Staking, liquidity & rewards

NOTE: Please read Current state before continuing reading Tokenomics.

When analysing a traditional business, it is easier to to count the yield from financial statements. In crypto this is more sophisticated. A list of usual crypto project expences and revenues can help us to evaluate LunarDAO.

Table 5: LunarDAO token expences and revenues

Token emission - staking rewardsYES - can be paid in TTX feesYES - for LP
Airdrops, GiveawaysYESInflow of tokens of supported projectsYES
VC or Private donor unlocksNONarrative driven interestYES
Trading Protocol - LP rewards for the protocol*YES (both by emission rewards and trading fees)

* In case of Trading protocol fees and LP rewards the revenue will be 99% allocated to LP providers (1% for dev maintanance). The revenue is measured from the community perspective.

A strength of LunarDAO lies in the aim to increase the treasury portfolio of privacy projects tokens. LunarDAO Squad and the Research committee find and evaluate meaningful projects to support, Squad member selects which projects to invest in and support their growth. The incentive is mutual and over time the revenue shall be net positive. This brings more community interest, more community interest spreads the narrative of lunarpunk mission. The Lunarpunk narrative leading the next crypto cycle.