene OS also has a support chat (Element).

Steps for installation of applications

  • When starting the process of installing applications, the recommendation is to first download Tor browser for android. On Graphene, Vanadium is the pre-installed default browser, using as search engine.
  • Install Tor browser via Vanadium and then open the application.
  • Go to F-Droid and download the F-Droid app.
  • With F-Droid, download and install Aurora store(to be able to install apps with security issues preferrably on an island (using ie.insular) or apps which is not existing in f-droid).
  • Download Geph (from Aurora store), ProtonVPN or Bitmask from f-droid and directly set up a VPN. Check Privacy tools for more options.


An IP address is a digital address. Every device connected to the internet has one, and someone who looks up your IP address can see your location. The VPN, such as the ones mentioned above, are used to protect the IP address. When using a VPN it appears as if ths user is somewhere else in the world.

  • After the VPN is installed, go to Settings --> Networks & internet --> VPN. The installed VPN has a settings option there. Select 'Always-on VPN' to be sure that the IP address is always protected. The VPN can also be switched off and on manually.
  • Go to the downloaded VPN app to check that it's on. In the free versions there only a few options for IP address (it's possible to select by country in protonVPN, and by city in Bitmask).
  • Go to What is my IP to see if it correlates with the selected VPN.
  • When this setup is completed, install other applications.

The VPN solutions that exist today route traffic through proxies. Any adversary that surveils the traffic can view the size of data packets entering and leaving the VPN service. With internet traffic surveillance, an adversary can see who, when, and how often you communicate with someone. The paid ProtonVPN option provides the possibility of secure core which means two hops. There is also the option of Orbot which is developed by Tor project. To ensure network privacy VPNs are incomplete as a solution and something to keep in mind.

Applications for your Graphene OS phone

App store:

Both function like any app store. F-Droid will mark apps with Anti-features if, for example, they contain ads or not open source or not free.

Messaging app:

  • Simplex chat is an end-to-end encrypted messaging for chat, audio and video with no identifiers assigned to the users. The username can be changed, random names can be generated for new chats and subaccount can be created for different communication needs.

  • Many still use Signal, which unfortunately requires a phone number. If using signal, a phone number can be acquired via or Crypton.

Signal is widely used and well known, but it isn't the only messaging app that focuses on privacy. Also check Privacy tools for more options.

How to get a number from

  1. Go to and sign up a new account. Make sure to use a VPN when you create an account, so that IP address is not leaked.
  2. Make a new account based on the guided steps as it gets you to or
  3. Sign in.
  4. Go and select a number.
  5. Add your account to the prompt.
  6. Continue with the bot in your chat based on instructions + pay.

Make sure to stay anonymous when paying for the new number with Bitcoin. One option is to anonymize ETH and then swap to BTC:

  • Add Metamask extension/add-on to Tor Browser (it will say it's for Firefox, but it will work anyway).
  • Create a new Metamask account.
  • Only use this account with Tor browser which means setting up the add-on every time as Tor browser don't save any data (which is the privacy consideration we are looking for).
  • Change RPC.
  • Check this guide on how to anonymize assets.
  • Use Sideshift to swap from ETH to BTC.
  • One can for example use Electrum wallet to for BTC. Make sure to use tor or VPN.

To exchange from fiat money (paper money) to crypto assets, see Fiat to crypto guide.


  • Tutanota
    Is end-to-end encrypted mail (between Tutanota email addresses). Tutanota also encrypts the entire mailbox and also offer encrypted address book and calendar.

  • Protonmail
    The Protonmail mobile app can be downloaded in the Aurora Store. It is possible to set up a free email. To create the email anonymously, be sure to use a VPN when signing up. It is end-to-end encrypted between protonmail accounts.

To email other addresses securely, create an encryption key with:

  • OpenKeychain. With this application it is possible to create or import an encryption key. To set up, write a nick and an email and a key will be generated. To share the Public key, select the entry that was just made --> click on the three dots in the upper right corner --> choose Advanced --> Share --> Share with and share icon --> the application to use in order to send the key --> Send. The format will be .asc. You can import this .asc file into your Protonmail account.


  • Tor browser. Tor has built in protection of IP address.

  • Fennec is based on the latest Firefox release. This browser blocks trackers and also has a private mode. The private mode means that when selecting the mask in the upper right corner of the browser, a tab with enhanced privacy properties will open, from which history is cleared when closing the tab or app.

Video app (Youtube front-end):

  • PipePipe is an ad free YouTube alternative.


  • Markor for writing Markdown docs, and because its also compatible with any other plaintext software on any platfrom, it is compatible with usage on computer.

Isolation of non-privacy apps:

  • Insular, which creates an island and isolates this space from the rest of your phone. On the island it is possible to keep apps which have security issues. Such apps can be downloaded in the island via Aurora store.

In Insular there is Mainland and Island. These two are separated from each other. Certain applications can cause security problems, such as Google apps which gather a lot of user data.

On the main screen there will be two options, Personal and Work. All applications on the Island exists on the Work screen. They are visible with a lock on the logo and through this they can be distinguished from other applications. These icons can be moved from somewhere else if this is wanted.

In Insular: In the Mainland section, click on an application, ie. Aurora store. There is a plus (+) in the lower right corner. When clicking on the plus (+), it's possible to clone the app from Mainland to the Island.

If Aurora store is opened on the Island, all downloaded applications from Aurora store will be directly stored on the Island.

Also see the option of User profiles on Graphene OS below.

Remove metadata from pictures:

To use Scrambled Exif, there is no need to open the application. Instead, go directly to the Gallery, select the picture to share, click on the share icon, and select Scrambled Exif. Then choose the app to use in order to send the picture, choose contact and send.


Both of these applications can be used as offline maps. asks for a lot of permissions. It is possible to deny all of them for privacy considerations (the request for permissions appear two times). After having denied the requests, go to Settings --> Apps --> All apps --> --> Permissions. Disallow sensors and allow folder and media (so the two allowed are Network and Folder and media for internet and storage). Both of these apps have anti-features, but offline maps can be handy to have.

Crypto wallet:

  • Monerujo is a Monero wallet, which allows usage of tor onion nodes when connecting the wallet.

  • Cake wallet. Send, receive and exchange Monero, Bitcoin, Litecoin and Haven with Cake Wallet. It's good to utilize Monero as it is private by default, but there might be occasions when other currencies are needed. If the device has been set up in a secure way (using VPN or tor), then other transactions are not connected to a IP address which is also connected to the real address.

User profiles on Graphene OS

Graphene OS User profiles are isolated workspaces that has it's own set of encryption keys. It functions as setting up a completely new phone and each profile have their own instances of apps, app data and profile data (contacts, media store, home directory and so on). Apps can't see the apps running on other user profiles and can only communicate with apps within the same profile. The profiles have separate passwords. It is possible to have 31 (+1 guest) profiles.

If holding the power button (as if wanting to reboot phone), select End session and everything that was running on the profile has been terminated (not deleted, just shut down). This avoid leakage of metadata when not actively using that profile and also ensures no apps running in the background.

To set up a new User profile, go to:

  • Settings --> System --> Multiple users.
  • Toggle Allow Multiple users
  • Select Add user, chose name etcetera. Note: Everything need to be set up from scratch.


Banana phone as hotspot

  • Read SIM card data collection to have a background for the suggestion to not use a SIM card in this set up.
  • Read Nokia "Banana" jailbreak on how to set up a Nokia 8110, to use as a hotspot for the Graphene phone, and be able to randomize IMEI number.

Anonymizing assets

LunarDAO is focused on privacy oriented projects. This ethos permeates how you should participate in the DAO. Privacy techniques are strongly encouraged when interacting with the DAO. Make sure to also DYOR.

Privacy leaks

Each piece of information that a user gives up degrades their privacy. Achieving anonymity on a transparent chain is extremely difficult.

Privacy degradation stems from:

  • Doxxed addresses
  • Network leaks
  • Side channel attacks

LunarDAO participants should solve for all of these threats.


If you are looking to participate in the DAO, a user should use anonmyzing privacy techniques BEFORE particpating in the DAO. Here are two guides that give information about how to best anonymize your ETH using tools like Tornado cash and off-chain strategies.

Protect network pivacy and metadata

Consider using NYM mixnet to protect your IP address and metadata, Tor browser, Geph, Proton VPN or Mullvad VPN (note that VPNs change location, but doesn't necessarily protect metadata. DYOR) or run your own private node to submit transactions. Another option is to run operations on Tails or in a Virtual machine.

Your IP address and the wallet software has the ability to de-anonymize a user. If the software or software provider can collect the information, assume it is collecting the information.

ETH Node

If you have the ability to run an ETH node, you should do so before transmitting any transaction. If you end up running your own node be sure to change your wallet software to your RPC.

Running a node:

RPC Settings

If you don't run a node, you should still change your RPC to a more private option.

Potential RPC options:

Of course aim to use a provider you can trust. The endpoint maintained by Paralelní Polis community is free for anyone to use:

Anonymize assets using ETH

  1. Add Metamask extension/add-on to Tor Browser (it will say it's for Firefox, but it will work anyway).
    Note: always protect your network privacy. See above.
  • NEVER use same wallet which you have used for doxxed crypto and do no not use this wallet going forward with doxxed crypto. This wallet should be completely separate from any other activity you've done on-chain or off.
  1. Create two new Metamask accounts on Tor browser. Only use these accounts with Tor browser. See steps in Fiat to crypto 'Set up metamask wallet'.

  2. Anonymize your assets by using Firn and send to your new account.


  • Don't withdraw immediately after depositing.

  • Don't withdraw the exact same amount you deposited.

  • Don't withdraw to a previously used address.

  • Here is a user guide.

Anonymize assets using XMR

Note: As shared above, network privacy is an important part of remaining undoxxed.

When starting with ETH/BTC/USDT/LTC/USDC (and many more options) on non-anon wallet.

  1. Set up a Monero wallet on desktop or in a Virtual machine.

  2. Swap ETH/BTC/USDT/LTC/USDC (etcetera) to Monero (XMR) from non-anon wallet with:

  1. Send XMR to your new Monero wallet.

  2. Set up Metamask wallet on Tor browser (and change RPC).

  3. Swap back to ETH from XMR using options in step 2 and sent asset to the new wallet which was set up in step 4.

Anonymize assets using BTC

*Note: Bitcoin is a transparent UTXO based chain. Any privacy obfuscation you've performed is visible on-chain. The process described below provides plausible deniability for the user.

If you want to keep your assets in BTC, you can use coinjoin to break the previous bitcoin on-chain history.

  1. Setup a Samourai wallet. The best practice is that you should use your own node for this practice. Ronindojo is a node package that has great compatibility with Samourai wallet.

  2. Send BTC to your samourai wallet and coinjoin your BTC. The user has a variety of UTXO denominations to choose from. You can obtain a larger anonymity-set by keeping your BTC coinjoining for more rounds.

  3. If you are spending, you have the ability to perform a 2-person collaborative coinjoin with another user via their spend tool called Stonewall2x. This makes the spend transaction look more confusing on-chain.

  4. If looking to receive donations or publicly post a static bitcoin address, consider using the samourai wallet feature called paynym. The sending/receiving wallet must be compatible with the Paynym standard. Paynyms are a stealth address built on bitcoin.

Changing RPC guide

By changing default RPC to a custom we are aiming for privacy. That does not mean that any custom RPC will suffice. The RPC used must be TRUSTED.


1. Go to Networks

  • Go to Setting in Metamask and select NETWORKS to add a custom RPC.

2. Add a network

  • Click on ADD A NETWORK

3. Add a network manually


4. Add information for custom RPC

The custom RPC (for Etherum in this guide, can be any other network) is mostly using the same information as Etherum mainnet. Because we want to change the RPC for Etherum; Chain ID, Currency symbol and Block explorer URL remain the same.

  • Change NETWORK NAME (which can be any name and is visible to the user on their own account).
  • Enter NEW RPC URL. This need to be a TRUSTED endpoint.
    Paralelní Polis is offering the community to use their endpoint
  • SAVE

5. Choose your custom RPC

Select your custom RPC in the upper right corner. It will show a question mark, but this nothing to be worried about. It is how any network you add will appear in Metamask.

More information about RPC in Anonymizing assets.

Privacy projects

The projects below are all claiming to be privacy oriented, but that doesn't mean that all of them are completely private. Every user need to make their own research. LunarDAO also have plans to go deeper into these projects and continously update this wiki with relevant information.

Layer 1

  • Monero is private by default crypto currency.

  • Zcash is a private crypto currency and also allows for transparent transactions.

  • Oxen is a private cryptocurrency, Session, an end-to-end encrypted messaging platform, and Lokinet which provides network anonymity are both built atop of Oxen.

  • Anoma is a privacy oriented protocol which supports both transparent and shielded transactions. Whitepaper

  • NYM
    Is a decentralized mixnet ensuring data and metadata privacy.

  • HOPR
    Is a decentralized mixnet ensuring data and metadata privacy.

Layer 2

  • Panther protocol is a privacy solutions for Polygon and Ethereum (shielding using MASP).

  • Tornado cash
    Tornado cash is a privacy solution on Ethereum (using a ZK pooling system to mix currencies and obscure their origin).
    Tornado cash doc page is down, but here is another User guide. Also check out the archive for TC docs. Check out Steps to anonymize while using eth in Anonymizing assets to learn how to not get doxxed when interacting with TC.

  • Sienna network is a privacy by default crypto currency built on Secret Network. It's possible to acquire the token (SIENNA) on Uniswap.

  • Railgun is a privacy solution for transactions on Etherum, Polygon and Binance. The token (RAIL) can be acquired on Uniswap. Whitepaper

Keep a look out for these projects

  • DarkFi
    A layer 1, privacy by default lunarpunk project.

  • Penumbra is a privacy solution for Cosmos ecosystem (IBC assets).

P2P trading platforms

  • Agoradesk
    A P2P Bitcoin and Monero exchange. It's possible to buy BTC and XMR with cash.

  • Bisq
    A P2P trading platform. Diverse ways for payment. Check Payment methods.

  • Local Monero
    A P2P Monero exchange. Different payment methods which also includes cash.

Proxy merchants

  • Sovereign Stack
    Non KYC service paying for your online shopping to preserve your privacy. Pay in Monero or Bitcoin.

Proxy store

  • ProxyStore
    A non KYC store paying for your online shopping to preserve your privacy. It also has a storefront that sells physical products such as Banana and Google Pixel phones and faraday bags. Pay in Monero or Bitcoin.

Anoma Protocol

A market researcher Serinko, whom you may remember from HCPP 2022 recently agreed to join LunarDAO research committee as an external. The following report is an illustration of Serinko's past work, done for Black Sky Nexus in collaboration with Stellar Magnet. The following report was originally published in the the first issue of Nexus in autumn 2022.

Authors: Stellar Magnet, Serinko

Project Summary

Anoma is a new privacy-focused protocol that includes native features for counterparty discovery based on matchmaking intents, with support for multi-chain atomic settlements 1. Anoma is being developed by Heliax AG (Heliax), who are the founding development team funded by the Anoma Foundation, the latter of whom raised a $6.8M seed round in January 2021 and a $26M follow-on round in November 2021, valuing Anoma at $260M. 2

The narrative around the Anoma protocol is heavily constructed around this concept of intents as a core aspect of the protocol design. Intents are envisioned to enable "any digital representation of value to be used as a means of exchange, payment or trade". Essentially, intents are a way for a user of the protocol to broadcast their desire to acquire a good or service for a particular price or within a particular price range. Anoma has broad goals for intents to be used for the bartering of goods and services in local physical communities 3, but there are currently no technical designs for how to realistically establish such barter economies.

In Anoma, validity predicates contain the logic that communicates with the state machine to ultimately identify whether a state change is valid. The validity predicate check is stateless and can be parallelized for any number of accounts that are involved in a transaction.

Initially Anoma is based on Tendermint, a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism, but later versions will deploy Typhon, which is Heliax's implementation of Heterogeneous Paxos that enables consensus to be shared across the states of independent (heterogeneous) chains, enabling multi-chain atomic settlement in a singular consensus round. A heterogeneous chain within the Anoma network is known as a fractal instance. 4

Anoma utilizes zk-SNARKs to provide transaction privacy, initially with the Multi-Asset Shielded Pool (MASP) that offers a singular anonymity set for both Ethereum and IBC-compatible assets 5 within a single fractal instance. Namada is the name of Anoma's initial fractal instance, which utilizes Tendermint and will include the MASP. Future versions of Anoma will replace the MASP with Taiga, which will eventually support a singular anonymity set across multiple fractal instances. 6

Heliax is also developing various languages that will spawn private and verifiable interfaces, protocols, and applications within the Anoma network. These languages include Juvix, Alucard, and Vamp-IR. Together, this set of languages is known as the J-group. 7

The two main problems Anoma is trying to address are that of scaling the number of parties involved in financial transactions ("n-party bartering") and bringing privacy to these types of transactions.


  • Heterogeneous Paxos and stateless validity predicate checks are each interesting designs in the landscape of scaling blockchain systems. We are curious to see whether Anoma bring this unique vision to life and whether they find success with it.
  • Vamp-IR, Anoma's language for creating universal representations of arithmetic circuits, can potentially be useful for other zk projects outside of Anoma.
  • Anoma's v3, with the full vision of Taiga implemented, is a more compelling offering compared to earlier versions of the protocol (v1, v2) that offer less privacy.

Production Stage: Testnet

Feigenbaum was Anoma’s first public testnet, launched in November 2021 8, and is currently down. The next testnet will operate on Namada 9, Anoma’s first fractal instance operating Anoma v1. Currently, there is not a way for future users to join the testnet, but future users can submit an email to receive a newsletter of pertinent announcements 10. There are plans to take Namada to mainnet, but the timeline is unclear.


Consensus Protocol

Initially Anoma is based on Tendermint, a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus mechanism, though later versions will deploy Typhon, which is Heliax's implementation of Heterogeneous Paxos that enables consensus to be shared across the states of independent (heterogeneous) chains, enabling multi-chain atomic settlement in a singular consensus round.

This will make possible the creation of multiple interoperable "fractal instances," which are sovereign chains that can have different functional utility and state machines, such as one being a bartering protocol, another supporting shielded assets, and another being a global settlement layer. Each of these fractal instances can have different security models as well, such as being proof of work, proof of authority, or proof of stake, etc.

This design is Anoma's solution for scaling, where diverse chains in the Anoma network will be able to easily intercommunicate with one another and settle transactions atomically, while utilizing independent state machines and security models. 4

Intent Gossip & Matchmaking Subprotocol

Anoma includes an intent gossip and matchmaking subprotocol which helps match and settle intents across multiple parties. Anoma does not require a double coincidence of wants, instead, as more intents are broadcast by gossip nodes, matchmaking nodes are able to help settle complex n-party trades atomically 11. For example, if the following intents are individually broadcast:

  • Alice wants to sell at most 8 $tokenA and buy at least 1 $tokenB
  • Bob wants to sell at most 1 $tokenB and buy at least 4 $tokenC
  • Carol wants to sell at most 4 $tokenC and buy at least 8 $tokenA

Then the first matchmaking node to match the three intents can facilitate settlement of the transaction and receive a reward. Alice did not have to find someone who wanted her 8 $tokenA for 1 $tokenB. Instead, the intent was matched with another intent, which ultimately got her the asset she was looking for, and at the exchange rate within her limits.

Once an intent is shared with a gossip node, it is considered binding, although it is possible to include an expiry time within the intent for how long the intent is valid. However these standards are not requirements when it comes to the Anoma protocol: since the intent and gossip matchmaking system is considered a subprotocol of Anoma, it is possible for there to be even more specific subprotocols developed that are better catered toward different use cases.12

While Anoma markets itself as "privacy-preserving protocol for decentralized counterparty discovery", in the v1 design of the intent gossip and matchmaking system, it is not possible for matchmaking nodes to do their job without knowing the contents of the intent (e.g. the currencies and exchange rates), although it is possible to have privacy for the address of the counterparties. 13

Validity Predicates

Similar to other distributed virtual machines such as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Anoma’s ledger contains multiple independent accounts with different state subspaces and code. What differs is the execution, as Anoma does not operate in a step-by-step order where contracts call each other. Instead, transactions execute arbitrary code in a WASM virtual machine, meaning any transaction is able to read or write any state as desired. For this to be written to the ledger, all accounts involved in the transaction must accept the transaction. The way this is handled in Anoma is with validity predicates. Validity predicates are code that each account has, in addition to each token (i.e. ETH, ATOM, BTC), or specialized accounts like zero-knowledge circuits. Validity predicates for each account are public code (in initial versions of Anoma), and contain the logic that communicates with the Anoma state machine, to ultimately identify whether a state change for an account is valid. The validity predicate check is stateless and can be parallelized for any number of accounts that are involved in a transaction.13 14

Treshold Decryption

Anoma will use Ferveo, a threshold transaction decryption scheme for front-running protection, where the set of transactions for a newly proposed block are encrypted, meaning validators have no information about the contents of the transactions and hence do not have a game-theoritic advantage over other users. As described in the Anoma whitepaper 13, the cryptography process proceeds as follows:

  1. Periodically, validators run a byzantine-fault tolerant distributed key generation protocol, generating a shared public key and private key shards split among the validators.
  2. Before submitting them to the peer-to-peer network, users encrypt transactions to this shared public key.
  3. The proposer then includes a set of encrypted transactions in a block, committing to a particular execution order.
  4. Once the block has been finalized, the validators run a threshold decryption protocol, each generating and gossiping their share of the decrypted transaction.
  5. Once the threshold is reached, the decrypted transactions can then be included in a future block, where it will be executed as soon as all prior transactions (in the previously committed-to execution order) have been decrypted and executed.


Namada is Anoma's initial fractal instance which deploys v1 of the Anoma protocol using Tendermint BFT consensus, and is under development by the founding team Heliax. Core to Namada's architecture is the Multi-Asset Shielded Pool (MASP), which allows all assets bridged to Namada from Ethereum or IBC chains to share a singular anonymity set. 15

Multi-Asset Shielded Pool (MASP)

Anoma supports both transparent and shielded transactions: it is not a fully shielded blockchain protocol. The MASP is the initial design included in Anoma v1, which provides support for shielded transactions in which transaction privacy is secured by a zero-knowledge circuit shared across all assets bridged to Namada. This results in a unified shielded pool where senders, recipients, amounts, and asset denominations for transactions taking place among two familiar parties are encrypted as far as the public is concerned. This means once users bridge their assets to Namada, the information will become part of a singular MASP with all of the different assets sent by other users, such as Ethereum ERC20 tokens and NFTs, or even IBC-compatible assets.

Trusted Setup

To enable the MASP, Namada requires a trusted setup ceremony, which is a multi-party computation (MPC) ceremony that lets many participants contribute randomness to a zk-SNARK's public parameters. Trusted setups consist of two phases. For the first phase, Namada will leverage the Powers of Tau from Zcash's Sapling MPC seeing as the first phase is circuit agnostic, so it's possible to bootstrap this process utilizing the data from an existing ceremony. For the second phase, a new ceremony is required to construct the parameters for the MASP zk-SNARK, since the phase is circuit-specific.16

Cryptography Enhancements

The current version of MASP relies on Groth16, which means that any changes to the pool design will require a new trusted setup. Heliax is researching upgrade paths and are considering using PlonKup (PLONK+plookup) or Halo 2 instead of the Groth16 based design17. PlonKup is a universal circuit that still requires a trusted setup, but upgrades wouldn't require new trusted setups. Halo 2 doesn't require a trusted setup.18


Heliax is developing various languages that will help spawn private and verifiable interfaces, protocols, and applications within the Anoma network. These languages include Juvix, Alucard, and Vamp-IR. Together, this set of languages is known as the J-group.7

  • Juvix is a statically typed functional language that supports compiling validity predicates to the C language. Juvix can be considered Anoma's Solidity, except it has the goal of enabling formally verifiable smart contracts.19
  • ALucard (Alu) is a domain-specific language (DSL) for writing zero-knowledge circuits that are compiled into Vamp-IR. Alu's syntax is derived from Common Lisp. 20
  • Vamp-IR is a language for specifying arithmetic circuits and consists of a parser, compiler, and a prover runtime. Vamp-IR stands for Vamp-IR Aliased Multivariate Polynomial Intermediate Representation.21 The compiler can transform an arithmetic circuit into a form compatible with any proving system backend, such as R1CS, vanilla PLONK, PLONK with lookups and/or custom gates, PLONKish Halo 2, etc. Vamp-IR enables a circuit IR to capture the intention of the circuit alone, and remains agnostic to both the proving system features and the specific constraint system it targets.22


Anoma predominantly describes and presents “transparent” Anoma in its whitepaper and blog documents. In transparent Anoma, validity predicate functions, as well as the asset type being traded via the gossip protocol, are public.23 “Private Anoma”, named Taiga, is currently in R&D by Heliax, but will bring privacy to both the validity predicate functions as well as the asset type being traded.24 An initial implementation of Taiga is expected to be included in v2 of Anoma 25, but Heliax has not yet figured out the complex fully homomorphic encryption/multi-party computation cryptography involved for multi-party private state transitions which is slated for v3 of the protocol.26


User Privacy

Public Validity Predicates Leak User Preferences

Anoma’s documentation provides a few examples of how a user can customize their account’s validity predicate to add additional verifiers, such as not accepting any state changes that result in the user’s BTC balance going below 3 or requiring the signature of two private keys instead of one for transfers above a certain value. 14

In initial versions of Anoma, such as v1, validity predicate functions are public, meaning when a user customizes their validity predicates, Anoma will leak data around balance preferences and transaction threshold amounts that require greater security. In later versions, v3, once the full spec of Taiga is devised, developed, and released, it will be possible to have validate predicates with private functions that support multi-party transactions.

Note: Namada's release path includes taking Anoma's v1 to mainnet, which does not yet fulfill on Anoma's mission of creating a “privacy-preserving protocol”.

Anoma Can Be Transparent and/or Private

Compared to privacy layer 1 protocols like Aleo, Penumbra, and DarkFi, Anoma is not a fully shielded blockchain and supports both transparent transactions in addition to shielded transactions.

The clearest competitor to Anoma is Cosmos when assessing Anoma from the higher architectural level with respect to the vision around fractal instances. If the Cosmos ecosystem decided to replace Tendermint with Typhon, then perhaps the two ecosystems would not be competitors, and would instead be allies.

Anoma’s fractal instances can be thought of as similar to Cosmos’s concept of zones, but they will be more advanced assuming the Heterogeneous Paxos spec is brought to life successfully, which has the design goal of achieving a multi-chain atomic settlement in a singular consensus round. A potential evolution of the Anoma ecosystem, once systems such as Taiga are fully developed, is many fractal instances that are fully shielded.

Given the current fractal instance design, and Anoma supporting both transparent and shielded interactions, there can be a lot more ways privacy can go wrong within Anoma, unless each fractal instance is designed and deployed very intentionally and the user has sufficient warnings when performing activities that can be potentially de-anonymizing in one way or another.

Anonymity Set

Since Namada, Anoma's first fractal instance is not currently live, there is no size yet of Anoma's anonymity set. But one of the key properties of Namada's MASP is that all assets will be sharing a singular anonymity set, initially supporting fungible or non-fungible assets on both Ethereum or IBC-compatible chains. Assuming enough users adopt Namada, this can significantly strengthen privacy guarantees compared to single asset protocols such as Tornado Cash or Aztec Network's, and will be useful for assets with low transaction volumes or transactions with high values, assuming they remained within Namada.15

Once Anoma develops Taiga, as well as a solution for private bridging (see their work-in-progress spec), then a singular anonymity set can be shared across multiple fractal instances 6, which will be a compelling offering if it works. Penumbra founder Henry de Valence and Anoma co-founder Christopher Goes were having a Twitter debate on September 17, 2022 about this topic of private bridging, and de Valence believes it is a bad design decision 27:

This is bad because private chains have meaningfully greater risks (e.g., secret inflation), and it’s important not to allow economic contagion between different shielded pools. Which is possible when the transfers are public, but isn’t when they’re private.

Although from a longer-term perspective, private bridging must be where the future of cryptocurrency is headed if one assumes there will be more private cryptocurrencies and people will always have the desire to transact between different types of currencies.

Networking Privacy

There are no mentions in Anoma's documentation for how the protocol aims to address privacy of networking data (e.g. IP address and packet sizes) for users or validators of the network. When the team was questioned in their Discord about this topic, co-founder Christopher Goes mentioned that they plan to eventually integrate a mix network such as Nym into the Anoma stack, but this was not an immediate priority. 6

Nowadays, experienced privacy advocates understand that this is a crucial design consideration that is important to be addressed to offer stakeholders the best "state of the art" privacy. Given that Anoma co-founder Awa Sun Yin's prior job was working "at a company that developed tools to deanonymize user data on blockchains and sold them for profit" 15, it is unfortunate that this dimension is not addressed in the current protocol design. Networking privacy is quite often an afterthought among many privacy-focused layer 1 projects, yet this is where adversarial parties can gather ephemeral networking data to partially de-anonymize validators, users, and transactions.

Censorship Resistance

The Ferveo threshold decryption mechanism is great for censorship-resistance, ensuring that validators behave in a credibly neutral way, which has become a more prominent design consideration in consensus protocols, after the August 8, 2022 US Treasury sanctions against Tornado Cash. 28

What is concerning when it comes to censorship resistance is this vision around fractal scaling proposed in the whitepaper 13:

The frequency of commerce is inversely correlated with the distance (of any form) between the counterparties: most buyers in Shanghai are buying from a seller in Shanghai, and most buyers in Berlin are buying from a seller in Berlin. The topology of a digital barter network should reflect this, for both reasons of latency and local sovereignty: transactions in Berlin should be settled on a Berlin-controlled ledger, transactions in Shanghai should be settled on a Shanghai-controlled ledger – and the (far more infrequent) transactions between Berlin and Shanghai should be settled when necessary on a global ledger.

With this scaling vision, local ledgers will potentially be less censorship resistant than global ledgers, since validators of local city-based ledgers will have to be more conscious of complying with local money transmitter laws, otherwise they can be fined or may go to jail. For example, let's say a Tehran fractal instance was created. Validators who are running a Los Angeles fractal instance will have to block incoming transactions from the Tehran instance, otherwise they will be breaking economic sanctions that exist between the USA and Iran.

While it seems possible in the future for Anoma to include private bridges wherein the “source fractal instance” cannot be identified 29, that does not mean it will be legal for a Los Angeles fractal instance to use bridging technology that blinds them from the transaction origination source, especially once Iranian, Syrian, and North Korean fractal instances are created.

It’s also possible a jurisdiction may ban fully private Anoma altogether and require fractal city-based instances to comply with local banking laws. If the intention is to build a system that can’t be regulated by local authorities, then stakeholders securing the ledger of a city-based instance are going to need a lot more privacy and will have to figure out how to earn trust in their ledger without publicly revealing their identity, while additionally doing a good job of masking their location in the city.

Ledgers based on existing cities that are tied to a specific jurisdiction don't seem that great for privacy or censorship resistance. While Anoma's intention seems to be honest, it results in a network design that may be more fragile. We are hoping this concept does not take off, but if it does, we recommend city-based ledgers assume the following qualities moving forward:

  • They are fully shielded: they never have a concept of transparent transactions or transparent validity predicates.
  • There is no way to bridge onto city-based ledgers from transparent chains external to Anoma, such as Ethereum or IBC-compatible chains.
  • If city-based ledgers are delegated proof of stake networks, then there is great privacy for both validators and delegators (networking privacy, identities, etc.).

Anoma's whitepaper was written before the Tornado Cash event, so hopefully the event at least serves as inspiration for the protocol visionaries to come up with better examples for fractal instances that don't accidentally make it so easy to recreate the existing financial order with a blockchain protocol. When a fractal instance is thought of more as an app chain, similar to a Cosmos zone, it's a lot easier to comprehend. Alternatively, if the vision of city-based ledgers was situated toward enabling a Parallel Polis, it would be more aligned with cryptocurrency's cypherpunk spirit.

Community Incentives

Namada is offering incentives for participating in their trusted setup ceremony 16. Regardless that the vision behind the Anoma protocol is one that champions privacy, KYC will be required to earn rewards in this incentive program. This is unfortunate, although these sort of over-compliance measures are expected for early stage protocols managed by foundations or corporations that have yet to decentralize operations, and hence have to follow jurisdictional laws, such as those of Switzerland, in the case of Anoma. ^30

It’s instead possible to design incentive programs that maintain the full privacy of the community, such as allowing incentive programs and tokenomics of the protocol to be managed and distributed by a community DAO or guild, although this alternate method is not necessarily aligned with the current normative venture capital fundraising model in which the initial tokenomics are controlled by the founding stakeholders.

Strategy & Narrative

Anoma suffers a narrative problem. First, it is difficult to imagine or understand how barter economies where farmers are exchanging goods can really be brought to life with Anoma or if a blockchain protocol is really needed for this use case, since tracking your harvest with a validity predicate doesn't seem practical.

In addition to these problematic bartering for physical goods examples, Anoma also quite often talks about the use case of a person trying to buy a festival ticket, a hotel, and a train ticket at the same time 11, which is uninspiring and doesn't seem like a super important problem to solve.

Anoma would be easier to understand if they focused on multi-asset exchanges, and used more relatable examples, as their existing narrative and usage examples generally weaken the value proposition of the protocol.

Additional Resources

Cryptography Research

Anoma has a research page where the team shares cryptography research papers they have contributed to which are related to the Anoma protocol design, particularly:

1‌. Accessed 2022.


Bourgi, Sam. “Polychain Capital Leads Anoma Network’s $26M Raise.” Cointelegraph, 17 Nov. 2021,


Goes, C, et al. “Anoma: Undefining Money Vision Paper.” 20 July 2021.


Sheff, Isaac. “Heterogeneous Paxos and Multi-Chain Atomic Commits.” Anoma (blog), 13 Sept. 2021,


Yin, Awa Sun. “An Overview of Anoma’s Architecture.” Anoma (blog). 3 June 2022,

7 “Anoma Specifications: J-Group.” Accessed 2022.


Yin, Awa Sun. “Announcing Feigenbaum: Anoma’s First Public Testnet.” Medium, 1 Dec. 2021,


Wong, Gabriella. “Enabling N-Party Transactions with Anoma’s State Machine.” Anoma (blog), 1 Sept. 2021,


van Daalen, Annabel. “Enabling Counterparty Discovery with Anoma’s Intent Gossip and Matchmaking System.” Anoma (blog), 29 May 2021,


Goes, Christopher, et al. “Anoma: Undefining Money Whitepaper.” 26 Apr. 2021,


Samartino, Alex Flory. “Validity Predicates.” Anoma (blog), 17 May 2021,


Yin, Awa Sun “Introducing Namada: Shielded Transfers with Any Assets.” Medium, 13 June 2022,

16‌. “Namada FAQ.”  Accessed 2022.


Samartino, Alex Flory. “Enabling Multi-Asset Privacy on Anoma.” Anoma (blog), 21 June 2021,


Bowe, Sean. “Explaining Halo 2.” Electric Coin Company (blog), 1 Sept. 2020,

19‌. “The Juvix Book.” Accessed 2022.

20‌. “Anoma/Juvix-Circuits.” Accessed 2022.

21‌.  “Anoma/Vamp-Ir” Accessed 2022.


Specs.anoma.‌net. “Anoma Specifications: Design Philosophy.” Accessed 2022.

23‌. “An Introduction to Taiga — Yulia Khalniyazova — Privacy Evolution 22.” Video, 29 Aug. 2022,

24‌. “Taiga/Overview.” Accessed 2022.

25‌. “Anoma Specifications: V2.” Accessed 2022.

26‌ “Anoma Huddle Amsterdam - Anoma: Endgame.” Video, 11 May 2022,

27‌, “@hdevalence.” 17 Sept. 2022,


U.S. Department of the Treasury. “U.S. Treasury Sanctions Notorious Virtual Currency Mixer Tornado Cash.” 8 Aug. 2022,


Wilhelm, Alex. “The Anoma Protocol Raises $26M for Its Work to Undefine Money” TechCrunch, 17 Nov. 2021,

Penumbra protocol

The following report was originally published in the the second issue of Black Sky Nexus in May 2023.

Authors: Stellar Magnet, Saliveja

Project Summary

Penumbra is a Layer 1 shielded blockchain solution initially targeting the Cosmos ecosystem. It uses a delegated proof of stake system with Tendermint consensus, with modifications for delegator privacy. Penumbra Labs is the lead development team, founded and led by Henry de Valence, who previously worked on cryptography at the Zcash Foundation.[^1] The team closed an initial $4.75 million seed round in November 2021. [^2]

The long-term vision is for Penumbra to become a "universal interchain privacy layer" [^3] that would support general-purpose zero-knowledge programmability via asynchronous batch-oriented smart contracts, with direct bridges to Ethereum and other ecosystems. [^4] However, no concrete plans or timelines for this have been established. [^5]

Initially, Penumbra aims to provide a narrow scope of functionality, centering on the shielding of IBC assets. One of its core features is supporting private transactions, allowing for the private transfer of any IBC-compatible asset within its multi-asset shielded pool. Additionally, these shielded assets can be traded on Penumbra's DEX, built upon the ZSwap primitive, which ensures privacy in trading and market-making by keeping participant addresses confidential. [^6]

ZSwap uses concentrated liquidity pools and sophisticated routing logic to match trades across multiple pools. Penumbra's ledger processes transactions in batches, grouping multiple transactions together and executing them simultaneously in a single block. This design helps address Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) issues.[^7] [^8]

Penumbra's key hierarchy is based on the Zcash Sapling design, with a few modifications, including leveraging the BLS12-377 proving curve. This curve, first defined for use in Aleo's Zexe, allows for the possibility of transitioning to a future universal SNARK proving system, as opposed to Sapling's BLS12-381 curve. In its initial mainnet release, Penumbra relies on multiple Groth16 proofs for zero-knowledge functionality, requiring a trusted setup ceremony.[^9] [^10]

Penumbra Labs has devised a Flow Encryption scheme designed to overcome the limitations of traditional zero-knowledge proofs in multi-party situations by encrypting and aggregating data using cryptographic primitives, such as Distributed Key Generation (DKG) and Homomorphic Threshold Encryption.[^11] However, the current version of Tendermint lacks ABCI 2.0, which is necessary for implementing threshold cryptography, and as a result, privacy for trade amounts in ZSwap cannot be achieved in the initial mainnet release. Once ABCI 2.0 becomes available in Tendermint, Penumbra Labs plans to promptly prioritize a major chain upgrade to include Flow Encryption.[^12]

Penumbra's delegated proof of stake system allows delegators to maintain privacy in various aspects, initially shielding account addresses involved in staking, submitting proposals, and voting. Conversely, the validator set and their governance votes are public and attributable, ensuring accountability.[^6] [^13]

Although Penumbra utilizes Tendermint consensus and is IBC-compatible, it does not use the Cosmos SDK. This choice stems from the fact that the Cosmos SDK is based on an account model, while Penumbra is built around a UTXO model, similar to Bitcoin and Zcash. Achieving privacy with an account model is highly challenging, making the UTXO model a more suitable choice for Penumbra's goals.[^13]

Penumbra Labs has developed its Rust-based shielded blockchain as an open source project, which includes many components that are generally useful for other projects. The team builds publicly and follows an explicit policy of capturing all important technical design discussions in Discord or GitHub, promoting decentralized development and preventing the siloing of specialized knowledge.

Radiant Commons, announced in September 2022 as a non-profit contributor, is responsible for "extending the Penumbra ecosystem" [^14] and is led by Josh Cincinnati, the former Executive Director of the Zcash Foundation. Additional organizations contributing to Penumbra development include Strangelove, who are contributing to the IBC relayer and other technologies related to validators, and Zpoken, who are working on a Penumbra Chromium extension and web tooling.

Production Stage

Penumbra is currently in the testnet stage of product development, with no plans for incentivized testnets. Penumbra Labs originally aimed to launch Penumbra on mainnet by the end of 2022 [^15], but the new launch target appears to be the end of this year [^13]. New testnet versions are released biweekly, named after Jupiter's moons. The 51st testnet, Elara, was released on April 24, 2023 [^16].


Development Strategy

Penumbra Labs' development strategy prioritizes launching on mainnet with fixed functionality, which encompasses a private batch-oriented DEX, private transactions including staking, IBC interoperability, and on-chain governance. While this serves as their initial focus, the team envisions future support for general-purpose privacy programmability, aiming to achieve true zero-knowledge programmability through asynchronous batch-oriented smart contracts. However, no concrete plans or timelines for this have been established.[^9] [^5]

Agile Proof Development

To facilitate swift and flexible development, Penumbra Labs initially utilized "transparent proofs," where witness data, typically secret information in zero-knowledge proofs, was presented in cleartext. This approach allowed a verification algorithm to directly validate the proof's public inputs against the cleartext witness data. Although transparent proofs lack privacy, their interface is identical to a real zero-knowledge proof, which helped Penumbra Labs confirm the system's data compatibility with the eventual private implementation. This technique avoids the need to implement cryptographic aspects before finalizing mechanism design details, providing more room for experimentation.[^17] Starting from February 27, 2023, testnet 46 (Lysithea) began the migration from transparent proofs to zero-knowledge proofs [^18], and the process is now nearing completion. [^4]


Penumbra is integrated with IBC but the Cosmos SDK was not used to develop the blockchain. This is primarily because the Cosmos SDK is based on an account model, whereas Penumbra is built around a UTXO model, similar to Bitcoin and Zcash. An account model requires a map of all balances to validate transactions, and achieving privacy in such a system is highly challenging.[^13]

IBC allows independent blockchains to directly communicate and trade assets without building custom bridge solutions. With IBC, a dedicated channel is used to send data (usually tokens) through a trustless relayer. The relayer either has RPC access to, or is running full nodes of, both the source and destination chains. Once the data reaches the destination chain, it is authenticated.[^19]

IBC is primarily used in the Cosmos ecosystem, where any blockchain developed with the Cosmos SDK can easily integrate IBC. Significantly, even non-Cosmos SDK chains like Penumbra can incorporate IBC, as demonstrated by their independent IBC implementation. Furthermore, Penumbra holds the distinction of being the first non-Cosmos-SDK chain to establish a connection with the Cosmos Hub [^20]. By incorporating IBC, Penumbra enables all IBC-compatible assets to become shielded once they are transferred into Penumbra's "zone."

At present, Penumbra Labs has no concrete plans to build custom bridges for Ethereum or other Layer 1 blockchains in their initial mainnet release. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that Ethereum assets bridged over to IBC using solutions like Gravity Bridge, Axelar, or, in the future, Namada, should technically be transferable to Penumbra. Penumbra Labs envisions directly bridging with Ethereum in a future release.[^4]

In earlier protocol designs, when Penumbra's notes were 64-bits, there would have been a "total on-chain limit of 18.446 wrapped ETH" due to the decimal precision requirements for wrapped ETH [^21]. This constraint could have potentially hindered the accessibility of Ethereum assets bridged to IBC. Imposing limitations on inbound transfers, like permitting only low-precision amounts of Ethereum, might have posed a usability challenge for users. Nevertheless, Penumbra recently completed the process of upgrading its notes to 128-bits, which removes this limitation and enables greater accessibility of Ethereum assets within the Penumbra ecosystem.[^22]

Penumbra's DEX will not have any preference for which bridged assets they support, and hence all IBC-compatible assets should technically be able to be shielded and traded on Penumbra.[^23] In comparison, Osmosis, a transparent Cosmos chain featuring a native IBC DEX, has opted to support only Axelar in their primary frontend as a means to simplify the user experience.

Building in Public

Penumbra Labs, the founding development team, operates with a high degree of transparency, particularly in regard to their technical design processes. By conducting these discussions on public platforms like GitHub and Discord, they create a clear archive of thought processes accessible to the wider community.

They have developed a specialized shielded blockchain using the Rust programming language, incorporating many components that are generalizable and currently being leveraged or co-developed by many different teams.

Examples include:

By building in public and promoting the reuse of their technologies, Penumbra Labs is fostering a collaborative ecosystem that is helping to improve the state of the art in Rust-based blockchain development.


Penumbra's blockchain includes a native private DEX, ZSwap. ZSwap allows users to privately swap between any pair of IBC assets. The vision is that individual swaps do not reveal trade amounts. Instead, all swaps in each block are executed in a single batch, where only the total amount in each batch is revealed after the batch has been finalized. By doing batch execution and having privacy for the individual trade amounts, this prevents front-running while maintaining long-term privacy for individual trades. [^7]

Concentrated Private Liquidity

Inspired by Uniswap v3, ZSwap users have the option to supply liquidity by anonymously establishing concentrated liquidity positions with a simple linear equation, i.e., a constant slope. Liquidity Providers (LPs) can approximate any curve they like for each segment of the curve approximation by creating multiple smaller positions. By combining these smaller positions, LPs can effectively fine-tune their overall position to closely resemble their desired price curve, allowing for a more customized and precise strategy. Although positions display the liquidity amount and concentration range, they are not connected to any Penumbra account or address. This allows users to both discretely and discreetly approximate various trading functions without exposing their particular opinions on prices, assuming they have exercised caution when transferring their assets onto Penumbra from the transparent cryptocurrency world. In addition to these features, another distinction between Penumbra’s liquidity pools and Uniswap v3 is that Penumbra allows liquidity providers to set customized fee amounts for each pool, enabling market competition to establish ideal fee prices.[^7]

DEX Engine

In Penumbra, swap intents are executed concurrently in a batch, occurring once per block [^24]. The "DEX engine" is the component responsible for handling batch execution in ZSwap. During this process, the DEX engine manages swap routing for asset pairs, even those lacking a dedicated liquidity pool, provided that the assets are available in other pools and a suitable route exists. For each trade or "swap intent," the DEX engine determines the optimal route across multiple liquidity pools, aiming for the best price and lowest fees. Unlike Uniswap, which hosts routing logic off-chain [^25], Penumbra's routing takes place on-chain. Additionally, Penumbra's routing can potentially split a swap intent into multiple streams when necessary. For example, if you have a certain amount of TokenA and you desire a specific amount of TokenB, the optimal settlement may involve two different streams. In this case, x% TokenA is sent across stream1 (A->A/C->C/D->D/B->B) to receive ~x% TokenB, and the remaining y% TokenA is sent across stream2 (A->A/C->C/E->E/B->B) to receive ~y% TokenB.[^8]

Penumbra v1 Limitations

It is essential to mention that Penumbra's vision for ZSwap will not initially provide privacy for individual trade amounts when it launches to mainnet this year. This limitation arises because the threshold cryptography, which enables the chain to work with encrypted trade amounts and decrypt batch totals, requires ABCI 2.0—an enhanced interface to Tendermint. Although Tendermint 0.35 included ABCI 2.0, the release was unstable and had to be rolled back. Due to this rollback, it may take at least another year before Penumbra can utilize ABCI 2.0. Consequently, Penumbra will launch their v1 on mainnet this year without threshold cryptography. Once ABCI 2.0 becomes available in Tendermint, Penumbra Labs plans to promptly prioritize a major chain upgrade to fulfill their initial vision.[^12]

According to Finch, a core engineer at Penumbra Labs, the MEV in their v1 system is still significantly reduced compared to traditional DEXs due to the limited actions available based on the batch execution system design. In Penumbra's design, the only decision that can be influenced by observing a swap intent in the mempool is whether to submit an additional transaction to the batch of swaps. Notably, the ordering of swaps within a block does not impact the batch execution of the DEX, which constrains the potential for MEV extraction.[^26]

Technical Design

Proving Architecture

Initially, Penumbra employs the Groth16 proving system in conjunction with the BLS12-377 proving curve. The BLS12-377 curve was first defined for use in Aleo's Zexe and allows for the possibility of transitioning to a future universal SNARK proving system, as opposed to the BLS12-381 curve.[^9] [^10] Although the industry appears to be gravitating towards universal PLONK-based systems, Penumbra has opted for Groth16 due to its compact proofs and high-performance characteristics. De Valence explains that the high performance is because, with Groth16, the proof statement is already encoded in the trusted setup. In contrast, he argues that universal PLONK-based systems would require complex circuit optimization work to achieve equivalent performance, as the proof statement must be encoded as part of the execution process.[^27]

Penumbra Labs aims to reduce the initial engineering focus on circuit optimization and have stronger assurances that all of their fixed-functionality performs exceptionally well. As Penumbra supports active market making as part of its fixed functionality, forming proofs for a transaction in around 1 second is their performance target [^4], so it is well within their 5-second block interval, allowing market makers to efficiently react to price information. Groth16 satisfies this use case well for them: recent Macbook Pro tests have shown to satisfy this target [^13]. De Valence notes that Penumbra Labs is interested in moving towards a PLONK-based system in the future, once a decision is made to officially support programmability and general functionality.[^27]

As Penumbra is leveraging Groth16, a trusted setup ceremony will be required before it goes to mainnet this year. However, once the protocol eventually transitions to a PLONK-based system, the need for trusted setups will be eliminated.

Addresses and Keys

Penumbra's key hierarchy is based on the Zcash Sapling design, with a few notable modifications: it is tailored for use with BLS12-377 instead of BLS12-381, employs Poseidon as a hash and PRF, utilizes decaf377 as the embedded group, and incorporates support for fuzzy message detection.[^28]

Similar to other blockchains, the seed phrase is the root key material. Multiple unlinkable accounts, each with a unique spending key, can be derived from this seed phrase [^29]. This is similar to Zcash but dissimilar to public blockchains like Ethereum, where accounts derived from the same seed phrase can be linked to each other.

The spending key represents the ability to make transactions for a given account group (it has spending authority). Each spending key controls an account group, with 2^32 accounts in this group. Each account within the account group has one default address and 2^96 - 1 ephemeral addresses, resulting in a total of 2^128 addresses per spending key. This allows Penumbra users to manage multiple distinct accounts, customized for different purposes, while all being controlled by a single spending key and scanned with the same viewing key.[^30] [^31]

For a given account, only the default address will be exposed or easily accessible in the wallet interface as the ordinary "indexed address", with the rest being "ephemeral addresses" reserved for more publicly facing scenarios where it is better to use an address once, such as incoming IBC transfers [^32]. In Penumbra, transactions maintain privacy by concealing address information due to their shielded nature. On the other hand, transparent counterparty chains reveal addresses in transactions. Ephemeral addresses serve as a solution to bridge this privacy gap since it's visible on the originating IBC chain that a transfer of a specific denomination and amount was made to a Penumbra address.[^33]

While the protocol does not directly prohibit the multiple uses of an ephemeral address, the design goal aims to abstract the usage of such addresses away from the user in the wallet interface. Additionally, the "default address" exposed in the wallet is never utilized during public, on-chain interactions like this.[^32]

Penumbra also has viewing and detection keys for each spending key [^34]:

  • The full viewing key can create proofs and view all incoming and outgoing transactions. (This permission can be further divided into separate incoming and outgoing viewing keys.)
  • The detection key can be shared with a relatively untrusted third-party Penumbra scanning service in the future, to outsource probabilistic transaction detection via fuzzy message detection. This feature can be beneficial for bandwidth or compute-constrained environments, such as mobile wallets. (It should be noted that while the cryptography to support this feature will exist in the initial mainnet release, the service itself will not be available, as it becomes more useful in the future once there are more total transactions to scan [^13].)

Data Structure

Penumbra's transaction model builds upon the Zcash shielded transaction design, incorporating modifications to accommodate multiple assets and additional actions tailored to its DEX and staking architecture, among other enhancements. The Zcash model, derived from Bitcoin's UTXO model, records value in transaction outputs specifying spending conditions. Penumbra adapts this approach, using notes to specify value type, amount, spending key, and a unique nullifier, functioning similarly to UTXOs.[^35]

Penumbra's shielded chain transfers transaction execution to the client-side, where clients generate zero-knowledge proofs for spending a note, which full nodes can then verify. Notes, unlike UTXOs, are not part of the public chain state. The chain contains a state commitment tree, an incremental Merkle tree with public commitments to private notes. Creating a note involves generating a commitment and proving its validity. Spending a note requires proving its inclusion in the state commitment tree, using the spending key for authorization, and revealing the nullifier to prevent double-spending.[^35]

Penumbra adapts the Jellyfish Merkle Tree (JMT), a high-performance, scalable sparse Merkle tree developed for Libra/Diem, to record public state commitments and maintain private state. In Penumbra's adaptation, data is stored as protobufs for easy parsing and consensus among nodes.

To achieve scalability when managing private state, Penumbra also introduces an additional data structure called the Tiered Commitment Tree (TCT). This lightweight structure enables efficient delta updates through its tiered block-level and epoch-level subtrees [^36]. Penumbra Labs asserts that this structure accelerates traditional designs to a theoretical upper bound of 4,000,000x, as it enables clients to bypass processing blocks or epochs lacking relevant transactions, ensuring that client synchronization work remains proportional solely to their activity rather than the total on-chain activity [^37]. The TCT and the JMT are two separate structures, with the root of the TCT stored in the JMT to bind it to the JMT root hash.[^13]

Flow Encryption

Penumbra Labs has devised a Flow Encryption scheme designed to overcome the limitations of traditional zero-knowledge proofs in multi-party situations by encrypting and aggregating data using additional cryptographic primitives.[^11]

In the future, when Penumbra can utilize ABCI 2.0, the protocol's design will incorporate an integer-valued additively homomorphic encryption scheme with threshold decryption capabilities. This will enable the encryption of individual transaction amounts within a batch. With homomorphic encryption, validators can compute the encrypted batch total by summing the ciphertexts of all relevant transactions. Subsequently, through a threshold decryption process that relies on a Distributed Key Generation (DKG) scheme, validators decrypt this batch total and record the value on the ledger. Notably, Flow Encryption will be applied across many aspects of Penumbra, including Zswap, staking, and delegator voting.[^11] [^38]

Networking Privacy

For Penumbra validators and clients, the anonymity of networking data, such as IP addresses and other ephemeral data, is being addressed differently. Validators are expected to be sophisticated enough to incorporate Tor as part of their stack if they desire additional protection. Running a Penumbra validator over Tor should be possible, although it has not been tested yet[^39]. For client privacy, De Valence expresses hesitation about relying on paid service providers like Nym or dVPN, stating that "if Penumbra is supposed to be private, you shouldn't have to pay for some third party service to get that"[^40]. Instead, Penumbra Labs plans on initially incorporating direct Tor support in the client command line interface, leveraging Arti, the recent Rust Tor implementation.[^13]

Governance & Economics

Penumbra is a delegated proof of stake blockchain using Tendermint consensus. Upon mainnet launch, it will feature on-chain governance for coordinating signaling proposals, modifying chain parameters, and allocating DAO treasury funds.[^41] Mainnet for Penumbra therefore marks the transition to a decentralized model for decision-making, transferring the power from Penumbra Labs to the community. Penumbra's delegation system and governance is modeled after Cosmos Hub governance, with modifications such as removing the No With Veto voting option, adding emergency proposals, and providing privacy for delegators' votes.[^42]


Delegators can privately stake PEN, Penumbra's native token, to a validator and then receive dPEN(v), which represents the share of a specific validator's delegation pool. In this example, (v) would be replaced with the identifier of the validator. Penumbra describes this as working similarly to how liquidity pools represent shares. Instead of tracking staking rewards directly, the chain tracks an exchange rate between the staking token, PEN, and each validator's delegation token, dPEN(v).[^43] One can only realize staking rewards upon undelegation, by unbonding one's stake which converts delegation tokens dPEN(v) into PEN [^44], unlike in Cosmos Hub or similar chains where one can claim rewards at any time.

This design is important for Penumbra because it allows staking rewards to be distributed without breaking anonymity. Penumbra's shielded asset system is leveraged to provide delegators with privacy around who they are delegating to and how much they are earning. If delegators were paid out continuously, they would have to reveal a payment address, sacrificing their privacy in exchange for participating in economically securing the chain.[^45]

Proposals & Voting

In Penumbra, proposals are broadly categorized into two types: normal and emergency. Normal proposals encompass signaling proposals, on-chain parameter changes, and Penumbra DAO treasury spending proposals. In contrast, emergency proposals are solely reserved for signaling purposes and do not impact the chain state in any way. To submit a proposal, a minimum amount of the staking token, which is specified by a chain parameter set by governance, must be deposited.[^42]

Penumbra employs delegated voting. Validators' voting decisions are always public and serve as the default vote for their delegation pool, while delegators' votes remain private and can override their proportional share of the validators' vote.[^42]

For both proposal types, the voting period commences immediately in the subsequent block after the proposal is committed to the blockchain. All normal proposals have a fixed-length voting period, which can be modified through governance. Emergency signaling proposals are accepted once they receive 2/3 majority stake support, potentially allowing immediate acceptance without delegators' input, as validators' default votes represent their delegation pool. Emergency signaling proposals can be utilized to publicly coordinate a chain halt in case of a security issue. In the event that an emergency proposal is approved and includes the "halt" flag, the chain will cease operations automatically, without necessitating additional validator coordination. Naturally, resuming the chain's operation will demand off-chain coordination efforts.[^42]

Voting options include Yes, No, or Abstain. One distinction from Cosmos governance is that Penumbra does not have a No With Veto option. Instead, an on-chain parameter set by governance specifies a "sufficiently high threshold of 'no' votes", and if the threshold is exceeded, the proposal will be slashed and the deposit will be burned. This mechanism is designed to discourage spam proposals. Deposits will be returned for proposals that either succeed or fail but remain below the designated threshold.[^42]

Liquidity Compensation

Balancing staking and liquidity provision in systems that support both is vital for maintaining competitive equilibrium between the two uses of the staking token. Penumbra's staking design introduces further challenges due to the native delegation tokens for each validator. To stabilize this competition, ZSwap implements a liquidity compensation mechanism, which compensates LPs for the opportunity cost of not staking. Each epoch's total issuance is divided between delegators and liquidity providers, with the chain establishing a target ratio of bonded stake to liquidity provision stake. Liquidity compensation issuance is allocated to eligible active liquidity positions during that epoch, proportionate to the liquidity provided. However, the full mechanism design details for liquidity compensation have yet to be established. [^7]

This approach offers several advantages, such as incentivizing LPs to effectively deploy their capital, guaranteeing that fees in delegation token markets paired with PEN cover the opportunity cost of not staking the PEN, and providing credibly neutral compensation for any trading pair involving PEN without the need for governance proposals.[^7]

Fee Mechanism

Penumbra will implement a multidimensional fee market, drawing upon research from Diamandis, Evans, Chitra, and Angeris in their paper Dynamic Pricing for Non-fungible Resources: Designing Multidimensional Blockchain Fee Markets (August 2022).[^46]

Penumbra Labs has not yet finalized the design of the fee mechanism, but they have explored several design paths. Initially, in 2022, the plan was to burn fees. However, the protocol data structures were expanded to be forward-compatible with multi-asset fees. With the possibility for fees to be accepted in various assets, burning them no longer made sense to the team, and the concept of directing fees to a DAO treasury was then proposed.[^47] This idea evolved further, allowing each validator to specify different "funding streams" and allocate a percentage of fees toward entities such as the Penumbra DAO, instead of forcing all fees to go to the DAO.[^48]

Now, based on new conversations in 2023, it seems possible that Penumbra will have a mechanism similar to EIP-1559, where there is a base fee that is burned, with any excess fee going to the block-proposing validator's "funding streams"[^49].

In the current implementation of the protocol, the native asset is the only acceptable fee token. Penumbra Labs is well aware that allowing fees to be paid in assets other than their native asset will weaken privacy guarantees, as users will then exist within a smaller privacy set of users using that asset to pay for fees, since fees are always public. Should these designs be adopted, it's likely their software will have warnings that using alternate assets for fees is not recommended [^50]. Additionally, if fees are paid without the native asset, the protocol may swap the "base fee" amount into the native asset and burn it.[^51]

To reiterate, fee mechanisms in Penumbra are still in a design exploration phase, so the information presented above should be viewed as a glimpse into the team's thought process, rather than a final system design.

Note: this overview is not 100% comprehensive, review Penumbra's Spec and Blog for more details.


Analysis performed by Stellar Magnet. Warning: there is a lot of subjectivity in this section.

Transaction Privacy

Ephemeral Addresses

Ephemeral addresses in Penumbra play a crucial role in enhancing user privacy by offering a vast number of unlinkable and diversified addresses for each spending key. While each spending key has a persistent default address, it also has access to 2^96 - 1 ephemeral addresses. These ephemeral addresses are designed to be used in publicly visible actions, such as incoming IBC transfers. It's important to note that for all other transaction types, addresses used are never visible: instead, zero-knowledge cryptography ensures privacy in these instances.

Utilizing ephemeral addresses for public-facing transactions provides enhanced assurances that these actions remain untraceable and unlinked to the user's default wallet address. Penumbra Labs' design of their ephemeral address system showcases their expertise in privacy-focused user experience design, aiming to minimize cognitive overload. This strategy ensures that users can enjoy the highest level of privacy on Penumbra without needing to manually manage multiple accounts or keep track of their usage, significantly reducing concerns about potential information leaks during transactions.

Trade Amounts Not Initially Private

Although Penumbra aims to provide privacy-focused features, its initial launch on mainnet will not include privacy for individual trade amounts in ZSwap. This is due to Penumbra's reliance on Tendermint and a rollback from the unstable Tendermint 0.35, which included the crucial ABCI 2.0 interface for enabling threshold cryptography. Consequently, Penumbra will launch v1 on mainnet without the threshold cryptography required for its initial vision, which adds limitations to the data that can be kept private during usage of its DEX [^12].

Anonymity Set

As Penumbra has not yet launched, the size of its anonymity set remains undefined. The protocol's adoption may initially be limited to users who already hold assets on IBC-compatible chains since there are no immediate plans to construct a direct bridge to Ethereum or other Layer 1 networks. Due to the two-hop process, Ethereum users seeking general transaction privacy may not choose Penumbra as their first option, particularly as they explore alternatives to sanctioned solutions such as Tornado Cash or the now-defunct Though early adopters of Penumbra might not be Ethereum natives, they could become interested once Penumbra achieves a significant TVL and proves itself as a top-tier trading protocol, or when Penumbra establishes a direct bridge to Ethereum.

Penumbra Labs acknowledges the significance of proceeding cautiously when considering the acceptance of multiple assets for fees, in order to minimize fragmentation of the anonymity set. Should this be incorporated into the protocol design, one possible approach is to restrict the touchpoints, such as accepting multiple assets for incoming IBC transfers alone. The protocol could then automatically convert a certain percentage of the incoming asset into the native asset, which would be used for paying future fees. By limiting the use cases and automating the conversion process, Penumbra can maintain a larger anonymity set while also reducing cognitive overload for users regarding which fee token to use and the size of its anonymity set.

Networking Privacy

The measures being implemented for network privacy in Penumbra seem acceptable. The assumption that validators ought to be sophisticated enough to incorporate Tor into their stack is justified. However, providing documentation for newcomers to validation would be beneficial.

Initially, Penumbra Labs is opting to integrate direct Tor support in the client command line interface, utilizing the recent Rust Tor implementation, Arti. While this offers a degree of privacy for clients, it will not cater to browser-based interactions. Mixnets like Nym, which provide browser support, could serve as viable alternatives. Nonetheless, it is understandable that Penumbra Labs might be reluctant to depend on Nym at present, given its relatively new technology status and concerns about users having to pay for a third-party service to guarantee privacy.

As chain analysis companies become more advanced with AI technology, addressing network privacy is increasingly important to offer stakeholders the best "state of the art" privacy. Although the surveillance attack surface is limited, since a user would have to submit a transaction directly to a “chain analyzing” node, it remains a risk. Therefore, as network privacy solutions become more sophisticated, the Penumbra community should continue to evaluate the options, ensuring both validators and clients have the best armor to thrive in the dark forest.


Open Source Collaboration

While some aspects of Penumbra Labs' operations may remain private, their commitment to transparency in technical design fosters a genuinely open source and decentralized culture. This approach promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing, and community-driven development. The effectiveness of this strategy can be seen in the growing number of open source contributors to their code repository, who are not part of Penumbra Labs but actively participate in the project's ongoing development. Furthermore, organizations such as Strangelove Ventures, Zpoken, and Radiant Commons are already contributing to the ecosystem's decentralized development in various ways.

Penumbra Labs Inc., Radiant Commons, and Strangelove Ventures are all US-based companies, operating in a jurisdiction where regulatory agencies have increasingly targeted crypto, DeFi, DAOs, and privacy-focused projects. As privacy-centric protocols gain significant success, it is possible that some of their funds could be associated with activities deemed "illicit" by the state. For instance, Zcash has not attracted much attention from the US government due to limited "illicit" usage, while Tornado Cash became popular for shielding funds from major bridge and DeFi hacks, ultimately leading to US sanctions. While it is advantageous that Penumbra has adopted a decentralized development strategy early on, it will be even more beneficial to continue to grow a network of partners and contributors beyond the United States, allowing the project to more easily navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.

Penumbra DAO

The upcoming mainnet launch of Penumbra this year features native configurations for validators to automatically allocate a percentage of their fees to the Penumbra DAO, a treasury governed by the network's validators and stakers. This DAO can play a crucial role in fostering decentralized development of the Penumbra ecosystem by extending Penumbra's technical reach beyond the United States. Upon mainnet launch, it would be beneficial for validators to contribute a portion of their commissions to the Penumbra DAO. The DAO also can facilitate the sustainability and progress of the protocol's development without relying on a centralized team constantly seeking venture capital. By prioritizing a community-centered approach, the Penumbra DAO can become an essential force in ensuring the ecosystem's long-term sustainability and resilience.

Community Incentives

Penumbra's approach to distributing their protocol token to the community appears conservative, with no plans for incentivized testnets. As a result, when the mainnet launches, the initial validators are likely to consist of Penumbra Labs team members, investors, advisors, and other insiders. This cautious approach might be due to the team's concern for compliance with security or KYC (Know Your Customer) laws, rather than an attempt to centralize control or withhold tokens.

Pre-mainnet community incentive programs often require participants to undergo KYC procedures, and it is a positive aspect that there are no indications of KYC data collection taking place in the early stages of Penumbra's development. While the lack of incentive programs may indeed slow down decentralization, it has the advantage of protecting the privacy of early adopters, ensuring they cannot be doxxed in the event of a government subpoena. This choice aligns with Penumbra's commitment to privacy and creates a more appealing environment for those who prioritize anonymity.

Strategy & Narrative

Penumbra Labs demonstrates a practical and well-grounded development strategy that prioritizes delivering a well scoped fixed-functionality. The team exhibits expertise in balancing privacy concerns with user experience, aiming to create a DEX where privacy features enhance rather than hinder the trading experience. Although the team may be driven by philosophical motives or cypherpunk aspirations, their communication materials focus primarily on fostering a highly technical culture rooted in first principles thinking. This approach, which may seem unadorned to those drawn to grand visions and hype, highlights the practical and humble nature of the Penumbra community. With clear communication and easily understandable goals, Penumbra appears to cast a wide net in its quest to attract future liquidity. The community's focus on practicality and transparency is tactful and likely to resonate with those who prioritize substance over hype.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is provided solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal or investment advice. Although the lead analyst is neither an investor nor an employee of Penumbra Labs, the company has reviewed this report for technical accuracy prior to publication. Additionally it should be noted that Black Sky is presently collaborating with Anoma, the organization developing Namada, one of the projects referenced herein. This document is not designed to endorse or promote investments in Penumbra Labs, Namada, or any other mentioned projects. It is strongly advised that readers consult their legal and financial advisors before making any investment decisions.

Additional Resources

Testing Penumbra

During the current testnet stage, users can interact with the Penumbra protocol through various methods, including a command line interface and a web interface:

  1. pcli: This client allows users to generate a wallet, view balances, send transactions, stake, and swap assets without the need to run a full node.
  2. pd: This daemon, or node software, enables users to join the testnet either as a full node or a validator.
  3. pclientd: This tool bundles the view and custody code from pcli into a server, allowing users to programmatically control funds and build transactions.
  4. An experimental web-based client (available at which can be used in conjunction with the Chromium-based browser extension (found at
  1. "Penumbra - Team." Accessed April 2023.
  2. "Penumbra Labs Raises Seed Round To Build Private, Decentralized Exchange." 4 Nov. 2021,
  3. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  4. de Valence, Henry. "Interview/Conversation." 8 Apr. 2023. Personal Communication.
  5. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  6. "The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  7. "ZSwap - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  8. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  9. "Decide on a proof system and primitives · Issue #2 · penumbra-zone/penumbra." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  10. "Proving Considerations - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  11. "Threshold Cryptography for Flow Encryption - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  12. "Penumbra - Penumbra Winter 2022 Update." 23 Dec. 2022,
  13. Finch. "Interview/Conversation." 8-17 Apr. 2023. Personal Communication.
  14. "@RadiantCommons" 27 Sep. 2022,
  15. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  16. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  17. "Penumbra - How We’re Building Penumbra." 30 Nov. 2021,
  18. "Penumbra - Bringing Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Penumbra." 7 Mar. 2023,
  19. "Relaying The Message: A Deep Dive Into IBC Relayer Operations" 22 Jun. 2022,
  20. "@penumbrazone" 15 Jul. 2022,
  21. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  22. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  23. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  24. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  25. "Auto Router V2." 16 Dec. 2021,
  26. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  27. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  28. "Addresses and Keys - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  29. "Spending Keys - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  30. "Addresses and Detection Keys - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  31. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  32. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  33. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  34. "Viewing Keys - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  35. "Notes, Nullifiers, and Trees - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  36. "Penumbra - Penumbra Summer 2022 Update." 9 Aug. 2022,
  37. "Penumbra - Accelerating Penumbra’s Merkle Tree by up to 4,000,000x." 15 Nov. 2022,
  38. "Batching Flows - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  39. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  40. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  41. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  42. "Governance - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  43. "Staking Tokens - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  44. "Undelegation - The Penumbra Protocol." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  45. "Penumbra - Testnet #4: Shielded Staking Is Here." 26 Jan. 2022,
  46. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  47. "Deposit fees in the DAO Treasury account instead of burning them · Issue #1224 · penumbra-zone/penumbra." Accessed Apr 2023.
  48. "Pay out fees to validator funding streams · Issue #1067 · penumbra-zone/penumbra." Accessed Apr. 2023.
  49. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  50. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.
  51. Discord. "Penumbra Discord Server". Accessed Apr. 2023.

Chat - p2p IRC (darkirc & weechat)

For the purpose of a quick and instant chat or communication which is 100% anonymous and if chosen private, especially for coordination of smaller groups (or committees - read governance), we use ircd - a peer-to-peer IRC chat, built by DarkFi. ircd supports group chats (open and private) as well as DMs.

Weechat is a client most use (runs the chat in terminal), although other IRC clients will work as well.

If the setup is done from scratch, also make sure to install git.

sudo apt install git

  • Clone DarkFi repository.

git clone

cd darkfi


Note: This installation guide is for Linux based on Debian. For other OS, check here to see which dependencies are needed.

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where Darkfi repository will be cloned and follow the steps below.

  • Begin by installing rustup & cargo.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Compile & install ircd

  • In DarkFi folder, compile darkirc.

make BINS="darkirc"

Note: If there is an error when compiling, it's likely because dependecies are missing. If this happens, go to DarkFi docs and install each dependency separately like so "sudo apt install make", "sudo apt install gcc" etcetera.

Run darkirc

  • While in darkfi folder --> The following command starts darkirc daemon, the chat works only when this daemon is running, don't turn it off.
  • The first time runnning ./darkirc a configuration file will be created. It is located in '.config/darkfi'. Open it ie. with vim in terminal.
vim .config/darkfi/darkirc_config.toml
  • In the configuration file there is also information how to generate secrets for new chat room ("IRC channel settings") and create key for dm's ("Contact settings"). After changes have been made in the configuration file, darkirc deamon need to be restarted.

Install, start & configure weechat

  • Open a new tab in terminal.

  • Install weechat & dependencies.

sudo apt-get install -y git make jq vim weechat libssl-dev

sudo apt-get install weechat-curses weechat-plugins

  • In case libssl-dev returned error run:

sudo apt-get install libmpg123-dev

  • Open a new terminal window and start Weechat:

Connect weechat to the ircd daemon, save and restart the client. To do this, in Weechat prompt line enter these commands:

/server add darkirc localhost/6667 -autoconnect




Start Weechat


Weechat commands

Weechat allows for a wide range of custom configuration, see Weechat documentation. Few useful commands are listed below.

Change nick:

/nick {NEW_NAME}

Quit chat room


Quit Weechat


See help


Change chat rooms by alt + arrow up/down or alt + channel_number

Join an unencrypted channel

To add and open a public channel on darkirc, such as #new_channel, just add it to autojoin line in the config file. LunarDAOs public channel is '#lunardao'.

autojoin = [....<existing_channels>..., "#lunardao"]
  • #lunardao is a public channel, which means it is unencrypted and therefore no secret is needed. Anyone can join an see the content. Adding the channel like this is enough.

Restart darkirc daemon (restart after any config changes). The channel shall appear automatically in the weechat.

Join an encrypted channel

Generate secret for a new channel

In case of starting a new private channel, a secret must be generated.

  1. Generate a secret for a new secret channel, enter in terminal: darkirc --gen-secret
  2. Add the secret and a name of channel of your choice to your config file (read below).
  3. Share this secret and the exact name of the channel PRIVATELY with others who are to be included in/invited to the channel.

Add an encrypted channel to ircd

  1. Include the name of the channel and the secret to the config file (~/.config/darkfi/darkirc_config.toml):
secret = "{secret_string}"  
topic = "the purpose of the channel
  1. add the "#nameofthesecretchannel" to the autojoin [] line just like with public channels above.
  2. Save the config file and restart darkirc - the channels will appear in the weechat client.

Direct messages

To DM with someone on ircd:

  1. Generate a key-pair using darkirc --gen-chacha-keypair.
    NEVER share your private key!

Possibly keys can be shared to a file using

ircd --gen-keypair -o ~/some_dir/filename
  1. Add a line to darkirc_config.toml:
  1. Share the pub key with others you want to chat with.
  2. Add a contact of a user to DM with to the darkirc_config.toml:
dm_chacha_public = "the_pub_key_sent_by_the_contact" 
  1. Save the config and restart darkirc.
  2. To add this contact in the weechat client, enter /query {same_name_as_in_the_config}. Name appears in the contact list.
    • Note: However users may change their nicks often, the /query {name} command reads the {name} added per contact to darkirc_config.toml. The daemon reads the pub_key associated with the {name} saved (aligning with the counterpartys private_key in their config). (Can be understood as a contact list in a phone.)
  3. Both of the users interested to DM must add the other ones pub key to the config as a contact, save and restart darkirc.

Meeting bot

LunarDAO deployed the to moderate the community meetings. Type following commands to use the bot.

See the meeting agenda.


Add a topic to the agenda.

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darkirc on tor

Here are steps to set up a Tor-enabled darkirc node.


There are plenty of task manager apps running in the web-browser, on Android etc. LunarDAO seeks for solutions which are open-source (GPL), distributed, working and minimalistic.

While searching for a task manager that fits these parameters within lunarpunk movement we found tau. The first version of tau was a centralized solution and DarkFi has now developed a decentralized tau.

Installation & configuration

  • Open terminal and navigate to where the repository will be cloned. If there is a need to install git --> check this guide.

  • Clone repository.

git clone 
  • Go to darkfi folder.
cd darkfi
  • Compile & install.
make BINS="taud tau"
sudo make install "BINS=taud tau"
  • Run taud (should work with just taud, but if it doesn't, in darkfi folder, run './taud').
  • The first time it's run, a config file is creates. This file can be founds in '.config/darkfi' and is called taud_config.toml.
cd ~/.config/darkfi
  • The original .toml file (which comes with cloning the repo) looks like this.

  • There are a couple of things that need to be changed:

    • Seeds should be uncommented and this is the needed string:
      yaml seeds=["tls://"]
    • Add the string for workspaces to be used. It looks like this: yaml workspaces = ["darkfi:E8ChX8X1Y578LZYxazCjVucWKAnD4xs6WQre3mWdBtHq"]
    • Generate a string for a workspace. Don't forget to name the workspace.
    taud --generate
    • Copy the string and insert in `yaml workspaces = [""]. If there are multiple workspaces, they need to be separated by comma.

    • Uncomment:

      yaml rpc_listen, datastore, nickname & transports

    • Remember that when changes have been made to the configuration, start a new terminal window for the changes to take effect or use yaml source <file>.

  • Run taud deamon as written below (or ~/darkfi/.taud whatever the correct path is).

  • In another window run tau (or ~/darkfi/.tau, check path).
  • It will be empty but should show.
Workspace: <name of workspace>
  • It is possible to generate as many workspaces as wanted as described above.
  • The workspaces will have separated task lists, which is convienient if working on several projects.


  • Switching in between workspaces:
tau switch <name of workspace>
  • For further information on tau usage, check DarkFi docs.

tau bot

tau as a task manager works well with ircd. The tau bot notifies on the creation of tasks as well as submitted comments, when started, paused or stopped.

The code for the new tau-bot is in: darkfi/bin/darkirc/script/bots/

  • Open ie. with vim.
  • Change default port to 6667.
parser.add_argument('--port', default=6667, help='port of the IRC server') 
  • Add a nickname to the bot if wanted.
parser.add_argument('--nickname', default="this is where the nickname is entered", help='bot name')
  • Add the channel to which the bot will provide notifications about tasks.
parser.add_argument('--channel', default="#this is where the ircd channel name is entered", action='append', help='channel to join')

The following needs to be running

Make sure to restart everything after having made changes.

  • ircd deamon (if in darkfi folder --> ./ircd)
  • weechat
  • taud deamon (./taud)
  • tau bot (python3
  • tau client

Check our guide on how to install and use ircd and weechat.

Freedom can only be found outside the logic of domination. Self-defense requires a philosophy rooted in liberation and adequate tools. We must bypass the all-pervasive mindset of submission and obedience. Lunarpunk forest is a sanctuary where society can redefine itself, self-administrate and regain its economic, political and moral agency. As our community grows, we witness how society can truly flourish only when free from state. But in order to protect ourselves and our communities from oppression, we need to practice self-defense.

Education is fundamental in our struggle for free life, autonomy, and community. It is vital to train guides by providing knowledge, skills and build confidence. Adalan Academy is entrusted and chosen to take this task and commitment for the first 12 months after which LunarDAO re-evaluates. Initial focus of this decentralized virtual academy is to offer courses in programming, economics and political philosophy. Some of the outcomes are creation and translation of education material, texts and resources.

Adalan Academy




How can I join?

The Genesis event is open until April 30th, 17:00 UTC. After this it is not possible to join until the next fundraising event.

  • It is recommended to anonymize your assets before joining the DAO.
  • Go to the Staking page. The entry is permissionless.
  • $VOX represent the members share of the treasury as well as their voting power (voting power can be delegated as well).
  • $VOX (shares) are non-transferable.
  • Everyone's entry price is the same: 1 ETH = 100 $VOX (- 0.25% admin fees).
  • The minimum tribute in order to join the DAO as a Squad member is 0.1 ETH which equals 10 $VOX (shares).
  • Admin/management fee on entry of 0.25% is paid to the Stewards' (core-team) account from every tribute in the form of $VOX for the DAO operations.

Can I contribute to the DAO anonymously?

Yes. It is recommended. Follow this guide.

Does it matter whether I'm anonymous or not?

LunarDAO is focused on privacy-preserving projects. This ethos impacts how you should participate in the DAO. Privacy techniques are strongly encouraged when interacting with the DAO. Each piece of information that a user gives up degrades their privacy. Achieving anonymity on a transparent chain is extremely difficult. Privacy degradation stems from:

  • Doxxed addresses
  • Network leaks
  • Side channel attacks

LunarDAO participants should solve for all of these threats.

I have nothing to hide.

“Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." - Edward Snowden

How do I apply for funding from LunarDAO?

LIP (LunarDAO Improvement Proposal) is the basis of governance in LunarDAO. Anyone can share and discuss proposals on the forum. Only Squad members can submit and vote on proposals. In LIP-0001 there is a template and further information on the expected content and process.

The sponsorship threshold is a minimum number of $VOX (10 $VOX which equals 0.1 ETH at launch) which is required to submit a proposal. This deposit is returned when the proposal have been accepted or rejected. Anyone else can submit a proposal by acquiring a sponsorship by offering a fee of 0.2 ETH which is non refundable and will be sent to the DAO treasury.

What is LunarDAO?

LunarDAO is an investment fund based on lunarpunk philosophy. By allocating funds in privacy projects & anonymity tooling we aim to expand freedom and ensure sovereignty. Squad wealth leverages collective strength and capture value in the ecosystem by building a portfolio of privacy assets. Anyone can exit at any time. Members are anonymous hence can participate in building this vision without fear of frozen funds, legal implications or any kind of repression. We aim to move to a full anon setup and develop infrastructure for a parallel economy outside of control and centralization.

What are the aims of LunarDAO?

  1. Enable parallel confederated societies that are diverse and autonomous but mutually protect each other against central authority.

  2. Learn, educate, share knowledge. Education is fundamental in our struggle for free life, autonomy, and community.

  3. Develop infrastructure for economy and politics beyond the state, that is uncensorable, sovereign and anonymous. Expand the dark forest.

Do you have a whitepaper?

Yes, you can find it here.

What is LunarDAOs mission?

LunarDAO mission is the manifestation of lunarpunk vision which enables the forest to expand. In practice LunarDAO:

  • Invest in privacy and anonymity tech and infrastructure
  • Research and share information on privacy projects
  • Support education initiatives aligning with LunarDAO aims

What problem is LunarDAO solving?

Anonymity and privacy oriented developers will face an increasing difficulty in finding support among traditional VC's and investment funds, because of regulatory measures. This will lead into a dynamic where the developing teams will be forced to sell their work underpriced to counterparties who don't share the same vision. This scenario a portrays privacy as a taboo, developers are under stress and value is extracted from the ecosystem.

We don't accept the future to be so grim. The prospect of privacy is ultimately bullish. LunarDAO offers a solution.

We form a decentralized squad of sovereign individuals, lunarpunks, to allocate resources together and assemble squad wealth. The DAO leverages collective power and becomes an investor. The community discuss which tools are needed to empower the ecosystem, the research committee evaluates the teams developing them and the Squad members democratically decide which projects shall be supported.

  • The privacy projects will get supported by a decentralized, anonymous organization, aligned with their mission.
  • The teams will be provided with the needed resources to develop, grow and deliver.
  • LunarDAO treasury accumulate supported privacy assets and the Squad manages the funds as a common portfolio.
  • The value is conserved in the ecosystem, both parties profit from the upcoming cycle.
  • While leveraging collective power, every individual is protected against majority rule and can exit the DAO any time with 100% of their shares (without any fee).

We believe that the loop of tightening regulations and growing demand for privacy and anonymity is inevitable, these events will happen with or without us. We can strenghten the ecosystem, capture the value and grow squad wealth, or be left out in the desert with regressive regFi.

You can find the complete whitepaper here.

What are the investment proposals?

To support privacy projects by investing in them is the main purpose of LunarDAO. Planting seeds for the lunarpunk dark forest of cryptography, autonomy and users' knowledge. To choose meaningful projects and help them grow is vital. A reward for the LunarDAO community is the shared value of these projects in the form of their token and the knowledge and tools they build. It is a mutual harmony in which the growth of one empowers the other and vice versa. This symbiotic relationship slowly but steadily replaces the bare desert of surveillance and hegemony.

On the Investment portal research about privacy projects are shared as well as proposals for investment after the raise. There are ongoing discussions about the possibility of an Aztec fork for as well as Mel, a project aiming to build off-chain composable apps with a minimal on-chain interaction to achieve censorship resistance and decentralization. Eric from Mel, participated in Lunarpunk Future twitter space and shared more information about the current development. This was summarized in TL;DR.

How are decisions made in LunarDAO?

LunarDAO governance is primarily based on LIP (LunarDAO Improvement Proposal). Anyone can write an LIP and share with the community. Squad members can submit and vote on proposals. If a community member want a proposal to be submmitted, it is possible to maker an offering of 0.2 ETH to the treasury, which is non-refundable.

In LIP-0001 there is a template and further information on the expected content and process. Voting should be announced at least 7 days ahead of time and voting shall be open for 72h. The proposal is approved if 50% + 1 $VOX vote yes, else it is rejected. It can also be rejected if Sentinels deem the proposal to be malicious. Read the criteria for what is deemed malicious proposals here.

Voting is followed by the Grace period, during which Squad members can ragequit should they disagree with the result of the voting.

LunarDAO governance is not limited to LIPs or voting. The committees, Stewards, Media, Sentinels, Research and Education, organize their work autonomously. Decisions flow upward from the community. To become a Steward any member can write an LIP and propose to join. To join Media or Research, any member can make a request on the forum. The suggested time frame to be a multi-sig participant is two years. However, it is also on the roadmap for the squad to vote if to continue to have a multi-sig based treasury or move to a complete trustless setup after the DAO launches.

Voting in LunarDAO is the practical implementation of the willpower of the community. The decision making process is not something technical and cannot be separated from our communication and interaction on the forum.

LunarDAO values discussion and diversity of opinions. We believe this will aid the development of a truly decentralized, anonymous and anti-fragile organization.

What is VOX?


In LunarDAO Shares are represented by the symbol $VOX.

  • 1 $VOX is an equivalent to 1 share.
  • $VOX is LunarDAO governance token.
  • Minimum of 1 $VOX grants Squad membership and voting power.
  • $VOX is an account bound, non-transferable token.
  • Every 0.1 ETH of tribute to treasury mints 10 $VOX to the member (at launch, future entry price may differ based on the previous investments made).
  • When a member ragequit, $VOX is burned.
    • $VOX value in the treasury stays the same for remaining members.
    • Ragequitting member gets 100% of their funds in the form of $VOX-loot.

What are the committees?

Committees in LunarDAO are groups within the community that aim to facilitate and coordinate the works of the DAO according to their specific focus. The committees presented below were chosen during the intial development because they are fundamental to the DAO. At any point, after the launch, new committees can be proposed or an existing one can be archived if the community deems it's needed (this operation is also done through LIP and voting). The committees decide their own work flow and formulate expectations, objectives and key results within the committee.

All committees give information about the ongoing works in the community meetings and are receptive to input and criticisms. Every three months each committee will submit a report to the community about the ongoing works.

Read more about committees here.

How do I set up ircd?

ircd is developed by DarkFi. On LunarDAO wiki, there is an installation guide. the community channel is '#lunardao' which is public (no encryption) but anonymous. Here is DarkFi's documentation for ircd.