Overall $LUNAR Distribution

NOTE: Please read Current state before continuing reading Tokenomics.

Combining the initial supply allocation and the unlock supply distribution returns the total $LUNAR distribution.

Table 4: $LUNAR total token distribution

Genesis Community sale40%
Staking rewards25%
Protocol owned liquidity8%
LP rewards5%
Treasury donation5%
Core Team7%
Airdrops & Giveaways2%

Total $LUNAR distribution

Most of the emitted supply is on staking and LP rewards. On top of that, staking allows for voting and locked tokens are not considered as circulating supply. This mechanisms brings an organic incentive for the community to appreciate their governance token and stabilizes the price against big dumps. Part of emissions are donation to the treasury, Liquidity for POL and moderate percentage to the core team and research to run the DAO and a coffer for airdrops and giveaways.